《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Music


I am awoken by an abnormal noise shortly followed by another in which this time has the added affect of a flash as I can see the light appear even though my eyes are still closed. Not even a second after Yoongi has jumped out of bed almost knocking me as he does so.


I slowly pull myself out of bed to see what the commotion is about. As I leave the room I am welcomed to Yoongi chasing Jungkook around the room. Jungkook seems to be holding his phone in the air as Yoongi tries to grab it. I can't help but laugh, the sight of it is hilarious.

"Y/n! Y/n! Help me!" Jungkook quickly rushes over and hides behind me gripping onto my shoulders so Yoongi can't get passed.

"What's wrong?" I say laughing as Jungkook pushes my body back and forth, side to side.

"That little shit took a photo of us while we were sleeping"

"What! Show me"

"Ah fine, but don't delete it. I think it's really cute"

Jungkook unlocks his phone and we are greeted with the photo. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't cute. Our bodies are facing each other and Yoongi's arms are around me. My hair falls softly across my face and Yoongi's forehead is exposed. It is indeed the cutest photo.

"Awww Jungkook can you send it to me please"

"See Yoongi Y/n thinks it's cute"

"Fine, whatever. Send it to me to please"

After that chaotic morning I find myself laying on the couch with Jungkook on one side of me and Yoongi the other. The other five boys are scattered around the dorms doing there own things.

"Y/n what do you have planned for today?" Jungkook quietly asks from beside me.

"I was just going to head home and probably just relax or maybe see a movie-"

"She's coming to the studio with me later" Yoongi interrupts.

"Looks like I'm doing that then" Better to not question it.

As the three of quietly sit on the couch a sleepy Jimin enters the room.

"Y/n, how long have you been here?"

"Oh I stayed the night"

"Jimin! Look at this picture of Y/n and Yoongi sleeping together" Jungkook jumps off the couch and runs over to Jimin.

"Jungkook stop showing people!" Yoongi yells.

"Ahhh so cute! Look at Yoongi cuddling her, he looks so small and soft"

I laugh quietly to myself and even though I may be embarrassed I don't tell them to stop. Yoongi is clearly also very embarrassed as his large hands are covering his now red face.

Breakfast with the boys was quick this morning as Yoongi was keen to leave. He quickly drops me home as I'm still in the clothes I wore from the day before.


"I'm just going to have a quick shower" I say to Yoongi as he raids my cupboard looking for food.

"Alright then, take your time"

I quickly hop in the shower, putting my hair in a bun as I do so. I stand there with the hot water hitting my back ever so softly as I look at my arms. If I'm honest they are beginning to look better but I find myself constantly wanting to make it worse. This constant loop of hurting myself over and over and over again, it never ends. I feel as though I'm going to be stuck like this forever, that nothing really changes and nothing really gets better. This is the way my mind thinks and I want it to change, maybe it's already changing and I just haven't noticed yet.

After my shower I hop out drying my body realising I haven't brought my fresh pair of clothes in with me. I sigh to myself as now I'm going to have to walk to my room with just a towel around me and hope to dear god Yoongi doesn't see me.

Okay ready Y/n. 1.....2....3!

I quickly walk to my room and close the door gently. Thankfully Yoongi didn't see me. I look through my wardrobe and pick out a nice pair of the clothes. I let go of my towel and quickly put on my undergarments. I stand there for a brief second and that is when the door opens. I stand there frozen as Yoongi walks in on my half naked. He stands there for a few seconds staring, his eyes wide and he doesn't say a word. Both of our faces quickly turn red.

Finally he realises what is going on and speaks. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were still in the bathroom!" he turns around and quickly runs out of my room closing the door. I stand there in complete shock unable to move.

I can't believe that just happened. I try to move past it and get changed into what I want to wear.

Yoongi quickly runs back to where he was before. I can't believe I just did that! But she has a nice body, she's so beautiful.. wait no Yoongi you can't think like that. What you did was wrong!

As he sits quickly on the couch Y/n is ready to leave.

"Y-yoongi we can leave now" I am still so embarrassed and shocked to what I experienced a few minutes ago but if I'm honest It's probably worse for Yoongi.

"Okay yep. Lets go" He quickly says avoiding eye contact. I'm not going to lie it's funny seeing him in such a chaotic state but still I can't help but feel bad.

We drive to the BigHit building walking to his studio that I've been to before. As I sit down on his couch it's just occurred to me that I don't know why I'm here.


"Okay Y/n I need you to close your eyes"

"Close my eyes, why?"

"I have a surprise for you"

"Okay" I close my eyes and wait patiently. I I think about what he may be showing me but I can't think of anything.

"Open in 3...2...1"

I slowly open my eyes and I am in shock. In front of me Yoongi is holding a beautiful black electric guitar.

"Thats so beautiful Yoongi!" I quickly stand up taking the guitar from him.

"I heard that you played, will you play something for me?"

"Wow! How did you know I played?"

"Your mum told me" He says hesitantly.

"Oh she did?"

"Yeah, but lets forget about that. Play for me please"

"Okay here I go but trust me, I'm really bad"

For the next few minutes I play a song I learnt a couple years ago, one of which I forgot the name of. I play and play letting my heart out and wow does it feel good. To have this instrument back in my hand is the best feeling in the world, why did I ever stop?

Yoongi sits there watching everything unfold. Staring deeply at Y/n as she passionately plays. He is mesmerised buy every strum, every chord, every movement she makes he is fully in love with.

I stop playing. "It was bad right?". Yoongi just stares back, his mouth open and eyes wide.

"That was amazing, you should play more!"

"Was it really that good? I haven't played for a while now, I guess it did feel nice"

"You should play more often, you really are amazing"

"Thank you Yoongi, it really means a lot" I can't help but smile, I feel so happy in this moment.

"Y/n I have one other surprise for you"

"Oh what is it?"

"I want you to produce a song with me"


"You heard me"

"But I don't know how to do that"

"I'll teach you"

"It will be bad though"

"That's okay"


"No buts. We are going to produce a song together, that's why I brought you here today" He swings he chair around. His mind is clearly made up and there nothing I can do about.

"Fine" I place the guitar down.

"Oh and you can keep the guitar"


"Yep it's yours. Producing a song with me is the price of it."

"Thank you Yoongi!"

"Y/n...Y/n...Y/n stop ignoring me" Yoongi says whining and pulling on my arm.

"Wait let me just check this part again"I stare deeply at the screen not taking my eyes off it, not even to look at Yoongi. The first hour or so it was difficult but after that I became fully invested into what I was doing and I love it.

"It's been six hours, I want to go home"

"It hasn't been six hours what are you on about"

"Check the time"

"It hasn't- Oh my god it's been six hours I'm so sorry"

"Haha it's okay come on, we can finish it another time" Yoongi takes my headphones off and pulls me up off the chair. My body feels stiff from sitting down for so long.

"Okay, okay lets go"

We leave the BigHit building and Yoongi drives me home. This scene of him driving me home is becoming a constant recurrence and that makes me really happy. He walks me to the door but doesn't come in.

"Did you want to stay for a bit?" I ask.

"Ah sorry I was planning on going home and sleeping"

"Oh okay. Um before you go I just wanted to say thank you. Today was really fun and made me really happy" I'm smiling, I can't help it.

"I'm glad it made you happy. We can do it a lot more often if you like"

"Yeah I'd really like that" If this were a movie this is when the boy would lean in and kiss the girl. It would be in slow motion and music would play in the background. The boy would grip onto her shoulders and the girl would slowly close her eyes. A mere few seconds would last a life time.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" He waves goodbye. I don't want him to leave, I want him to stay. I want him to hold me, kiss me, let me play with his hair and squish his cheeks. I want him to love me but that wont happen. All I can do is say bye back.

"Bye Yoongi" I say with a soft voice hoping that he doesn't leave but he still does.

I go inside my apartment and I lay on my bed. I feel happy, really happy but ah I want more.

Yoongi arrives back at his apartment to find Namjoon in the kitchen by himself.

"Where have you been all day?"

"With Y/n"

"How did things go with her?"

"Today was really good, I had a lot of fun and I think she did to"

"Why do you seem so sad then?"

"Her mum came back to see her yesterday. Shes the one that caused Y/n to be the way she is, I struggled to hear what she had to say about the whole situation"

"Oh shit. Is Y/n okay?"

"I think she's fine now"

"That's good then"

"Yeah" Yoongi looks down at the ground. His mind overflowing with thoughts and concerns.

"Is there anything else wrong Yoongi?"

"I-I want to ask Y/n out. I want her to be my girlfriend"

Sorry these are coming out really slow. I've been having a lot of issues at my home recently that has been affecting me in a negative way which is then causing me to struggle at school which just makes everything worse. I will still get at least two chapters out a week and I hope that's okay. Thank you

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