《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》You


I stand there in front of my class. My students working hard as I explain the worksheets I have just given them.

"Today I will be teaching you the basics on short sentences. Nothing too complicated but it may be a bit difficult for a few of you. I'm always here to help if any of you are struggling" As I say this two men dressed in black coats, beanies and masks walk into to my classroom silently. It doesn't take me long to realise that it's Yoongi and Hoseok by the way they walk and by their eyes, the only visible part of their face. I become very excited but compose myself as I am still a teacher and must put my students first in this scenario.

"Miss Y/n!"

"Yes is there something you need?"

"Could you please explain this. A few others and I are struggling"

"Yes of course I can"

I spend the next few minutes explaining to the class, honesty completely forgetting that the two boys are there. After the lesson is over and a few lingering students remain silently studying by themselves Yoongi and Hoseok approach me.

"Y/n!!!" Hoseok happily says as he runs forward practically leaving Yoongi behind.

"Hello you two. You should have told me that you were coming. I would have prepared something a lot more interesting"

"We wanted to surprise you" Yoongi says now standing directly in front of me. He looks cute all dressed up, hiding his face, lowering his voice.

"Um Miss Y/n. Could I please speak to you for a moment?" A young girl I see a lot here. Her name is Ji ah. She quite a beautiful and intelligent girl.

"Yes of course you can. Please excuse me for a few seconds" I say to the two boys.

She quietly laughs to herself, making me a little confused. "So Miss is the short one your boyfriend. Iv'e seen him here before and the two of you look quite close"

I'm shocked to hear that she thinks that Yoongi is my boyfriend, it makes me feel warm though. Maybe we look like boyfriend and girlfriend, it's quite funny to think about because I know it would never happen but still I'd like to imagine. "No he isn't we are just close friends. What is it you need help with?"

"Oh okay, that's a bit disappointing, but something has been on my mind since I first saw him. I feel as though I've seen him somewhere before but I can't put my finger on it" I become worried because it would be so much trouble for the boys if a fan found out that they were here. "Hmmm oh well, I need help with this part of the worksheet please" I sigh in relief.

After a few minutes I make my way back to the two boys.

"Y/n! Please teach the boys and I English. You're such an amazing teacher"

"Of course I'll teach you, anytime you want"

"Thank you!" Hoseok jumps up and down and looks so happy. He gets really excited quickly, a quality I wish I had.

"Oh and are you free Y/n? Did you want to have something to eat and go shopping with Hoseok and I?"

"I'd love to go. I have nothing else to do anyway" I happily say.

"Alright lets go. A late lunch is on us"

The boys and I arrive at a beautiful cafe, one I've never been before but Yoongi insisted that it had great food. It had white painted wood interior and decorations that hanged from trees. To make it even better the sun was out from hiding behind the clouds and lit the entire place up. Honestly it was amazing to look at, like something out of a fairy tale book for children. We sat outside in the sun as it was the first time in a while that there's been a day like this.


"Order anything you like Y/n" Hoseok says as we sit down.

"I'll have a large chocolate thick shake and a lemon meringue pie with vanilla ice cream please." Hoseok sits there laughing at me.

I pout. "Stop laughing at me! Yoongi did the same thing the last time I ordered food"

"I did not"

"Sorry Y/n I'ts just that you're so cute ordering so many sweets. It reminds me a lot of my sister. Oh also you two have been spending a lot of time together, care to explain?"

Yoongi stands up immediately. "I'm going to the bathroom"

"Fine avoid my question, what about you Y/n?"

I become nervous. It would be embarrassing if they were to find out I had a crush on Yoongi. They probably wouldn't let me see them as much anymore.

"Um ah well, about that no"


"What do you mean no" he says laughing at me leaning closer.

"Um just no"

"No you don't spend time with him or wait I know you like him, don't you?"

I become red and begin playing with my fingers and hair. A clear sign that I'm nervous and unsure how to answer the question.

"Well it's complicated I- I do.... don't know. Yep I don't know"

"Hmm okay then" He backs away and his face says it all. He clearly doesn't believe me.

Ah good job Y/n, you messed it up.

"If you wont answer that then answer this for me please"

"Okay sure" I say politely.

His sweet smile quickly fades into a softer one. "How are you going mentally Y/n? I want to know. I know you've probably heard it from all the other members already but still I want to do my part as well" He begins to look worried but still he smiles. His eyes caring and kind.

I know I can trust him but why is it so hard to say how I feel? What am I so afraid of? Why can't I ask for help when it's being thrown at me constantly? Come on Y/n you got this be strong.

I hesitate before I speak. "Um honestly I'm not doing great Hobi but I guess you already knew that. I promise I'm really trying my best and I will continue to try my best everyday, It's just... It's just hard. Life is hard, everything is hard" I look down as I am unable to look him in the face. I'm scared and afraid to what he's going to say and do.

A few seconds pass. He sits there quietly and so do I. He places his hand on top of mine.

"It will be okay. Thank you for trusting me" I look up and he's still smiling. I feel better, a lot better.

"Thank you" As I say this Yoongi comes back.

"Took you long enough"

"Shut up"

In the next 5 minutes out food finally arrives after much anticipation. As it's placed in front of me I feel as though I'm going to cry as it looks so beautiful. Instantly I dig in. I think it takes Hoseok by surprise but Yoongi isn't fussed and acts as though it's a normal occurrence.

"Ahhh that was so yummy. I could eat another one" I finish before the boys do which is quite funny to think about.

"Order another one if you like" Yoongi says just finishing his meal.

"You trying to make her fat Yoongi?"

"No! She said that she wanted another one so I was going to buy her another one"


"It's fine Yoongi, thank you though" We both smile at each. Honestly I forget Hoseok is there for a few seconds as I get lost into Yoongi's eyes.

"Hey you two, I didn't come here to third wheel. Stop it, you're making me jealous" I snap out of it and once again I feel a little embarrassed. Yoongi looks a little embarrassed as well and scratches the back of his head.

"Sorry" He softly says.

Hosoek sits there looking at the two of us."cute"

After our late lunch the boys and I travel to a large shopping centre. Clothes, jewellery, technology, it has it all.

"It seems so expensive here"

"Don't worry, we'll buy anything for you"

"Ah it's okay, you've already paid for lunch for me. I don't want to be nuisance"

We look into a few stores, nothing really standing out to me. Yoongi and Hosoek buy some music equipment while I look at a few pairs headphones, all too expensive for me to buy.

"Y/n come in here"

Yoongi and I walk into a jewellery store. Everything looks so beautiful and expensive. I would have to sell my apartment to buy the cheapest thing in here.

"Yoongi this all looks too expen..... OH MY GOD THAT'S SO PRETTY" I rush over to this beautiful silver necklace. It has a star pendent with my birthstone in the middle. I stare at it few seconds my eyes becoming bigger the more I look at it.

"Do you like it?" Yoongi casually asks.

"Yeah it's beautiful but ah it's too expensive" I say sadly. I look over to him but he doesn't react.

"Come on you two, it's getting late" Hoseok comes up behind us putting his arms around our shoulders pulling us closer. "Lets go. You can buy her stuff another day" We leave the shopping centre and hop back in the car.

"Oh by the way Y/n whens your birthday?" Hoseoks asks sitting next to me while Yoongi drives.

"It's next month"

"Next month!!??" Yoongi spins his head around quickly locking eyes with me, he seems hurt because I didn't tell him earlier.

"Yep. I wouldn't worry about it though. I never really celebrate it"

"Why not" Both of the boys sadly say.

"I don't know. Its just never been a big deal to me I guess. Plus I've never really had anyone to celebrate it with"

"That makes me feel sad. I'm so sorry Y/n. We promise that we are going to make sure you have the best birthday this year, aren't we Yoongi"

"Yep. It's going to be the best birthday you've ever had"

"Aww thank you. But seriously if it's too much of an issue don't worry about it" If I'm honest I think now is the first time I'm actually looking forward to my birthday.

We arrive back at the boys dorms. It feels as though it's my second home now, I always seem to be here. If I'm honest it's better than my apartment, I feel safer and I'm not lonely. All seven of us sit on the couch, a large blanket covering us all. We are having a movie marathon together and eating a shit ton of snacks. I'm between Jungkook and Yoongi and Hoseok is on the other side of Yoongi. Both boys Moving closer and closer causing the two of us to be right next to each other. The boys have made it so if I was any closer I would be laying on top of him. I'm not complaining though, I like being this close to him. So in light of the situation I feel brave and lay my head on Yoongi's shoulder and become relaxed. He doesn't seem to mind it.

"Namjoon........ Namjoon" Hoseok whispers.

"What? I'm trying to watch the movie"

"Look at Y/n and Yoongi"

Namjoon looks over to the two of us and quickly becomes very excited.

"I think we should take it one step further" He has an evil smirk on his face like he's up to no good. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook come up with a plan to get Yoongi and Y/n alone.

"Y/n can you come with me for a second please"

"Yeah sure Namjoon" I get up quickly telling Yoongi that I'll be right back. I don't want to leave him but if Namjoon is calling me it must be important. The two of us walk into a small room. I think its a closet, I haven't been in here before. It's full of clothes, shoes and other unused junk.

"Stay here until I say you can come out, just for a few minutes please"

"Ah okay sure" I'm very confused to what is going on but for some reason I listen and do what I'm told.

"Yoongi Hyung! Yoongi Hyung!"

"Ah what do you want Jungkook?"

"Y/n has tripped over in the closet. She needs help"

Immediately Yoongi gets up and runs straight to me.

"Oh hello Yoongi"



"I thought you tripped over?"

"Huh? Tripped over, what do you mean?"

We stand there for a few seconds confused to what is going on. I than see Hoseok standing at the door smiling. Before we can react he closes and locks it so we are trapped inside.

"Hoseok let us out!"

The three boys stand there laughing on the other side of the door.

"Namjoon, Jungkook, is that you as well?" I ask confused.

"We will let you out later, you two need some alone time"

"This isn't a joke Jungkook. Let us out!" Yoongi yells. There's no response.

"Ah what do we do know" I ask.

"I'm not sure"

We sit down next to each other and just talk. We talk about a few different things. Our favourite foods, singers, rappers, games. Think of anything and the two of us have probably have spoken about it. I feel as though we are in a movie, scenarios like this is what usually happens in those silly teen dramas.

"How long have we been in here?"

"20 minutes I think"



The atmosphere suddenly changes and I don't know why. We look into each other eyes. I feel funny and warm but nervous at the same time. He looks at my lips and moves in closer and closer. His breath hitting my chin and his hand slowly moving closer to hold my face. I think he's going to kiss me and suddenly I become excited. I also move closer and closer, our eyes closing, lips almost touching and then.... Jungkook opens the door.

"Okay we will let you out now... AH I'M SO SORRY!!" He quickly runs away and our heads retreat back. I quickly stand up and leave the closest as quick as I possibly can. My face red and I'm very flustered. I can't believe what just happened. Yoongi stays there and sits quietly smiling to himself and then follows behind me like a shadow. We walk until the two of us stand there in front of the boys all of them smiling to themselves trying to contain their laughter.

"So Y/n.. Yoongi, how you two doing?"

"Don't say anything!"

"Come on Hoseok you're embarrassing them" Namjoon says smiling.

"Look at what they did to our poor maknae, his poor innocent soul. He's practically scarred for life now"

"I'm ah, I'm going to take Y/n home" Before I can react Yoongi grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.

"So close, so so so close. Jungkook, why did you ruin it?" Hosoek says punching his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. They were just in there for so long and I didn't think they were actually going to do anything"

"Don't worry about it you two. It will happen eventually"

Yoongi and I are silent in the car. I think we both are a little unsure on how to react after what we almost did.

"So Y/n, I um... sorry"

"No it's my fault, lets just forget about it... for now, okay?" He smiles and so do I. Ahh I wish it happened, dammit Jungkook.

We arrive at my apartment and Yoongi walks me up. We reach the door and a tall slender women is standing there.

"Um excuse me do you need something?......" She turns around and I go into complete shock. I can't breathe or think. I feel as though i'm going to be sick. I manage to pull myself together and breathe properly only just to say one simple word.


Its our boys birthday today!!! I hope Yoongi had such a good day and was filled with so much love and kindness from those he cares about. We are so lucky to have him in this harsh and unforgiving world but people like him make it easier to cope with. We truly are blessed.

Thank you Yoongi ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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