《Louis' Depressed Girl》Twenty-Four: Reality Check


A/N: I've been getting such lovely feedback. Love you all xoxo.

Louis P.O.V

I sadly stared at my mentions, scrolling mindlessly and reading all the negatives.

"Mia is a psychotic bitch," I read, my blood boiling. Before I could report the user, I took my anger out on a tweet instead.

"Can't you all see Mia is going through a lot!?! I'm tired of the shit tweets, respect her as well as me."

I closed down the app and threw my phone onto the couch cushion besides me and frowned.

I heard aloud thud come from outside my room, startling me.

I slowly sat up to be welcomed by a tall brunette women.

"Hi Louis," Her soft voice whispered.

"E-eleanor?" I breathed, reaching for a hug. I held her familiar yet foreign figure in my arms and looked behind to come eye to eye with Harry and the lads, who looked extremely pissed.

"I miss you Lou," She mummers into my chest.

"Yeah, its been a while," I chuckle, pulling away from her tight embrace.

"You didn't miss me?" She frowned.

"Eh, yeah I did," I lie.

"Can I have a kiss?" She pouts, pulling out her bottom lip.

"El, I don't love you like that anymore." I sighed, hoping she would just leave already.

"Oh come on Lou, you were mad for me," She smirks, running her fingertips through my matted hair.

"Please, don't touch me." I huff and take a step back, only to have her take another step towards me.

"But I can't resist," She purred.

"What happened to you," I sneer, noticing her new behavior, this was not the Eleanor I once knew.

"My ex taught me how to live life freely," She chuckles.


"Well I hate it," I mutter in frustration.

"God Lou. You're so uptight." She laughs.

"Thats because I found an AMAZING girl who I am madly in love with," I confront her.

"Oh that weird girl? The one who cuts herself?" I watch the brunette burst into laughter, "Why the hell would you go for someone like her when you could have someone like, hmmmm, me?"

"Because I know what she's been through," I mumble.

"Really?" She says in shock.

"You should know! You did it." I spat, anger rushing through me.

"Sorry," She bluntly said, not really showing emotion behind the apology at all.

"Leave." I demand.

"What?" She scoffed.

"I said leave." I demand once again.

"No," She huffed.

"You leave, or they will escort you out," I say referring to the security guards.

"I can't believe you're being like this!"

"Well believe it."

"Ugh!" She grunted, turning sharply around and out the building, leaving me in shock and frustration.


"How are you doing mate?" Harry said from behind me as I gripped the granite kitchen counter that sat in front of me.

"Fantastic," I huff in sarcasm.

"You're gonna break it," He chuckles referring to the counter.

"Ha. Ha."

"I saw Mia today," I held my breath.

"You what?" I choke out, anger once pumping through me.

"I saw her," He shrugged.

"God dammit Harry! You didn't even ask if I wanted to see her!?!" I yell.

"Well you were to wrapped up in Eleanor!" He shouts back.

"Harry you don't know what happened!"

"Yeah! Why do you do this?" He frowns in pain.

"Do what?" I chuckle, waiting for his stupid response.


"Shut everyone out! You think that Mia is just yours! Shes not! Last time I checked you aren't even a couple!" He spat in anger.

"Take it back," I mutter through my clenched teeth.

"God Louis! Hear me out!" He shouted.

So I waited for him to explain further.

"I use to think Mia only had problems... But have you ever opened your eyes to realize that you do too? Seriously. You shut us all out but her. We all feel abandoned by you. Like we lost a brother. Actually, we did. When was the last time you texted us? Or we just had a group hangout?" He explained in frustration.

"Last week." I say.

"Interviews don't count." He continued, "You need a reality check. Mia doesn't want to be with you because all you do is hurt people. You hurt her. With all the shit she was going through. All she wanted was for you to care for her, make her realize life is worth living, not dying."

"I-I," I speak, a loss of words.

"Call me when you realize what you've done." Harry mumbles.

"Did she mention me?" I manage to say.

"What?" Harry said confused.

"Did Mia say anything about me?"

"She misses you Lou," He sighed.

"She does?" I slightly smile.

"She misses you as a friend," The words I dreaded. She missed me as a friend, of course.

"Take that as a sign of hope Lou, not a sign of disappointment." Harry bravely smiles.

I watch as he makes his way from me.

"And Harry," I say once more.

"Yeah Lou?" He asked.

"I-I miss you. And the boys." I say.

He gives me a warm smile, "Were all here for you Louis. Just give us a call or something."

"Will do."

I like that I saw the curly head boy walk out of my room. Never in a million years did I think that Harry would be able to change my thoughts on everything.

A/N: Omg, Autumn you actually updated!?! *Gasp* Yep. Hey guys!!! Lifes been CRAZY!!! But I'm gonna start updating once a week, maybe twice. School is starting soon.. So I have an update plan. EVERY FRIDAY IS LOUIS DAY! And every Monday is my Niall day. AND GUYS I HAVE A LARRY FANFIC!! Be sure to check it out!!!! That will be updated every Wednesday!! Check it out please!

No goal this week, but I really would love some motivational comments... Thanks

Instagram: 1d_ur_perf

Twitter: 1dbemy_baby

Much love! Make sure to COMMENT, share, vote, and fan! See you Friday (of next week.) xx ~Autumn

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