《date a live x Depressed male reader》chapter 15



I was walking in school hallways

Thinking about demons, this week they keep coming every day. I can take care myself but what about other people around me?

while I was busy thinking about the demon I suddenly bumped someone then she fall on the ground

Y/n=sorry about that

I helped her to stand up

???=no it's okay

Y/n=hey i never seen you around here.

???=umm.. I'm a new transfer student here.

Y/n=i see. Well, btw my name is y/n what yours

Rinne=my name is Rinne, Rinne Sonogami. And nice to meet you Y/n San.

Y/n=just call me y/n

Rinne=i-it's that alright?

Y/n=yes that alright👍

Y/n=well, btw let me show you around the school.


I then grabbed her hand

And she blushed

Y/n=then let's go


Rinne=t-thank you y/n.

Y/n=no problem. Well, then see you later beautiful

She then blushed and her face turn red

Y/n=what's wrong Rinne? are you okay?

Rinne=y-yes i am okay, and y/n why you call me beautiful

Y/n=because you are cute

She then more blushed and her face color turn red again like tomato

Y/n=well then i must leave. My place cant clean himself


The next two day

I was walking toward school gate and i see Rinne there.

Y/n=hey Rinne!

She then look toward me

Y/n=well, we meet again btw good morning.

Rinne=good morning y/n.

Then we walk to school building together


Now it's break time

I taking my instant noodles and some hot water

I then see Rinne on hallways

Rinne=hey y/n where are you going?

Y/n=well, I'll go to the roof of the school for lunch. You want to come with me?


Then i and Rinne went toward school roof

I then started to prepare my instant noodles and Rinne started to open her bento

Rinne=hey y/n, are you eat instant noodles everyday?


She asking

Y/n=yes, i eat instant noodles for breakfast, lunch, and for dinner.

Rinne=that not healthy for you

Y/n=i have no choice. I must spare my money now, the salary from my part-time job is not enough to buy other food besides instant noodles.

Rinne=atleast eat something healthy. Now stop eat that noodles.

She then grabbed fried fish With her chopsticks

Rinne=say aaahhhh!!

She then pointed that fried fish toward my mouth

Y/n=huh? o-okay

I blushed

Rinne=How does it taste

Y/n=*blushed*i-it's so delicious, thanks Rinne.

She then smile to me


After school i invite Rinne to the park

Now i was walking with Rinne in the park

Rinne=so y/n with whom you live now?

Y/n=i live alone now.

Rinne=y/n are you have a family in this city

Y/n=yes i have... i have a brother and sister

Rinne=so why are you live alone

Y/n=they who i think my brother and sister never considered me as they family so i leave from my

House and now i am alone*remember my past with Kotori and Shido*

I then close my eyes and started to cry

Rinne=you not alone anymore

She then hug me

Y/n=R-Rinne thanks*crying*

I then hug her back

Rinne=so y/n where are you live now

Y/n=i live in apartement near here, you want to stop by


We then went to my apartement.

I opened the door and i and Rinne enter my room

Y/n=so this is my room, home sweet home.

Rinne=nice room y/n.

Y/n=yeah thanks Rinne

Y/n=Rinne, please have a seat, I'll make tea for us

I then started make tea

TIMESKIP after y/n talk to each other with Rinne

Rinne=i gues i must leave now, goodbye y/n.

Y/n=goodbye Rinne.

She then leave while smiling to me

Y/n=huh, i feel i not alone again

I feel i have goals in live again

Beside killing a demons


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