《I Will Become A Proper Villainess (DROP)》Virtuous Helen


Sitting in the chair while the new principal is sweating and trembling in front of Monet. The advisor is also a teacher from the different class that is now the new advisory teacher of Isaac's classroom.

The three are very quiet with the grave and serious expressions in their faces.

"Good morning, principal."

"G-Yes, Good Morning." The principal took the hanky in his pocket and he wiped his face.

"Good Morning, Miss Wenna."

Unlike the principal the new advisory teacher is less scared so she just nods at her greeting and smiles softly.

"I wonder if Kevin told you my demands?" She says while looking at her nail art with a stoic expression and tone.

"......yes. You are very reasonable, Mrs. Cornelian. I promise that no matter what happened we will abolish bullying in this school."

He said in great urgency.

Monet smiles a bit and looks straight at the trembling principal.

"Thank you. I actually abhor violence." She said as if her voice is not trying to intimidate the old man.

"Yes. Yes. I know." The Principal smiles while wiping his cheek with a hanky.

"Good. I believe I can leave my son in your care and feel at ease because of that. You see, it is very hard to be a mother. I worry that people will harm my one and only son if I am not around. Since the principal and Miss Wenna here guarantee the safety of my son. I feel more relieved." Monet happily clasps her two hands and smiles widely.

"Ye--Yes. You can be at ease, Mrs. Cornelian."

"I won't take too much of your time then, principal, Miss Wenna."

"Yes. Leave it to us." The principal stand up and shake hands with Monet.


Monet walks to the door.

She turns the knob and about to walk away when she turns to the two sighing people.

"Ah. I forgot to say. You do know what will happen if you betray my trust right?"

The two people stiffen.

Monet smiles and closes the door quietly.

"Miss Wenna…"

"Yes Principal?"

"Make sure that kid won't be hurt in this school."

"I….I will do my best, Principal."

"Our life is on the line."

"I….I know."

Monet happily hummed as she went to her car.

The driver smiles seeing her happy expression.

"Something good happens, Ma'am?"

"Of course! I…..put a lease to the dogs so they won't run wildly."

"........In the school?"

"Of course. School is the place where dogs scattered around."

".......Should they call an animal control facility?" The driver shakes his head.

"Oh….I am not talking about the cute dogs."


Monet happily looks at the window.

"I am talking about the real dogs using human skin."

".........where will you go now, Ma'am?"

Monet became silent.

And then she sighs.

"Let's go to my husband's office. I should check out the real MC."


"No….It is nothing."

Monet sighs again.

She can feel it. The employees gaze and how they lean at each other while whispering at each other.

In the novel, Monet, the original Villainess, finds that troublesome and she grabs a poor soul and asks what is happening.

Of course, it is a misunderstanding.

The employees are spreading false rumors. But because of that, Monet becomes enraged and slaps the poor MC and humiliates her.

The CEO, who doesn't have any big opinion about his new secretary, finds out that she is a tough and kind woman. Leading to his good impressions.


Those are the slow bubbles that slowly melted the CEO's frozen heart and made him fall in love with the MC.

In short, the real reason for the two to develop their relationship is the Villainess.

"Hi. I am Mrs. Cornelian. May I speak with Mr.Cornelian?" Monet removes her shade and look at the startled beauty who is sitting and busy in her computer.

"Ah...Ah! Mrs. Cornelian….The CEO is in a meeting with the Vice CEO. Is it alright for you to wait for a little longer?" The woman stands up and offers a seat in a very polite manner.

"Of course."

Monet sits down and crosses her legs.

She took her cellphone in the bag and played with a word game puzzle app.

But she is paying attention to Helen.

"Do you need water? Tea? Coffee?" Helen nervously asks.

"Do not mind me. Just do your work."

She said with a smile.

"Y-yes, of course. Call me when you need anything, Ma'am."


Time passed like that.

The meeting is taking too long.

Helen is getting fidgety.

She dialled the phone despite Ian telling her not to disturb him.


"Miss Helen, I told you not to bother me."

"Sorry Sir. But your wife is waiting for 30 minutes already. I hope you won't be mad at me for interrupting."

"My wife?"

"Yes sir. Beautiful short haired girl with small waist and elegant posture."

".......that sounds like my wife. Tell her it won't be long now."

"Yes sir."

When the phone call was over, Helen flinched when she saw Monet looking at her.


"Thank you for the compliment." A smile spread her lips.

"Ohh...hmmm." Helen blushes.

"I am Monet Cornelian. Are you the new secretary?"

"Y-yes, Ma'am! Actually….I want to talk to you, Ma'am."


"Sir says you are jealous of me."


"Eh?" Helen looks at Monet who looks like she is struggling to pick her dropped phone.

"That...That stupid…..He...He doesn't have to say that..that fool!"

Blushing. Monet pouts her lips.

"Actually Ma'am your husband is handsome and kind but I am not someone who wishes to become a homewrecker!" She said honestly.

Monet sighs.

MCs are MCs because they are extraordinary.

The MC of the novel, Helen Asin is a virtuous woman who even though she is falling in love with the CEO chooses to run away to her own feelings.

Unless the CEO divorce, she would rather become a nun than to be in an affair. That is why Ian divorce Monet immediately.

As a princess, she also hated mistresses because she herself knows that she will be married to someone who will have no problem having a mistress left and right.

"My husband is talking nonsense, Ms. Helen. I.am.not.jealous.of.you." She said while smiling beautifully.

Helen happily clasps her hand.

"I am so glad. I'm actually very scared when the boss suddenly told me." She finally heaves a relieved sigh.

Monet wants to hurry and pinch that naughty man!


Last update ^_^)////


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