《Welcome to Hell Boys ✔》Chapter 14 - Edited Once


After Aaron dropped me off at the house I was staying in, he returned to Lilly's. He's just so excited to be a dad. He would be a good father if he loved his girl that much.

As soon as I entered the house, I was showered with questions. "Hey, where did you go? And where is Aaron? I need to know!" Owen asked eagerly while playing UNO with Jaxon and Noah. These guys have no life. But I will make them one...

"We went to see Lilly, and guess what?" I said excitedly because it was a delightful thing.

"What?" They were looking at me, waiting for my reply. They look like my neighbor's dog when he waits for his food.

I coughed before speaking, making it sound more dramatic and exciting. "Well... She's pregnant," I stated with a smile and waited for their reactions. They looked at me like I grew four heads, two tails, and a unicorn horn. Their mouths were wide open, along with their eyes. Well, okay. It's not creepy at ALL.

Noah was the first to make a move, so he stood up. "Are you serious?" he asked, looking quite happy.

I nodded. "Yes, we just found out. That's why Aaron went back to her. He wants to spend some time with the soon-to-be mommy," I replied, then sat next to Jaxon on the couch. It was too airy, so when I sat, I dipped down.

"That's awesome, fantastic, wonderful. I'm gonna be an uncle." Owen clapped his hands, and his white teeth were showing. They have a strong bond like real brothers. I like that. And his teeth are brighter than Noah's future... No, that's too cruel. His teeth are brighter than my luck when I play Bingo... Yeah, that's more like it.

I looked at Jaxon, and he was calling someone. His face was... Hard to read. He looked concentrated. "Hey," Jaxon said, then waited a couple of seconds. "I'm the godfather, right?" he asked, but it was more like a statement. As the boys heard him say that, they snapped their heads towards him like angry rabbits. Yeah, I know what an angry rabbit looks like.


Owen jumped on Jaxon. "Oh, hell no! I will be the godfather!" he snatched the phone from Jaxon and yelled. Then, once again, the phone was snatched from Owen by Noah.

"No, I am!" he shouted, and I started laughing at their actions. They are like cute five-year-old boys fighting to sit next to a beautiful girl. The new girl, to be precise.

Jaxon got up, grabbed his phone from Noah, and said, "no, I am, and that's final. Bye," then he sat back next to me like nothing had ever happened.

"So I'm guessing you want to be godfathers?" I asked them teasingly and laughed. They looked at me and rolled their eyes but with smiles on their faces.

"For how long do you know Lilly? Like when did it all start?" I asked, looking at the fireplace. This fireplace has something that can drown you in it. It's distracting.

"Since day one. Aaron came with her one night and introduced her to us. She's like our sister," Owen replied, and the boys nodded. "We just clicked," he added.

"That's so sweet," I cooed.

"So... If it was a boy, what do you suggest the name will be for the baby?" I asked again because I love guys' choices for baby boys' names. They looked at me with an evil grin. You had to ask, Ariel?

"Luke," they all said, and I choked on my spit. They looked at each other surprised at their choice. That's so not creepy!

"Okay, why?"

They gave each other funny glances. "Luke... I'm your father," they said in unison, then cracked at their joke. Is it even normal to think the exact thing? What are the odds?

"UNO!" Jaxon yelled with a slap from him on the table, and I was surprised, like really surprised. I fell backward. And don't ask how I managed to do it. I just did.

The boys saw me and burst out laughing. "How?" Jaxon asked between laughs. He was barely breathing. I prefer grumpy Jaxon.


"You see, the floor and I have some kind of a strong bond, and the gravity is our own Cupid... Isn't that awesome?" I replied sarcastically, then got up again and sat on the couch.

"I will never get bored of you," Jaxon cleared with a chuckle.

"I'm glad I'm your entertainment. By the way, you need to pay for me to see all of this!" I pointed at myself, then the floor, and Noah laughed again.

"How much? Because it's worth paying every penny to watch it every hour or even every second," Owen laughed, thinking I was joking, and I smirked. Glad you asked.

"I take 50 bucks every time I fall, so I fell twice so far. Now give me my 100 dollars," I replied with total seriousness. I was not joking.

"What do you want to do with 100 dollars when you are kidnapped?" Jaxon asked with raised eyebrows.

"Well, because I'm kidnapped, I want to go to Starbucks, and after that, buy me some Oreos," I replied. Then I opened my palm for them to hand me the money. I'm dead serious.

"But 100 dollars for that is too much," Noah whined with a confused look. You are still young, kid.

"I eat a lot of Oreos every day, and I still hadn't eaten any since I got here," I smirked and waited. They gave up and handed me the money with sighs. And that's how you get money by doing nothing at all.

"Great, now let's go," I said and stood up, heading to the door.

"Where?" Noah asked.

"To Starbucks, of course."

"I will pass. I need to rehearse," Owen waved his hand and grabbed his guitar.

"I have to go and see mom, sorry," Noah apologized, then I looked at Jaxon with pleading eyes.

"Well, I have to... to cook?" He came up with that lie. He himself wasn't sure. I walked to him, grabbed his hand, and pulled him up ."You can do that later," I smiled my evil smile and dragged him to the car.

"Oh, come on," he mumbled and ran the engine. "Why me?" he looked at the sky. I'm happy to make you feel terrible. I'm evilly cute.

The ride was quiet until I saw a laptop, Jaxon's laptop, in the car. I grabbed it and tried to open it, but Jaxon had to middle. "Do. Not. Touch. My. Laptop. Ever. Again!" he gritted his teeth, snatched it away from me, and tossed it in the back seat.

"Easy there, no need to be so dramatic. You could have told me not to touch it. Chill, man!" I crossed my arms under my chest and sighed. He looked at me with regret. Well, that's new.

"I'm sorry, it just pisses me off to see anyone touch my laptop. I have something I don't want anyone to know about, not even the boys." Jaxon reasoned. I was taken aback by his apology. I can forgive him.

"Fine, but next time don't forget to take your chill pill," I teased, and he finally let a small laugh escape his mouth.

"We are here," he stopped the car, and I saw Starbucks. My Jam!

"Should we get the boys something?" Jaxon asked me while we walked to the entrance.

"Nah, they decided not to come, but for Aaron... I'll think about it," I smiled, then headed to my heaven.

"God, help me, please," Jaxon sighed. I'm sorry, dude, but you kidnapped me.

So you suffer.


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