《Player -nalu story- COMPLETED ✅》Truth or dare


Lucy POV

Ok.... right now we are playing truth or dare and it's Erza a turn...oh no!

"Hmmmmm, Lucy! Truth or dare!"

"D-dare." I said scared or what I will have to do.

"Juju on dat beat the bet way possible!"

"That's not so bad." Natsu said.

"For you! I hate dancing! Especially in front of people!! I don't even know how!"

I complained

"Fine~ you can watch a video and then do it.....happy?" Erza negotiated


"Yay! Natsu cheered

After watching the video

Ok I think I'm ready, I can do this!

Normal POV

Lucy food up and water for Erza to put on the song after she put it on she started to dance.

Lucy dancing 👇🏻

(Little did she know everyone there recorded and put in on all their social medias)

"That was great Lucy!" Natsu yelled

"Yea! I thought you were gonna suck." Grey added

"Hey! I didn't suck Grey!"

"I know! That's my point!"

Lucy sat back down beside Natsu. It's Lucy's turn now.

*smirks evilly and points towards Grey* "Grey! Truth or dare"


"I dare you to let everyone else here give you a makeover! And you have to stay like that for the rest of the game!!!"

Erza and Juvia peeked up and had the same looks as Lucy's. Natsu started to laugh his ass off.


"You herd me! So let's go to a room" Lucy yelled as they all dragged grey to a room.

"I'll go get my makeup." Erza announced.

They nodded in response and thought about how they should dress up the 'stripper' until Natsu said.

"Does anyone have a sharpie?"

"Hey!! What the hell candle stick!"

"It's still part of the rules ash for brains"


"Anyway it should be in my bag." Lucy pointed to the chair a couple feet away.

"Why in the hell do you have a sharpie in your purse!?!" Grey yelled angry

"Do draw on someone face at night" Lucy said casually and Juvia started to laugh.

Natsu walked back to where the girls and grey with a black sharpie in his hand.

"Hmmm, what should I draw...."

"Juvia knows!" The blue haired girl said snatching the sharpie away from the pinkie.

"Juvia~ really?" Grey Complained

Juvia didn't say anything as she started writing on Grey's forehead.

"Property of Juvia?" Natsu, Lucy and Erza who suddenly appeared with a makeup bag said.

"You guys are dicks!" Grey yelled

"Ohhh that gives me an idea!" Natsu yelled excited

They grabed the sharpie and drew over 10 dicks on Grey's face.

"Who's the dick face now!" Everyone except Grey burst in to a fit of laughter.

After the make over

Now Grey is in a pink dress with frills on the bottom, a big pink bow on his head, black 6 inch heals and purple and pink long stockings, and he has red glossy lipstick with fake eyelashes on and blush. Don't forget about the ducks on his face with a JUVIAS PROPERTY in all capitals on his forehead.

"All I ask is you don't take pictures. I have lost all my dignity now."

They granted his wish and didn't take pictures, and starting to feel lazy they ended the game and went to bed.

Btw it's around 1:15 in the morning





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