《Player -nalu story- COMPLETED ✅》Trouble(time skip)



Time skip summer break.

Natsu POV

I couldn't be happier. Not only am I dating the girl of my dreams, but we're also going to the beach! With some friends though. I think you want to be caught up on everything that has happened. Well let's start with all the good things that have happened shall we!?!

1st I have been approved by Lucy's parents! After I got threatened by her father..... That's some scary shit man!!

2nd were not having any problems at school.... (Well there was this one time, but I'll tell you later.)

3rd we get to see each other all the time! And this is the best one out of all!!

.......... Now for the bad times .........

1st: Grey.... Grey was a total prick when he found out we were dating, he kept trying to get Lucy to dump me. But later he meet this girl named Juvia, now their dating...

2nd: Fangirls....... We're still having problems with this one, they keep on trying get my attention. It's annoying the crap outta me but I'm glad Lucy is still chill about it.

3rd: Well we had out 1st fight. It was basically my fault though.

Lucy and I are at a party. Lucy got a call from her mom so she went outside to take it. So there I was playing my phone waiting for Lucy to come back when someone came up to me.

"Heyyy~ Natsuu~"

I look up to see Alyssa. She has short black hair and is known as 'the girl that thinks she's popular' at school she gets on everyone nerves,Even the teachers. Right now she looks drunk.

"Hey Alyssa" I say annoyed

Right then and there she kisses me. I don't know what's going on, so I'm frozen in place. I look to my right (still lip locked with Alyssa) to see Lucy wide eyes staring at us. Then Lucy quickly runs out the house, that's when my stupid brain starts to process things.


I quickly shove Alyssa away and run after Lucy, we took my car so I saw her running in the direction of her home. I quickly caught up to her and tried to explain, She just kept ignoring me. So I got angry and started to yell at her, and she started yelling at me.

After a while I said. "I WISH I NEVER HAVE GONE OUT WITH YOU!!" That's when Lucy froze. All she was saying while we were yelling was that she was hurt when she she saw her kissing me, and I have been yelling hurtful things towards her. She then starts crying and walks away, I felt horrible.

I tried everything! I went to her apartment, (she didn't open the door) I called her and texted her,(she didn't call back or respond) and I tried to talk to her at school, (she wouldn't listen)

Then I decided to do plan Z! I only use this plan when all hope is lost!

So I got some of her friends to take her to the park and leave her there. Then I come out of nowhere, and before she can leave I kiss her and say...















"What the hell Natsu!?!"

"Strip, or I'll strip you"

"Let go of me now Natsu"she said

"C'mon Luce... I know you want me."

"Natsu seriously let-"

She froze and looked at me.

"Ring a bell Luce?" She stayed quite "I hope it does because that was the time I realized that I knew I started having feelings for you"


"Lucy please listen..... I'm sorry for what I said. I REALLY didn't mean it, I swear. Please forgive me. I can't live with out your smile, your laugh, you yelling at me to stop eating everything you have-"

She let out a small laugh

"Alright Natsu. I'll forgive you- BUT!!!"

"What is it?"

"You have to take me to the beach."

"Deal!! I'll do anything to get you back"

"Let's go!!"

I said running out of the park hand in hand with my Luce.


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