《My Medieval Romance》Chapter 7


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I woke up again in the early morning. Apparently my body couldn’t take any more sleep and it was yelling at me to get up.

I changed for the day into something a little classier considering I was having tea with the queen and Alex’s cousin who happened to be the duchess of Lyham. I brushed my hair and pulled half of it up, tying a bow around it for the last touch. I slipped out the door and went down to the royal dining quarters passing bustling servants preparing the castle for the Duke and Duchess’s arrival. I stepped inside and found the king and queen already dining.

“Victoria, so nice to see you! Sit, sit!” The queen ushered.

I sat down and a plate was brought out to me.

“Thank you for inviting me.” I said to them.

“Oh, you are always welcome.” The queen said.

I simply nodded in return, folding my napkin in my lap.

I looked to the king searching his face for sadness or hurt. It didn’t seem to be there so I took it as a good sign.

“Any word on Alex?” I asked him.

“Not yet I’m afraid, but that can be a good thing too. Let us hope that he returns safely soon.”

“Yes indeed.” I said in agreement.

The room suddenly felt stuffy so I excused myself and walked outside the big oak door that was the entrance to the castle. I leaned up against the big stone wall and let out a sigh of… frustration? Or was it me just wanting Alex back home?

“Get a grip.” I whispered to myself.

I was startled by the sound of the castle doors opening and I glanced to see who it was. The queen came and joined me on the wall with a huff. There was a moment of silence before she spoke kindly to me.

“You know Victoria; I feel the same way that you do every time Edgar or Alex goes off to fight. I’m feeling it right now. I sit and wonder whether or not I will see their shining faces again or if I’ll ever get to say I love you again… It’s hard but I know that you’ll get through it.” She took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I can assure you that Alex will come home in one piece.”

I hadn’t realized that I was crying until a tear tickled the end of my nose. I let out a sob. “I just don’t know why I feel this way, or why I feel so concerned. I met him six days ago.” I let out a cry/laugh that made me choke on my words. I buried my head in my hands desperately.


Feeling the queen move away, I looked up to find her walking back inside. Before reaching the door she yelled, “You are in love! That’s why.”

Was I really? Was I really, truly, in love with the prince of Lyham? Did he actually love me back? It was all too much for me right now.

I dried my tears and smoothed out my dress before walking back into breakfast. I finished the meal quietly and soon was up in my room pacing back and forth, nervous about meeting the duchess.

What if she didn’t like me? That would just be dreadful.

“Stop fretting.” I told myself.

I sat down with my book trying to get everything else off of my mind.


I looked up at the sound of a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I called out.

Amelia peeped in her head.

“The duchess will be arriving in five minutes. The queen would like you to come and join in greeting her.” She said.

“Thank you Amelia.” I said while getting up.

Letting out a sigh, I walked out my door and proceeded down the stairs. The queen was waiting just inside the castle doors waiting for me to join her.

“Here she comes.” She whispered excitedly.

I suppressed a giggle and followed her out into the gleaming sunshine outside. A carriage was just pulling up and I could make out the duchess’s curly, pinned up hair and light colored dress from outside.

The doormen met the carriage as it stopped and opened the door to reveal the beautiful Duchess of Lyham.

The queen floated over to the carriage gracefully and embraced the duchess as soon as the duchess’s feet were intact with the ground.

She gave a greeting that I could only hear as a muffle and she looked to me, gesturing for me to come and join her. I carefully walked over, trying not to trip over my own two feet even though I had never had a problem with my coordination before. As I neared closer, the duchess looked my direction.

“And who am I having the pleasure to meet?” The duchess asked.

I curtseyed keeping my head down. “Miss Lady Victoria of Lyham.” The queen answered for me.

“Oh, no need to curtsey.” The duchess shook her head in disapproval. “If you’re going to curtsey to me, I will have to do the same to you.” She turned to the queen. “Has Alex finally found a woman who isn’t conniving and playing with his head for status?”

“Yes!” She whispered.


They went on for a few minutes jabbering about Alex and me as if I wasn’t right in front of them like innocent little school girls. My cheeks were burning the whole time they chatted and I made an effort not to melt down in embarrassment.

“Well, shall we go in and have a cup of tea?” The queen asked.

“Yes of course. Come along Lady Victoria.” The duchess said. She hooked her arm in mine and dragged me right along with the both of them.

“Oh please, call me Victoria.” I told her.

“Well then call me Annabelle.” She gave me a grin before we stepped into the tea room.

After being served, we all proceeded in chit-chatting.

“So, Victoria; you have taken a liking to my cousin Alex now have you?” Lady Annabelle asked.

I almost choked on my tea. Clearing my throat, I said, “Yes, I suppose so.”

“Oh come on now, you love him.” She insisted. I felt as if I had actually been dumped into a room with two giddy school girls who were obsessed with love.

“Yes.” I whispered earning a smile from the both of them.

“You will make a wonderful queen someday.” The queen said casually.

Unusually, the comment about being queen did not affect me as I would have thought before. I had known all along that if I was to marry Alex, I would be forced to become Queen of Lyham.

“Thank you.” I said graciously.

“Oh, you’re welcome dear.”

The duchess reached over and placed her hand on mine, indicating that she wished to talk to me.

“Would you accompany me through a stroll in the gardens later?” She asked me.

Taken by surprise I sat there in silence for a split moment before regaining my composer.

“Yes of course Lady Annabelle.” I responded.

“Wonderful. I will send a servant to come and fetch you.” She told me. She sipped her tea delicately and looked out the window.

“This is a beautiful view Aunt Marie.” She commented.

“I’m glad you like it my dear.” The Queen said.

They continued talking while I sipped my tea quietly, occasionally putting in a word or two.

“Well, you two can have more tea if you’d like. I have a meeting with Henry and the council. Enjoy.” The queen said to us.

“Thank you.” I told her.

“You’re Welcome.” She said.

She gracefully walked off leaving The Duchess and I alone in the tea room.

“So, how about we go for a walk now?” She suggested.

“That would be lovely.”

She giggled excitedly and got up, walking in the direction of the door that led to the gardens. I followed closely behind, careful not to step on the back of her gown.

Once we were out of the castle, she turned to wait for me. As soon as I was by her side she hooked her arm in mine and started walking, pulling me along. The warm air overwhelmed me so I pulled out my fan.

“It is rather hot out today.” She said pulling out her own fan.

“So, where is your husband?” I asked curiously. She had arrived alone but I knew for a fact that she was married.

“He had a situation to take care of before he left. He’ll be joining us for the ball though.” She fanned herself lightly. “How long have you been at the castle?”

“Oh, only about a week.” I answered her.

“Only a week and you made the prince fall in love…. You are very clever.” She said jokingly. “Had you known him before?”

“No, actually I met him on the second day I was here. He saw me reading by a tree and decided to scare me half to death before saying hello. I could have sworn that some bandit was going to smuggle me or something!” I explained laughing a bit.

She giggled at my explanation and prodded me for more of the story. I explained to her all about my party, Edward, Phillip, and the mini battle that was currently happening.

“Oh, wow. For only being here a week you sure have packed a lot of things in!” She exclaimed.

A nearby guard approached us and told Lady Annabelle that she had to go inside to deal with something sent from her husband.

“I’ll talk to you later Victoria.” She gave me a smile before heading inside and once again I was alone with nothing to do. I decided I would go and check to see if there was any news on Alex so I gathered my skirts and fan and went to the library looking for the king.

Eventually, I found him but there still was no news from Alex. I grudgingly walked upstairs to my room and finally collapsed on my bed in exhaustion.

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