《What Happened To Us? (Amourshipping)》Ch. 2: Gone?


"As the former Kalos Queen, I now hereby pass down the crown to Serena Yvonne, the new Kalos Queen!" Aria stated, and took the crown made out of pure silver, studded with diamonds and emeralds from the casing, and placed it on Serena's, and as soon as the crown touched Serena's head, the crowd erupted in cheers, chanting her name. Aria then gave Serena a trophy.

When Aria and Serena walked off the stage, Ash and Diantha walked on, with Diantha carrying a trophy and a necklace made out of a pure gold chain. Connected to it was a pure gold coin about an inch in diameter, and 1/8th of an inch thick. Engraved on the coin was the Pokemon League symbol, and engraved above it following the curvature of the coin, Kalos Champion was written, and below, Ash Ketchum. Diantha the put the necklace around Ash's neck, "As former champion of the Kalos Region, I, Diantha, now officially pronounce Ash Ketchum, as the new Kalos Region Champion."

The crowd then started chanting Ash's name, just like they did with Serena.

In a few minutes, Ash and Serena met up with the others, as they admired the necklace and crown. Serena found out she could wear the crown below her hat, and Ash his necklace under his undershirt, so the crown wouldn't fall off, and the necklace wouldn't swing too much.


I decided to take Serena out on a dinner date, so Serena and I got dressed in different outfits to try to avoid media attention. I was in an unzipped leather hoodie, a black undershirt, and khakis, and Serena was in a jeans, a pink tee, and her crown under my cap.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Serena stuttered, "T-the S-sushi High R-roller, A-ash, you know t-they say this is the best restaurant in all of Kalos, you don't have to this."

I shrugged it off, and replied, "Only the best for the best." I winked at her as I held the door for her, making her blush.

"Excuse me, but you can't come in here, only the most prestigious trainers are allowed to eat in this restaurant, I'm afraid I'll have to turn you two around." The waitress at the counter said, with a apologetic look on her face.


Serena and I just smile as she removes my cap, and I take the necklace out from underneath my shirt. The waitress's eyes widened, and she started bowing furiously, "Please forgive me for jumping to conclusions, I'll get your table ready, is it just the two of you?"

"Yes, and don't worry about it, we are just trying to not attract attention, so it's not your fault you didn't recognize us, that's kinda the point of these disguises." I chuckled.

"What a relief, anyway, your table is on the top floor, come this way." She led us to the elevator, and pressed the floor numbered 10. "We recently had an expansion, that allowed us to get this many floors, which is many more than any in the area. The top floor is for only extremely important guests, or large parties that paid extra in advance. Because you are the Champion and Kalos Queen, you get to eat here for free, as a thanks for your excellent performances in the league and master class respectively."

A few seconds after she was done speaking, the elevator doors opened, and there was an older man waiting for us, and he bowed, "Welcome Champion Ash and Queen Serena, we are truly humbled by your choice to eat here, pick your table." He said, and swept his arm out towards all of the tables.

"What do you think, a window seat?" I asked.

"Sure, let's sit at that one over there." She said, leading me over to one next to a window that overlooked both the city and forest.

I then proceeded to order everything on the menu, while Serena laughed at me, and ordered only two things. I looked at her like she was crazy, and she proceeded to laugh even more.

"Isn't Ash taking Serena to the Sushi High Roller, the most expensive restaurant in Kalos?" Misty asked.

"Yeah, he sure ain't a little kid anymore, I just wish he was like that when I traveled with him." Iris sighed.

"I felt like that for a while, but I'm happy to see him happy, and besides, I think of him as an older brother, because of the way he helped he with my journey." Dawn said.


"And you have a massive crush on Paul..." May finished as Dawn glared at her, and the rest burst out with laughter.

"Even I had some feelings for Ash, that is until Clemont comforted me when Lucario and I got separated, then I fell for him, and now look at us, I mean, I couldn't be happier." Korrina admitted.

"Now that I've moved on from Ash, I don't know who I want, I mean I've narrowed it down to Gary or Tracy, but..." Misty sighed.

"It's ok Misty, I'm sure you'll figure out your true feelings, after all, I had to decide between Paul, Kenney, and Barry, so it shouldn't be too hard. And besides, there's no need to worry, you just need to wait to see which one cares more." Dawn tried to reassure Misty.

"I guess you're right, but we definitely need to set you up with Paul sometime soon." Misty announced, cheering up.

"YES!" All of the other girls exclaimed, including Dawn, surprising the girls, herself included, which caused them all to burst out in laughter.


When they got home, Ash and Serena both decided they wanted some alone time with their Pokemon, so they took walks, but went to different parks in the city. They wore their normal clothes, because it was midnight, so they figured the paparazzi wouldn't be awake, and they were correct, but others they never planed on seeing again were.

"Flamethrower" Said a voice behind Ash.

Ash whipped around to see the night lit up by a column of fire, and acting purely on instinct, put his arms out in an X, as a blue barrier formed, stopping the attack. Ash now knew what had happened, he had felt it before, once with Sir Arron's Lucario, and again with the Riolu that could use aura. He then created a glowing, light blue sphere with his hands, and launched it at the group of Team Flare members.

The resulting explosion sent the grunts flying Team Rocket style. Pikachu looked at Ash with a concerned expression on his face. Ash got down on a knee, and scratched Pikachu under the chin, and Pikachu made a cooing sound. "It's ok Pikachu, I'm fine, but sadly we will have to leave, I can feel that it won't go away this time. The Kalos Region will be in good hands under Tierno." Pikachu gave him a sad look, but nodded in understanding.

At the same time, Serena was pulled into a dark alleyway, and a menacing voice said, "You're coming with us."

Serena was freaked out, and closed her eyes, but when they opened again, they were glowing a light blue, and the people were sent flying to the walls. Serena then saw they were part of Team Flare. Rage overtook her, and her eyes glowed blue, and a massive explosion took place, and the grunts were once again sent flying Team Rocket style.

Serena let out Braixen, and told her about what happened, and that they had to leave to see someone and train. Braixen nodded, but she had a look of sadness, which Serena noticed, and tried to comfort her, "I know we only became Kalos Queen two days ago, but I can't put anyone in any danger, I'm sorry."

"What do you mean, that a friend of the one who found my happiness will be visiting, I know that it a friend of Ash, but how will I know which one it is, I don't understand Olympia."

"Sabrina, the only other thing I can tell you is that it is Ash's dearest friend, and she seeks training." Olympia replied.

"Very well, I will do my best, thank you for the warning." Sabrina then hung up the phone and thought, 'Kalos Queen, what is it that you seek from me?'

Riley was preparing an Aura Sphere, and almost had it perfect, when an overwhelming sensation overtook his body, and he saw Ash and him working together, but this Ash was slightly more mature, and had different clothes than when they first met. He also saw Ash had a gold necklace around his neck.

Riley turned to Lucario and said with a smile, "Well, it looks like an old friend will be coming to us again." Lucario nodded and also smiled, because with the strong bond the two had formed, he saw the whole thing.

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