《Talk Juicy To Me》24) "I'm not going to stop until you beg me to, sweetheart."



In. Out. In. Out.

Despite all her frivolous efforts, Stella was going to need something more to go through with the evening. It had been over a year since Stella and Oliver moved in together, things were, to say the least: Invigorating. She never imagined being tied down to one person, she was independent in her way and she loved Oliver for not taking that away from her. He gave her the space to enjoy herself, figure herself out and knew exactly when she needed a break; the best kind of break.

Stella was also figuring out the enigma that was Oliver. She was in awe of his ability to manage time so well, he was now working for a consultancy part-time as a web developer and he looked absolutely hot when he talked tech. The year had flown in a flurry of emotions, relating to their relationship as well as their career. It was almost June and although the pink flowers signifying the start of summer, hadn't bloomed to their full potential yet, she knew this was the start of something new. After all they were graduating in less than two months and she was yet to break the big news to Oliver.

Tonight it is, she thought.

Glancing at her pastel pink bedside clock, she sighed when the clock read six. Oliver would be coming in soon from work and she hadn't even lit the candles yet, a romantic dinner was the perfect way to break the news and she didn't want to delay it any further because she was petrified. For them.

Shaking her head, Stella pulled herself out of her negative thoughts and sauntered towards their living room in her sleeveless black a-lined dress. She had straightened her otherwise wavy hair, and worn red lipstick, feeling rather bold and flirty, she knew Oliver loved it and she needed him to be in the best mood for what she was about to tell him. After placing a bottle of red wine on the table along with two glasses, Stella managed to go to the room and get the envelope that contained her happiness yet filled her with dread, and placed it gently on the table. Sucking in a long breath, she waited for Oliver to come and what was to be a long long night.

Oliver was a little peeved, he wasn't that happy with the way the new app was coming about and on top of that his boss wanted him to go out and work full-time for about a year, thousands of miles away in Jersey. Fuck, just when he thought his life was finally functioning normally, something big came in. Although the prospect of going to Jersey sounded extremely thrilling, it meant costing him a lot, like for example, his relationship and his beautiful girlfriend.

He couldn't afford to leave her, he wouldn't be able to do it.

But he knew how much Stella loved her goals and ambitions and she wanted nothing less for him, something that he was more than happy about when they moved in together. She was constantly the support that he needed when it came to his ambitions and he loved that she emboldened him with new ideas and thoughts when his creativity ran low. It was surreal, this was it for him. If he ever got into a serious relationship, this was what he had imagined and Stella encapsulates every essence of someone he can see a future with. Which is why, he also knew that if she gets to know that he hid this opportunity from her or didn't take it, she would not think once before slapping him right across his jaw.


God, when did his life go from serving tables to high-tech job handling situations?

Walking towards their modest two bedroom apartment, Oliver rang the bell, knowing very well that the love of his life awaited his arrival. He yearned her touch so badly today. All he wanted was to feel her skin against his while he worshiped her entire being. Glancing at the door he was greeted by the sight of his girlfriend's beautiful state.

Oliver groaned while taking her form.

"Must you always tease me?" he whispered, while stepping inside and engulfing her in a giant hug.

Stella chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheeks. Taking his briefcase and holding his hand, she guided him towards the dining table, stopping right before the sight that awaited them.

Oliver turned to look at Stella in confusion, although he loved the grand gesture he knew something was up because Stella never dressed up in the evenings. Most importantly, she never cooked in the evenings. The sight that greeted him said that it had a solid 100% effort put into it and he couldn't understand the reason why.

"You don't like it?"

"No, it's not that," Oliver started, holding her hand in his and pulling her towards him. "It's just, you never do this...please tell me I'm not in trouble about forgetting an anniversary or some shit like that."

Stella rolled her eyes at him, gently pushing him towards the bathroom to go freshen up until she pep talks herself. "Go freshen up, Oliver. We'll talk during dinner."

"This really sounds like a 'we need to talk' break-up thing."

"It's not! Now will you hurry up? I spent like $50 on that Bordeaux bottle,"

Raising his eyes in question, Oliver didn't prod any further when Stella just gave him a stern look and shooed him away. She definitely wasn't the best actress out there and it was impossible for her to hide stuff from Oliver, she just couldn't do it. Over the past one year he grew to know her so well that if she lied he caught it instantly, so she resorted to being cryptic.

Placing the lasagna in the oven, Stella went back to retrieve the garlic bread that was cooked up and placed it on the table. Glancing at the envelope kept neatly next to Oliver's wine glass, she closed her eyes and patiently waited for Oliver to return so she could just get on with it. Placing a hand on the chair and willing herself to keep it together, Stella's eyes fell on Oliver who walked in wearing a shirt and jeans, looking effortlessly handsome and charming.

God, she fucking loved him.

"So..." Oliver started. "You wanna tell me what this is about?"

Stella pushed her chair back and sat herself down, prompting Oliver to repeat her actions. He looked at her warily, and he didn't know if she could sense his nerves being a wreck right now or not. He had thought of telling her about the Jersey offer tonight but it seemed like whatever she had in her mind was gnawing at her and he wanted her to just spew it out before he lost his shit.

"Stella, baby, you're staring to scare me now."

Stella gazed at the love of her life and sighed, she needed to get this out of the way for them to move on and enjoy the rest of their night.

"Here," she stated, while handing him the envelope. "Open it."

"What is it?" Oliver questioned, looking at the piece of paper like it burned his skin. This better have something good in it, he thought.


"Just open it, Oliver."

Looking at Stella's fixating stare he proceeded to open it and carefully opened the letter that was attached to it. Glancing one last time at Stella, he directed his attention once more to the contents of the paper in his hand and read them carefully. Once and then twice.

"Congratulations Ms. Turner, your application for an intern at Elle-SEVENTEEN has been accepted! We would like to further invite you to join our New York office from 1st August 2019 to give you a...."

Stella waited patiently for Oliver's reaction, however, when she got none she stood up and walked towards his side and plucked the paper out of his hand. Oliver looked at Stella standing in front of him and gave her a full-blown charming smile, something that she grew so used to and admired dearly. Holding her hand and pulling her towards him, Stella stumbled and fell onto his lap.

"Wh-what? Why are you beaming like that? You're not worried?" She questioned him, confusion filling her voice.

"Absolutely not." Oliver looked at her with the same smile and wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her even closer.

"Oliver, New York is like a thousand miles away and-"

"I got offered a position in Jersey." He said, looking at her with a tender expression that was reserved for her eyes solely. "They want me to work on an app that they are building for charities to get donations during fundraisers...I-I didn't know how to tell you but yeah. I love it here, I really do and to be honest I might have said no...because I didn't want to lose you but-"

Stella shut him up by pressing her lips to his and holding his neck ever so gently. Oliver groaned into the kiss, he could do this all day long and not get tired of it, she was addictive and he had no shame in proclaiming his addiction. Lowering his hands towards her hips he pressed her further into him and she bit his lip while smiling against them.

"I love you, Oliver Thomas." Stella whispered into his lips, cradling his face in her hands. Oliver looked at her through hooded eyes, she was perfect, well perfect for him at least and he couldn't wait to experience this new phase of her life with him.

The timer for the oven rang loudly making them jump apart and Stella let out a hearty laugh at Oliver's disgruntled expression while he just groaned and let his head drop against her chest.

"C'mon, we have time for that later. I'm starving baby."

"So am I, just not for that kind of food you know."

She looked at the cheeky smile Oliver sent her way and narrowed her eyes at him.

"I spent two hours cooking that lasagna, you better fucking stuff your face with it."

Oliver laughed as she moved to remove it from the oven. He followed her to the kitchen and helped her serve their food while carrying the plates back to the table.

"So," Stella started while pouring a glass of wine for them. "You want to tell me about Jersey?"

Oliver beamed and took a sip from his wine and looked at her appreciatively. "This shit is amazing, Ella." She smiled at him and encouraged him to talk.

"It's a one year contract that they want me to take up, depending on my performance...they might be able to offer me a more permanent gig in Jersey City otherwise I'll be back in Cali."

Stella nodded, a year sounded good. She knew her internship was only for six months but with Oliver's brain he was most likely to get an offer from Jersey by the time she was done and living in New York would be great. It would be better than great and she was more than happy to share it with Oliver.

"That sounds good, I'm sure you'll get an offer. Plus, you'll be closer to home, I'm sure your parents would be ecstatic." Stella chipped in, holding his gaze as he nodded.

"Yeah, I miss Boston sometimes...although not as much as before now that I have you."

Her heart swelled with his words and she reached out for his hand and interlocked their fingers. "So, you're ready for this right?"

He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Of course, I am. Although, I must say I'm not sure how we're going to manage our living arrangement. I can't not see your face every morning."

"Eh, I could get used to not seeing your clothes scattered everywhere."

"Really? So you're saying you'll be happy not to wake up to an amazing orgasm every morning?"

"Who says they are amazing?"

Oliver's eyes squinted and he pushed his chair back, walking towards her. Stella's stomach erupted in butterflies, she knew exactly what he was about to do to her and she was just waiting in anticipation. It was a good thing they were done with dinner, otherwise she would've been offended for spending hours in the kitchen. Oliver held up his glass of wine and stretched out one hand in front of Stella in an offer to take it.

Looking at his hand in confusion, Stella took it in hers and followed his lead into their room "What are you doing?"

Oliver kept walking until he stopped in front of their bed. "Drinking, get on the bed."

"Oliver wh-"

"Just get on the bed, Stella."

She didn't utter a word, waiting for his next move and got on the bed without another word of protest. Oliver marched towards her, placing the wine glass on the bedside table and proceeded to trail his hands against her tanned long leg.

"Now," Oliver started as he reached her her ankle and pulled her towards the corner of the bed and knelt down. "I'm not going to stop until you beg me to, sweetheart."

And with that he dived right in between her legs.

I'm going to start by saying, I'm sorry.

I know some of you were eagerly waiting for updates and I didn't exactly provide them, on time and there isn't a more plausible excuse than the fact that I packed up my old life behind and moved continents. That's right, folks! I didn't just move into a different country, I moved into another continent.

I am settled now, so well, updates were more regular in the last few days and I needed to finish this story so that i could think of the other one.

Firstly, for being amazing. I love you guys, and all the love you've given to Oliver and Stella, even Judy and Caleb deserved a lot of appreciation, thank you for sticking by them and reading their story.

Secondly, is probably going to hit the benchmark soon and I can't begin to thank each one of you who have read it enough! I hope Oliver and Stella get the same love.

Lastly, this to these series, I will most probably have another of the books coming up which would be either based on Luna (Stella's sister) or another character that I decide to invent, most probably one of Oliver's/Stella's friend in New York.

There will be a better Author's Note later and this story will be undergoing a lot of editing and add-ons in the chapters (mostly author's notes, fun facts etc.)

If you guys have any questions regarding your favorite characters feel free to ask and I can have a page!



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