Tiberius' voice boomed across the foyer floors, bouncing off of the shiny waxed tiles.
"Alpha Baxter, Luna Baxter," Tiberius said respectively, but regally, letting them know he was still their superior. "So delightful to have you here with us tonight," he said, actually sounding happy, but in a reserved way.
Alpha and Luna Baxter bowed their heads submissively. "Thank you Alpha Connall, it's an honor to be invited this year," Alpha Baxter, or James, said. He and his Mate, Jessica, walked through the doorway, deeply bowing their heads in unison to me.
Jessica had dirty blonde hair pulled into an elegant bun at the top of her head, showing off her slim neck and shoulders. Grinning in her bright golden high-low dress with layers standing out prominently, she gazed at me in awe. Standing tall and proud next to his mate, James matched his hair color with hers, and wore a black tux with a golden bow tie and vest.
"Luna Burns, it's an honor to finally meet you!" Jessica exclaimed, her light hazel eyes glittering happily. "The rumors about your beauty compare nothing to the real thing," she added, rather shyly. Beginning to blush, I quietly thanked them both and watched as they headed towards the kitchen together, James' arm wrapped around Jessica's waist protectively.
"Their pack is in the Sunbelt, hence the golden attire. Each pack adopted their own color patterns, like theirs," he explained while whispering in my ear.
"Well what's ours?" I responded, not yet looking away from the brilliant couple.
"Black and white. It was chosen because the Alpha and Luna should be clear on their desires and purposes, and not hide anything from their people."
A warm hand rested on my left shoulder, then another went across my chest to the right, turning me around efficiently. Locking eyes with his and feeling his arms slide to my waist, I rested mine in-between us and relaxed against his chest peacefully.
Thump Thump..Thump Thump.. his heartbeat called out to me, lulling me with it's strong, steady pulse.
"Today there's going to be many different wolves and pack members here, from the Alpha Territory and others, so stay close to me, alright? I don't want you going to far away," he ended by kissing the top of my head. I nodded gently, impatient for the other guests and Haley to arrive.
"Why do the Betas have to arrive an hour later than everyone else?" I scrunched my eyebrows and stepped back enough to see his face.
"It's an old tradition aging centuries back. Supposedly it's for the Alpha's to mingle with the other Alphas, then allowing a step lower in the pack to mingle, then finally various trusted pack members, such as the maids and guards. Since then, though, some traditions have been lost, but we still keep that one for some reason," he shrugged one shoulder slightly.
"Oh," I nodded, upset with myself that I didn't know that. Wasn't a Luna supposed to know everything about her pack and traditions? Even Haley knows more about them than me, for Goddesses sake!
"What's wrong baby?" Tiberius mumbled coming close to my ear, sensing my distraught thoughts. Sighing, I tried to think of a way to tell him without sounding insecure or bothersome.
"I- I just.." I trailed off, blowing a heavy breath through my nostrils. Rubbing my arm soothingly, he encouraged me to go on. "I just feel kinda..disappointed in myself that I don't know all these things, everything a Luna should know! I mean, Haley had to explain so much about everything here to me, and she's the Beta. Shouldn't I be the one helping other people? Knowing these traditions and celebrations that all of the Wolves here celebrate?"
Shaking his head dismissively, he pulled me closer to his chest but kept his eye contact with me, careful not to touch my hair. "Sweetheart, it doesn't matter if you don't know all these things yet. You'll learn them as time goes on. And as for Haley knowing more, that's what a Beta does; the support the Alpha and Luna of the pack, offering advice and support whenever needed. There is no reason to feel discouraged just because you didn't know a few people or laws," he finished, making my heart and chest bubble with warmth.
Nodding, I smiled shyly and let him take my hand into his, intertwining our fingers as we started towards the kitchen and back yard.
"There will be 2 more Pack Alphas and Lunas coming, as well as everyone's Betas who will arrive at 3:30," he explained as he pushed open the kitchen doors.
The first thing that hit me as we started into the room was the aroma. Different scents attacked my nose, such as Turkey, Beef, Soups, Cakes, and Gravies. On cue, my stomach growled viciously, and I was reminded of the biscuit I was violently pulled from this morning.
The second thing I noticed in the room was how many different women were occupying the room, dressed in knee length black skirts, long sleeved white undershirts, and black vests that blurred with the speed of their movement.
Standing to the side with Tiberius, staying out of the waitress' way, I spotted Lilly, who was carrying around a tray full of finger foods, and Brenda, who was cutting up a casserole and sliding them onto bright white plates. Glancing up at Tiberius for permission, he smiled and rolled his eyes before nodding.
'I'll be right outside, okay?' he mind linked me as I started towards the girls. Looking back, I grinned and bobbed my head. 'Okay, I'll be right there,' I answered, watching his figure retreat out of the glass sliding door before turning back to the moving mass of waitresses.
Careful not to knock into anyone or stand in their paths and acknowledging their pleasant bows as I walked, I tapped Brenda on the shoulder. Turning around mid way through dropping a square of beefy casserole onto the porcelain plates, she squealed when she saw it was me. Quickly dropping the spatula onto the dish, she spun back around and squealed excitedly, holding out my arms and twirling me around to eye my dress.
"Oh my goddess, Ellie! You look amazing!" she gasped, drinking in my appearance with her stormy green eyes. I giggled, thanked her, and asked where Alesha was as Lilly walked out of the kitchen and into the backyard, oblivious to the high pitched sounds coming from Brenda.
"Oh, since she's been here the longest and is the most experienced, she gets to kinda order everyone around, so she's probably outside making sure the food looks okay."
"Well the makes sense. Okay, well I'm gonna go outside with Tiberius. I'll see you later, right?" I affirmed while beginning to turn away. She nodded and said a cheerful goodbye before turning back to the casserole, once again filling the plates with the perfect square cubes.
Sliding the glass door aside with ease, I embraced the people, sights, and sounds before me with delight.
Women in designer dresses, men in sleek tuxes and suits, a huge shining white tent adorned with the different pack and family crests, since most families rule over a pack for the majority of it's rein.
There seemed to be around 50 or so people here already, not including the Betas, and all of the women wore different styles of dresses. I easily spotted James and Jessica talking to another couple, their bright gold attire reflecting the high sun vividly. Different wolves glanced over at me and smiled graciously, eying my dress with approval. Good! At least they like me so far..
Careful not to trip down the steps, I followed the stone pathway through the small crowd littered about the backyard, acknowledging others if I knew them and interacting lightly to those I didn't.
"Ellie!" A voice called out to me, not loud enough to draw unwanted attention but enough to catch mine. Turning and seeing Tiberius stride towards me, grinning handsomely while showing off his brilliantly white teeth, he approached by wrapping his left arm around my waist and spinning us around to the tent.
Giggling as my head swam, he led me to a pair of heavy wooden chairs seated at a table for 4, the backs of those rising higher than any others under the tent. On the back of the chair where you would sit down, a picture of a wolf was burnt into the wood, the deep black char of the elegant lines and swoops wiped clean long ago.
"What does that symbol mean?" I asked him as we began to sit down, noticing the other pack members and guests beginning to take their seats as well.
"It's the Connall Family Crest, also the Alpha Territory's Crest since the Connall family was the first to be Alpha," he explained, pulling out the chair for me and sliding it back to the table after I adjusted my dress, leaving a few inches for me to move around and stand if needed. Tiberius, though, stayed on his feet as almost all of the wolves stood behind their chairs. Putting his hands behind his back, the crowd fell silent.
"Good afternoon Alphas, Lunas, trusted guests, and children," Tiberius' voice boomed, a faint smile on his lips.
"Good afternoon, Alpha!" the crowd replied in unison.
"Before we start this celebration and age old tradition, the Betas," he rose his left hand and motioned to the glass door while his right stayed behind his back. Suddenly it slid aside, revealing Haley and Gail standing side by side, fingers interlocked. As one, they began their descent down the steps and along the pathway, followed by many other pairs of Betas and, at the end, a few lone males who had probably not found their mate yet.
Haley was absolutely stunning, walking with the utmost grace in an elegant Grecian Style gown flowing down to her ankles, only revealing teasing glimpses of the white heels she was wearing. The dress cupped around her neck as a sort of collar, embroidered flowers and petals sewn into the chestpiece and flowing into a long sheer skirt, a lacy slip underneath. Her normally long, wavy hair was pulled back into a loosely braided bun, free curls cleverly shaping her slender neck and face while swaying as she walked. Beside her, Gail was wearing a black tuxedo with a single white rose nestled securely in the breast pocket, it's innocent colors reflecting those of Haley's.
As the line of Betas made their way to their seat and stood behind their chairs, I glanced up at Haley who was right beside me. Our table, unlike the others, resided at the end, or head, of the tent, and the 4 chairs faced out into the crowd behind the linen covered table. Tiberius' and I's chair was in between the other two; Haley's on the far left and Gail's on the far right.
"Now that the Betas are out, I would like to introduce my newly found mate, Elenore Burns."
Before I knew what I was doing, my body rose from the chair fluidly, and I smiled brightly at the crowd of cheering and clapping Wolves. Near the back of the tent closest to the house, a small brown headed girl in a cute bright blue dress waved at me, her hand swinging madly as if she was tring to flag down an airplane. Smiling directly at her innocence, I waved gently at her who had then begun to tug on her mothers' dark blue dress, whispering excitedly and pointing at me, then making a waving motion.
Giggling, I turned to my mate to find him already eying me with a mixture of love, fascination, and adoration. Beginning to blush, I finally swiveled back around to Haley whose eyes were animated with excitement. Even through her ornate appearance, I could still tell she was my best friend; the clumsy, down to earth, and naturally beautiful girl I've come to love as a sister.
"Thank you, you may be seated."
Everyone sat except for Tiberius, who had then begun to speak about the tradition of The Day of Black. At the end, I found out that at Midnight, everyone here would change into their wolves as a sort of tribute to the Moon Goddess, a way for us to be as close to her as we possibly can; changing into what she created us to be.
Allowing us to then begin eating, dozens of maids came out from the kitchen carrying plates and bowls of various foods, including whole baked turkeys, lobsters, red meat, pork, different types of breads, fruits, and finally desserts. Thanking each maid who brought us the entrees and main courses, I indulged in the rich sauces and gravies.
Laughter was heard from every mouth under the tent, including Tiberius' and I's. Joking with our Betas, everything seemed perfect.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is 11:50. Please either strip of your clothing and grab a robe provided to save your attire, or be prepared to shift!" Tiberius called out across the lawn. Over the past few hours, we had danced, drank, and exchanged stories with other packs jubiantly, strengthening the bond between our different packs. I had gotten to know many different wolves, including the little girl I had waved at earlier, Kara.
"Are you going to change first or just shift?" I asked Haley, finally getting a moment alone with her for the first time tonight. She gave me an incredulous look.
"Have you seen this dress? No way am I ripping it! I mean, I look goood," she dragged out the last word, sliding her hands down her waist in mock seduction. Giggling together, we went inside to change into our black and white robes, carefully laying our gowns on my guest bed. Not taking our hair down or removing our makeup, we stepped back out into the backyard, finding our mates at the head of the intermingling crowd. Most of the women wore robes, and those who did not took off their jewelry. Kara was wearing a miniature blue robe next to her mother, also rid of the dress and jewelry.
"It's 11:59, so start counting down from 59!" Tiberius announced as he smiled, gripping his hand with mine. Everyone started the countdown, and Haley stood beside me chanting along with the others.
The sounds of cotton ripping and high growls filled the air, and Haley, Gail, Tiberius and I all shifted at once. Haley's white wolf made a stark difference to Tiberius and I's, who blended well into the night. The only way to tell Tiberius was infront of me was his bright golden eyes and his shape illuminated by the high moon, which seemed to glow brighter at this time.
Tiberius then raised his head and started howling, strong and steady, haunting. I joined in next, followed by Haley and Gail, then the rest. Our echoing calls drifted through the night when Tiberius' suddenly cut off, sounding as a choked whimper. Ceasing my howl to see what was wrong, I glanced over to see him lying on the ground and breathing heavily.
'Tiberius!' I yelped, leaping over to find a single silver dart lodged into his neck. Quickly deciding what to do, I gripped the red feathered end with my teeth and yanked it out, blood dripping from the tip.
Tossing it to the side, I witnessed Tiberius' breathing slow to a steady, deep pattern, indicating he was asleep-or rather unconscious.
By now all of the wolves had stopped their calling to the Moon Goddess, gathering around Tiberius and I as Gail and Haley stared down at him worriedly.
Then the darts came.
Shwoop! Shwoop! The flying needles whizzed past my ears, hitting different wolves around me. Yelping and Wolfish shrieking pierced the air, and heavy bodies went running in every direction. Haley grabbed my fur with her front teeth, pulling me behind the Gazeebo as Gail went to the Guards, who were dropping like flies into the comatose state.
'What the hell is going on?!' Haley asked frantically, eyes darting around the yard in hopes of finding an answer.
'I don't know! Tiberius-' I stopped, and realizing I had left my mate out in the open, to the enemy. 'Oh my goddess, I have to get Tiberius!' I shouted, beginning to run from the safety of the wooden building. Haley bit down on my tail, though, preventing me from taking another step. Yelping and spinning back around, I stared her down. 'I am going to get my mate, or at least try to help! I am the Luna of this pack, of the Wolf Territories, and a Luna doesn't hide from danger. I may not know all of the traditions or members, but I sure as hell know how to stand my ground! This is my pack, and I will NOT watch it fall!' I barked unwaveringly, realizing I had unknowingly used my Alpha voice as Haley flinched from my words. But before she could finish, I high pitched yip caught my attention.
Peering from behind the Gazeebo, a small light gray pup stood atop a larger Wolf of the same color, rocking it back and forth while whimpering.
'Mama, Mama!' it cried, screaming the last bit.
Darting out from behind the safety of the building, I sprinted to Kara who was laying over her unconscious mother who was breathing deeply and peacefully. Almost no other Wolves stood standing, including Gail, who I spotted laying beside a Guard with a red and silver dart embedded into his neck.
As I neared Kara, she started to cry and scream again, saying 'Don't take her from me. No!' as she attempted to bite my leg.
'Kara! It's me, Elenore! Your mother is going to be okay, I promise! Let me get you to safety!' Regarding me quickly with teary eyes, she sobered up and nodded, allowing me to pick her up with my jaws by the scruff of her neck. Sprinting back to the Gazeebo, Haley was ready to take her from me, before a sharp sting shocked me from my pace. Falling to the ground, Kara spilled from my jaws and tumbled behind the Gazeebo with Haley, who was beginning to come towards me until I gave her a stern-pleading- look. Don't risk it. Keep her safe.
Nodding and backing into the shadows with Kara tucked beneath her stomach and behind her front legs, the crunching of dried and dead grass echoed in my ears. My vision started to grow hazy, blotting and darkening at the edges then suddenly brightening again, repeating the process all over again.
"Hello, princess," a soothing voice whispered to me, lulling me to sleep. Finally giving into the strong desire, the last thing I saw was Haley's fading white coat.
- In Serial40 Chapters
Elder Scrolls: Naruto
What happens when the greatest Naruto fan is thrust into that very same world? Will he hide in the shadows and watch his favorite series play out right before his eyes? Or Will he completely change the landscape of the world and rewrite history? Some say knowledge is power, and they were right. ----------------------------------------------------------Cover: SueidysomEditor: Scarlet Goddess
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Weapons Don't Have Names
Replicants. Dogs of war, their leash held by greedy corporations. Living weapons with serial numbers instead of names. Genetically perfect soldiers, created for one purpose and one purpose only - to complete the mission at any cost. But what are they to do when the battlefield is far away, commanding officers are gone and they are on a peaceful planet that belongs to the enemy? Two replicants must not only escape the enemy territory, but also deliver two civilians to the HQ. However, their charges are doing everything they can to sabotage the mission and the orders are clear - they can't be left behind or killed.
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In the entire Empire, the Frozen Empress rules supreme. Yet, the land is in a constant state of war. The cultivators fight over the pettiest matters. The peasants are in constant revolt. And the ruling lords war incessantly and without rest. And it is all the fault of the Frozen Empress. Her ascension to the throne and true Divinity has caused such bloodshed. This is the story of her journey to ascension. Of hope and despair. Of betrayal and deceit. Of a young girl becoming the empress of a vast empire through her own might!DROPPED
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Sailor Moon Silver Legacy
A gritty and dramatic new series of Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon!🌙 Following the defeat of Galaxia & Chaos, peace returns to Earth for a time, until one fateful day, when the unthinkable happens. Five years later, we start to learn how our heroines have been coping with their tragic loss, and what really happened that day. When a new evil threatens the planet, can the Sailor Soldiers find a way to put aside their feelings, and come together to face it? Or will Earth fall to darkness? New chapters: Thursdays (1-2K words per chapter) ☽ ☿ ♀ ♁ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇ ☉ Set after the events of Sailor Stars, Silver Legacy tells a dramatic and exciting twelve-act story full of action, emotion, mystery and character development. It's a brand-new, canon compliant story about the characters so many of us grew up with and still love (even if we're embarrassed to admit it)! While primarily a faithful sequel to the original 90s anime series, the story also incorporates elements from the original manga, the Crystal reboot anime, and the live-action adaptation, as well as feedback from Sailor Moon SubReddit members. This is all combined with fixes to odd translations, the best aspects of the English/Japanese versions, and fun new ideas, to create what I hope will be a consistent and satisfying fan experience.
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Afterlife advocates have a difficult job, they never get the easy assignments. Balancing the Benefits, Penalties, and Goals for each client's new life is tricky, every time Mr. Grey must do what he can with what he has. Mr Grey's latest client has been royally screwed by his previous life, and worse, by interns to the reincarnation system.The only solution Mr. Grey could find might be worse than his clients previous life...This is the unfortunate and amazing life of Gur-dun, Son of Suffering.
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