
When Haley and I lived in the Villages and wanted to have a 'girl day', we would use whatever we had on hand to have fun, considering neither of our families are particularly wealthy; Using the waterhose to play Red-light Green-light, wearing my mom's finest clothes and go strutting down the hallway, acting like we're models, and moving an old tarp we had to the backyard, lathering it with soap and water, then going barreling down it as our make shift slip-'n'-slide.

Girl time in the Alpha Mansion, though, was way different.

Giggling and skipping out of the dining room with Haley's and I's arm linked, we made our way to the kitchen. Girl time has to include sweets, right? Pushing through the kitchen door, I saw Alesha, Brenda, and the new girl sitting at the table with cleaning supplies sitting infront of them, chatting quietly.

When I walked in, Brenda and Alesha looked over and smiled happily, both standing and walking over to give me a hug. Turning to Haley, they both bowed respectfully. "Oh, please, don't do that," Haley said smiling, waving her hands. "I really don't see the point." They nodded and smiled back.

Looking behind the women, I saw the other girl, who looked around 16 years old, standing awkwardly by her chair and wringing her hands, obviously uncomfortable about the small reunion since she had no clue what to do in the meantime.

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked smoothly, throwing a friendly smile on my lips.

"Lilly," she replied quietly. "Lilly White, Luna Burns."

Grinning at her shyness, I giggled approvingly.

"It was really nice to meet you, Lilly! Oh, and I love your hair by the way," I added, winking. Seeing her blush and smile, saying a small "Thank you," I turned back towards Haley and the 2 women. Seeing they were laughing and talking to each other easily, I smiled. Good, I thought. Haley needs some other friends here for when I'm not around.

"Brenda, Alesha, Lilly," I voiced, smiling at Lilly particularly.

"I was wondering if you would help us gather some snacks for Haley and I today for our 'girl time'. Since we've been here, we haven't spent nearly enough time together, so we decided to catch up today," I ended grinning, hooking our arms together once again.

Alesha and Brenda were obviously overjoyed with the thought of helping us personally, since they immediately went hustling around the kitchen, gathering different ingredients and goods, yelling out things like "Get me the Greek yogurt!" and "I need chocolate chips and strawberries over here!" Lilly darted around the room, picking up everything the two women asked for and taking it to them, a frantic-but pleased- expression on her face.

Silently, I led Haley and I over to the fully stocked Pantry, gathering many different kinds of chips and candy in our hands, then quietly stuffing them into a large vase nearby. I would come back for them later, and I didn't want any of the girls to feel under-appreciated or beat by prepackaged food after all of the hard work they did.


Finally after 15 minutes and lots of shouting later, Alesha, Brenda, and Lilly came over to the bar Haley and I were perched behind, different plates and bowls full of delicious looking- and smelling- food in their hands. Grinning, Haley and I commented on how magnificent everything looked.

"Girls, this looks amazing! Thank you so much!" I gushed, hungrily eying the Snickers Trifle. "You didn't have to do all this, though.."

"Oh hush!" Alesha scolded playfully, her short brown curls bouncing. "We all care about you and your happiness, and this," she held up a bowl full of Greek Yogurt, fruit, and chocolate, "will make you both very happy." She winked and smiled.

Laughing, I brought the girls into a hug, and Haley joined in. "I appreciate this so much, you guys. Thank you so much," I mumbled, my words muffled by a shoulder pressed against my mouth. Pulling back, they motioned Haley and I out of the kitchen, snacks in our hands. Thanking them once again, we shuffled up the stairs and into my old room, snickering at each other when we almost dropped our loads along the way.

Piling the food onto the face of a desk in the room, we both grabbed a sweet and flopped back onto the bed, deciding what to do first. After sitting there and munching for a minute, I gasped loudly and sat upright, scaring Haley.

"I've got it!" I exclaimed, an ecstatic smile growing on my face.

"What is it?" she asked, having no clue what I had in mind.

Grinning slyly, I pulled her up and off the bed.


"Ellie, are you sure about this?" Haley asked, doubt and hesitation clear in her tone and eyes.

Sighing, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Oh course, Haley! And besides, "I smiled, sitting beside her on the mattress. "I'll be with you the whole way."

Pushing off the top of the stairs, we went flying down the staircase on the mattress from the guest room, bouncing as we went.

"Aghh!" Haley screamed, terror and excitement lacing her voice.

"WHOO!" I screamed back equally as loud, adrenaline pumping in my veins. Speeding past the bottom step, we went sliding to a stop in the living room, looking up to find Tiberius, Gail, and a few other pack fighters staring at us with wide eyes and open mouths.

Laughing hysterically from our ride, Haley and I wobbled to our feet on shaky legs, gripping each other to stay up. The men infront of us started to chuckle, then laugh, and Tiberius and Gail made their way to us.

"What were you two doing?" Tiberius laughed, his left arm snaking around my waist.

"Haley- Haley and I wanted to do something fun, so I suggested mattress surfing!" I wheezed, recovering from my laugh attack.


"And she about KILLED me!" Haley added, grinning as Gail hugged her from behind and rested his chin on her head.

"But I DIDN'T," I pointed out, sticking my tongue out at Haley after she did it first.

"Okay, okay. Nobody got hurt, so that's the good thing," Gail stated, laughing at our childness. Giggling, I jumped onto Tiberius' back.

"So when do you have to leave?" I asked, wrapping my legs around his waist as he supported my thighs with his large hands.

"In a few minutes, actually. We're planning on getting to the Border by noon, checking it out, and being home by 7." Pouting, I rested my head on his shoulder and let out a small whimper that only he could hear.

"So late? But I won't get to see you all day!"

"I'll be back tonight, baby. I promise," he replied, holding up his right pinkie. Smiling and hooking mine with his, I kissed his cheek and climbed off. Turning around, he kissed my nose, then cheek, then the corner of my mouth.

"You missed," I whispered, before he smiled and bent down, kissing my lips with his full ones. God, he is a great kisser, I thought.

Tiberius laughed and pulled back, gazing at me with humor. "Well thank you, Ellie. You're am amazing kisser too."


My cheeks burned a dark rose and I hid my face behind my curtain of hair, wishing I could go back in time 30 seconds. "Oh, come on. Don't get shy on me now!" he coaxed, pulling my head up with his fingers. "We're mates, Ellie. I love hearing your thoughts, believe it or not."

Smiling, he kissed my lips again. "Be safe, okay?"

"I will, baby. I promise." Walking out the back door with Gail, he called back to me. "I'll see you at 7!"

Nodding, I smiled lightly and he did too, before running out of the house with Gail and changing mid way down the backyard. Watching his and Gails' wolves disappear in the trees, I turned back to Haley.

"Ready to have an amazing girls day?!" I yelled, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Hellz yea!!" she grinned and yelled back, racing back to the mattress to give it another go.


5 hours later, Haley and I sat on our bed drinking the Hot Chocolate Lilly and Brenda had brought us, along with Chocolate Chip Cookie Trifles and S'mores Marshmallows from Alesha. Thanking them graciously, we had then popped in a movie that had just came out, Frozen.

"Oh my gosh I LOVE Sven!" Haley squealed, watching the Reindeer intently as he tried to eat Olaf's carrot nose.

"Oh my gosh, me too!!," I squealed back, laughing at her silly face.

After a few more minutes of sipping our creamy drinks and chewing the Cookie Trifle, I spoke up.

"Haley, I need to tell you something I forgot about until now." She turned towards me, curiosity in her eyes.

"What is it, Ellie?" she asked, putting off the adorable Sven for me.

I hesitated. How should I tell her? Just blurt it out?

"Ellie, it's okay. I'll never judge you, babe. Just tell me," she said softly, nudging on my shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I began.

"Okay, well..last night Tiberius and I were kissing, and it started to get a little more serious, so I let him mark me," I rushed, not wanting to see her disappointed face.

"AAAGGH!!" Haley screamed, jumping ontop of me and bouncing the bed. "THAT IS SO AMAZING! I LET GAIL MARK ME LAST NIGHT TOO!" she pulled down her collar as she finished, showing me 2 perfectly healed holes where his canines went in. Squealing, I pulled down mine also, then welcoming her embrace as we hugged and rolled around on the bed, laughing just like we used to.

"I've missed this, Hay-Hay," I sighed, laying across the bed as Haley lay with her head on my stomach.

"Me too, Boo. Me too."

After watching Frozen, Mean Girls, Footloose, and Step Up: Revolution, Haley and I groggily got up to wash our faces and brush our teeth, considering all the sugar we ate. Unanimously agreeing to skip dinner, I glanced at the clock and saw it was 6:58. Where was Tiberius?

Shrugging my shoulders, I climbed into bed with Haley after getting her and I some clothes (just pay attention to the clothes and hair) to change into. Snuggling under the covers, I smiled remembering how great my life has been since I've been here. Yes, I don't get to see Isaac or mom everyday, but now I live with Haley and my mate in this wonderful mansion.

A loud bang shook me from my peaceful thoughts, which was followed soon by yelling and pounding. Leaping out of bed with Haley on my tail, we whipped down the hallway and stairs, turning to the foyer to see a sight I'd never thought I would ever see;

Tiberius, bloodied and limp, laying in a pool of his own blood.

A scream ripped out of my throat.


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