
I slowly opened my eyes from probably the best sleep I've had in years. I had no nightmares, no haunting faces or horrible memories I only wished I could forget.

Only calming blackness.

I took a look at the clock on the nightstand to my left, 6:03 am, then out my window from my 2nd story room. Dark gray clouds could be seen in the sky, no bright sun or vibrant blue light. It set a slightly dreary mood to my morning, but not near as much as when I remembered what I had to get ready for in the next 12 hours.

"Elenore, are you up yet?", I heard my mother yell from downstairs. Normally, Isaac, me, and Mom would be at the Stands by now, but since today was the Running, almost all stores and small shops in the Regions were closed for the day.

"Yeah mom, I'm up! I'm gonna take a shower, okay?", I yelled back, still laying underneath the heavy covers.

"Okay, but shave your legs and underarms while you're in there! We don't need you hairy for Alpha Connall, now do we?", she suggestively hollered back for the last time.

I rolled my eyes and huffed.

I will NOT be taken by Alpha Connall, not by anyone. I WILL make it to the border, and I will be free.

Sighing heavily, I heaved myself up from my bed, sinking my feet into the lush dark grey carpet beneath me. Wiping the sleep from my eyes and stretching, popping different joints and fingers, I made my way to the bathroom to relieve myself and take a quick shower to wake up, grabbing a pair of jeans, underwear, a bra, and a regular T-shirt along the way. Turning on the light and closing the door, I turned the nozzle to cold and undressed, stepping into the icy water. Wow, well that'll wake you up!

When I washed my hair thoroughly, I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel, sitting on the ledge of the bathtub with my legs touching the slick white bottom. Grabbing the bottle of shaving cream and my razor, I carefully began running the razor up my legs, leaving only bare, smooth skin behind. Turning the water to just a small stream, I washed of my razor, and began again.

By the time I was done, it was 6:45, and my legs and armpits were smooth and hairless. After applying some lotion to my skin, I dressed in the clothes I had lain out earlier and walked downstairs to get something to eat, my damp hair forming loose waves down my back.

Isaac was sitting behind the bar facing the kitchen and eating a piece of buttered toast, scrolling through his news feed on his phone, while mom was washing pans and silverware in the sink.

"Hey honey, did you shave?", mom asks me nonchalantly. Isaac stopped chewing on his toast and looked up, staring at me.

"Uh, yea mom. I..shaved.", I awkwardly replied, taking a seat on the bar.

"Good," she said, sliding me a plate with 2 pieces of toast on it. "When you get done with that, go upstairs and sit on your bed. I'm going to curl your hair and do your makeup for today so you look beautiful. Well, even more beautiful!" She winked, and with that, she walked off, probably going to get the curler and makeup items ready.

As I was sitting on the stool, zoned out and eating my tasteless toast, Isaac suddenly started talking to me.


"So, how're you feeling?", he asked vaguely.

"Umm..fine.?", I replied, confused.

He sighed, frustration creeping onto his facial features. "About the Running, Ellie. Are you still as scared as you were before?"

I suddenly felt stupid. Of course he was talking about that!

I rubbed my eye. "No, well, I mean..a little, but I actually had a talk with Nikita yesterday, and she helped me get my emotions in line. I know what I want, and that's to get to the border. I'm going to make it, Isaac, and you know I never lose a game." I ended, smirking.

He laughed, a smile softening his tired eyes. "I know, Ellie. Just..don't forget what I told you a few days ago." He said, getting up and walking out of the room.

I hurriedly finished eating the last bite of toast, and jogged upstairs into my room, doing as my mother told me. She walked out of my bathroom with a heated curler in hand. I mentally groaned, and sat still while she did her job.


An hour later, she let me take a look in the mirror. I gasped at my reflection. My dark hair was in loose brown curls, running down my back beautifully. My face had light makeup on it, nothing special, but wonderful all the same. She slipped a black stone necklace on my neck and pushed dangly earrings into my pierced ears. I felt a burning behind my eyes, and knew I was about to cry.

"Mommy, I-", I couldn't finish, because she crushed my into a hug, me being just a little bit taller than her.

"It's okay baby, I know.", she cooed. "I know.."

After a few minutes, I regained control over my emotions and mom left, telling me to put on the dress before she walked out of my room.

I picked up the black lace dress, examining it before I slipped it on, careful not to rip it as I went. The dress was simple, but beautiful, ending just above my knees and lace going up to my neck. I put the black flats that went with the dress on, checking myself one last time in the mirror, before walking downstairs. When I was on the last step, I looked into the living room to see Haley, my mom, and Isaac.

Haley had on a knee-length white dress with a sweetheart neckline and a small back opening, paired with a set of low white heels and silver-white earrings. I smiled widely, and immediately went to hug her.

"Haley, you look amazing!", I said smiling, holding her infront of me and marveling at her dress.

"Oh please, look at yourself! Boys won't be able to keep their paws off of you!", she replied, laughing and smiling along with me.

"If they can catch me," I joked, winking at her as she giggled, eyes bright.

Since Haley's brother was only 12, he would be staying home for today. Even though they fought, I know Joshua loved his sister and wanted her to come home later that day, instead of getting taken. Isaac, on the other hand, would be there today since he was 21 and hadn't found his mate. Mom would stay home, because parents weren't allowed to come to the Running, and Haley's parents were staying home as well.

I turned to my family, my mothers face lighting up, her eyes starting to water. Isaac was standing beside her with a faint smile and a faraway look in his eyes. I slowly walked over to them and pulled them into a hug, them hugging back instantly. After a few moments, Isaac coughed and I pulled back.


"Okay, you two should get going," motioning to Haley and I. Every year on the morning of the running, a huge semi truck with benches in the trailer-area for seats would come and pick up the girls going to the Running that day, herding them in like animals. Any smart girl-or one with common sense- knew that you didn't try to hide from the Truck. If you did? The consequences were punishable by death, and that was going easy.

"Alright, well come on Ellie, I think I hear the truck coming," Haley said, pushing the curtains back to look out the window at the road.

"Okay, I'm comi-", I started, but stopped, and said instead, "Hold on! I forgot something!"

I ran up the stairs and into my room, opening my closet door. I reached up, me being on my tippy-toes, to the highest shelf on the wall, gripping a wooden box. I pulled it down and took a deep breath, opening one of the drawers and digging around to the bottom until I felt cold, stiff steel brush my fingertips. I pulled out the bracelet I haven't seen in over 10 years, it being the same as the last time I saw it. The shiny steel bracelet had 8 charms on it, one being a small wolf paw. I unclipped the clasp and put it on my right wrist, clipping it back and running back downstairs.

Isaac and mom were standing by the door, and Haley was on the front porch watching the truck coming closer and closer. Mom glanced at the bracelet, and let a nostalgic smile form on her face. Isaac didn't notice though, and only ushered me through the door.

"Ellie, it's here!", Haley yelled, looking back at me as I opened it and walked through. I took one last look at my family as Haley grabbed my hand and led me to the huge Semi parked infront of my house. I turned around towards the truck and saw a man with dark blonde hair and a small beard helping other girls into the back, reaching for Haley and helping her up before turning to me.

He looked me up and down, licking his lips before looking me in the eye and letting sly smirk cross his face. He reached out a hand to me, holding my wrist and pulling me toward him. I was shocked by this, and just stood there, frozen. He then turned me to the door and lifted me up by my waist, his hand brushing my bare thigh as he retracted his hand. I was mortified, and Haley had to grab my hand and pull me into a seat before I fainted.

I finally took the time to look around, seeing probably around 50 other girls, all with different dresses and looks on their faces. I never really talked to any other girls in this territory, so I made no effort to talk to anyone else. I sighed and leaned my head back onto the wall of the truck, suddenly feeling drained of energy. I leaned my body on Haley, who was on my left. Some other girl I didn't know was on my right, her dress brushing my arm. The door slammed shut with a loud bang, leaving us in darkness.


The truck lurched to a stop, causing me to snap my eyes open.The door suddenly opened, light flooding into the trailer we were in.

Did I fall asleep?

Seeing the confused look on my face, Haley nodded, already knowing what I was thinking. The same man from earlier looked in, making eye contact with me and smirking, before ushering girls out. Haley went before me, and once again, he gripped my waist and lowered me to the ground. This time, his hand grabbed my butt before turning to the next girl. Pig, I thought, and looked around.

Infront of us lay a huge circular plot of flat, grassy land surrounded in trees. The field was probably about 2 miles wide from one side to the other. There were around 30 large white tents on the far right side of the circle, and 4 feet wide by 6 feet tall rectangular wire cages on the left. Around me, nearly 250-300 girls stood anxiously, playing with their dresses or chattering nervously. Male wolves were under the tents or milling around the middle of the field where a tall wooden platform lay, watching us with hungry eyes.

I gripped Haley's arm tighter, butterflies invading my stomach and my mouth becoming dry. She turned to look at me, a tight smile on her lips.

Suddenly, a man climbed ontop of the platform. He was dressed in a tight black shirt and dark blue jeans, his lined muscles showing from under the clothing. He then turned around to the crowds. I felt my heart drop to my stomach and eyes go wide.

Alpha Connall.

He took a look around the crowds of people, and raised a microphone to his lips, making everyone go silent.

"Male and Female Wolves from all the territories, welcome to the Annual Running!" his voice boomed out of the speakers placed around the field. Cheers and clapping erupted from around us, echoing and bouncing off the trees. After a few moments, he quieted them.

"As you know, I am Alpha Connall, Alpha Male of all wolf packs in the Regions. The rules of The Running are simple: One- She wolves, you must make it to the 3 mile mark before a male can take you. If you don't make it to the mark and you are captured, you are Disqualified and forbidden to have the chance of finding a mate until the next year of Running. Two- You are to stay in your Wolf form the entire Game, until you are either taken or Disqualified..or make it to the Border," he added with a smirk, mocking laughter sounding from the males. I'll show them what to laugh at..

"Three," he continued. "Run North, and only North. If you try to escape by any way other than the border, you will be given the same consequences as being caught before the 3-mile mark. For males: Do what you need to do to get a mate. Like every year, there are more of you than there is She-Wolves, so some of you will go home without a mate." A few grumbles and growls were heard from males. "Does everyone understand?" Alpha Connall finished.

"Yes Alpha!", we all said unanimously.

He got down from the platform and walked off toward the biggest tent. I turned towards Haley and sighed. Before I could say anything, a man infront of all the girls started to shuffle us into a 3 lines, a small table sat at the head of them. Haley was moved into the 1st line, while I was in the 2nd. Three other men were at the table, all from ages 30-45 years old.

This is where we tell our name and territory to the the 'judges', as we call them. Every year on the morning of the Running, the trucks that come to pick up the girls come in a certain order, it being the strongest territory to the weakest. Even though there is a poor part of my village, it happens to be in the strongest territory, aside from the Alpha, of all the Regions. I don't know why, it just is. This means that we were picked up first, and also that, when we are put in the wire cages, the girls in our territory will be assigned to a cage first, then the second strongest, then the third..etc.

How is each girl assigned to a cage, you may ask?

Prettiness. How pretty you are ranked in your territory determines what cage number you will get. This means that cages from 1-52 (That's how many girls were taken from my territory) will be filled with the girls from the truck I was in.

"Next!", I hear. I snap out of my haze and step forward to the table. "Name and territory," the oldest of the men ask me.

"Elenore Burns, Dewitt Territory," I responded quietly, monotone.

He looks up and smiles. Strange. He hands me a pin to put on my dress.

''You, my dear, are in cage #1."


I stood there, unable to do anything. Finally, my mouth started to move again, and I managed to breath out a small "What?"

"You heard me; be honored! You've been ranked prettiest in your territory! Now go stand by your cage. Next!", he grinned.

He thought this was good? That I was lucky? No! Now I'm going to have Males' attention on me. Being in the first cage just made it that much harder to make it to the border.

'Focus, Ellie. You can do it,' Nikita spoke to me for the first time today.

I sighed and pinned my pin to my dress. I calmly made way to my cage a little distance away, seeing other girls around me going to their cages as well. The males around us made a sort of chute, them forming two lines 10 feet apart, forcing us to walk between them so they could get a good look at us. As I walked, males from both sides kept their eyes on me, some grinning creepily and others biting their lips, cocking their heads as if to examine me. I could smell the desire rolling off their bodies in suffocating waves.

Finally, I found my cage and stood between it and the next cage to my right, about 4 feet away. I took this time to look around for Haley, and after a few minutes, I finally saw her walking in my direction.

"Haley!", I yelled, waving her over. She stopped slightly, looked around, and hurriedly made her way over to me. I engulfed her into a tight hug, wrapping my arms around her ribs. She did the same, wincing slightly from my grip.

"Sorry," I giggled. "So what cage are you?" I asked, suddenly excited.

"4," she replied with a smile. I grinned back, not wanting to ruin our good mood- even if it was for just a minute. "And you're 1!! Oh my gosh, Ellie, I knew you'd get 1! I'm so jelly," she winked at me, or at least attempted to. We both burst out giggling, clutching our stomachs from the delightful pain. I looked over and saw a group of males walking in our direction, so I quickly pushed Haley towards her cage, not wanting her to get in trouble. She noticed the males too, and shot me a sympathetic glance.

By now, almost all of the girls were by their cages, only a few were from other territories were still getting their pins. As a result, the males that were forming a chute or milling around from the tents made their way towards the cages, wanting to take a look at their options. In the group of males walking towards me, I saw 11 men, from ages 19-25, looking me up and down in my dress. I felt dirty, like a piece of meat being thrown out to Rogues.

They all stopped, forming a semicircle around me , standing only 3 feet away. I backed up, my back hitting the smooth wire.

"Well hello, little wolf. You're new, aren't you?", one with green eyes said. I nodded shyly, casting my eyes to the ground. I wrapped my arms around myself and felt my cheeks heat up. Damn.. They only chuckled, a few stepping closer.

"Is little wolf scared?" he teased, bringing his face closer to my ear, making my breath hitch from fear. A low, feral growl sounded from behind the group, making the one with green eyes back up immediately. I couldn't see who did it, but the group suddenly scattered, all going in different directions. I breathed a sigh of relief. Looking up, I saw Alpha Connall standing about 30 feet away, watching me intently.

I felt my cheeks heat up again before he turned away, walking to the platform. I glanced at Haley, and saw she had a group of males around her too.

"Females, please step into your cages and shift!", Alpha Connall boomed. All of the girls immediately obeyed, including me, I stepped into my cage and shut the door, feeling my bones break and beautiful dress rip. Such a shame..

My vision became sharper and my hearing more crisp. With it, I heard gasps around me. My wolf was one of the most rare, with my patterns of brown, tan, and black hardly seen anymore. I looked over at Haley's wolf, which was sparkling white with a black nose.

I glanced back towards the crowd of males, looking at us all in our wolf form, especially Nikita and I. Something caught my eye, and I looked up at the Platform. Alpha Connall was looking directly at me, into my eyes, into my soul. It was as if he was standing right beside me, his stare was so strong.

He then shook his head, refocusing on his task. "She-wolves, after the first bell sounds, you have 60 seconds to run. Male wolves, when the second bell sounds, you will run- including myself.", he stated with a tone of finality.This caused a disruptment in the silence. Alpha Connall had never joined in the running before; he had never found a wolf that caught his attention.

The males started chanting from 10 down to 1.

10, 9..My heart started racing like a jackrabbit.

8, 7, 6..My legs started to shake with adrenaline.

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