
*Alpha Connall's P.O.V.*

"I don't WANT to keep sending my men to the borders! I want a WAR, Gail! One where we can STOP THOSE DAMN ROGUES ONCE AND FOR ALL!" I yelled, slamming my fist down on the heavy desk in my private office, creating a web of cracks in the desk face and making papers jump into the air, gently floating to the carpet floor. My beta, Gail Moore, stands infront of my desk, in a thin T-shirt and black jeans.

"Alpha Connall! If we start a war, so many more INNOCENT lives will be taken! Do you really want that?", Gail replies exasperatingly.

"God damn it Gail ENOUGH!", I yelled, using my Alpha voice. "I dont CARE if lives are lost! This is what's best for my territory, and I will do what I feel is right!". By now, I could feel my wolf wanting to lash out, my eyes turning to a near black. I was ready to rip his head off, so I quickly strode out of the room and slammed the door, feeling satisfied as I heard the door-frame crack. I went down the many corridors of my mansion, and out the backdoor into the woods.

Whenever Gail or one of my other pack members make me mad, I come out here,change into my wolf, and run into these woods, bumping trees and kicking up moss as I go. God, the soil feels so good under my feet when I'm in wolf form.

'Hurry up, dumbass! I wanna RUN!' my wolf, Xander, yells at me. Obviously, he loves it too.

I take off sprinting to the treeline, feeling my bones crack and clothes rip as I go. By the time I'm in the trees, I've already changed into my wolf, muscles bulging and moving under my Midnight Black coat. My ears turn, listening to the sounds around me as I run, listening for any rogues.


'Where are we going?', Xander asks me, enjoying the feeling of his paws slamming into the rich black soil.

'Does it matter?,' I snapped. Gail was lucky I didn't do anything but scream at him. If he wasn't my most trusted pack member, I would've snapped his neck right then and there, savoring the feeling of his lifeless body in my arms.

Yea, I might seem like a heartless bastard, and it might be true, but I'll do what's best for this pack, and if getting rid of ignorant people that make their Alpha angry, so be it.

As I run, pulling up dirt and rocks with my heavy paws, I smell something..sweet.

What's that smell? It's not cakes or food..

I slowed my stride to a jog, then a walk, slowly emerging from the woods to see two girls walking towards the stands in the poor part of town. One of the girls had long wavy blonde hair, and the other.. wow

The second girl had dark chocolate hair, curling over her shoulders and ending by her slim waist. She wore a light blue dress that hugged her hips and waist, and had a heart neckline that showed little cleavage. She suddenly started laughing with the blonde girl, her laughter sounding like tinkering bells.

'Find out who she is!', Xander practically screamed in my mind. Why was he this excited?

I softly stepped back into the trees, following the 2 girls on the road, which was parallel to the woodline. As I watched the 2 girls walk into a small vegetable stand, I decided to make my move.

Hurriedly, I grabbed a pair of pants and a random shirt from a clothesline next to the trees I was hiding in with my canines, trotted behind a tree, and slipped into my new clothes once I changed back into my human form.


I walked out of the woods, back straight, head held high. People all around me gasped, immediately bowing their heads into submission and respect. Without glancing at the villagers around me, I strode over to the small stand the 2 girls were at and stood at the front where their small selection was . . I saw the Brunette with her back to me, picking up a crate of potatoes.

Suddenly, her back went rigid, her fingers freezing on the handles of the crate. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as she cautiously, almost frightenedly, turned around to see me looking her straight in the eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes..

Her mouth went slack, those bright orbs going impossibly wide, before she finally came to her senses and bowed her head to me, out of both fear and respect. I could feel the tension rolling off of her body, lapping at my arms seductively.

"A-Alpha Connall, please forgive me. I-I wasn't expecting you to be there. P-please forgive me," she studdered, her hands shaking from the powerful Alpha standing before her, just on the other side of the wire racks and onions.

Why am I feeling like this? All I want to do is hold her and tell her not to be afraid. But I cant do that. If I do, I'll seem weak infront of my pack members, and I cant let that happen. No matter how..insignificant they are.

Wait, why did I come anyway? Just to see her face again? Get OUT of there Tiberius!

Alarms rung off in my head, telling me I was looking weak, standing infront of a group of peasants, just staring at a young beautiful girl.

Out of nowhere, a man probably around the age of 22 walked up to the young woman infront of me and put an arm around her shoulders, gripping her lovingly and protectively . He looked up at me, us being nearly the same height, but me way more muscular.

"Alpha Connall, pleasure to see you here. I'm Isaac Burns, sir. Can I help you with anything?" he asked with a blank face. This made me angry, but I suppressed the feeling of wanting to punch his white teeth into his face. The girl was still standing there, leaning against Isaac, with her head down in submission.

"You. What is your name?" I asked her with an air of authority. She looked up right away, almost whispering, "E-Elenore. Elenore Burns."

Xander was jumping for joy right now, both because she talked to us, and Isaac and her were only brother and sister, nothing more.

"Are you going to the running tomorrow, Elenore?", I inquired again, with a neutral stare in her direction.

"Yes, Alpha. T-tomorrow is my first year attending.", she managed to squeak out.

This caught my attention immediately, because I know from experience that many male wolves will be tying to get their paws on her. The thought made my stomach quiver, and fists tighten. I instantly calmed down, though, knowing I will be there tomorrow also.

"Well, Elenore, good luck tomorrow," I replied and I started to walk away, just then realizing every villager there was still staring at me with wide eyes.

*Elenore's POV.*

I watched his figure recede past the crowds of villagers before I heard him say one last thing:

You're going to need it.

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