《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[13] Control
"You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway."
♰ ♰ ♰
Scott helps Derek out from underneath the Hale house, where he was being tortured. Derek pushes Scott's arm off and stops. Scott tries to continue but pauses as Derek speaks up, his voice cutting through the silence of the woods.
"Hey. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Something doesn't feel right." Derek exclaims, out of breath.
"What do you mean?" Scott asks, surveying the forest around them.
"I don't know. It's - it's kind of like it's-" Scott cuts Derek off.
"No, don't say 'too easy'. People say 'too easy' and bad things happen. What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy." Scott shouts back.
"Fine. You're right." Derek rolls his eyes.
"Thank you," Scott says, taking a breath.
Derek is knocked back by an arrow hitting him in the shoulder, the whistling of an arrow makes Scott jump. Derek falls to the ground, already weak. Scott follows where the arrow came from and his face drops, seeing Allison holding the bow and arrow, Kate hovering next to her. Derek stumbles to get back up.
"Now the leg," Kate instructs, and Allison releases the arrow. It flies into Derek's leg, knocking him back down. "Flash bolt." Kate orders and Allison readies the flash bolt.
"Scott, your eyes!" Derek warns, writhing in pain.
"Now." This is all Scott hears before a flash bolt explodes behind him, stunning him, and dropping him to the ground.
Derek snaps the fletching of the arrows off, groaning in pain before grabbing Scott.
"Get up! Let's go!" Derek shouts, dragging Scott out of the firing line.
"Natural talent." Kate praises, before the two chase the injured wolves down. Derek falls outside the Hale house.
"Scott, go!" Derek demands, but Scott is still disoriented from the flash bolt and falls to the ground.
"Allison, I can explain." He calls out, watching as Allison walks him down, bow sheathed.
"Stop lying. For once stop lying." She snaps, watching as Scott tries to scurry away.
"I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal. I was gonna tell you everything. Because everything that I said, everything that I did-"
"Was to protect me." Allison finishes.
"Yes." Scott breathes out.
"I don't believe you." Allison forces out through the lump in her throat, tears welling in her eyes.
"Thank God. Now, shoot him before I have to shoot myself." Kate speaks from the tree line, walking towards the two wolves. Allison looks at her shocked.
"You - you said we were just gonna catch them?"
"We did that. Now we're gonna kill them." She orders, firing a shot into Derek's chest. Allison's face falls in horror. "See? Not that hard. Oh, no - I know that look. That's the 'you're gonna have to do it yourself' look." Kate smiles and shakes her head in disappointment, before taking her gun and aiming a Scott. Allison grabs her Aunt's arm that was holding the gun.
"Kate! Kate, what are you doing?" Allison panics, but Kate shakes her off and pushes her to the ground harshly. Scott looks at Allison worried, before meeting Kate's eyes as she trains the gun on him.
"I love those brown eyes." She smirks as Scott takes a deep breath in preparation for what was about to happen.
"Kate! I know what you did! Put the gun down!" Chris shouts, approaching the scene. Kate turns her head to her brother and frowns.
"I did what I was told to do."
"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human." He shouts, looking at the remnants of the Hale house. Kate returns her eyes to Scott. "Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a 16-year-old boy with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code - 'nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent.'"
"We hunt those who hunt us." Allison breathes out.
Kate ignores him and slowly pulls down on the trigger, her finger getting ready to pull. Chris pulls his gun, sights trained on his sister. She turns to face him, surprised at his gall.
"Put the gun down." He demands again, but when Kate still ignores him, he fires a shot into the tree beside her. Kate looks over to the bullet hole in shock. "Before I put you down." He warns and Kate slowly lowers the gun.
Scott breathes heavily as the gun is finally moved away. The sound of creaking wood pulls away Chris' attention and he looks to the Hale house to see the front door slowly open.
"Allison, get back." He demands as Kate and Chris re-focus their guns on the Hale door. Scott stands up and moves back at the sight.
"What is it?" Allison fearfully lets out.
"It's the Alpha," Scott explains, his eyes a yellow glow.
Peter runs from the front door, in his full wolf form, taunting the group as he runs circles around them. Peter first knocks down Chris and then Allison, causing them to drop their weapons. Kate tries to keep her gun trained on the Alpha, but jumps back as Scott is thrown to the ground by red energy.
She watches as Isabel emerges from the darkness of the Hale house. Glowing red eyes and cradling balls of blood-red chaos in her hands, her stance showing she was ready to fight. Kate's face drops at the sight of the young girl.
"Are you kidding me?!" Kate shouts angrily, training her gun on Isabel.
She watches as the ginger girl tilts her head at her, almost tauntingly. Kate shakes her head before squeezing the trigger without another second of hesitation - firing a shot at the teen.
It hits Isabel in the shoulder but she doesn't flinch and she remains on the Hale doorstep, which angers Kate further. Within seconds the blood trickles down her skin, another wound adorning her body.
"Come on! Come on!" Kate screams at the young witch, attempting not to look at the wound she had just caused.
With Kate distracted by Isabel, Peter grabs the gun in Kate's hand - causing another shot to go off in the sky. Kate groans in pain at Peter's grasp, before Peter breaks Kate's hand that was holding the gun and she screams in pain.
He grips at Kate's throat before throwing her onto the wooden floor at Isabel's feet. Isabel slowly crouches down in front of Kate, grasping at her face, red tendrils encasing Kate's skin.
It burns her skin causing her to let out painful screams. Allison quickly sits up at the sound of her Aunt screaming and watches in horror.
"Isabel! No!" She screams, but it doesn't stop her.
Peter menacingly approaches the two women on the Hale doorstep, before finally calling off Isabel's attack. Peter grabs Kate by her throat and takes her into the Hale house.
Allison scrambles up from the ground, following the ginger girl she called her best friend, into the dark Hale house. Allison rounds the corner to see Peter holding Kate, claws at her neck, Isabel stood guard in front.
Her red glowing eyes taunt Allison to try and move further. Allison looks at Isabel to see the red tendrils dancing around her body. She looks closer, noticing her body covered in blood.
Her eyes are drawn to the multiple wounds on her body - her throat with claw marks that drew blood and the giant wound on her thigh that didn't seem to end, blood had run down her leg.
Tears well in her eyes as she gasps in shock, shaking her head at the sight but trying not to focus on the bullet wound her Aunt had inflicted. With another look into her best friend's eyes, she knew it wasn't her Isabel.
"She is beautiful, Kate. She looks like you. Probably not as damaged." Peter insults, his voice echoing around the empty house.
Kate and Allison share a terrified look. Isabel frowns at the Argent girl, almost like she had recognized her for a second before falling back into her trance.
"So, I'm going to give you a chance to save her. Apologize. Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it - And I'll let her live." Peter finishes, tearfully.
For a moment, Kate says nothing and all that is heard is her ragged breathing. She looks at Allison's fearful face as Isabel takes a step closer and clenches her eyes shut.
"I'm sorry." She forces out, causing Isabel to stop.
Peter pauses, before clawing out her throat viciously, and Allison screams in horror. Kate is thrown to the ground, forced to relive Peter's memories of the fire that she had caused as she bleeds out on the ground. Peter breathes in relief as he watches the blood drain from her body, then re-focuses his attention on the youngest Argent.
"I don't know about you, Allison, but that apology-" Peter starts, and Allison trembles as Isabel begins to stalk toward her again. "-didn't sound very sincere." Peter watches Isabel, ordering her to kill the youngest Argent, but Scott arrives and takes his attention.
He places himself in front of the young huntress protectively. Isabel instead focuses on Scott, while Peter slightly turns his head to see Derek coming out from the shadows.
"Run!" Scott commands Allison, and she sprints off in fear.
Scott lunges past Isabel - instead of going for Peter while Derek tries to sneak behind and attack Isabel, but as Peter knew he was there - she easily moves out of the way. Peter throws Scott to the ground and watches as Derek attacks Isabel.
Scott uses this moment to jump onto Peter's back, but he just slams him to the ground again. Allison escapes the house, rushing over to her father outside who still hadn't moved.
"Dad. Dad. Dad." She repeats, shaking his body with tears in her eyes as she feared for the worst.
Derek tries to attack Isabel again but she encases his body in her tendrils, throwing him face-first to the wooden ground. Scott sees this and panics as Derek doesn't move for a second.
"Derek?!" He shouts. Derek shakes his head at the beta.
He needs to snap Isabel out of it. She needs to regain control and destroy the bond.
Peter grabs Scott as he tries to tackle him and holds him in place; kicking him in the abdomen before throwing him against the wall and trying to claw at him. Scott ducks down avoiding the attack, and swaps places, throwing Peter against the wall.
Peter throws his elbow back, before grabbing the young beta and starts to suffocate him. Scott uses this moment to punch at Peter, causing him to partially transform. He punches again, revealing his transformed face.
Peter throws Scott at the opposite wall, beginning his transformation, his clothes ripping off as his body. Derek uses the moment to try and get through to Isabel.
"Don't you remember?!" Derek grunts out, as he's hit with another painful blast. "Remember your anchor! Remember to find you!" He shouts, turning his head to see Peter fully transformed.
Isabel ignores him and continues to barrage him with attacks.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Hey, hey, hey. This isn't exactly an all-terrain vehicle." Jackson complains as they make their way to the Hale house.
"Yeah. Did you pay for it?" Stiles snaps and Jackson sighs.
"Then shut up. I've got other things to worry about than your Porsche."
♰ ♰ ♰
Scott is thrown out of the window by Isabel, streaks of red following him through the air as he hits the ground harshly in front of Allison. Peter follows through the window that Isabel blasted Scott out of and grabs the teen by the collar, raising him off the ground before roaring in his face. Scott kicks off of the giant wolf's body, knocking him back against the house's foundation.
Derek lays on the ground inside the house and Isabel tauntingly approaches, reaching her blood-red hands out to his throat as she hovers on top of him. Derek braces himself before he makes one last attempt.
"It's him isn't it?" He coughs out blood. "It's Stiles!" He shouts.
Isabel freezes, and Derek watches the energy swirl around her fingertips - inches from his face.
"It's Stiles." He states, with a deep breath. He feels the heat from her magic start to burn at his skin. "He's your anchor." He realizes.
Isabel flinches at his words, grabbing at her head and falling back onto the ground in pain.
"Think of Stiles!" He commands as he crawls back to the wall. "Think of everything you have been through."
Isabel lets out a scream - absorbing the energy back into her body as it burns her insides; writhing on the ground in pain as blood trickles out of her nose and ears.
Peter stands back up as headlights blind him, Stiles and Jackson clambering out of the car and throwing a makeshift self-igniting molotov cocktail that Lydia had taught them back at the school, except Peter catches it in his hand.
"Oh, damn," Stiles whispers, in fear.
Everyone is distracted by the harsh sound of Isabel's scream echoing through the Hale house. Scott uses this moment to look around and his eyes catch sight of Allison's bow lay just ahead of him. He scurries forward and grabs the bow.
"Allison!" Scott shouts, throwing her bow to her, she catches it easily.
She kneels and aims, before noticing Peter is now aiming right for her with the cocktail and freezes in fear.
"No!" Scott shouts, seeing what was happening.
"Hey, Peter!" A feminine voice shouts, and everyone turns to see Isabel, her nose and ears still dripping with blood as she stands in the Hale doorway; red chaos dripping down from her hands as it oozes out of her body. She takes aim. "I'm in control now."
Isabel throws a red ball of chaos, shattering the Molotov in Peter's hand setting fire to his arm. Stiles watches in amazement as Isabel regains her control. Peter tries to shake off the flames, but they continuously climb his arm like wildfire. Isabel leans up against the door, her head throbbing in pain as she finally feels all of the chaos and her wounds joint together.
Jackson takes the opportunity to throw the next cocktail, it smashes against his chest setting Peter's body alight. Peter lets out an anguished scream and as he attempts to flee, Isabel watches and uses what remaining energy she has left to throw him back onto the ground.
He writhes on the ground, and the group watches in horror as Peter transforms back into his human form; grotesquely covered in burns once again. He falls back onto the forest ground in pain.
Isabel slowly makes it down the Hale steps, and Stiles rushes towards her. He catches her body as she begins to collapse from exhaustion. He holds her body up, pushing her hair away from her sweat-covered forehead. He stares into her droopy eyes, as he gives a breathless laugh before she closes them.
"You did it." He whispers proudly, "You took control."
He wipes at the blood dripping from her nose with his sleeve that was already covered in her dry blood. He looks at her with a worried face as she doesn't respond.
"Izzy?" He asks as she leans all her weight onto him.
He holds her face close, trying to shake her gently, but she doesn't respond. He looks over her body, spotting a bullet wound in her shoulder that was still bleeding, and feels the internal panic set in.
Derek exits from the house watching Isabel in Stiles' arms limp, as he approaches his now burnt again Uncle and crouching over his body. Scott watches before scrambling toward them as he watches him extend his claws out, understanding what was about to happen.
"Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family - what am I supposed to do?"
"You've - already - decided. I can smell it on you!" Peter groans out, staring into his nephew's eyes. Derek raises his hand, and Scott watches in horror.
"Wait! No, no! Don't!" Scott yells. Derek slashes Peter's throat, allowing the blood to spurt on his face.
"I'm the Alpha now," Derek announces, flashing his red eyes to the teens behind him.
- End256 Chapters
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