《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[11] Formality
"Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us."
♰ ♰ ♰
Stiles drives Isabel round to the McCall house the next morning, and the two find Scott frantically searching around his room. He tells the two that he lost his phone and Stiles helps search as Isabel rings Scott's number. No ringtone can be heard in the house, and Scott lets out a frustrated groan.
"Call it again." He demands.
"It's not here." Isabel sighs, before taking a seat. Scott shakes his head but remains silent. Stiles huffs.
"Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" Stiles shrugs before taking a seat next to Isabel.
"I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek." Scott explains frantically before continuing to rush around the room, pulling things off of his shelves to look behind them.
"Well, "A", you're not alone. You have us. And "B", didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead." Stiles concluded as Isabel gives a sad look at his words.
"Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha - they're not gonna kill him." Scott determines, and Stiles rolls his eyes.
"All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to get Peter - problem solved."
"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek! I can't protect her on my own. Which means we either find Derek first - just - just help me!" Scott begs, and Isabel stands to help him search around the room. Stiles doesn't move.
"You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that when he was trying to kill you after you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" Stiles exclaims. Scott turns to Stiles frustrated.
"He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die." Scott reasons, his decision final.
"Could you at least think about letting him die? For me?" Isabel turns and throws one of Scott's shoes at Stiles. "What?!" Scott shushes the two.
"My mom just got home from work."
"Is she okay? What's she doing?" Isabel asks, moving closer to Scott. Scott closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Crying." He answers, sadly. Isabel gives him a sympathetic look, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
"Scott, you can't protect everyone." Stiles speaks quietly. Scott shakes his head looking between the two.
"I have to."
♰ ♰ ♰
Allison and Isabel stand at her locker, and both jump as a sweaty Jackson pops up beside them. Allison gives a small laugh as Isabel looks at him in shock.
"Hey, what time should I pick you up for the dance tomorrow?" Jackson breathes out, looking terrified.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I - I'm great. I'm just excited to go to the formal. With you. As friends. Just friends. Just - just friends." Jackson stutters out, and the two girls share a laugh.
Isabel wasn't on talking terms with Jackson after what he did to Lydia, but Lydia still loved and cared for him. She wouldn't allow Isabel to be too harsh on him.
Allison hooks arms with Isabel as they walk off with Jackson, Isabel listening as the two discuss what time he would pick her up. Stiles and Scott watch from a distance.
"Hey, don't worry. I'll still be there." Stiles reassures as they watch the three walk off.
"I'm still going." Scott insists.
"Is that such a good idea? Do you even have a date?"
"Not yet. Do you?" Scott returns.
"Not yet." Stiles mumbles out, "Do you have a suit?" He continues.
"Not yet."
"Do you have a ticket to the formal? A ride there?" Stiles quizzes, causing Scott to drop his head.
"No. And no." Scott sighs.
"So you're gonna ride your bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to without a date, a suit, or a way in with werewolves and werewolf hunters all out to kick your little werewolf ass." Stiles hypothesized, flailing his arms around.
"Yeah. You gonna help me?" Scott looks at his best friend expectantly.
"Hell, yeah." Stiles laughs.
♰ ♰ ♰
Allison, Lydia, and Isabel make their way into the shopping mall, and Lydia gives Allison a suspicious look.
"Nothing's wrong, I just - I have a lot on my mind." Allison breathes out to the older of the girls.
"You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, "Don't frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile"? Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress." Lydia grins, Isabel laughs to herself as this was Lydia's idea of an apology for kissing Scott.
"Have to admit as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected."
"Excellent." Lydia smiles. Allison turns to Isabel and gives her a smirk.
"Do you have a date yet?" She questions Isabel, who blushes as Lydia and Allison stare at her.
"Uh- no." She says, as the three step off the escalator and into the Macy's store. "Not yet."
"What? I got you a date with one of the lacrosse team players, remember?" Lydia reminds and Allison shakes her head.
"No way. You're going to cancel on whatever dumb, roided - up jock Lydia set you up with and you're going to go with somebody else." Allison smiles, as Lydia rolls her eyes - they were going to go together with two of the lacrosse team members.
"Who?" Lydia asks, wondering how Allison could set her up with anyone better than she already had.
"Him." Allison points, making the two Martin's look over at Stiles, who sprays perfume in his face - making him sneeze continuously.
Lydia looks disgusted as Isabel holds in a laugh at Stiles' cute reaction. Allison gently pushes Isabel forward in his direction, as a red blush fills her cheeks.
"Hey, Stiles." She greets happily. Stiles jumps at her voice before giving a huge grin back.
"Izzy, hi- you- uh, didn't see that right?" He scratches the back of his neck, trying to act casual. She holds back her laugh and shakes her head.
"Saw what?" She plays and Stiles breathes a sigh of relief. He stares at her for a second before his face falls.
"You totally saw that didn't you?" He sighs again.
"Totally." She giggles, before continuing. "I was wondering, would you go to the formal with me?" She blurts and Stiles' mouth drops before he quickly nods his head.
"Yes!" He exclaims before covering it up with a cough, "Yeah," he repeats, this time at a normal volume. "Of course, I would love to go with you."
"Great," Lydia speaks up from behind, Stiles looks behind Isabel to see her older cousin. "But if you are going with Isabel you need my approval first." She demands, before pulling Stiles around the store like a lap dog. Isabel smiles and shakes her head, before watching Stiles carry a pile of dresses for Lydia. Allison laughs with her.
"Oh - okay, so are you just gonna try these on right now? All of them? Is this a 24 hour Macy's?" Stiles calls out, following Lydia. Isabel and Allison leave the two to look for their own dresses.
Allison picks up a blue dress, and looks at it against her body in the mirror, before spotting a man watching them both in the back. He moves forward to Allison, until he is right next to her, and in-between the two girls.
"That's not your color. Sorry if that was intrusive, but - considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter." Peter explains to Allison, Isabel's head snaps back at the sound of his voice. Peter gives her a sinister smile. She takes a deep breath.
"Because I'm pale?" Allison responds, and Isabel has to remind herself that Allison didn't know.
"Fair. I mean, you can't call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect." Peter comments, causing Allison to give a slightly uncomfortable laugh. Isabel watches him closely. "Trust me, I have a unique perspective on the subject." Peter then turns to Isabel, and where she was standing with a blood-red dress. He grins at her color choice. "That color suits you perfectly. Do you mind?" He asks, but Isabel knows that it wasn't a question.
She watches him closely as he takes her hand, and places the blood-red fabric next to her hand - as if judging the color to her chaos.
"Yes, it's perfect." He grins, before releasing her hand. "Shopping for dresses with friends. Let me guess. High school dance?"
"Formal." Allison corrects, and Peter smiles at her.
"Attention shoppers. To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate -"
"Did she just say a blue Mazda?" Allison questions.
"-5768. Your car is being towed -"
"Oh! That's my car." Allison calls out, before grabbing Isabel's hand and taking her away.
"I have to say, Scott, I continue to be impressed with your ingenuity. Just remember - You can't be everywhere all the time." Peter snarls.
♰ ♰ ♰
Stiles pulls up outside the Martin's house, before building up the courage to get out of the car. He takes a deep breath before exiting, and slowly makes his way up to Isabel's house.
He takes another breath before fixing his suit and finally knocking on the door. His breath is knocked right back out of him as Isabel opens the door, a blood-red dress adorning her body, and Stiles can't help but stare. She meets his eyes and smiles sheepishly.
"Hey," She greets, "Is it too much?" Stiles immediately shakes his head.
"No! No-no. It's gorgeous - You- You are gorgeous." He stutters out, Isabel lets out a small laugh. "You look beautiful." He breathes out. "Not that you don't every day!" He continues to ramble. "Because you do-"
Isabel reaches up and places her lips on Stiles' cheek, successfully ending his ramblings. His cheeks flush a dark red as she moves back. He coughs and shakes his head, before holding out his hand for Isabel to take.
She takes it gratefully, before shutting the door. Stiles escorts her to his Jeep and opens the passenger door for her to get in. She smiles as Stiles runs round to the driver's side, and gives her a beaming smile back before driving off to the school.
♰ ♰ ♰
Stiles pulls open the door for Isabel, and she takes his hand to get out of the car. She turns at the sound of heels and sees Lydia standing next to her with one of the lacrosse team not far behind; looking uninterested.
Isabel smiles at her, but Lydia doesn't return it, only sighs. Allison and Jackson make their way up and as Jackson passes Lydia watches him longingly.
"Jackson. You look handsome." She compliments, and Jackson turns his head and scoffs.
"Obviously. It's Hugo Boss." He gloats, before continuing into the formal.
Allison gives Lydia and Isabel a wave as she follows Jackson. Lydia takes a deep breath, and Isabel places a comforting hand on her arm.
"I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark." She mumbles to herself. Stiles watches the two sadly.
"Well, I think you look beautiful." Stiles compliments and Isabel sends him a smile. Lydia looks up with glossy eyes.
"Really?" She questions and Stiles nods in confirmation.
Isabel heads into the dance with Stiles and Lydia's date. Isabel tries to keep Lydia in high spirits during the dance, but when she notices Allison and Jackson dancing she feels Lydia's heart sink. She turns to look at Lydia, confused at how she knew what Lydia was feeling.
"You wanna dance?" Stiles turns to Isabel, with a smile, but his voice sounds nervous. She smiles back before looking toward Lydia, who watches the interaction with a raised brow and her smile falters.
"Uh- I don't know." Isabel trails off, not wanting to leave Lydia alone as her date had already run off elsewhere. Stiles looks between the two cousins and stands.
"You know what? Let me try that again. Isabel - get off your cute little ass and dance with me now." He demands, Isabel turns to Stiles and gives a laugh.
She shakes her head before standing, placing her hand in Stiles' and leading him to the dance floor. Lydia watches in awe as Stiles pumps his fist in the air as Isabel leads him into the crowd.
Lydia longed for that type of love.
"McCall! You're not supposed to - What the hell are you do - What the hell are you doing?" Everyone hears Coach yell throughout the dance.
The band stops playing due to the commotion and everyone turns to see Coach yelling a Scott - who was dancing with Danny.
"Yes, coach?" Scott asks, innocently.
Coach looks around at the shocked and angry faces of teenagers. He raises his hands in surrender, shaking his head frantically.
"Okay, ho - ho - ho - haha. Hold on, you - I was just saying he's not supposed to - I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't - You guys don't think - You don't - I - I was - Just dance, everybody. Just dance! Dance! It's a party!" Coach panics, before running off. The band starts back up with a different song, this time a slow song.
Isabel and Stiles share a look as he places his hands on her waist, pulling her closer and she loops her arms around his neck. Stiles takes a deep breath at how close they are, before trying to calm himself down. Isabel places her head on his racing chest, and the two rock back and forth, holding each other for the song.
Isabel feels Stiles' eyes burning into her skull, and raises her head to look into his eyes. Her heart skips a beat as they stare into each other's eyes before she watches his eyes flicker down to her lips. She takes a breath before placing a hand on his cheek, and the two move closer, connecting their lips in a kiss.
They part slightly, and they both let out a low laugh. Stiles raises his hand and tucks a piece of her red hair behind her ear before connecting their lips again passionately as Isabel runs a hand through Stiles' short hair.
Scott and Allison dance nearby, and Scott nudges Allison to look behind her at their kissing best-friends. Scott and Allison smile before connecting their lips in a kiss.
After a while, Isabel looks back over to the table where Lydia was sitting - only to see she is not there. She furrows her brows and looks over to see Scott and Allison dancing, no Jackson insight. Isabel sighs, realizing Lydia must've gone after Jackson.
"You okay?" Stiles asks quietly, and Isabel looks back toward his face.
"Just - need to take a little break." She responds but Stiles looks back at the table where Lydia was no longer sitting. He cups her cheek, pulling her eyes up to his.
"You mean you need to go find Lydia. I get it." He smiles, before allowing her to walk off into the crowd and out of the door.
Isabel walks into the school hallway, catching a glimpse of Lydia's strawberry blond hair as she turns around a corner.
"Lyd!" She shouts, and Lydia pauses, giving Isabel a sheepish look. "It's ok, I know you want to find Jackson, I'm gonna help you." She smiles and Lydia pulls her cousin in for a tight hug.
Lydia suggests they check the lacrosse field, and leads the way, shouting for Jackson's name as they make their way onto the field.
♰ ♰ ♰
After a few minutes, Stiles leaves into the hallway and attempts to call Isabel's phone. He looks at the phone confused as it goes to voicemail but puts the phone away as he spots Jackson stumbling into the hall.
"Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia ever find you? Or Isabel?" Stiles breathes out but looks up to see Jackson's worried expression. "What? What's wrong?" Stiles slowly lets out.
"I - I was out behind the school, and I - I was - out -" Jackson stammers. Stiles squints his eyes at Jackson, concerned.
"What happened?" He asks, "Jackson. What did you do?" He continues lowly, clenching his jaw as Jackson just stares, a worried look on his face.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Jackson!" Lydia shouts, and Isabel follows behind.
The two girls hold onto their arms to try and keep themselves warm in the cold air of the night. The stadium lights turn on one by one, and Lydia and Isabel squint to try and look at the figure making its way toward them on the field.
"Jackson, is that you?" Lydia asks, breathless from the cold.
"Jackson?" Isabel repeats, this time louder.
"Izzy! Run!" Lydia and Isabel hear Stiles scream, and turn to see him sprinting toward them on the field.
"Stiles? What-" Isabel begins to shout back until she hears Lydia scream.
She turns back - only to see Lydia fall to the ground; covered in her blood. She looks up to see Peter standing over her limp body.
Without thinking she pushes her arms forward, throwing all her anger toward Peter. He flies back onto the field with a laugh, and he gets back up and stares at the witch. Isabel positions herself between Peter and Lydia's body, not brave enough to look down at her.
"Izzy! Run! Now!" Stiles continues to scream, but Isabel holds her ground.
She protectively stands over Lydia as she takes fearful deep breaths. The burn coursing through her veins as blood-red magic pours out of her hands uncontrollably.
"Well," Peter drawls, "Look who learned some new tricks. I wasn't expecting that." He chuckles lowly. "Except we both know who is really in control here, right? Oh wait; you don't remember do you?" He smirks. "I told you that dress was perfect."
Isabel's eyes well up in tears. Peter motions for her to come forward, and her body does as he commands, the tears fall down her cheeks.
"No!" Stiles shouts, watching as Isabel hands herself over.
Peter places his arm around Isabel's waist, his other clawed hand trailing down her soft cheek to feel the wet tears.
"Don't-don't kill her. Please." Stiles begs as he falls to the ground next to Lydia to check if she is alive. He spots the bite adorning her skin and he sucks in a deep breath.
Not again.
"Of course not." Peter chuckles, knowing he can use Isabel as leverage. "Just tell me how to find Derek." Stiles watches as Lydia's blood drips down from Peter's chin onto Isabel's neck and cringes at the sight.
"W - what?" Stiles stutters out. Peter's face falls, now serious.
"Tell me how to find Derek Hale," Peter demands, watching as Stiles' eyes follow his claws down Isabel's face, tears staining her cheeks.
"I don't know that. How would I know that?" Stiles cries out.
"Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth-" He calls out, "Or I will rip her apart." He threatens, dragging his claws down to Isabel's neck.
Stiles' breath hitches as he watches. "Look - Look, I don't know, okay? I sw - I swear to god, I have no idea." Stiles panics.
"Tell me!" Peter shouts, drawing blood from Isabel's neck.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Stiles exclaims, breathing heavily. "Look, I - I think he knew-"
"Knew what?" Peter cuts off, holding his claws into Isabel's neck.
"Derek, I think he - I think he knew he was gonna be caught."
"By the Argents?" Peter breathes out. Stiles nods. "And?"
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