《His painful rejection》chapter 9/ A date gone wrong


"Okay and there," Lucy said as she added the final touches to my makeup.

After returning from the mall Lucy set out to make me look perfect for the night out with Hunter which by the way I still don't know where we are going. And to tell you the truth it's starting to annoy the hell out of me.

"Thank you Lucy for this but why all the fanciness?" maybe now she will answer

"Nope my lips are sealed," spoke to soon.

"Uh, fine will have to find that out on my own. Won't I?"

"Ding, ding, ding we have a winner!"

"You know what just leave Lucy," I said as I pointed to the room door.

"Don't hate me I just don't want to get in trouble with Hunter that guy can really scare the shit out of me sometimes," she said with a chuckle.

I nodded and turned to face the mirror. I looked natural but pretty I got to give Lucy props for this? If it hadn't been for her I wouldn't know the difference between mascara and eyeliner. Slipping onto the beautiful knee high black dress and matching high heels I couldn't help and admire the lovely silky fabric.

After spinning for a couple of minutes a few glasses of wine I was ready for whatever Hunter had in mind. But he hadn't even came to change yet and I wasn't allowed to leave my room. But why?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my room door. Opening the door I saw Jake waiting there. He smiled when he saw me and I smiled back.

"The car awaits Luna," he said.

I nodded and followed him down the stairs. Why didn't Hunter some for me why did he have to send his beta? I swear that man is more confusing than a fifteen year old girl trying to choose a theme for her sixteenth birthday party.

And as I walked out I saw why Hunter leaned on his beautiful back Ferrari withal tuxedo that fit his nice and hot body perfectly. What can't I think of my mate that way?

I swear damn can we skip dinner and jump to desert. Like damn that boy is middy fine I swear! Okay Kristen calm your ass down.

I smiled and walked up to a now smirking Hunter.

"So can I know why all the fancy things?" he just shook his head and smirked.

Oh home I wish to wipe that smirk of his face and beat his ass down. How hard is it to tell the person what you gonna do. But I know he won't tell me and I want to know so I have to duck it up and fake a smile.

"Fine can we go now?"

"After you my lady," he said opening the door and letting out a chuckle.

I forced a smile and looked at him, "thank you Hunter," I said throw gritting teeth.

"You are so welcome love," humor clearly in his voice.

I nodded and entered the car.


For some odd reason Hunter didn't want me to know where we were going so he blindfolded me. And if you think I'm okay without then clearly you haven't paid much attention to the story.

Because I wasn't I am a curious person by nature putting a blindfold on me multiplies my curiosity and my annoyance. Something that Hunter knows, yet does on purpose. Like who does that? Oh I know who, Hunter!

"Okay we arrived," he said.

"Thank you now can I take of the blind fold?"

"Nope, I will lead you to The place"

I huffed and laid back on the car seat. Stupid mate!

"Hey I heard that next time block the mind link," he said with a chuckle.

'Next time block the mind link. Stupid mind link stupid mate,' I thought to myself.

"Still heard that," he said as he opened my door and picked me up.

"Shut up Hunter before I put my foot up your ass," I hissed.

"Shish, kitten got some issues don't ya think?"

"Hunter do you ever want to speak again?" I asked evilly.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well you better hold your tongue before I rip it out," I said with an evil smirk.

He stayed quiet after that. Good he is learning actually should have learned by now. Like seriously two years knowing me yet he goes what I hate the most.

If he doesn't get his act straight he is going to get a one way trip to punch town population him!

I felt him set me down and took of my blind fold.

"Okay you can open your eyes now," he said.

You don't have to tell me twice. What I saw was amazing he made an outdoor dinner for us. Candle lights lit up the night and we were under The moonlight. Our plates had recently been served seeing as how the steam still came out of the delicious smelling food.

We walked to the table and Hunter pulled out The fair for me to sit. I smiled and sat down. He had taken the small hidden lake that I would come as a child with my family and made it into a beautiful moon light dinner it almost seemed fairytale like.

"Do you like it?" he asked with an adorable smile.

"I love it thank you Hunter,"

He took my hand and gave it a kiss," Anything for my goddess," he said as he looked up at me.

Tears welled up in my eyes he is perfect. Hunter is the mate I always wanted. Now I understand why my grandmother would give me two mate she knew the pain I would pass.

I thank her for giving me Hunter for giving me a second chance at love.

We ate and talked and well laughed at how we couldn't get the grapes in our mouths I came close you know if hitting his eye was close but hey at least this time it hit his face.

We laughed until we could no more. Hunter took out his IPhone and put on a slow song on. He stretched out his hand for me to take. I took it and he pulled me towards him. we slowly danced there as Hunter held me in his arms.


I felt like that same day he found me I felt safe in his arms and I didn't want this to end this was blissful. His scent was perfect and I couldn't get enough of it.

He pulled away only to take my lips in his own. Sparks flew and I was on cloud nine could things get any better.

He smiled at me and turned the music of.

"Kristen I want you to know I love you and I have always loved you since the first day I laid eyes on you when I found you in my territory. You're the love of my life the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one to bare my mark and have my pups," he stopped and kneeled down on one knee.

I gasped knowing what he intended to do. I always wanted this to happen but didn't know when it would. He was proposing!

He took a small red box out of his tuxedo jacket and opened it to reveal a beautiful ring with a gold band and a diamond shaped as a wolf face. It was breathtaking.

"It's rare and unique like you. They call it the gem of the goddess no other ring is like this diamond was found like this and I wanted it for you," he smiled and took my hand.

"Would you do me the honor of being my wife? And my Luna?" he asked.

"I-" I was interrupted by the sound of a branch breaking.

Hunter stood up quickly. He pushed me in back of him and growled at whoever it was.

At first the scent wasn't clear but as I began to think about it I understood. Fear washed over me they were going to hurt Hunter I couldn't let them.

Ten wolves came out two of every direction we were cornered nothing we could do. They were small wolfs but these don't play fair and I should know after all they were part of the plan to kill my parents.

My uncle came out of the shadows and smiled at us. I can't even call him that after what he did.

"Ah young love I remember when I knew how that felt until it was taken from me," Trevor said.

"Who are you?" Hunter asked.

"Oh pardon me Why are my manners I am Trevor Matthews," he said with a grin.

"Matthews?" Hunter asked as he turned to look at me.

"Oh I see Kristen hasn't talked about me much, I'm her uncle," he said.

"Was!" I hissed.

"Why are you here?" Hunter asked.

"Why can't an uncle visit his niece?"

"No!" I yelled. "After all you did you did you have no right to call me your niece. Leave before I do something you will regret."

"Oh Kristen the past is in the past come and give your uncle a hug," he said with sarcasm.

"I believe she told you to leave!" Hunter snapped.

"Oh so this is you mate?" Trevor said as he walked around us. "Strong but not strong enough!"

Everything happened in the matter of seconds. My uncle shooting at Hunter. Seeing Hunter fall letting out a scream of pain, the smell of wolf bane, Hunter trying to fight all of them considering he had a bad shoulder.

And I just stood there not knowing what to do. What could I do? Everything seemed to move at a slow pace. The sharp pain at my side made me come back.

"Don't hurt her he needs her!" My uncle yelled.

Why does he want me to be okay? The bigger question is who is 'he'?

I turned to see Hunter now on the floor with a wolf nipping at his throat.

'Mate go help mate mate is hurt!" Luna yelled.

Anger consumed me I ran and through the wolf that was on top of Hunter across the forest floor. I kneeled down down to check his wounds but was picked up quickly by someone.

They throw me over their shoulder. I kicked and screamed but the person didn't let me go. They began to run in the

opposite direction of the pack house at that moment I knew that I would soon find out who 'he' is.

"Hunter!" I screamed seeing as how he tried to make the effort of getting up.

"Kristen!" he screamed but fell down again.

Treasure filled my eyes. I knew I had the strength to fight them and I could. A sharp pain was felt on my back.

"Just in case you try and escape I infected you with wolf bane it won't kill you just make you weak," my uncle said.

Hunter began to fade in the distance little by little.

The last thing I heard from him was "Don't worry Kristen I will find you and they will pay I love you kitten be strong."

"I love you too," I said before I blacked out.


The pain was horrible but I had to get up. Running to the pack house I mind linked everyone to join. First one there was Roy.

What happened where is Kristen?" he asked as he looked at me worried.

"They took her," I said trying to catch my breath.

"Who took her?" he asked.

"Her-her uncle"

Roy stayed quiet his face paled and I knew that wasn't good. Nothing scares this guy but to have something scare him? Now was beginning to scare me.

All I hope is that Kristen is safe and that they don't hurt her. Or I promise that whoever lays a finger on her beautiful head will have their hand ripped off and I will make them eat it.

Oh believe me that is nothing no one hurts my mate no one hurts The ones I love!

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