《The Ramayana - Lakshmila's POV》Enroute To Lanka


Meeting with the monkey chief Hanuman was unexpected. Lakshman and Ram were met with the mighty Hanuman who had at once laid himself at Ram's feet at his service. Never had Lakshman felt happier than now as Hanuman sang praises of his brother and declared his loyality to him. Kishkinta was a lovely place. It was home to the vanaras and was lead by Sugreev, another monkey chief. Sugreev's story was understandable. After getting Sugreev his rightful place back, it was time for action. Hanuman was sent by Ram to Lanka on the insistence of the mighty Jambavan who had made Hanuman realize the might of his powers. He had met Sita and had gotten caught by Raavan's soldiers. He had made his escape and brought back the message to Ram from Sita about her. The relief on Ram's face after knowing Sita was alright brought a smile to Lakshman's face. He'd watched over his brother for all those fourteen years. However the change is his brother had been drastic after Sita's kidnap. He had grown pale and thinner, his beard had grown long and his eyes missed the twinkle hat was always present. Lakshman himself did not fare well. He was disappointed in himself and blamed himself every single second for the misfortune that had befell on his Sister Sita. And then there was also the disappointment that crossed through his mind every minute at how he had broken Urmila's trust. She had entrusted him with her sister and he couldn't protect her. He cursed himself over and over again until one day Ram had slapped him in anger and declared never to blame himself ever again. Lakshman thought he had never seen his brother that angry. His ever-warm eyes were filled with an anger such that it could burn anyone to ashes. Lakshman was known for his quicksilver temper but Ram's anger was slow burning with an impact to last forever. In that case, his twin and Brother Ram were the same. Both their tempers were slow yet burning. They were right now situated at the tip of the South from where Lanka's silhouette could be clearly seen. The construction of the Ram Setu was in progress. The blessings of the Ocean God, Varuna was invoked and the building of the the stone bridge had started. They were just a bridge away from Sita.

At Ayodhya, there situation had taken a drastic turn. There were no more lights that hung up the palace walls, no more giggling maids to pass through the corridors and no more gossiping tat went around. Since the news of Sita's kidnap, it was as if gloom had taken over the the entire city of Ayodhya. Kaushalya and Kaikeyi had joined Sumitra in the Prayer Hall and dedicated their time to praying for the weel being of their children. The sisters had taken over their responsibility of the Mothers and juggled between their duties. Shrutikeerti had most on her plate since Shatrughan was managing the state affairs and as a wife, she had to be there. There had been a mishap concerning a washerman's daughter and Shatrughan had declared a verdict against him. The washerman did not take it lightly yet left without making a scene.. Somewhere Shrutikeerti felt it would all come back but given the situation of the palace, she did not voice out anything not wanting to divulge into more gloom. She knew her husband was trying his best to handle everything. He went from a fun-loving price to a responsible person with a load of responsibilities on his shoulders. She had seen her husband slump his shoulders and find minutes of solace in her arms as he recited to her the happenings of the day and his fear for Sita and his brothers. He cried over missing his twin and laughingly told her what Lakshman would have done if he were at Ayodhya and the pranks he would have played on his older twin causing him to explode. He also lamented about how he missed his oldest brother Ram and his warm care and embrace, how he missed his brother Bharat's calm voice and reasoning. His lament was also about how he couldn't see his Brother Bharat in all those clothes of a hermit and how his heart scrunched with agony when he had to meet Sister Mandavi or Sister Urmila. Shatrughan also cried on how he couldn't see Urmila go on about her day with very little time for talks. She answered when spoken to. Shrutikeerti could only listen to him talk and when he fell asleep, she adjusted him on the bed and let him sleep for that was the only time he looked peaceful. She had her own nightmares since the day Sita was kidnapped. How was Sita ? Was she fine ? Where are Brother Ram and Brother Lakshman ? Were they well and good ? Will they ever find Sita ? Not knowing the answer to her own questions, she spent her days sending prayers to the Lord above and helping out in the palace.


Mandavi split her time between the kitchens and the kids. She loved her time with the kids. There was something about children that you cannot take away from them. Their innocence and questions always managed to bring a smile on your face no matter what. She had been subjected to numerous fantasy questions from the children that Mandavi found herself laughing for the first time in many years. She took her own time to explain until they whines and with a sigh proceeded to explain the answer to their questions. Sita's kidnap had taken a large chunk of her mental sanity from her. She felt her anger for Queen Kaikeyi return for it was due to her that they were in the forests and hadn't it been for her boons, Sita wouldnt have been kidnapped. She knew she was holding on to past grudges but what was she to do !! She was just a human being wanting to see her brothers and sister come back safely from the dangerous forests and thirteen years later, she hears the news of Sita's kidnap. Her inner self chided her thoughts at her anger. Her ray of hope had been the end of thirteen years but the rainy cloud had come in the form of her sister's kidnap. She had grown thinner and paler over the course of those few months. She was genuinely happy for Urmila when she was taken to Mithila.. She was not as strong as Urmila and she knew that. Urmila would hold her stand at Mithila but Mandavi wouldn't. She would break down at the first given opportunity, thinking of all those memories where days at Mithila were filled with peace and laughter with the sisters together.

Urmila had grown fiercer and stronger than ever. Since the news of Sita's kidnap, she had been the only person to keep up the hope that Lakshman and Brother Ram would find her, no matter what. She kept her count of days on a wall and kept striking down each day as it went by. She tutored the kids on the maids, studied a lot and performed her duties to the mothers. Sumitra found herself surprised at Urmila's confidence and spirit. She found her found faltering at the news of Sita's kidnap and the a string of news that Ram and Lakshman having not found her yet but the moment she looked at Urmila, the faltering hope found a new way. Urmila had held on to her word that her Soumitra had promised to take care of Brother Ram and Sita and he would fulfill the promise. Her hope gave hope to the others. Rajrishi Janak had once again tried to persuade his head-strong Urmila to come back to Mithila with him but she had declined his proposal. Her mother Sunaina had been worried with grief at the news of Sita's kidnap. She had at once travelled to Ayodhya along with her husband to be with her other daughter. She did not want to lose her other daughter and along with her husband tried to persuade her, but in vain. Sunaina knew her daughter was very head-strong and independent and often wondered if she had made a mistake by allowing Urmila to look out for herself in the process of fawning over Sita. But Urmila had rubbished those thoughts away immediately by asking her to never ever think that way again.. Atlast her father had managed to persuade her to attend one of the conferences hosted by Rishi Yajnavalkya for few days and Urmila had agreed on the condition that she would be treated the same way as she was at Ayodhya. The helpless Rajrishi and Sunaina agreed on her conditions and few days later Urmila found herself at Mithila. Every nook and corner resounded with laughter of a younger version of the four princesses. "We used to be so happy" thought Urmila. She requested some time alone and walked around the halls of the homely palace. Ironically, she didn't feel at home anymore. She smiled at herself.. Her home was where Lakshman was. And right now Lakshman was neither at Mithila nor Ayodhya. She stepped into her room and felt a gush of tears form in her eyes.. She forcefully blinked them away and looked around. Her paintings were still there. The bedspreads were as she liked. The curtains were her favourite shade of lilac. It was all the same as she had left it all those years ago. Has it been so many years already ? The fragrance that filled the chambers spoke of a story a long time ago when there were four sisters. The fragrance was ancient yet welcoming.. Distant memories swam through her mind. The sisters playing around in the lush gardens of Mithila, Sita lifting up the bow of Shiva, Sita's Swayamvar, Lakshman's range, her and Lakshman's talk and in the end, their marriage. Mithila was where everything started and Mithila brought back all those moments to relive again.. She absolutely cherished it. When she opened her eyes, for the first time in those thirteen years, a true smile made way to her lips.


The construction was done.. The Ram Setu stood beautiful and divine on the waves of the sea waters. The God Varuna had blessed them all the good luck and strength and they started their journey towards the island of Lanka. As the path decreased, Lanka became more prominent. Lanka was a true beauty. The kingdom boasted of green luxury. The sun's rays made the trees shine like god giving more justice to the name "Swarn Lanka". As Lakshman set his foot down on the shores of Lanka, miles away in Mithila, Urmila smiled.. Her sister was saved and would be brought back soon. Lakshman inhaled the salty air around and took a deep breath. It was time he fulfilled his promise to his Mila. His mother Sita would be taken back with all the respect and honor. As their exile ended, so would Raavan's reign.

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