《The Ramayana - Lakshmila's POV》The Promise
Urmila ran as fast as she could. Her heart was beating wildly and her tears flew to the wind.. She didn't stop to catch her breath. She ran into the vast lush forest gardens of Mithila.. The lush greenery was her secret abode. She loved coming there ever since she was a child.. The trees and the breeze helped her reclaim her thoughts. Right now, she was hurt.. She was hurt at the rejection.. Her heart broke into a million pieces when she heard the younger prince exclaim "Why doesn't Father understand that I don't want to and never get married !!!" She perched herself below a big shady tree and exhaled deeply. Her breath was ragged. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. His rejection hurt. But it were the words that stung her heart deep. She had been wrong.. He didn't love her. She was right when she thought she didn't acknowledge his feelings. She had seen Mandavi's anger from beside when the Prince had uttered those words. Her cousin was sure to be waiting for her no matter how late she reached the palace. If there was something that made Mandavi fight her love for sleep, it was books and her sisters, her sisters taking the priority.. Mandavi and herself had numerous occasions to themselves where they just spent time in the Royal Library reading books.. The silent aquaintance, she had always enjoyed.. She smiled at the thought of her demonic sister. She thought of her mother and father. Her father had been extremely pleased when she had given the nod to the proposal. Her mother would be worried for her. She looked up at the sky. The blue was slowly turning into a orangish red which meant the sun was setting and that it was soon going to be dark. She heard a rustling sound from behind and stood up with wide eyes. She didn't have anything to protect herself with. She had been so stupid... Her mother had warned her numerous times not to wander into the forests after sunset but being the stubborn princess, when had she listened to her !! Now she was alone in the middle of the forest with no means of defending herself.. What if it was animal.. Or worse.. What is it was a demon.. Fear gripped her heart and she asked "Who goes there !!!!" A voice spoke back "Its me, Princess." She felt a shiver run up her spine. That voice, she could recognize anywhere. That was the voice of the man she loved... A silhoutte of a man came out into the light. The younger prince stood infront of her, the setting sun making him look like a piece of the most magnificient art.
Lakshman didn't need to be told twice. He rushed into the direction in which Urmila had fled. His heart was broken into a million pieces when he remembered her grief-stricken face and her hurt eyes at his exclamation. He ran through the forests, not knowing where she could be. But he was not going to give up. He ran through the trees and bushes until he heard sniffs. He saw a small piece of the cream colored skirt she wore and knew that he had found her. His rustling had made her get up and look around in alarm. He noticed the way her eyes went wide and ask out for the intruder. He smiled to himself and came out to the light. Lakshman sighed in relief on seeing her safe.. Urmila stared at him.. Lakshman looked at her "You know Princess.. Next time, you hear a rustling sound, don't ask who is it.. Just run." Urmila stared dumbly at him "How did you manage to find me ?" Lakshman sighed "It wasn't easy Princess. The forest is very large and deep.. But I would have searched anywhere for you if it were to find you." Urmila asked "Why did you want to find me ?" Lakshman exclaimed "How could I not want to find you !!! You ran away.." Urmila laughed "Yes I did.. And I'll have you to thank for.." Lakshman flinched at her words. Urmila continued "What with that exclamation of hate for the proposal.. Am I so hateful, Prince ?? Am I not worthy of you ??? Is my love not desirable ??" Lakshman looked aghast at her lament of anger. Was that what she thought !!! He shook his head at her "No no Mila. You understand me wrong.." Urmila pointed a finger at him "Don't call me that !! You can't call me that.. You have lost all the right !!" Lakshman sighed "Ok.. I won't call you that.. But please.. Never consider yourself or your love unworthy... Its anything but that... Anyone would be lucky to marry you, Princess. You're beautiful, intelligent kind and generous.. Any man who marries you will be the luckiest. One who doesn't will be the unlucky one." Urmila was about to question him but Lakshman's words cut her "And I consider myself that Unlucky One... For it is not you but I who is the undeserving one here.. I am unlucky because I won't be able to marry you even though I've been in love with you.." Urmila gasped in surprise. Had the younger Prince just proclaimed his love for her. She didn't speak anything but let Lakshman continue. Lakshman continued "You are a Princess.. A princess who will someday be queen. And I am just a prince and that is all I can ever be. And my life.. Its is dedicated to my older brother Ram.. I have my responsibilities towards him that I cannot fullfil if marriage comes inbetween. This life that I have is devoted to serving my older brother Ram for that is my destiny. The morself that Maa Kausalya and Maa Kaikeyi fed my mother from their portions of the holy prasad is what has become Shatrughan and myself. I had resisted myself against the concept of marriage and woman in general. I was successful too.. Until the day I met you.. I felt myself falling for you and I couldn't stop my heart Princess." Urmila looked shocked at him "You.. Love me ??" Lakshman took her hand in his and smiled "Yes.. The heart works in different ways.. What I am or what I want my life to be makes no difference to it.. From the moment I saw you in the garden, your lips curved into a beautiful smile greeting us with the utmost manners.. I was having a battle with my heart and mind at that moment which is what happened everytime I see you... I wanted to annihilate those Kings and Princes that had vyed for her hand during Sister Sita's Swayamvar. I wanted to shield you, protect you from all their gazes. I was jealous.. Jealous of all those kings.. Furious with all those people for having laid eyes on you."
Urmila asked "Then why the outburst at the ashram ??" Lakshman sighed "I told you Princess.. I cannot give you the happiness you deserve.. I am not worthy of your love." Urmila noticed that her hands was still in his. Yet she did nothing to pull away for she felt a certain warmth in that gesture of his.. She questioned him "Pray tell me... What do you think my happiness would be ?" Lakshman looked into those curious eyes he had fallen hopelessly fallen in love with "You are a Princess. You can be queen someday.. I cannot give you that.. I cannot give you happiness." Urmila frowned at him. Did he really think that ?? How stupid was he to not see the love she for him.. She was going to show him her love. Urmila asked "Do you think I want to become Queen ?" Lakshman replied "Not now. After your marriage your will want to be queen. And.." His words were cut off by Urmila's "Let me tell you, Prince.. I have no intention of becoming queen for my heart will have nothing but the love of my husband and that has nothing to do with him being a king. And as for happiness.. Oh Lakshman.. Why can't you see the love I have for you ???? You are my happiness.. I don't want anything else.." Lakshman stood shocked. She had called him by his name. It sounded so good on her lips. Urmila continued "I love you and I want you.. I am yours but sadly you are not mine." Lakshman smiled warily at her "Don't be impulsive Princess. Our promises are what defines us Raghuvanshis." Urmila boldly said "If it the promise that matters, then hear me out Oh Younger Prince Of Ayodhya.. You think I don't see that devotion you have towards your brother ?? Let me tell you.. I have witnessed it at the Swayamvar the moment Brother Ram laid his hand on your shoulder to calm you down.. The person who never cared about himself or his temper for his brother, if he calms down for his brother the devotion and love is prominent in his eyes. I have a similar kind of love towards my sister so if you are questioning about me not understand your predicament, then you are wrong.." Lakshman wanted to speak but Urmila's gaze did not let him "Hear me out Prince for I am not yet finished. Your dynasty is known for your promises then Mithila is known for her intelligence and knowledge and I am knowledgeable enough of what I am about to ask. I proclaim my love for you, Prince Lakshman of Ayodhya and I promise not to come between youe responsibilities towards your brother. What else do I need to do to prove my promise and love to you !! As I said before- I am yours, but you are not mine. I have no such intention of being a queen.. And about you stating youself as an undeserving prince, I would submit myself even if you were a wandering soldier." Lakshman looked proud. His eyes filled with tears of happiness for the princess infront of him. His Princess. His temptress.. The waves of passion. He took her other hand in his "Princess. I have been yours. I just didn't have the courage to express my love to you for the fear of being turned away. Now that I understand the daughter of Mithila, you are true to the name of your kingdom.. Knowledgeable and intelligent." Urmila blushed and raised her eyebrow "What was that you called me before ?" Lakshman's cheeks tinted a light pink. Urmila laughed slightly "Is the Angry Prince of Ayodhya blushing ?" Lakshman looked at her having regained his composure and asked mischievously " From the events that have transpired in the past few days, am I correct in assuming that I haven't been the only one blushing ?" Lakshman's eyes twinkled and Urmila felt herself go red in the face. That was a feat to be applauded for she had never blushed. Lakshman was the first person to be able to do that.
Lakshman laughed out in merry. Urmila noticed how pleasant like his twin he looked and how handsome the smile made him look. She smiled at him "Let us not change the topic My Prince.. What was that you called me before ?" Lakshman whispered softly "Mila.." Urmila felt a wave of happiness wash through her at the name. Her sisters had called her Urmi but Lakshman was the first to call her Mila "Then call me that henceforth, Prince." Lakshman nodded his head and smiled. The lovers were together at last to the happiest of moments. Some time later, Urmila skipped back to the palace humming a small tune to herself. She just hoped her cousins had not told her mother anything of what had transpired in the ashram. When her mother chided her for coming late from the gardens, Urmila realized that her cousins had not told her mother anything. She guessed Mandavi must have told that she had gone to the gardens and made a mental note to thank her cousin. She had barely entered the chambers that she felt a figure hug her tightly.. Mandavi had thrown herself upon her cousin, relief seeping through her voice. Urmila looked confused "Mandavi.. What happened ?" Mandavi broke the hug and looked into her eyes "Shouldn't I be asking you that, Urmi ? As far as I remember, I wasn't the one running into the vast gardens." Urmila realized that she was talking about the outburst of the younger prince. Mandavi continued "I wanted to step in and give the younger Prince a piece of my mind. But before that, Brother Ram had asked him to run and talk to you." Urmila smiled at her cousin. Her protective cousin obviously would have wanted to claw Lakshman's eyes out. That is why she had to talk to them. She heard a soft voice ask her "Are you alright Urmi ?" Urmila looked at her older sister. Sita had a concerned look on her face. The ever smiling Sita having a look of worried concern on her face pained Urmila. She smiled at Sita "I am fine Sita.. We all need to talk.. Come on.. Let's sit." They all sat down on the large bed. Urmila felt that she had to calm down the impulsive Mandavi. She asked "So Rakshasi.. Tell me.. What did you and Brother Bharat talk about in the afternoon today." Urmila knew her trick worked for she saw Mandavi lower her gaze and smile, "He is very sorted out.. As clear as the cloudless sky.. I had my own apprehensions about marrying the middle Prince but he seemed to have erased my fears." Sita smiled at her cousin "What did he say, Mandavi ?" Mandavi continued with a soft smile "He asked me if I was comfortable with marrying him and whether the proposal had my full consent to it.. Sita, how many people do that ?? He is very sorted and understanding... And he knows about my love for books and horses. He told me that Ayodhya has a Royal Library filled with all the books I could ever read and also that he had some books brought over to his chambers for me. Also he had told he would personally take me to the Royal Stables to show me around." Sita smiled. Mandavi mused on "He is really a very sweet person.. I couldn't have asked for a better person for myself.. He is a complete foil to my aloofness and tactlessness." Urmila smiled at her cousin. She turned to Shrutikeerit who was carefully avoiding their gazes. Urmila turned to Sita "You know Sita ? In the afternoon I saw a certain couple giving each other looks of love when they thought the others weren't watching." Her mischeivous gaze turned to Shrutikeerti who had turned bright red at her comment and whined.. She went to Sita and hugged her burying her face in her shoulders. Sita stroked her head softly laughing while Urmila and Mandavi laughed loudly.
Mandavi's laughter died down and she looked at Urmila "You really think we would forget about what happened with you if you try to change to topic, do you ?" Urmil looked at her cousin and shook her head "No Mandavi. I just wanted to reduce the tension in the room so that I can get some peace and calmness while explaining what had transpired between the younger Prince and I." Mandavi's face scrunched up in confusion and she looked towards Sita. Sita whispered softly "Go on Urmi. Tell us what happened" Urmila told them of how Lakshman had come after her to talk and what his predicament was and about her promise to him. She left out the part where they held hands for didn't want to become the centre of attraction for love jokes. By the time she completed, she looked up to find three faces staring at her... The calm Sita, the wide-eyed Shrutikeerti and the unreadable expression on Mandavi's face. Mandavi was torn between respect and anger. She felt a sense of respect towards the younger Prince for having told Urmila the truth of his outburst while on the other hand she was angry that her cousin would be subjected to secondary treatment. Urmila raised an eyebrow "Go ahead Mandavi.. I can see you want to ask something." Mandavi nodded her head "So you would be subjected to secondary treatment !! That is insane" Urmila defended "No it is not.. I was there.. I agreed to it.. I understand his situation and I totally understand his responsibilities." Mandavi retorted "So you agreed to it !!" Urmila agreed "Yes I did.. For I love him.. It is not like he married me and left me to fullfil his responsibilities.. Instead, he came forward sharing about his predicament with me and why he was against the principle of marriage. My love for him is enough for me to accept his predicament. Don't tell me you won't do the same for Brother Bharat when the time comes, Mandavi." Mandavi pursed her lips into a thin line. She knew Urmila had pointed at a question that had a similar answer. A quiet voice sounded "Do you think is this what Aunt Sunanina was talking about ?" It was Shrutikeerti that had voiced out her opinion. She had a thoughtful look on her face. Sita asked "What do you mean, Shrutikeerti ?" Shrutikeerti continued "Remember what Aunt Sunaina told to the four of us in the kitchens today ? After marriag, we will not only be sister but sisters-in-law as well.. Reponsibilities will changed.. The dynamics will change.. We will be asked to choose as well." Urmila felt her eyes go wide with her mother's words weighing down upon her. Shrutikeerti had voiced her mother's fear correctly.
Lakshman had returned to the ashram where they were put up. He saw that the guards of Mithila there.. What happened !! Was someone in danger !! He raced into the ashram and saw that no one was hurt. Shatrughan spotted his twin and wriggled his eyebrows "Look who's here !! Lover Boy has decided to grace us with his presence atlast !! What a difficult time it has been for us !!" Lakshman raised an eyebrow at him. As usual, he was upto some mischief. Shatrughan came forward and laid his head on his twin's shoulders "Oh Twin !! Do you even know how difficult it was without you in my sight ?? Oh the agony !!" Lakshman rolled his eyes at his twin and shrugged him off "You are getting nothing in return Shatrughan.." Shatrughan persisted "How rude of you, Brother Lakshman..." Lakshman replied "Call it what you may want but my answer is still the same." Bharat entered the hut and looked at the twins "What is happening here ?" Lakshman closed his eyes and sighed.. Brother Bharat was here.. Now Shatrughan would have him by his side. Shatrughan smiled mischevously at his twin and walked to Bharat "Brother Bharat !!! I was just expressing my agony at not seeing my twin for so many hours after he went trailing to the forests of Mithila." Lakshman wanted nothing more to disappear under the ground. A slow smile spread along Bharat's face "Yes Shatrughan.. I though I saw a fleeting figure trailing after a certain princess." Lakshman turned red at the mention of her name.. Bharat continued "Tell us Lakshman.. What adventure did you have in the forest ?? Oh wait... Rather let me ask, what was the adventure that awaited you in the forest ??" Lakshman turned to stare at Bharat. When did his quiet Brother Bharat become so prankish ? He need not have looked afar for the reason for Bharat's behaviour was standing next to him looking at him with twinkling eyes. Shatrughan !!! Ram had entered the hut just in time to save Lakshman from an embarrassing predicament. Ram smiled at Lakshman and raised an eyebrow at his three brothers. Shatrughan's pleasant eyes were twinkling with excitement and Ram realized the his youngest brother was upto no good. He decided to save Lakshman from the prankish clutches of Bharat and Shatrughan "Bharat.. Shatrughan.. Father is asking for the both of you.. You should go.. I need to talk to Lakshman." Shtughan asked innocently "Is it regarding his adventure in the forest, Brother ?" Lakshman glared at his twin. Ram smiled at his youngest brother and pointed him towards the entrance of the hut "Go.. Father is waiting for the both of you." Shatrughan's face fell but nevertheless. he left along with Bharat.
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