《The Ramayana - Lakshmila's POV》The Swayamvar Part - 2
The royal hall was filled with tension. Ravan's words had made an impact on Queen Sunaina.. Sita sat calm in her place but there was a flickr of worry that Urmila noticed. Queen Sunaina cast a wary look towards her husband Rajrishi Janak who just stood at the spot from where he had spoken to King of Lanka, He folded his hands together "Forgive me Kings, Gods, Gandharvas and Guests for the intrusion. Let us proceed further" He turned back to resume his place when he heard a king speak out "Forgive us O Mighty King. But I have a concern." Rajrishi Janak turned towards the source of the voice. It was the King of Magadha who had spoke "I agree with The King Of Lanka. What kind of a competition is this where our masculinity is put to test in the most impossible of ways !! If the Lankapati himself; who is a great devotee of the Lord Shiva and the most powerful couldn't move the bow, how is this a competition ?" Rajrishi Janak folded his hands "I have pledged whoever strings the bow would win my daughter's hand in marriage. I cannot go back on my word. That would be against my Dharma." The King of Magadha continued "Oh Learned Rishi. I understand Dharma for I follow it too. If not your older daughter, I am more than willing to ask your youner daughter's hand in marriage. She is as ravishingly beautiful as the world claims so." Another king stood up for the same "I agree with the King of Magadha.. If not your oldest princess, allow us to choose amongst the other three princesses." Urmila looked aghast at the army of kings that were now vying for her and her cousins hands. Mandavi had caught hold of Urmila's hand out of support. Urmila held on to her cousin. Shrutikeerti was held on to by her mother Chandrabhaga. Sita's ever-smiling face was marred with a frown at the predicament that was presenting itself in the Royal Hall. There was roar that was heard around the hall. The army of kings fell silent. The ladies were shocked at the uproar that had caused the silence. They saw a swift movement across the hall and few moments later, the younger son of Dasharath had made his presence known in the middle of the hall.. Urmila looked shocked at the look of fury at the younger prince's face. He looked livid with anger. He roared "What kind of a Swayamvar is this where the royal family of Mithila is being insulted like this !! What happpened to respect which the royal family deserves !!! What kind of rulers are you when you don't even know how to treat women, no less the Pricesses of Mithila !!!" The uproar had resulted in total silence in the Great Hall. His furious eyes seemed to burn holes into everyone and no one had dared to counter-answer him. Rajrishi Janak looked at Lakshman and then at the crowd.. When he spoke, his voice was solemn, nothing like the learned sage whilereciting his teachings "I ask for forgiveness.. When I had planned this Swayamvar, I had many hoped. You see, when Sita was a young child, she had lifted the bow with ease. I had kept the Swayamvar in hopes that she would find her partner.. A partner equal to her.. But now that I see what had conspired in the hall, I say this with a heavy heart that no king or man here has the strength or the power to string the bow. It was my mistake to have planned this Swayamvar."
What the Rajrishi was met with next was the younger prince's anger. Lakshman looked furious with his eyes screaming anger. He looked like the lion Lord Narasimha with his hair flowing ferociously due to the breeze and his mouth quivering with anger "Rajrishi Janak.. Your anger is justified.. Your daughters have been insulted.. You family has been questioned.. But Oh Learned King.. How could you say that there is no man that can free you from your predicament.. Pray, let me introduce you to the Oldest Prince of Ayodhya Price Ram" All eyes turned to look at the calm and serene faced Ram.. Sita turned her shy eyes to the man who had taken her heart and soul. He was seated upon his cushion with a calm smile on his face. The outburst had not caused even a frown to appear on his handsome face. Urmile felt herself feeling hopeful.. Would he be the one for her sister ?? On the insistance of Brahmarishi Vishwamitra, the eldest prince of Kosala stoop up and went to the middle of the hall. He laid a hand on the younger prince's shoulder and the effect was immediate. The younger pricne's eyes softened and his lips spread into a small smile that bordered on something more than respect. It was devotion. Urmila noticed that he loooked handsome when he smiled. The moment was filled with tension. There were so many questions that were rising in everyone's minds. Would the eldest Prince be what his brother had praised him to be ? Will he be able to lift the mighty bow ? Sita had her eyes closed in prayer. She was at the edge of her seat, her heart fileld with hope and prayers. There was a deafening sound of lightening. The Oldest Prince of Ayodhya not only managed to lift the bow but he had also managed to break it while stringing it. It was the moment of esctasy. Sita's eyes were filled with happiness.. Her love had won... The Gods had listened to her prayers.. She would garland her groom. Urmila never thought there could be a happier bride. Sita was glowing like a jewel. Urmila found her etheral but today she had a different glow to her face. She was shining brighter than the diamonds that adorned her hands and neck. Her smile had a different music to it as she garlanded her groom. Urmila fet herself brushing a tear away from her eyes. The joyous celebrations were interrupted by the arrival of Lord Parashuram.. The sage was livid at the sight of the now broken bow that lay on the table. His furious eyes travelled around the room "Who dare commit such a sin !! May he come infront of me... He would face the Sage Parshuram's wrath.." Lakshman who was watching the sage converse felt his anger growing tenfold at the mention of the sage's wrath.. His brother would face the sage's wrath !! How can the Sage even utter such words !! The sage continued "Which sinner dared to break the mighty bow of Lord Shiva !!! May he come before me !!! Mark my words Janak !! I shall curse Mithila to burn into ashes if the one who had sinned doesn't appear before me !!!" Lakshman answered "Oh Reverred Sage.. Why are you lamenting over a simple bow ??" The sage's angry turned towards him "Foolish prince !! That is no ordinary bow.. It was the bow of my Lord Shiva.. You dare call it just a bow.." Laksham continued unfazed "We have broken many such bows in our childhood. What makes this one so special !!" The sage raged on "Foolish boy !!! Control your tongue.. Else you will face my wrath.. Janak.. Take him away from here.. I do not want to see him." Lakshman said "Oh Learned Sage.. Whay don't you close your eyes ??? I won't be visible to you.." Before Lord Parshuram could utter a curse, the elder Prince intervened with folded hands "Oh Revered Sage.. It was I that had sinned.. It was me that broke the mighty bow. Forgive my brother for he was only trying to protect me. It was I that had stung the bow But in the process of stringing it, it broke into two.. Please forgive my Sage Parshuram.. Give me your blessings" The great Vishwamitra rose from his seat. Sage Parshuram bowed low to his grandfather for his blessings. The Brahmarishi spoke "Yes Grandson. Please pardon the young men for it was not their intention to anger you. Bless them so that they would live up to the expectations of their forefathers. Bless the Princess so that she would live a blissful life with her husband. You have avenged the death of your father by kiling all the kshatriyas, then pray why are you bloodying you hand again by proposing to kill this Prince who is much loved by all and the groom of the eldest princess ?" The sage replied "O Grandsire.. I realize these princes are your protegees and you have taught them well. If the young man is so supreme as I heard, having told by many, I challenge him with my other bow - The Vishnu Bow which was given by the Lord himself. This bow is as powerful as the Bow of Lord Shiva. If you manage to string it, I will provide you an opportunity to duel with me." He held out the bow in hands to the Prince who had a calm smile on his face "As you wish, Sire" He swiftly strung the bow and pointed at the sage "O Revered Sage.. What will be my target in exchange for you life ?" Rishi Parshuram looked stunned.. is mighty arms slumped against his sides as realization hit his eyes. It was the Lord himself. The Eternal Lord himself had asked a target in exchange for his life.. He was not a normal person. The sage folded his hands and looked at Ram "Oh Lord.. Forgive me for my incredulity.. I now realize who you are.. You are my Lord, the supreme diety. I realize now.. I shall return to my abode to meditate. Let all tapasya reach out to you as power." With that the sage left, a changed man. Rajrishi Janak regained his composure and called out to the messenger.. The messenger left with the good news to Ayodhya.
Sunaina had a thali in her hand. Her face no longer looked concerned. It was tinted with happiness all over. She had worried for the past many days.. She worried that no one would accept her daughter for she was a foundling. She worried no one would be good enough for her daughter. She was at ease.. Her daughter had found her match.. There was nothing that bothered her now. Urmila looked at the younger prince. He had a smile on his face. Urmila noticed that this was the first time that she had ever seen him smile. He had turned to look at her. Urmil felt the color rush to her cheeks as their eyes met. His smoldering eyes never leaving hers. They were tinted with passion and something else that she couldn't quite place but one with shich she had been familiar with.. Was it love ??
She felt herself being dragged to the chambers the sisters shared. Mandavi had been persistent with Urmila and Urmila knew that the possessive Mandavi would want to know what she was feeling. Sita was already in the chambers stringing some flowers with a happy smile on her smile. Shrutikeerti ran to keep up with her two sisters. Mandavi walked Urmila to the big bed and both sat on the edge. Sita stood up from her spot and looked questioningly at her sister "What happened ?" Mandavi raised an eyebrow at Urmila "That is what I want to know from dear Urmi." Urmila felt herself going red in the face. She didn't want a confrontation from her sisters. Sita asked "What are you saying, Mandavi ?" Mandavi continued "While your Swayamvar was going on, we didn't notice a romane unfurling under our noses, did we ?" Urmila blushed red. So Mandavi knew.. About her confused feelings. But that was Mandavi.. She was always on point when it came to the sisters. Sita and Shrutikeerti looked confused. Mandavi looked at Urmila "While the kings were trying to win the competition for your hand, the younger prince of Ayodhya and Urmila were busy in giving each other looks of love." Urmila frowned at Mandavi "That was a downright tasteless remark and you know that.." Mandavi continued "My remark might be tasteless but I am sure I am not wrong.. I know you too well Urmi. And no one can fault those looks. That was clear indication he likes you. All he had eyes for, was you Urmi." Urmila felt three pairs of eyes on her. One was filled with confusion, one was filled with understanding and one was hurt.. Sita.. Sita looked hurt. Urmila felt guilty.. Sita had always considered Urmila her closest confide. She had poured her heart out to her but Urmila never came to her. Sita looked hurt "Why didn't you tell me Urmi ?? Here I was pouring my heart out to you but you never told me anything about your feelings." Urmil looked at her "You were confused with your own feelings Sita.. I couldn't possibly come and burden you with mine.. And we were all busy with the arrangements of the Swayamvar that I never even thought of it." The quiet Shrutikeerti mused "Do you think Brahmarishi Vishwamitra brought the two princes so that he could matchmake the two princes to Sita and Urmila ?" Urmila looked at the young Shrutikeerti. She always proved to be wiser beyond her age. She felt hope in her heart but she didn't show it. Sita was excited "Do you think I should talk to Father about this ? Oh Urmi.. I shan't be alone after my wedding. I will have you.. Shall I ?" Urmila turned to look at her "No Sita.. Not now.. Let us wait.. Now is not the time. The messenger has just been sent to Ayodhya. Let us not make haste" Meanwhile, Ram had settled in beautifully with the family of Mithila. He was enjoying his stay at the lush and evergreen Mithila. On that fine and beautiful day, he found his younger brother lurking out near the trees with a bunch of hay sticks in his hand. He smiled at his younger brother. He was that brother that would do anything for him. He did notice that his younger brother had got to smiling around a lot these days. He genuinely wanted to know what was that which made his Lakshman smile. He walked over to him "Lakshman.." Lakshman looked up "Yes Brother.." Ram smiled "I keep noticing you smile a lot more these days.." Lakshman looked straight at him "Ofcourse Brother.. You are getting married. What else can I feel.. Happiness for you.." Ram raised an eyebrow at him "I notice everything my dear brother.." With that he turned and walked away to the Ashram leaving Lakshman to ponder over his brother's words.. Did he know ?? Ofcourse he did. His brother knew of his growing feelings for the younger daughter of Janaka.. He had tried pushing those feelings aside but ever since he had seen her at the temple gardens, her outspoken nature, her graciousness and hospitability had made his head turn towards her. Her thick mane of hair flowing to the cool morning breeze, the way her lips curved upwards and her voice. And then she looked at him. Those brown eyes called out to him. He broke out of his thoughts.. He wouldn't think like that. His life was devoted to his older brother.. He wouldn't let his feelings come inbetween.
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