《True love shatters ...ishqbaaz》Reuniting With Love and a Happy Ending


Chandrika cuts her head in front of chamunda maa...

Some time before

Aryan says that he killed the person the one and only proof who tried to kill you revealing he is the mysterious person who killed and cremated the person who killed her sister satvika. Every sin which he committed was accepted by him but recorded in the phone of chandrika...........

Chandrika: You still has no guilty in hurting my family with me. You must be punished in such a way that any other person who will did this must be scared to this even in their thoughts...............

Aryan: You can't punish me because you are in weak state because you solely hold the responsibility for the death of your father and sister........ He try to break her strength with his words.........

Chandrika: I will surely punish you but not at this time when judgement Time comes.........I will only decide what I have to give punishment...... She thinks in her mind that you forgot you loved me more than yourself.......you want to take me with you and marry me......but I won't let this happen ..........You will be payed everything back for your sins in this life itself Mr.Aryan singh Rathore, she stops the recording and leaves from there.

While she was aryan says "I am the only one who can save you from Punishment.so please release me and go chandrika.

Chandrika angrily says Better to have punishment rather than living a free life with you......Mr.aryan singh rathore...........

She went to some underground location Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur, Rajasthan and shows the video about committed sins in video ,ask him to believe her and come with her to show evidence. The person assures her he will come and sorry to misunderstand her and hug her.

Chandrika says if I was in your place then I will also do the same she says and makes him comfortable............

Chandrika confidently leaves from there to her room through the passage and sleeps in her room peacefully.................

Everyone is present in the village of jodhpur ...

Chandrika is called there by the guards along with her mother.........

Aryan is held by the guards..............

Chidambaram : Is there is any evidences do you have chandrika......

Chandrika: Yes, I have ..........she shows the first evidence as video recorded the statement yesterday where aryan has accepted all the sins he committed.

Aryan: This is not valid proof because we can create the videos by different softwares nowadays...Is there is a proof of a person...Then asks her show them as evidences.............He smirks at her................

Chidambaram: Do you have any person as evidence to prove you as right chandrika?

Chandrika: Yes, she says everyone was little surprise about her evidence because it was the priest who told the birth chart about who was died 24 years ago in same accident of the jeetendra..........

Priest Raghavendra: Yes, before 24 years ago, I predicted the future about chandrika which was wrong because I was threatened by the Aryan's father Ashwin because he said that he will kill my whole family if I did not say what he wants...........


Aryan: This priest also saying according to chandrika because she gave him money.........

Chandrika: You always consider yourself as right and others as fools........

Aryan: You are showing fake proofs Miss.Chandrika singh rajput................

Chandrika: You and I know this are not fake proofs just you portray them as fake because you want to save yourself............

Aryan: You have lost everything because of your anger and revenge........... You have nothing now......

Chandrika: If you don't have courage to accept your sins don't call yourself as a hero.. You are a Zero always be zero in front of me...........

Aryan: Ok, I will accept everything that I killed your sister mercilessly ,provoke you chandu to extract revenge from your father and mother . My father changed your birth chart by keeping priest family members at gun point so that your own father will kill you but it did not happen if it happens the entire rule of this palace and place will be ours.......

But what will happen by knowing the entire truth to this people...do you think that this people will respect you for sympathy that you are used as toy in my hand.................

I already destroyed everything of you like fame(by having relation with me),intelligence(I did not let you use your smartness by provoking you),power(Now you don't have any power to rule),emotion(you don't have any emotions left you became stone) ,confidence(Now you can't have faith in yourself or anybody),money(Your property will be transferred on my name today because you signed in some papers when we met) ,morality(You killed your own father and punished your own mother).Nothing left except death, You are the one whom I hate most and love most. So let us die peacefully.......He says.......With crazy laugh

Chandrika: You think you won this game easily..........No...no...You think I had given a chance...for proof of my innocence but wrong let me explain you everything in detail.......But still in my life they are three persons who I can trust blindly suvimal, uncle praveen and chidambaram ji.............They had given me chance to prove you as guilty................These people still trusts me and go to the chair where judgement takes place. This chair will occupied by only princess.........This is my power no one can take from me.....Fame here everyone knows that you are my enemy then how can I have any relation with you.......Emotion still it is left that's why you are standing in front of me if I have no emotion you will be beheaded until now......money call your lawyer and asks him that whether my signatures are valid or not...Chidambaram ji give him phone and aryan calls him and lawyer says that signatures not valid aryan angrily asks him why? Because she signed in middle pages as "Punishment"..............aryan cuts the call and phone was snatched by suvimal........you think you destroyed my

Morality how can I forgot that dad! come front ............satwant comes and everyone was shocked because they see lying dead.....with a lot of blood...at the same place and again they are seeing him fit and fine.......


Aryan was shocked and angrily says.......This is not possible.............

Chandrika says This is possible.....I want to prove your deeds to my dad so we did a drama that I stabbed in stomach but the blood is of human which is from blood bank which we kept at his stomach and I placed him in coffin but how can be alive you are thinking right.......that coffin can be opened in other side so we cremated in the place so that he can be in underground

hiding place......Like that I saved my father.........and I did not punish my mother because I asked her to go underground place from the dark room .so that she can meet my father and know the entire truth........

Aryan: But I killed your sister you cannot saved her. Still you can't guess I did everything .You lose your smartness and become a

puppet in my hands.........

chandrika :Let me call my sister satvika here........Presenting satvika singh rajput ................

Everybody is surprised seeing twins like that but aryan thinks how is this possible. Don't think too much aryan. I will say How I saved my sister. You gave money to kill anika/chandrika but satvika payed double money to save my life and that video which is leaked to media was our graphics how was it? Isn't it seems to be real..........

This is my intelligence and courage to do everything according to me, That means everything is done as per my plan to know the truth from your mouth...I got answers.............

Your punishment is to live alone throughout your own life. Aryan says it is not possible still I can kidnap you and make you as

mine......I know you destroyed me everything end after my death but I don't want it since I want to live with only you....Who can plan and achieve everything....I won't get better life partner than you I will get you by hook or crook. satwant slaps him and says my daughter chandrika is already married you cannot get her in this lifetime.

Oberois was very happy including pinky that anika's true identity is chandrika singh rajput...............

Suvimal thanks chandrika for giving her lady love....back That true love always get everything and hugs satvika....

Chandrika bids a farewell to her family members by giving hug and try to leave from there but was stopped by her mother where are you going chandrika, I am in pain all these years without my child now I can't stay without....You sorted our confusions ,misunderstanding and join our family..

Chandrika says Mom! I have to fulfill the promise given to chamunda maa...so I am leaving to temple........She tells sorry to her mother in her mind...and she was doing such a thing that can't see her daughter forever.....she leaves for a temple......Police who wants go against her(chandrika) by arresting her last time are feeling guilty that they tried to arrest an innocent person......Aryan takes the gun from the police and go to temple.........everyone is also following him.....When aryan reaches the temple Chandrika cuts her head after saying this is your punishment

aryan....and maa I am fulfilling the promise.......Everyone was in tears.......

Aryan you can't give me a chance to live without you.......I have hatred and love in heart for you......So he point gun to his heart and shot 2 times........ Then chandrika comes out with shivaay everyone was shocked how was she was alive.....The one which is beheaded was her idol(Wax) which was exactly like her.........

she(chandrika) goes to aryan You will be killed by your own arrogance, greed and anger .Every birth it will only happens you can't get me......Why did you cheat me chandrika.......... a betrayer is asking about cheating......Did you remember I promised I won't kill you...... I am bounded by the promise because rajputs words are not taken back.......Aryan dies......with lot of pain in eyes....With some body wants to hurts somebody it only get back to themselves.............(When we dig a pit for others we fall in themselves)

Chandrika's mother asks "I know you want to kill yourself for punishing aryan How you changed your mind?

Chandrika says Shivaay stopped in doing so.....And suggested me a betrayed person must given a betrayal treatment.....So I did this......

Chandrika's mother Nobody can change my daughter mind easily if she takes some decisions the one who changes is my son in law right chandrika.....

Chandrika smiles and say Yes! And introduce all the oberois including sahil....

Her mother asks we want to marry our daughter to you shivaay if you leave her hand for a while because I want to talk to her whether she will marry you...or not..........Pinky clears the misunderstanding between anika and shivaay.

Shivaay proposed her in front of all family members ........but chandrika says she will accept only after the Omru accepts their wives .....by solving the misunderstanding between them........

She got the proofs of gauri's innocence and shows it to om while shivaay solve the misunderstanding between rudra and sowmya...Since soumya also came to same to the temple coincidentally that time.......

Om apologizes to gauri for misunderstanding her in every situation and

proposes her ........gauri accepts him and forgives him........

Rudra also convey her feelings to soumya.....soumya forgives him.........

The story ends with lavish weddings of satvika-suvimal followed by chandrika-shivaay,om-gauri,rudra-sowmya..........

And discovering newlife with true love and enjoying with each other company by fighting, understandingand discovering a fruitful life in theirprofound love..

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