《The Search for Cinderella》Chapter 28
Jade eyes sprang open and she woke up in an ungraceful flail. She was just congratulating herself that no one else was there to see it when she realised waking up alone was much worse. The Prince's bedroll was gone.
She swiftly jumped from her resting place and then tripped over her own riding shoes as she attempted to wear them. Jade skidded out on the dewy grass just in time to see the first rays of the sun spring out from behind the mountains.
The Prince stared up at the commotion with a grimace and then went back to grooming his dark maned horse. He was already dressed in his heavy travelling cloak. He had a woollen scarf around his neck and a fleece hat atop his bound hair in preparation for the cooler weather.
"I'm going to set them free," Luke informed her as he gestured to the other horses grazing on the longer grass nearby, "I don't know when or if we'll be back at all. They have plenty to eat if they're not restrained."
"And yet their masters remain imprisoned within their own bodies," Jade grunted as she slumped over the log next to the warm fires. There was a pot of tea churning above it. She rubbed her hands together, having neglected to be appropriately garbed for the weather in her panic.
"I have the tea brewing. I've also boiled some eggs for breakfast. Have some," The Prince said redundantly for Jade was already pouring the concoction in her cup.
"Surely you didn't use..." Jade's ungloved hands stilled as her brown eyes landed on the lake. Her stomach lurched at the thought of drinking the same water.
"The water came from one of the soldier's skins. Even the horses are taking the water from the stream and not the lake," The man explained and finally turned around to face her.
Jade picked up the metal cup and sniffed at it delicately. She took a tentative sip as if expecting poison.
"Unlike you I am a competent cook. I pull my weight when we go hunting. I could have made an elaborate meal but we do not have time," Luke seemed greatly offended by her hesitance.
"So you say," Jade had a smile on her face as she raised her cup towards him in a grand gesture and eagerly drank the hot tea. The chill of the morning air was sinking in her limbs and the tea was the only antidote.
"I'm not one who can't even tell if the meat is done," Luke snorted, "Did they not teach you anything at the Finishing school for the Virtuous, Principled Ladies?"
"Never went," Jade blew over the piping hot tea.
"That explains a lot." The Prince grumbled.
"Whatever does that mean?" Jade's voice was sharp in indignation.
The Prince just arched his brow at her inelegant sprawl and returned to saddling his horse. He was adding more luggage to their horses in case they needed further supplies.
"It's far to early in the morning to be dainty and restrained," Jade grumbled.
The secretary looked up and caught sight of the frozen men, inspite of her efforts to keep her eyes averted. The delicate morning light illuminated the men from behind. There was a greyish tinge to their bodies that was not visible earlier in the torch light. Jade already felt she was mourning them. She was so desperate to see them alive she wished she could hear Sir Rutherford's singing for hours at a time.
"I wondered last night whether we could lasso them towards us but we might inadvertently drown them," Jade motioned at the silent soldiers. Luke remained silent but she knew he too had tossed and turned trying to find a solution. The man dropped the grooming equit and settled in front of her.
"I've gone through their belongings and usurped anything that might be of help. I found more non perishable food, portable camping supplies and some weapons which I've laden our horses with," Luke gestured to Jade's horse whom he had also saddled for the ride. He had never been this gracious before and Jade wondered whether it was a time saving effort or whether he was being chivalrous.
"How many daggers did Dimitri have?" The girl suddenly asked, knowing the answer must be absurd.
"More than the fingers on my hands but he had something else," The Prince replied and help up a round, rough edged object.
Jade sniffed the air and whispered, "Gunpowder."
"Yes, he must have cajoled out some dynamite from the military compounds for they even refused my request to equip us with something more experimental. I wanted the miniaturised canons but was told they can blow off a person's shoulder if not used right."
"I wish we could have seen the military compounds instead of being stuck in the summer palace. Now I shan't get the chance," Jade groused as her fingers made a tentative move to touch the weapon but decided against it before her fingers could land on it.
"Hurry up!" Luke stood up, abruptly, slung his crossbow on his shoulders and announced without meeting her eyes, "If you must follow me then you have to match my speed. I will have no qualms leaving you behind if you slow me down."
"Of course, your Highness," Jade sprang up after him and bowed curtly. She began packing her rucksack's contents. She used the outhouse and came out in a rugged ensemble. The large overcoat had seemed an overkill in the capital's weather but she now could see the weather near the mountain top would suit it perfectly.
Leaving the camp as it, in case, the men awoke in their own Jade and Luke mounted their horses and took a blazing speed that had been impossible with the larger group and the excessive baggage.
Their path was a well defined road in the middle of the grassland that led up straight to the castle. In better times the road must have been extensively used when the village below the castle had been a bustling center of trade. Right now they met no traffic from either sides.
Jade suddenly noticed her companion was slowing down which was very much unexpected. Her horse was not tired and neither was she but she followed his lead in case he meant to go off the path
"What's the delay?" Jade shouted at the top of her lungs.
"Perhaps it would be better to rest for now," The Prince still would not look at her.
"Or perhaps we should maintain our pace if we are to find the back path before nightfall," Jade's tone was clipped as she understood his intention. Their horses were no where near exhausted.
"We can make it to the cliff before sun down," The man answered in a tone that implied he was lying.
"Don't give me your excuses Prince," The secretary spat out, "I know you want to give my fragile bones an easy rest. I no longer require it. In fact I've begun to enjoy the long horse rides."
"I do not want to you overexet yourself!"
"What gallantry, Your Highness," Jade exclaimed, sarcasm dripping from her voice, "Save it for the girl we're rescuing. I have no use for it."
Jade took a bite of the jerky she pulled out from her rucksack and urged her horse back on the rundown path. The pathway was beginning to look more overgrown the further they went. In mere moments the Prince was back at his former pace along with her.
The pair pushed their horses into a frenzy until after another hour or so the horses began to sweat profusely. These horses were bred for their stamina but it would be inhuman to force them beyond their limits. Jade made a hand signal indicating they should stop and the Prince followed her off the road.
Jade jumped off her steed as soon as it slowed down enough and looked upwards. The ominous castle on the mountain was looming closer and closer. She should have been excited the journey was coming to an end up the dread of what would come next made her feel weak in the knees. She sprinkled her beans around their small stop.
The secretary ignored her companion and found a spot to rest her aching rear. The ground was covered in over grown long grass and looked comfortable. Suddenly the Prince ran towards her. The last thing she saw before she braced herself was Luke's glinting dagger. Instead of attacking his secretary the man twisted his dagger onto the ground on her left. She saw it was deeply embedded on a snake's neck.
"You scream like a girl," Luke grinned and pulled his dagger upwards with the bloody snake still twitching on it.
Jade gaped at him and contained her instinct to lob her shoe at his head for scaring her.
"Was it sent by the witch? A bit disappointing she sent a snake after that mountain lion. No one could top that," The tall girl rushed through her speech as she tried to calm her pacing heart.
"Must you taunt her so that she sends you something even more ridiculous," The man countered as he threw the snake away. It landed in a bush with a crash.
"Everyone has their hobbies and as a woman of leisure I believe taunting my foes is a good place to start," The secretary shrugged.
"You have a death wish," Luke uttered flatly.
"As if you're the picture of sense and sensibility," Jade retorted, "And so does the witch. That woman used my father's image to get me in the water. She will not get away from my wrath so easily."
"I understand. Everything you have ever mentioned about your father indicated you were close," The Prince replied with a gentle tone of voice.
"I refused to go that odious school just so we could remain together forever. I had many female friends but they all stayed year round at the school and we could not meet often. Perhaps I would have been closer to my friends if I had gone. They might have taken me in or given me references for further employment. I did try to find employment as a governess but no one would hire me without a reference. I promise," Jade felt the need to explain herself. His reluctance to believe her still taunted her.
"And yet the Royal palace hired you without looking into your background," Luke lopsided grin was bitter. He knew he was responsible for letting Jade stay when Elliot had complained.
"That offense is not my doing. You must file a complaint," Jade smirked at the Prince's growing impatience.
The taller man offered the seated girl his gloved hand and Jade was reminded of how he had ignored her civil offer of a handshake. Jade got up on her and shrugged past it.
"I don't think you're weak," Luke's uttered words made her pause.
"Your words are meaningless when your actions have constantly reminded me so," Jade replied, not hiding her emotions. She rummaged for more jerky in her rucksack and she took a ferocious bite.
"Have this," The man ordered and thrust a cloth wrapped sandwich in her hand, "I made these for the journey."
"I'm not the only one hiding secrets," The brown haired girl murmured as she unravelled the juicy sandwich, "What a catch you are, Prince! Beautiful, kind and now a domestic delight."
"I'm swooning at he compliments," Luke's reply was sardonic, not realising Jade was not jesting despite the quality of her voice.
The girl took the initiative to sit down once again and the Prince pulled out his own sandwich. They munched on their meals in silence. Despite the slivers of former camaraderie they were still awkward around each other. The only time they felt less at unease when they worked together to achieve success in their quest.
The pair continued on their rides till the path dwindled down to rockiness, indicating the incline would soon begin. They opened the map and surmised they should head towards their right if they did not wish to be seen.
They followed a lightly forested area that led them towards a stream. That stream was an offshoot of the castle's river. They had decided during their lunch break it would be worthwhile to try and break into the castle via the bridge that crossed the river. Unfortunately beyond this point there was nothing on the map.
Their horses lightly splashed through the running water as it grew deeper. Their surroundings grew enclosed as the rocky valley around them tightened. Finally they reached a waterfall that had carved a cave into its mouth.
"I'll get the rope. I don't think we can climb the rocks without assistance," Jade sighed and then jumped onto running water. The stream reached her knees.
She unravelled the rope placed on her horse and with the Prince's assistance dug a hook into rock above their heads. The Prince stepped on the hook and inserted another one as high as he could attempt. They inserted the rope and began climbing.
"Will you-" The Prince tried to say something stupid but Jade cut him off.
"Ssh. We will talk after I do my thing."
"What thing!" The man was perplexed.
"That thing I do every night," Jade hissed as they hung a few feet in the air. She mimed her lips shut with her hand that was only free for a few moments before she had to use it to pull herself up.
"You believe we are being overheard," Luke finally understood, "Thank goodness, I thought you were being scandalous."
"I feel like being next to a curtain of water should stop us from being overheard but water didn't help our fallen friends," Jade panted and ignored the second half of his sentence. Her arms were burning from her efforts and she didn't wish to show him her pain.
"Maybe it's the cooler water, maybe it is running water. So many variables have changed," Luke sounded disgustingly unexerted to Jade's ears. He hauled himself over the edge and landed on the drier bit on the side of the river. There was enough space for them to walk safely. He was not stupid enough to offer Jade help. She dangled precariously against the edge but managed to haul herself up. She landed on the damp rocky floor in a heap.
Jade brushed her outfit with her gloved hands in an attempt to look nonchalant while Luke hid his faint smile behind his hands. There was dirt on her nose and he didn't feel charitable enough to tell her about it. The man instead whistled to the horses who departed away from the deeper water. They too were set free in case their masters were not to return. The horses were obedient enough that they would return if called back within their hearing range.
The water rushed down their left as they stumbled forward into the tunnel. The further into the cave they went the darker it became until the evening light was a negligible dot. Luke had found his still dry matches and lit up an oil lamp. After another few minutes of their journey they found an alcove big enough to contain them for the night.
Jade placed her beans on the ground around them finding very little dirt in the ground to dig into. She sat down on the natural jutted out portion of the rocky wall. Perhaps at some time this tunnel had been use by the occupants of the castle.
"It's evening now, we will start again in the middle of the night. We might gain an element of surprise," The Prince mentioned offhandedly and shrugged off his damp coat. The man then began to make work of his vest and undershirt with his nimble finger. Jade coughed when she realised what the Prince was about to do.
Luke's fingers froze in place and his grey eyes widened in shock. He had completely forgotten she was a girl and was about to undress himself.
"Go on," Jade snorted with glee.
"Absolutely not. You should have reminded me..." Luke sat down at once and gave her a wounded look.
"Didn't realise my duties involved when to tell you to keep your trousers on. I shall close my eyes. You can make yourself comfortable," The secretary turned her face away as she reclined against the wall with her feet up and placed an arm over her eyes.
"Promise you won't peek," Luke was still frozen into indecision.
"What kind of hoyden to you taken me for? I have better things or do then spy on you. The real question is whether you will give me the same courtesy," Jade asked, gruffly.
"Of course. But this is highly inappropriate," The man uttered. She could hear the sounds of damp cloth being removed. They had only packed two extra garments for their use since they needed to keep their baggage minimal.
"Why are you so nervous. We have travelling together for a long while now," The secretary asked. She kept her promise and her eyes remained firmly shut.
"We were never alone. We had a good number of soldiers to vouch for our whereabouts. If word was to get out that we were alone it would spark trouble," The Prince whispered as if the topic embarrassed him. He gave his companion the indication that he was done. Jade blinked her brown eyes open as they got used to the dim light.
"Don't tell them I was female. You were with your secretary Jade Ward and we were on a mission to find your lady love and kill that witch. There's nothing scandalous about that," The tall girl shrugged.
"People will find out your identity sooner or later."
"I won't be returning with you, then. Tell them I died. Tell them I perished-" Jade continued her morbid musings but was stopped with his bare hand on her lips.
"Wishing ones death is a bad omen," Luke uttered, with a solemn look. There was something about the trip that invoked his inner superstitious self. He pulled his hand away though it hovered in the air near his face.
"For someone who is petrified of compromising me you're getting a bit too close," Jade smirked and enjoyed the man flinch backwards.
"You're insufferable," He grumbled.
"Yes, my prince, indeed I am."
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