《The Search for Cinderella》Chapter 16
"I believe we've made a mistake," Dimitri patted Jade's newly cut hair. He watched her expression from behind her with concern. He stood while she sat in Jade's dressing room which was strewn with the strands of newly sheared brown hair.
"Why?" Jade blinked at her friend's reflection, "I think I look perfectly presentable."
"The aim was to make you more masculine, not more fetching. You look even prettier than before!" Dimitri exclaimed and placed the ivory handled scissors on the dressing table.
"Eh? I don't think so. I look as gibfaced as I've always been," The girl scrunched her face, trying to find the signs of any beauty in the mirror. The loss of her hair had thankfully not rendered her into a sobbing mess. Whatever feelings of despair she felt had been trod on and firmly kicked into a corner.
"Whatever you say. Just don't be surprised if you're propositioned by some of the elite ladies," The stocky man gave short bark of a laugh at the thought.
"Propositioned? I'm hardly on their social level to even be noticed," Jade exclaimed with an arch of a brow. She had taken off the patches on her brows ages ago since her natural brows had lost any man made changes done to them.
"You're perfectly placed to act like a side piece for a bit of fun. Not as important but not as inferior either to be beyond their society. My only advice is to flatter the women instead of repulsing them immediately as I know you would do. You need to be well thought of even if you don't take up their offers," The man suggested with small smile. He was certain his words would go in one ear and go out the other unnoticed.
"My, my, you've learnt your ways of the court," The female secretary tittered. She gave him a jovial clap on the shoulder as they made way to Jade's main room. She intended to discard the fallen hair later at night when there would be fewer eyes to spot her.
"You do not need any more enemies. I want you to take care of yourself," Dimitri proclaimed solemnly as he sat on an armchair. Jade offered him some fresh sandwiches procured from the kitchen. The head cook had taken a special liking to the new secretary who was as pleasant as Sir Elliot had been dour.
The bodyguard's attention was diverted towards the rearranged furniture he had missed when he had entered the room earlier. The desk had been moved from its former position and was now awkwardly placed next to the fireplace.
"What's all this? Redecorating already?" The man gestured and found himself facing his much amused friend.
"I've found a secret tunnel that connects to my room. That blasted Prince was always sneaking into my room and invading my privacy. I've bested him for now," The girl boasted. Her entire day had been spent on finding the secret entrance in her room. She had been certain that was how the Prince entered the room without her permission and her hypothesis was proven correct. Manipulating a brick in the fireplace had opened an entry way beside it and ended her quest. The desk, the largest piece of furniture in the room, now blocked the secret door completely with its looming back.
"Of course it does. This country was not always peaceful. The palace has many secrets," Dimitri replied, with an indulgent drawl.
"Well, your precious Prince is running off into the night using these secrets without your knowledge," Jade replied, tartly.
"Not quite," The man answers decisively with a small smile, "I know of his every move just like I know he met you last night. Very close call, miss. You should be glad no one is on the brink of figuring out your identity."
"I was indeed quite close to being ensnared," The girl admitted as she took large bite out of her sandwich, "I've been rendered stunned by your skills. You really are doing your job well."
"Your father invested his money wisely," Dimitri was not the least bit shy about his accomplishments and how he got there.
"Is that why you help me?" Jade asked, quietly.
Dimitri rolled his eyes and the matter was laid to rest as they enjoyed the meal with chatter about all the palace gossip Dimitri had uncovered.
"My word," Emma gasped, dropping her pen and parchment. She sat alone in her usual spot in the library after many days of absence.
"What?" Jade asked self consciously. Her hands ran over her fawn jacket as if expecting an inappropriately open button. She slid down on the bench opposite her friend, still worried about her appearance.
"It's unfair, that's what it is. You're not even a girl and you're better looking than me," The fair haired girl pouted, "Whatever you did to your hair really highlights your cheekbones."
"What a ridiculous thought. Why would anyone care if they see my cheekbones. Anyway where were you for the past few days?" Jade asked curiously. She had been trying to contact Emma to no avail. She had even attempted to waylaid her friend's maid at her usual haunts but found her nowhere to be found.
"I was busy being tarted up like a cream pastry and meeting up suitors at my father's behest," The younger girl revealed with a sigh.
"Suitors? Don't tell me you've managed to get yourself betrothed so soon!" The brown haired girl exclaimed.
"No," Emma scoffed bitterly, "As if I would pique any interest in any of the eligible bachelors my father insists I meet."
"I cannot say whether I should be joyed or sad at your statement."
"The barrister I met on the first day was nice looking but he told my father he was looking for something different in a life partner. What I lack I don't know," The fair haired girl wailed softly in her ink sodden fingers.
"I hope he steps into dung everytime he dismounts a carriage," The older friend announced crossly.
Emma peals of laughter were a delight to the ears. Her mood cheered up momentarily although the cloud of an unwanted marriage still remained. She pursed her lips and took a calming breath.
"You have a way of cheering me up, my friend. After I was rejected by the barrister I met a future clergyman," Emma continued her story of woe.
"Tell me you said no!" Jade whispered harshly and remained unrepentant when the librarian cleared his throat aggressively.
"He sounded perfectly decent. Able to provide a good home and living..." The shorter girl trailed off with a troubled expression.
"You have to be jesting. In one meeting you're considering a complete stranger," Jade was distraught and imagined the worst.
"He will keep me quite content," The round faced girl clasped her hands together as if all the energy was lost in her body.
"Will he be able to make you fall in love with him. Tell me at least you found him attractive?" The taller friend hissed.
"Love is only in the novels. Who falls in love these days anyway," Emma slammed her head on the table, "Oh, I cannot pretend to be a part of this farce any longer. Of course I want to fall in love. He was such a dreadful bore."
"I thought your mind was finally addled by all the pressure," Jade remarked with a exhale of breath.
"He was respectable but my attraction to him was minimal. The good news is that he has five unmarried sisters and a widowed mother. My father has his reservations about whether an only son with so many responsibilities could be adequate for me," Emma explained quickly, "My father does dote on me you know, no matter what you think of him. He will never marry me off willy nily."
"I'm glad your father is not unreasonable," The secretary's shoulders relaxed as the threat of weddings bells became more distant, "I know you may think it impossible but I feel you will be able to get him to understand your point of view."
"I hope so..." The blonde pulled at an errant hair running loose from her bun.
"Are you not going to the garden party, tonight?" Jade changed the subject hoping to cheer up her friend but the words had the opposite effect. Her friend's eyes lost even more lustre and she bit her pink lip with nervousness.
"Yes and my deepest desire today is to have nothing to do with it," The fair haired girl announced, "I no longer can tolerate anyone at the palace besides you. The stress I feel on top of this mindless social obligation is going to break my head."
"You should fob off your father for once and tell him you've got a stomach ache," Jade advised, "Until then let's plan to meet up. Luke's expecting me to accompany him."
Jade's heart sped up as she spied on the Prince sitting near a shrubbery maze on an intricate marble bench. He was alone as was the norm and in his hands he held a drink. This was their first meeting since the encounter on the terrace and she wondered if the man could determine her identity now.
With brave steps the secretary ventured forward and gave a bow in front of her master. Her hair fell over her face with the movement and she mentally commended Dimitri on his suggestion for she was free from the worry that her head needed to retain the hair piece.
Prince Luke's grey eyes wandered over Jade's new haircut but he refrained from making any remark about the change although the ends of his lips curved with unbridled amusement.
"Come, sit, no need to hover over me," The man beckoned, forgoing formality like he always did. Jade gladly took the spot next to him. From the vantage point she could see the rest of the party spread out over the vast garden and enjoying the delights of getting lost in the maze.
"This was meant to be a book reading. Some new poet has launched daring verses which were meant to be discussed today but here we are, not a book in sight, once again," Luke sighed as if being present at the party pained him.
"We've already attended five book parties this fortnight. There has to be a limit to how many books one can consume. They should just give up the farce of book reading and just enjoy the delights of the garden," The secretary replied.
"For someone who spends an incredible amount of time at the library it's surprising you don't have a deep abiding love of books," Luke mused with mirth lacing his eyes.
"Unlike other people some of us have chores in the library," Jade announced haughtily before belated adding, "Your Highness."
"You might perceive me to be a lackadaisical layabout but I do have my own set of duties -" The man's voice abruptly halted as they were suddenly surrounded by a gaggle of women who looked far too delighted to have found their catch.
The girls curtseyed in unison as if they'd practiced many times over and without waiting to be acknowledged by the Prince thrust a book out at the seated pair.
"You must read to us, Prince Luke," Lady Elena insisted.
"Must I?" The Prince said and Jade could not fathom how the girls were unaware of the complete loating dripping his words.
"We have not had your company for so long. We are bereft of your dulcet tones," Lady Elena cooed, in hopes of looking fetching. She was lying through her teeth since they'd only just met last week.
"I'm afraid you shall have to be deprived for a little while longer," Luke replied breezily losing the dangerous edge in his voice as swiftly as it came upon him, "My throat did not care for the sherbet foisted upon me by my brother but my secretary will perform in my stead."
"Me?" Jade's voice was painfully shrill and sharp to her ears.
"Hmmm.. if you say so," The woman masked her disappointment and gave the pair a winning smile, "Our Mr. Ward has a way with words. I am certain he will do us credit."
The next few minutes were painful for Jade. It was difficult to modulate her false voice for so long and it faltered at bits but she did a creditable job of pronouncing all the foreign words in the text showing off her extensive education. Luke must have heard her sigh of relief when she ended the recitation because his dimple made a grand appearance at the sound.
The group of girls were excessively complimentary that the tips of Jade's ears turned red. She knew the praise was just to butter up the Prince's close servant but it still gave her ego a boost. As soon as they left the Prince began chortling into his drink.
"Your face!" He hissed as his broad shoulders shook with amusement, "I should have thought you would have bust into flames."
"Be careful next time for I am no phoenix to come back from the ashes," Jade warned, repeating a quote from the book she had just recited. This just invited even more laughter.
Jade spent the next few minutes idly watching the crowd and her eye caught the crown Prince. He had the same quality Luke had where you could instantly pinpoint them in a heavily crowded room although with the older prince you could also spot him because of his group of followers perpetually surrounding him.
To Jade's surprise Edward was moving so swiftly none of his usual sycophants could keep up with the pace of his feet. She observed his trajectory was right towards the covered seating area near the open doors. Her eyes widened when she realised Emma had chosen that spot to hide.
"Is he going to talk to Emma?" Jade was now fully alert and her spine straightened in anticipation.
"Of course," The Prince seated next to her commented, idly.
"I should join them," Jade made a movement to get up but her attempt was aborted by Luke's strong hand which landed firmly on her shoulder.
"Come now, let my brother have some good luck for once," The man gave her a lazy grin through his eyes remained sharp as always.
"His good luck will run out once she accepts a proposal. Her father is already showing her potential suitors," The tall girl lectured the Prince. They both turned their attention back to the scene unraveling before them.
"I shall pass on your warning although I think he's too useless to act on the information with finesse," Luke waved his hand towards Emma's flinty eyes and Edward's clenched fists. The girl had moved out from under the shade of the terrace and her hair shone in the sun.
"You think he shall frighten her away," The secretary's question was redundant since she knew the answer already.
"Of course. I have no idea how he manages to fails to woo her so miserably. How he shall run the country I don't know if he can't even talk to a girl he's known since childhood," The Prince chuckled as if his brother's antics were amusing.
"Do you think you would have been a better king?" Jade asked, lightly even though her eyes were still fixed on her friend. The crown Prince was attempting some sort of conversation and showing her the book Jade had just read but Emma was completely silent.
"I would have been worse, much worse. Our sister would have been the best for the task at hand but she was neither male, nor first born, sadly. Even Edward admits it," Luke said and finished the horrible sherbet concoction.
"That's what needs to change. Women make up half the population and yet they are powerless. How absurd and cruel," The brown haired girl announced.
"I can see Emma has been an influence," Her employer gave her a quick smile.
"No, I have been a proponent of equal rights for a very long time. My father believed men and women were no different," Jade replied, resolutely.
"But don't you believe women are delicate," Luke asked with a grin clearly relishing riling up his secretary.
"I beg your pardon but delicate my rear end! They are just as vicious and ruthless as anyone else. Take the women targeting Emma for being in the royal social circle for example. Those vicious harpies are hardly fragile..." The tall girl trailed off as she noticed Luke's impertinent smile and realised he was enjoying her temper.
"Thank you for the reminder that we need to keep an eye open for any mischief today. Edward paid special attention to our friend tonight and I forsee consequences that none of us may like," The Prince replied, loftily as if he was not being mischievous a moment earlier.
Jade nodded and cast her attention to her friend who stood alone with a flushed countenance now that Prince Edward had now turned his back to her. He looked enthralled in whatever his sycophants had to offer in conversation. Emma, it seemed, had made her decision and took a sharp turn inwards to make her exit. The timing was fortuitous for a large potted plant shattered against the ground right where she had previously stood.
Jade's heart pumped blood powerfully in her ears as she sprang up before Emma's bloodcurdling screech rang through the garden. Her heavy boots crunched against the gravel covering the path which led to where Emma had fallen. The secretary landed on the marble on her knees.
"Have you been injured?" Jade asked, loudly.
Emma shook her head but her small frame shivered as if she had landed once again into the lake. Her glass like eyes blinked as if trying to hold back tears.
"Will you be able to stand?" The secretary inquired again and was met with a negative response.
"Can I assist you?" Luke asked, somberly, surprising Jade for she had forgotten anyone else existed besides them in her concern for her friend. Emma extended her arms and both her friends carefully helped her up.
"What in the world is going on?!" Edward's alarmed voice joined the fray of confused whispering following them.
"You tell me. You were the one closest to her?" Luke hissed with aggravation lacing his voice. The doormen pushed the curtains aside as the trio exited the gardens with the crown Prince rushing after them. He made a motion to the guards disallowing anyone daring enough to follow them.
"I was not paying attention," The man growled as if taking affront to the tone used against him, "This is hardly my fault."
"Look at what kind of company you keep," Jade grumbled to herself but the Prince's sharp ears heard her.
"Why would anyone..." The man trailed off as the puzzle failed to fit in his head. The other two helped Emma on an empty chair in a seating area below a staircase leading to the main hallway.
"You know why," Luke punctuated firmly. He looked incredibly cross and placed his arms behind his back as if he meant to keep them from attacking someone.
"Your Highness," Emma's clear voice spoke out and they all turned to her in surprise, "While I appreciate your efforts to include me in your society I think it best if I am no longer invited. I am clearly unwanted and this course of action would be best."
None of the other three could articulate what they felt about her pronouncement because Emma immediately stood and took her leave with a shallow bow. It took
more time then it was sensible for Jade to realise what was going on and she hurried after her friend while the two stupefied Princes watched them ascend the staircase.
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