《The Search for Cinderella》Chapter 11
"Love potions, dream potions... Hmm..." Jade doodled in the margin of her borrowed notebook. She sat in the sunny part of the library once again as she poured over books that might improve her understanding. Her midnight encounter with the Prince made her more eager to get to the bottom of the matter.
A shadow fell upon her parchment and she looked up with trepidation. They had a free afternoon and she hoped it continued to remain free since she had plans. The guard's forbidding face as he handed her an envelope made her sigh. Of course, that was not the case.
"You are summoned," The guard tonelessly, "Follow me, please."
"Of course," Jade slammed her notebook shut. After ridding herself of her baggage at the librarian's desk she followed the guard out the gilded door with a sense of dread rising within her heart. Each step she took felt like lead. The footman outside Elliot's room announced her and ushered them in.
"Well, you've officially made it into the royal circle if not royal employment for the time being," Elliot uttered from his desk as the girl shut the heavy door behind her in lieu of a greeting. Jade gave the room a quick inspection. It was generous in proportions and sparsely decorated.
"How so?" The brown haired girl queried. She performed a ceremonial bow before accepting the man's order of taking a seat.
"You have been invited to the royal horse race," The older man stated blandly and paused as if expecting some kind of acknowledgment of why that may be.
"I haven't any notion as to why I would be invited to such an event. Watching prime horse flesh is a good way to spend-" Jade's free flowing words were clipped as soon as they ran in the danger of escaping her mouth.
"Not watching, racing..." The secretary uttered gravely, "When I say it's a royal event it is because the Prince has insisted on organising a race he will be participating in."
"Prince Luke?" Jade was alarmed for the action was unlike her current estimation of the man.
"Stop being obtuse. If Prince Luke had invited you he would have ordered all of your companions, not merely yourself and he would have been more selective in whom he chooses as his spectators," Elliot replied gruffly. Clearly the horse race was not to his liking.
"Why would the crown Prince want a horse race with me..." Jade trailed off feeling the fledgling of understanding seep through her stunned brain. Of course the man would be so petty as to try and humiliate her for the company she kept.
"Not just you, there are others within his social circle who ride with him... Perhaps he has heard of your prowess on horses," Elliot commiserated with a pinched expression. He could not disuade the crown Prince once he had commanded his choice. He was even more unyielding than his own charge who was famous for his pig headedness.
"Is Prince Luke to ride?" The girl wondered. The Princes never seemed close but it would be nice to ride with a familiar face.
"He may, he may not," Elliot remarked mysteriously.
"I should hope he feels well enough to," Jade muttered before she could curb her thoughts that found their way to her tongue. Elliot raised his grey eyebrow.
"And how did you come to conclusion? Surely not listening to common talk?" The man's tone was acerbic.
"I do not wish to spread gossip but I came across him after our sojourn in the library. Please have him followed, sir. I worry he might be a danger to himself because he was not in his senses," Jade wanted to keep the information close to her chest but Elliot's piercing eyes took the words out of her mouth.
"You may leave," Was the pointed dismissal. The girl walked out with a droop in her shoulders. Whenever it seemed luck was on her side she managed to dash her chances with her own follies.
"Cor! Has the Prince lost his tiny little mind. He's been on the horse since birth..." Emma exclaimed. The librarian was unimpressed by her theatrics. Jade had returned from the meeting to find his companion waiting for him as they had planned. It was difficult to organise a solitary meeting between a man and a woman without ensuring vile tales and drama. Even a personal letter could be used to place blame upon Emma's character.
"So have I! Do not despair for it shall not be an uneven match but I shall be largely be unnoticed by everyone else. There are many Lords to ride?" Jade retorted, feeling like she should not be pitied just quite yet.
"Indeed, but why should he ask an untitled gentlemen he has scarcely been introduced to into the fold? He does not mingle with servants which is what we are to him," Emma's blue eyes studied her friend's face as if trying to discern her companion's secret.
"Maybe I am the favourite for Prince Luke's employment and he wishes to test me," Jade hid her face in her hands for even she could not believe her own assertion.
"The what and why matter no longer. We must get you ready right this very minute. The race is barely a day away," Emma stood from her seat very abruptly, "Up you go!"
"Where to?" Jade grumbled as she was manhandled into giving up her own seat and following the shorter girl out of the library. Emma hurriedly stored their notes and books with the grumpy librarian as Jade had done earlier and linking their hands together ran of the room.
"We are going to the stables, of course," Emma clarified as they she brought her friend out under the clear open sky, "You need a steady mare for your race."
"Perhaps a fiery steed. I am no novice," Jade laughed at her sensible suggestions. They did not have to walk much further to find what they were searching for.
The twosome loitered along the pristine stable door as the stable master presented them with various suggestions of which horse they should acquire for the race. The man would have one of the stable boys trot the horse in front of the pair and give a brief list of the pros and cons.
"I think the white one is very pretty," The younger girl patted the horse like one would a most dangerous beast.
"Pretty shall certainly not help me win the race," Jade scoffed although she had to admit the horse had other merits to think about. The horse just blinked at her as if complaining about being disturbed for her meal.
"Please stop thinking about winning and losing. Edward is vicious when it comes to a competition. I do not want you to hurt yourself," Emma's tone was not jesting at all. She truly believed the race to be dangerous.
"It surely cannot be a perilous as you want me to believe!" The older girl was adamant the younger one was exaggerating her words.
"We are atop a hill, right? For the purpose of races they have built a track that circles around this hilltop. On one side is the hillface and on the other the deep valley below. The spectators can only wait at one point where the race starts and ends," The plump girl gave a rousing speech, "I worry not about you winning the race, pretty boy, I worry whether I shall find out you have dropped off the side of the cliff. Take care!"
"Yes, mother, dear!" The other girl bowed impertinently.
Jade placed her leg on the pretty white horse's stirrup and was about to let herself up when the sight before her made her lose her balance. While she did not fall to ground in a heap she did falter her footing as she stabilised herself.
Emma noticed the reason for her distraction and asked "Never seen him before. Any cause for alarm?"
"He's my horse trainer's son," Jade hissed, keeping her face concealed behind the white horse. The young man in front of them, who was exactly her age, rode out one of the steeds from the stable door and trotted it off, away from where the pair was standing.
"Then why the glum face? You should be happy you meet a friend from the past," Emma prodded her cowardly friend.
"My esteemed father was a respected and wealthy gentleman but now I don't own two coins to rub together. It is humiliating to see myself so fallen,"Jade explained the half truth. The fact that the last time they had met she had been dressed as a girl was a more pressing issue. Dimitri at least knew how much Permelia had been loathed and would not be surprised by her actions.
"Oh, you men and your pride. You will need to face him sooner or later," The corn haired girl dismissed the entire affair with a casual wave of the hand
"Aye. But not now," Jade's eyes were still fixed on her former friend. She wondered if he would be willing to hide her secret. As children he had been a trustworthy confidant but would he do the same now?
Jade walked through the crowd gathered at a small grassy plain right before where the race path began. The crowd was divided into small clusters around what she presumed were the men meant to ride at the race. The riders were gaily dressed in fashionable clothing with their supporters standing around them with banners and flags.
All the participants and spectators were brought down to the race track by carriage while the horses were brought in separately. Jade found her white horse standing in a fenced off area next to the other horses. She was patting her ride when a man came up next to her. Jade swiftly bowed realising who it was and nearly toppling over her tweed hat.
"I should hope you are prepared," The grey eyed man surveyed her attire. Mr. Gepetto had outdone himself with her outfit even though she had previously thought it a waste of time and money. Jade wore tweed riding breeches along with a matching waistcoat and overcoat. Her leather gloves and riding shoes too matched the distinctive green hue tweed Mr. Gepetto had adorned her with.
"Your Highness, you will join us?" Jade asked redundantly for the man was wearing full riding regalia. He had forgone the fashionable tweed Jade and the other riders were wearing and preferred an old fashioned leather overcoat strapped tightly upto his neck with a hint of a ruffles peeking from underneath his cravet.
"Of course," Prince Luke replied magnanimously, "My brother would not begin without me. He insisisted upon my presence And I did want to see my brother make a fool of himself."
"How so? I have heard he is very well trained," Jade pondered over his statement seriously.
"He loses all instinct when faced with his boiling temper. I should hope Emma chooses to support you. It will be entertaining," The man chuckled with mischief lurking within his eyes. The man was a troublemaker through and through.
"She is painting on banners with my name on them as we speak," Jade pointed to the patch of grass where she spied Emma busy scratching on paper with a frown of concentration.
Prince Luke grinned at the sight. His fetching dimple made its presence felt. He pulled out his hat from one of his pockets and placed it upon his bound hair.
"I haven't had this much excitement for an event since.. " The man shrugged as if the thought was inconsequential.
"I should hope your life is not as boring as you make it out to be," Jade commented idly. She stroked her beautiful horse with calm reassurance as it grew weary of being trapped.
"It's a dreadful bore. Being a Prince is not as exciting as one would think it should be," Luke took to grooming his own ride. He jumped over the fence and picked up the comb.
"I just wanted to apologize about that night..." Jade said and found herself faced with confused grey eyes.
"What night do you speak off?"
"When I encountered you late at night. I was presumptuous about how I dealt with your problem," The girl mumbled her apology.
"My problem? I do not recall meeting you at all," The man scrunched his nose as if trying to recall the events in question.
"What? Surely... Never mind," Jade bowed deeply and excused herself to meet up with Emma. Jade unlooped the rope and set her horse free. Horse and rider began the short journey to other side where the cliff face lay but it was by luck she was accosted by another Royal.
"I hope you wear failure with grace," Prince Edward was unfailingly unpleasant. Jade's low bow had more to do with hiding her expression rather then showing signs of devotion.
"Not as much as winning enhances my features," The girl replied, keeping her gaze steady. Prince Luke had given her an important insight in his brothers temperament.
Edward rolled his eyes and his jaws clenched as he observed something afar. The blue hue of his cape matched the colour of his eyes while his white shirt was decorated with lucky charms from his various fans and followers.
"I am aghast you have been popular among the ladies with your features," The man was needlessly cruel and Jade was uncertain how much she could toe the line when it came to the reply. She decided to keep her tongue curbed as much as she could.
"What ladies? I am not acquatinted with any... Oh, Emma!" Jade called out in relief.
The girl ran upto the horses wearing a white empire frock much popular with the debutantes this season. Her cheeks was ruddy and eyes brightened with exercise. She stopped out of breath and took some time to compose herself.
"Pretty boy! I wish you all the luck. You deserve it!" The girl beamed at the sight of her friend. She handed her friend a pink ribbon with a clasp to tie on her breast pocket.
"No more lucky charms to hand out to the others?" Edward asked with a tinge of bitterness flavouring his words.
Emma turned bright red but to Jade's surprise she answered instead of turning mute like a pale marble statue as she always did.
"I am supporting my friend," The fair haired girl mumbled although she did not look at the Prince never mind meeting his eyes. The dark haired man continued to give the girl a pointed stare but her indifference was an iron wall around her.
"Thank you for the support. I fear no one else shall be cheering for me," Jade ran her fingers over her empty breast pocket which she adorned with Emma's token of luck.
"I promise my voice will be the loudest, Jay! You do not mind if you bestow upon you a nickname. I cannot possibly shout Mr. Ward, Mr. Ward without looking ridiculous."
"If you'll allow me to call you Emma. Your name is so lovely it does not require shortening at all."
The Prince made a disgusted sound and trotted his horse away into the fray of his friends. They eagerly watched the arrival of the important man and surrounded him immediately.
"You have been a good influence. I no longer fear his taunts and acid words for I know you shall be on my side," Emma whispered even though her foe was far from reach.
"My word. That is the compliment of the highest order," Jade smirked. The herald announced it was time to begin and Jade swiftly mounted her white horse remembering her folly at the stable.
The race was an informal sort with no numbering or lines to demarcate whose horse ran where. The opponents all gathered in a cluster and waited for the herald to lower their flag Jade understood men would be willing to cheat if the opportunity presented itself and it seemed the start would be the best moment. The singular elderly referee would be abysmal at keeping an eye on them all.
The Herald shouted loudly and the race commenced in a chaotic fashion. People pushed and shoved amongst themselves trying to begin first. Jade saw the two Princes were already ahead of the pack having been given the places in the front. She manoeuvred herself with dexterity and found an opening that would lead her beyond the starting line.
She galloped ahead, enjoying the refreshing breeze. The various competing nobles who had broken free along with her were now her competition. She narrowly missed a whip from a horseman who had creeped up from behind.
Emma had been correct; the path was more dangerous than advertised. The curved path that circled around the hillside was wide but the one edge on her left was down a steep hill. One false move and both horse and rider could perish.
Jade lowered her body and forced her horse to gallop faster. She had the advantage of being lighter than most of the indolent nobles riding along with her and she knew she could beat most of them purely based on skill.
After another sharp curve she found the path had widened considerably but realised one horseman had dismounted his horse right where a portion jutted out. To her alarm it was Prince Luke. Even though she wished most dearly to defeat the crown Prince she was more worried about her potential future employer.
"Prince Luke. What are you doing?" The girl called out, reducing her horse's speed until it came to a halt.
"She's there..." The man answered in an unusual voice. His grey eyes were glazed and unfocused. He pointed far off, towards a smaller hill into the distance.
Jade unseated herself cautiously and approached the man as if trying to touch a hornet's nest.
"No one's there," Jade answered.
"I must go," Luke mumbled, barely opening his lips to speak. The Prince took a lurching step forward that brought him closer to the edge. A fast rider galloped past the pair, standing on the edge, making their clothes sway with the gust of wind.
"I really don't think you should," Jade tried to stall the man. She hoped another rider would stop and help her but everyone was too focused on their race.
Luke did not reply and instead took another step ahead. Jade tackled the man now certain he meant to jump down the cliff face. She tried to bring him to the dusty ground but Luke was too strong and too determined for her. She gripped onto his leather clad shoulders and forced them down but he threw her off without a grunt of exertion.
Jade rolled away but jumped back on the fallen man and draped herself over him. His grip on her collarbones stung her hard enough that fearing he would overpower her she socked the man in the eye just like she had been taught by Dimitri.
She brought her leather water bag from her side and sprayed it all over the man's face. Water had worked earlier to break the spell and perhaps it would work now. Prince Luke's red rimmed eyes blinked in shock and his head hit the dusty road with a thud.
"Do not be alarmed, your Highness," Jade removed herself from atop the Prince with her hands in the air.
"What is the meaning of this?" Prince Edward roared as he flung himself off his ride. A cloud of dust rose form the violence of his dismount. The man had been at the front of the pack and it seemed he been alerted by another ride and had raced back to find his brother.
"I can explain-" Jade choked out as she was grabbed by her cravet and shook until she could not breath.
- In Serial409 Chapters
Cultivation Pet Shop
"What? That chicken is actually a phoenix?"
8 1366 - In Serial158 Chapters
Nero Zero
Monsters plagued the lands for too long. No matter if one had fangs, beak, teeth, skin, fur, or feather, or was tall, stout, or diminutive, the people suffered. Until the Gadgeteers came with a device that could allow people to fight back. Powered by one's own magical power, feeding off of monster Essence, the Arbitrium bracer turned the tables. It also changed society. Strength of one's level cap was all that mattered. The strongest were Kings and Emperors. The weak or those too poor to afford the marvelous device, destitute. And so it has been for millennia. All that mattered was one's level cap. High, low, a fate decided the moment the strange contraption came alive. Too high and you were a threat to those interested in keeping the status quo, a weed to be nipped before it could grow and take root. Too low and you were nobody, fated to be a bit more than a simple farmer. What if someone, somewhere, came up with a zero for their level cap? Unable to use Essence, unable to level up. On all of recorded history, it never happened. Until it did. In a small village of fur-less and tail-less ape-beastkin, a boy found out he was uniquely handicapped. Nero's level cap was Zero. But he'd never let that stop him from reaching his goals. ------------------------------------------------ All stories have already been told. We merely reuse elements from them. From Joseph Campbell's Monomith to Stephen King's advice, and that encyclopedia of tropes you've visited, fiction has been dissected and reassembled countless times. One will surely find elements inspired on other works here. Just like cooking from basic ingredients, the recipe and presentation is what really matter. This is a fantasy adventure, of someone that goes from a zero to a slightly bigger zero. It will have romance but no harem. Cruelty but with hope dimly shining ahead. Lightweight where it can be, heavy where it must. Thanks for reading. Cover Credits (The cover is CC-BY-NC-SA): Steampunk Spider Bracer, by Daniel Proulx. CC-BY-NC-SA Picture Frame, @anaterate, Pixabay license. Some odds and bits from here and there.
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Creativity is power. Creation is power. Arax is empty, he has no personal attribute and his parents have left him out in the dark. By day he suffers through a mid-level university trying to convert people into Masters but it's given him no luck, nothing will stick. His only momentary joy is the games of Harshings that he plays every night with the members of the Armament Club, ten of the highest level Harshings players of all-time, Arax is the only one under three-hundred years old. Anyways, after a harsh game of Harshings (pun intended) one of the members of the club contacts him with a solution to his emptiness problem, Mimir's Well. Anyways, this story is about God's and creativity and bonkers off the wall (expletive) and rituals and God's and sex jokes. I probably got inspired by like all of the mythos stories that have been popping up on here. It's in a VERY rough form because I've just been getting back into writing. I've written like fifty thousand words already so I guess have fun.
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Totem Master: A Spiritual Adventure
This is the story of Jacob Ashwin. The story of yet another man who stepped from one world to another. The man who obtained the class, Totem Master. He was just your average american living in America, when one day he was walking down the street. He blinked and suddenly found himself in a new world filled with magic and frought with danger. Follow this crazy action filled spiritual adventure. "What? I have a system?! Where is my HUD and menu?!" There is not your typical isekai story. Lets see how Jacob uses his superior earth ingenuity to survive this harsh world. Follow Jacob and the friends he meets along his journey. This story will not be very sexual, but has some more intimate moments. There will be no sex scenes in the story, but probably implied ones down the line. Please feel free to leave a comment, give your critisism, and rate the story. I don't own the cover image, but it is a near perfect representation of what i am trying to create in visual appearance. Also for the guy who gave me a 0.5, I don't like you. You didn't even explain why you thought so poorly of the story. Don't be like that guy.
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Mud, Blood, and Magic
Life doesn't always go according to plan. For Samuel Caulfield, ex-Army Ranger and CIA contractor, the plan was kill, leave, and drink to forget. When his plans went off the rails, and he was cast with little intel to an unknown world full of Mages, Dragons, and Kings on the precipice of all-out war, he has to struggle with balancing uncomfortable emotions, nobility, and the horrors of a world at war.
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one more time ↬ pcy + bbh
❝ I'm in love with you, Baek. ❞
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