《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》2. Eat A Snicker's Bitch
'God, thank you, your boy, Nathan', I thought walking away from my Omi's class heading to my own. Every time I look at my baby my heart palpates and the breath gets knocked right out of me. To some people, the haters specifically, she and I should not be together. Do I give a fuck what them or anyone thinks about our relationship? Fuck no. She is all mine and I am all hers. Nothing can ever compare to my baby or can ever come between or above us. Shout-out to Luda for his bars in 'Baby'.
As I was walking minding my own business people spoke to me, mainly those of the female gender, but I could not be bothered to even acknowledge their greetings. Naomi once told me that I am often times rude, but I had to break it down for my baby. See, us guys too often make this mistake, speaking to a female while we are in a relationship or whatever the fuck we are doing with someone else. People take responding to a greeting as common courtesy. I take it as an invitation to something else that I want no part in. When you respond, in their mind, you invited them to approach you or start up a conversation which more than not is just an excuse to flirt with you.
I will be damned if I give anyone that opportunity. That is fucking disrespectful and I will not allow anyone to disrespect my baby nor our relationship. My schedule is centered around my major studies of music production and business management with a minors in film. I already have quite a large following and my name is already out there a bit, but I want to make sure I have all of my ducks in a row. Due to my large following, I am pretty much the big man on campus. Being the big man on campus means that everyone wants a piece of you and I think the fuck not.
I admit that before Naomi I fucked around, but once I laid eyes on my baby all of that shit ceased. It took me a minute to get her attention then another one to get her phone number. Once we began talking and she got to know me better she finally let me take her on a date. My baby is not like most of these other people on campus that quickly jumps into things. She took her time and made me work for her. She has no idea how much I appreciate that small thing about her.
Now back to the story before I ramble on and on about my baby. So I am minding my business when this little girl approaches me. "Hey, Natha-", she began but I interrupted her. "Up out my face, little girl", I told her walking pass her. "Nathaniel, i'm throwing a party an-", she called catching up to me. "I won't be there", I deadpan. I heard a scoff before my forearm was grasped pulling me to a stop. I jerked my arm free of her grasp turning to face her.
"Who and the hell do you think you are to be touching?", I demanded, my nostrils flaring. This broad had the nerve to twirl a strand of her stiff ass extensions. "You weren't listening to me", she stated. "Ya damn skippy. Do not touch me again or I will get my baby to beat your ass", I sneered before continuing on my way to class. "Bitch, made me late for class. Now I got to go disinfect my arm", I grumbled making a right instead of a left to head to the restroom. I walked in heading over to the sinks. I grabbed a few paper towels bawling them up in my hand. I pumped the soap dispenser three times before turning on the water wetting the paper towels and began scrubbing my arm.
I heard the door open but I could not be bothered to spare them a glance. "Yo', Nate! What you doin' bro?", the voice of one of my cousins and one of Naomi's best friends called. I looked up from my arm and sure enough there stood Tristan.
Tristan is Christian's older brother. Tris, is gay and there are some assholes that do not like that. They gave him a hard time about it until he beat a football player's ass that was twice his size in build. After that, everyone knew that he was a force to be reckoned with. Our family didn't raise no bitches 'round these parks.
I huffed scrubbing my arm some more. "Some bitch touched me with her infected ass", I hissed scrubbing harder. He chuckled, "Was she really infected or are you exaggerating as usual?", he drawled leaning against the wall between the sinks with his hands on his hips. I scoffed, "With extensions that stiff she had to of have been", I said in disgust. He snickered covering his mouth with his hand. I tossed the paper towels in the trash and rinsed my arm before grabbing new ones to dry my arm. "Anyways, why aren't you in class, pretty boy?", I asked drying my hands and arm.
"It hasn't started yet", he deadpan standing to his full height. I gave him a look of boredom. "You are such a liar. We have the same class", I said with an eye roll. He smirked walking out of the bathroom. I tossed the paper towels in the trash following after him. We walked the short distance to class walking in going to our seats, ignoring the stares of our classmates. "Do you two care to explain why you are late to my class?", Professor Greene called.
"Nope", Tris called from his seat making a few people snicker. "I do. Some stiff weaved, infected, box built ass bitch touched me so I had to go to the restroom to scrub my arm. I would have been done quicker if she would have quit fucking talking to me like I cared about anything she had to say", I defended. Laughter sounded around the room. "Mr. Vitro! That is inappropriate!", Professor Greene called over the laughter while I just shrugged and rested my head on my palm. "Fuck you, Nathaniel!", a voice screeched ceasing the laughter of my classmates. I turned my head to the right to where the voice came from and stared at the girl that made me late boredly.
"You would like that wouldn't you?", I responded blandly. "You are such a little bitch, Nathaniel! You are always talking down to someone like you're the cream of the crop", the girl spat. "Challenge accepted, bitch", I mumbled to myself. "Okay, since you cannot keep your mouth shut. Let's talk. Let's talk about you trying to invite me to your lame ass party in hopes that you might be able to seduce and fuck me. Let's talk about how you let your weave get that damn stiff. You couldn't even twirl it around your finger properly when you tried to be cute in the hall. Let's talk about how you think you cute enough to make me want to talk to you. Like why and the hell would I want to talk to you when I have my baby just down the hallway? My baby, Naomi is perfect to me. None of you hoes at this school could ever hold a candle to her. Scratch that, no-one around the world can compare to her in my eyes so you need to shut the hell up", I began. I pulled a Snicker's out of my pocket biting it open.
"I need to gone ahead and eat this damn candy and you need to eat one too, bitch, because you aren't you when you're hungry. I'm actually entertaining you and you know better than to talk to me. Yup, hungry as fuck", I finished. "I hate you, Nathaniel!", the girl screeched. Meanwhile, I turned my head staring straight forward biting into my Snicker's ignoring everything around as I patiently waited for class to begin. "Nathaniel apologize, now!", Professor Greene ordered. "Are you ever going to begin class?", I retorted. "Get out", she ordered. "You better quit ordering me around, ma'am. You aren't Burger King and I am not McDonald's. Therefore you can't have it your way and I damn sure am not loving it, miss", I responded snidely.
"Nathaniel, leave", she demanded. "Why are you like this Susan?", I groaned grabbing my bag off of the floor, rising to my feet and pushing the chair back in to the desk. "Out, Nathaniel", she ordered. I left with a huff, but I was fine. For now at least. When Naomi finds out she's going to kill me, but she is nothing I can't handle.
I found a quiet spot in the building and worked on my set list for an upcoming gig while I waited for Omi's class to finish for the day. A while later I was waiting outside of her class for her and she came walking out talking with one of her classmates. I leaned against the wall watching as she told them 'bye' and made her way to me. Instead of the usual kiss she pinched me repeatedly while lecturing me on getting kicked out of class. Apparently, Tris had texted her what happened and the wife was not happy with me about it.
I caught her hands putting them at her sides, quickly wrapping my arms around her waist trapping her arms at her sides so that she could not pinch me anymore. She wiggled in my arms trying to get free of my hold. "I will act better next class, Omi", I told her tightening my arms around her so she could not get free just yet. He wiggling ceased, "You promise, baby?", she asked staring up into my eyes with her big brown ones. I sighed leaning down to kiss her, but she turned her head curving me. "Baby?", I groaned trying again and getting the same result.
"Not until you promise me, Nathaniel", she said leaving no room for argument. "But what if-", I began making an attempt to anyway, but she interrupted me. "Promise me. You know that you need to be in class and I want you to succeed. You can't let people push you down to their level, baby. You were out of pocket and you know it. I am not asking you to apologise to that girl, but you do need to apologise to Mrs. Greene for disrupting her class. Now promise me to behave", she said sternly. I groaned in annoyance. "Fine", I grumbled leaning down to kiss her again, but she turned her head again.
"Woman", I hissed in warning. "Say it", she demanded making me roll my eyes. "I did", I huffed. "No, you didn't. Now say it", she responded wiggling again. "You are so damn stubborn", I exasperated. She rolled her eyes, "Look whose talking, Nathaniel. Now say it", she said snarkily. I pursed my lips staring deep into her eyes in an attempt to distract her so that I can finally get my kiss. It did not work.
"Promise me and I will let you kiss me", she exasperated. "Fine. I promise to behave next class. Now let me kiss you, Omi", I said begrudgingly. She smiled giving me the go ahead and I leaned down finally getting my kiss. I loosened my arms allowing her to able to move hers again. She placed them under my arms with her hands resting on my shoulders as we deepened the kiss. My hands found their way down her back to her ass. I gripped it firmly holding on to as much as I could.
"Can you two not?", an annoying voice said, disgust prominent in their voice. I groaned into the kiss shoving my tongue in Omi's mouth, making sure that anyone watching could see what I was doing while my hands were busy groping her ass. My baby moaned in surprise breaking the kiss. I pecked her lips then her cheek before licking a strip up the side of her neck when she turned to face whoever made that rude comment. "...fucking disgusting", the person sneered. By this time I was busy kissing on Omi's neck so I did not pay them much mind, but I still caught what they were saying.
I pulled my face away from my baby's neck to face whoever was talking shit. Surprise, surprise! It was the bitch that got me put out of class. The only difference is that she has a friend with her now. "Baby, ignore that little girl", Omi cooed grasping my face in the palm of her hands turning my head so that I would look at her. She was trying to distract me and it was working. That is until I heard a scoff followed by "Look at her. She looks way too big for that outfit and him. What does he see in her? She has rolls, her teeth are crooked, and she's ugly".
That would be the friend and the cracking noise that followed that would be my resolve to not go for them bitches. "Little girl, little girl. I thought that you would have learned your lesson in class, but here you are again trying to learn a new one. You and your dopey ass friend to get a fucking life. What we do, my wife and I, has nothing to do with either one of you. My baby can wear whatever the fuck she wants to and no-one better tell her that she can't because she doesn't look like one of those skeletons on the runways or the cover of magazines. She is fucking perfect the way that she is. So what she has rolls, I butter 'em up and I eat them, bitch. So what she has cushion, she keeps me nice and warm and makes the best damn pillow I have ever laid on. Not to mention it gives me better gripage when I lay this pipe all up in her drain. She be trying to run from me, but-"
"Nathaniel!", my baby hissed.
I shushed her continuing. "I said too much about our sex life. Anyways, let me get back on topic before you bitches start fantasizing about us since you're clearly obsessed with our lives with your lame asses. Up, I spoke to soon. With your no ass having asses. I mean no disrespect to those who do not have one, but come the fuck on. How come your back and legs connect with nothing in between? I bet you think you are really cute, but I object. The devil is a fucking liar! You guys literally look like fucking guys with your sloppy make-up. What's ya name? Jawanna man and Shawanna man? Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Y'all done ruined my fucking day. Be gone pests! Matter fact, baby let's go", I spat before ushering Omi towards the exit leaving them two bitches in a stupor.
I took my baby to a little restaurant off campus to eat not wanting to be bothered with the usual chatter and gossiping happening in the canteen. Although we had not been apart long and I had spent the night at her house, we still talked about what we did while we were apart. We had both ordered burgers and fries with a Sprite on the side to eat.
A short wait later and our food was placed before us. I was actually pretty hungry so with a quick prayer I dug in. I was devouring my food when I felt eyes boring into my skin.
I looked up from my plate to see Naomi staring at me from across the table. She looks so beautiful. I told her such and she seemed to light up. Her skin looks as if it is glowing and although her teeth are not perfect her smile is to me. Everything about her is perfect to me.
She truly is one of the best things to ever happen to me. I paid for our meal then we walked down the sidewalk to a ice cream shop for dessert. We were pretty full so we shared a sundae.
We are now walking back to the car and I cannot keep my eyes off of her. Our hands are linked between us swinging as we walk taking each step in tune with one another. I know that I make her mad sometimes and that I make her frustrated. This I know, but I cannot help the way that I am. I hate it when people try to bring her down. She is so special to me and it pisses me off that they do not appreciate her for who she is. That they do not accept her body just the way that it is.
I know that I talk shit about other girls' body to them, but that is only to drive my point home. No, two wrongs do not make a right. However, it is not fair for them to target Naomi because she does not look like them and we are together. Whether it be real life or over the internet, I will always defend my baby. "What? You keep looking at me", she quietly asked. I smiled softly.
"I just think that you are beautiful and I love you a lot", I admitted. She smiled giving my hand a squeeze. "I love you more", she responded staring into my eyes. I rolled my eyes running my free hand through my hair. "Impossible", I told her and I meant it.
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