《Forgiving You (Dublin Sisters #2)》Chapter 4
"Nawal, wake up this instant. You know we have a brunch to go to," Ghazala pulled the duvet away from her daughter. Goosebumps rose on Nawal's forearms as she was exposed to the cold temperature in the room. The radiators in Nawal's room were always low as she felt that it made her skin dry. Cocooned in the duvet, she would sleep peacefully. Well until, her mother came and dragged the duvet away. This was a routine. How many times in the past Ghazala had to physically pull Nawal out of the bed? The girl loved to sleep. And during weekends, it took all of Ghazala's energy to wake her up.
"Mom, plllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeee, just one more minute," mumbled Nawal sleepily nuzzling her face into the pillow.
Ghazala was no in the mood to endure her daughters antics. She grabbed Nawal's shoulder and started shaking her. "Nawal you better wake up, otherwise I am getting cold water and I will simply dump it on your head."
Slowly, Nawal stirred and finally sat up. Her eyes were still closed, "Mom you are the meanest."
"Whatever. It's 11am and we have to be at Seema's by 1pm. Now get in the toilet right this minute." Ghazala sternly enjoined her daughter.
Rubbing her eyes with the backs of her fingers, Nawal muttered, "No decent person wakes up at 11am on a Sunday morning." She turned to lie down again, "Besides tell khala I was tired and wasn't able to come."
"Oh no you don't." Ghazala pulled Nawal's ear making her screech. "Get up now and get ready."
Rubbing her reddening ear, "Mom why are you being physical?"
Ghazala crossed her arms, "Why are you being stubborn?"
"Forget it. I am up. But my Khala is much sweeter than you. She never wakes me like this every time I go for a sleep over."
Ghazala rolled her eyes, "That's because she doesn't have to suffer day in and out with you. If you live with her may be her opinion will change."
Nawal muttered, "That's it I had enough insults for one morning." She stomped to the bathroom.
Ghazala heaved, at least Nawal was up. The girl always gave her a headache. She only worried what theatrics she will do with her husband and in laws when the time will come.
An hour later, standing in front of the mirror, Nawal applied the lip gloss with only one thought, Would Daud be there at the party? She wanted to look her best. After discarding various dressing options, she had finally decided to wear semi casually. Hopefully, Daud would like her appearance she mused scanning her look one more time.
"Nawaaaaal we are getting late," her mother shouted.
Nawal rolled her eyes. She was endlessly shouted at by her mother and brothers. Sighing, she picked her oversized funky handbag and made her way out.
"Spending hours in front of the mirror will not turn the ugly duckling into a swan," sneered Arbaaz.
"Shut up will you," Nawal hissed sitting at the backseat of their father's car.
Shabbir frowned peering at the rear view mirror seated at the driving seat. He spoke startling his children, "Arbaaz behave. Nawal is my beautiful daughter. She doesn't have to look in the mirror for hours or do put on any make up." Shabbir winked gazing at his daughter at the rear view mirror, "After all she is my princess."
Nawal smiled broadly and stuck her tongue at Arbaaz who in turn just grumbled and looked out his window. Ghazala made a disapproved face, "It is because of your love she is spoiled. She never listen to me anymore."
"Now Ghazala don't say that. I have seen she is always listening to you." Shabbir took his daughter's side.
Ghazal didn't bother to reply and argue with her husband. While Nawal was quiet. She felt bad. Her mother never appreciated her. She always criticized her. Whatever she did was at short. Her mother was never happy with her. She felt inept no matter how much she tries. Slowly, with time, she had given up. It was better never to expect the love of her mother rather than work hard for it knowing she will be never get even an appraising glance. Sighing, she took out her phone and started chatting with her friends trying to ease the emptiness in her heart.
There was great hustle bustle at the Siddiqui house. Seema was frantically running around doing last minute chores. Salman was responsible of setting up the table and the chairs in the dining room. Manal had been busy cleaning the house since early morning. Muhammad had hoovered the whole ground floor. And Adil was seated on the living room sofa as he quietly watched, his lips twitching upwards as the whole house was mechanically working hard to greet the guests. He loved how the family worked together as one unit to achieve a goal.
"Ammi should I put all the finger food platters on the table now?" asked Salman after completing his chore.
"Ummmm..." Seema bit her lip and glanced at the wall clock. She then nodded, "Yes put the humous platter, samosas and the garlic bread on the dining table. Rest of the meal will go later. You did put all the soft drinks right?" she asked distractedly as she was putting chicken biryani on low flame for the last touches.
"Yes I did. Ok I will take these then." He held one of the large platters and went to the dining room.
Time went by as everyone continued to work vigorously. It was also time to dress up nicely. Hurriedly, each family member got ready. As Salman gradually descended down the stairs clad in crisp white shalwar kameez that accentuated his broad shoulders and wheat complexion, the doorbell rang signifying the arrival of the first guests. Khala jee had arrived with her family. The image of Nawal arrested his gaze. She was dressed in a kurta and jeans a large chunky handbag on her shoulder. She had multiple bangles and bracelets on her wrists. She was wearing large gold hoops and her mid-length dark brown curly hair were lose recoiled into massive curls around her shoulders. She had forego the hijab today. She never wore hijab to family gatherings. Something Salman disapproved but never commented.
He greeted his aunt, uncle and young cousin Arbaaz, he then turned to Nawal. Her pink lip-gloss clad lips curled into a smile and her black kajal filled dark brown eyes sparkled with naughtiness. She softly greeted, "Salaam Salman bhai."
He always inwardly flinched when she called him 'bhai' but he had no choice. Hopefully, soon this will change. Heart thudding loudly, he replied calmly, "Walaikum salaam". She smiled and walked passed him. Her innocence reminding him of their childhood together.
It was late in the afternoon, everyone had eaten and were quietly chatting and relaxing over a cup of tea. The men were seated in the living room while the women were in the large kitchen that connected to the dining room. Nawal was carrying the new baby nephew in her arms while Samreen chatted with Fiza. Nawal loved children and especially the cute babies. Samreen had given birth to a healthy baby boy two months back. Fiza had just recently found out she was pregnant. It seemed for the last half an hour, Nawal's sister in laws were only chatting about pregnancy, its do's and don'ts.
"You should take Pregnacare tablets. It's far better than just taking folic acid tablets," Samreen advised taking a sip from her tea mug.
"I had been undecided but now that you have recommended it. I will surely look into it." Fiza replied.
"Although it costs dearer than other folic acid tablets but it's good for you." Samreen again advised glancing at the sleeping baby in Nawal's arms.
"Oh don't worry about cost. Shahbaz has been so wonderful taking care of me. He wants the best for me," Fiza said.
Samreen's smile wavered and she nodded. Nawal rolled her eyes and finally spoke up, "Please bhabi and Fiza I don't think I can take any more details of pregnancy. I love babies but I seriously am not interested in how they come to this world."
Both married women laughed and Samreen then said, "Well Nawal I am sure soon inshaa Allah you will get married and believe me babies come right after. So we are giving you valuable information." She winked.
Nawal shook her head in amusement and glanced at the entrance door where someone new had entered. She felt her heart beat lurched. She swallowed, the man she had been waiting for had arrived. He was even more handsome than she remembered. Dressed in white t-shirt, dark blue blazer and dark denim jeans. His hair were styled in messy spikes and his captivating eyes were breath taking. Her hands were getting clammy and her arms weakening. It wasn't safe for her to hold the baby anymore.
"Bhabi, here." She hurriedly gave the baby to a very stunned Samreen and hastily made it to the bathroom to fix her appearance. She wanted to look her best when he first glance at her.
There was an eerie silence in the living room as Daud stepped in. He casually glanced at all the men seated around the room. With an easy grace, he moved to his grandfather and bowed his head in respect, "Assalam u alaikum Dada jaan."
Adil hesitated momentarily and then sighed deeply. He had not seen his eldest grandson since the day he had announced the new Chairperson. He was very disappointed in Daud. But decided to forego his anger and resentment. He gently placed his hand on Daud's head, "Walaikum salaam, jeetai raho (Bless you)".
Daud straightened and went to his Dad who hugged him and whispered in his ear, "It's good to see you son."
When Daud pulled back from his father, he could see tears in Ibrahim's eyes. He felt guilty for neglecting his father for the last few months. He silently vowed that he would visit his father more often. He then met his two uncles and other men in the room.
He seated beside Shahbaz and Faraz when Seema came in the room and smiled, "Salaam beta. Why don't you come over to the dining table and get something to eat?"
He nodded and followed his Chachi. Momentarily gazing around the room at different women he muttered, "Salaam."
The women gave their replies. When a blond woman with blue eyes stepped from the kitchen, "David."
At the lilting voice of his mother, he turned around immediately and hugged her when she approached him. The familiar scent of his mother brought tranquillity to his heart. The softness of her touch filled the emptiness of his heart. But it was momentarily. It seemed he never had peace. He only found sanity when he was in his mother's embrace. Chloe pulled back and tears were streaming down her face, "You have forgotten your mother." She whispered.
"Never Mom." He swallowed, "You know what you mean to me."
She smiled as tears fell. Cradling his face in her hands she kissed his forehead, "God bless you my son."
"Chloe, let the boy eat. You are making us all emotional," Ghazala stepped forward and placed her hand on emotional woman.
Chloe laughed self-consciously, "You are right Ghazala." She wiped her cheeks, "It's just been so long since seeing him."
Stepping back and resuming to fill his plate, Daud noticed a familiar face at the corner of the room. He tilted his face and saw the young woman who he had met just few days back. Nawal smiled shyly. His gaze took in her appearance. She was looking pretty today dressed up in a colourful way. And her wild curls emphasized her heart-shaped light skinned face. A smile slowly touched his lips and he noticed her cheeks reddened.
Interesting, the girl definitely is affected by me.
Salman had been busy speaking to the suppliers on the phone in his room when Daud had arrived. When the call had ended, he descended down the stairs and while passing the dining room his glance caught Nawal's appearance. He didn't know what, but there was something different about her. Shaking his head, thinking he was imagining, he went to the living room and his gaze landed on Daud who was munching on the food. His jaw clenched and hands fisted. After learning the dirty secret Daud had been busy in the last few weeks, he had no tolerance for him anymore. Just then eyes clashed. Blue with black. The chatting voices hushed, settling a deafening silence. The atmosphere was tense as thick as fog on a winter morning.
Daud had stopped eating and met his younger cousin's eye for eye. He was not going to back down. Salman may think he has won but no the game had just started. This was just the start...
Ibrahim cleared his throat, "Daud"
Just then Muhammad also said, "Salman"
But both men didn't abide their fathers and never left their staring contest until Adil spoke up, "Salman."
Salman finally nodded in greeting and sat beside his father. In return Daud nodded curtly and a half smiled slyly.
So Salman wanted to play dirty. So will I... so will I!!!
The next hour was spent chatting, however, Daud and Salman did their best to ignore each other. Daud had been busy chatting with Faraz while Salman was busy discussing sports with Shahbaz. Just then Nawal sauntered in the room and spoke to her eldest brother Faraz. Her gaze covertly fluttered at Daud the whole time.
"Bhai jaan, Bhabi is saying it's time to go. The children are getting restless." Nawal said to her brother but her gaze was at the blue eyed man. By now, Daud had a good idea as to Nawal's feelings and he was enjoying the attention from this naïve young girl.
Faraz nodded, "Okay."
Faraz stood up and started saying his goodbyes to all the men in the room. All this time, Nawal stood beside Daud. Her tumulting heart was hard to control. She stepped closely beside him, their arms nearly brushing. She could sense his alluring perfume that was doing wonders to her body. She was breathing fast and her heart was in no condition to calm down. Everyone had been busy saying their goodbyes no one thought it was odd that she was standing close to a stranger.
However, all this didn't go unnoticed by Salman. He frowned and then came closer to Nawal and said in a low voice, "Come with me." He gestured toward the backyard. Confused, Nawal followed him after wrapping her pashmina scarf around her shoulders to shield from the cold. Daud discerned Salman's unusual behaviour and was able to hear Salman's order at Nawal. He gave a few seconds and followed the couple.
Standing by the glass door of the conservatory, Daud watched at the fascinating scene that unravelled in front of him.
"How many times I tell you Nawal to stay away from Daud?" Salman spoke a little harshly. He was glaring at the girl in question unaware that he was being observed.
"Look don't start this all over. I didn't even speak to him." She folded her arms and narrowed her eyes, "What exactly is your problem? You are being paranoid now."
He sighed and run his hands through his hair, "I wish you would understand me Nawal." His pleading eyes searched his, "Just once listen to me." He took a step closer, "Trust me."
She stepped back and shrugged making her curls bounce, "Then don't act like my father. You have become even more protective than my brothers. Mind your own business." She stomped back to the house. By then, there was no sign of Daud.
Annoyed, Nawal slumped on the chair beside Manal who eyed her warily, "What did you do this time?"
"What the hell? First your brother now you." She stood up abruptly, ready to leave when her phone buzzed.
It was Lisa calling. But it was too noisy in the room to answer the call. She rushed to the backyard and stepped out when she observed it was empty.
"Hey Lisa. What the story?" she breathed on the phone and strolled to the dried shrubs. As she chatted with her college friend she was oblivious to the man who was smoking in the midst of the shadows of the trees and quietly watched her every move and heard her every word. When she ended her call, a voice stopped her heart momentarily.
"Salaam Nawal," said the husky voice.
She whirled around and her heart revived in an erratic beating rhythm. "W..wa..walaikum salaam." She stammered and tried her best controlling her haywire emotions.
Daud smirked and stepped out of the shadows coming a few steps near Nawal, "How you been?"
"Good." she breathed unable to believe that he had initiated the conversation for the first time. Belatedly realizing she didn't ask about him, "And you?"
He nodded slowly, "I am fine."
She bit her lips and fiddled with her phone. It was a cold winter evening but she was warm. Very warm under the gaze of this handsome man.
"Sorry but I couldn't help but eavesdrop your conversation. You sure are one fun girl." His smirk never faltering.
"Thank you," she flushed knowing this was his first compliment.
He glanced at the house and said, "We can't talk much with everyone around. I was thinking maybe we can exchange numbers and chat sometime. What do you say?"
Her eyes slightly grew wide, did he just ask my number?
She nodded vigorously, "Yes of course."
Once the numbers were exchanged he went inside the house. Nawal stood there in the cold evening smiling that perhaps this was the start of their relationship. But little did she know this was the start of a storm that will ruin her for life.
A storm that will take away her honour, dignity and sanity.
A storm that will not only hurt her physically but devastate her soul.
A storm that will shatter her completely...
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