《Forgiving You (Dublin Sisters #2)》Chapter 2
"So we see here how Coca Cola was able to implement global marketing concepts when launching the new campaign of Open Happiness..." Mr O'Hara spoke loud and clear in the large class room as the slide show continued emphasizing the points in the lecture.
Nawal quietly listened and supressed the urge to yawn. She always found marketing boring. Any courses related to marketing always made her cringe. It was part of her three year undergraduate business management course in University College of Dublin (UCD). Just then her phone vibrated on the desk. She hurriedly lifted the phone and snuck it under the table. She unlocked it and saw there was a text message.
Nawal bit her lip and glanced at Lisa who was sitting only two seats away. She rose her eyebrows and tilted her head upwards in a silent gesture to know Nawal's answer. Nawal hurriedly glanced down on her phone and typed away her response.
Lisa read the message and scowled but that didn't stop her from persuading Nawal.
Nawal rolled her eyes but before she could respond someone cleared their throat beside her, making her phone fall on the ground from her jittery fingers. The echo of the phone banging on the floor momentarily distracted Mr O'Hara and he looked at Nawal. It was least to say, she was embarrassed. Unable to meet the lecturer's eyes, she acted out as if she was jotting down notes. It was a good thing she had the pen in her hand.
There was an eerie silence in the classroom. Nawal continued to doodle with her pen on her notebook not able to lift her head. She could feel the eyes of other students on her as well as Mr. O'Hara.
"Right so as I was saying Coca Cola..." Mr O'Hara spoke.
When Mr. O'Hara resumed his description on the Coca Cola global marketing campaign, Nawal took a deep breath. She then glared at Lisa whose shoulders shook in silent laughter. Nawal bent down to pick up her phone from the ground and this time concentrated to actually listen to the lecture and write some notes.
Nawal rushed out of the classroom when it was over. She didn't want to talk to Lisa at all. She was fuming. This was not the first time she had gotten in trouble because of Lisa. She strode out the hall and was determined to leave the campus as fast as possible when she heard hurried footsteps behind her.
"Hey, wait up Nav."
Nawal didn't bother and continued her quick tread out of the campus but Lisa was quicker and she was able to meet Nawal's pace and clutch her arm, making Nawal jerk to a stop.
"WHAT?" Nawal turned glowering at Lisa.
"Sorry. It really wasn't my fault you know. You should be more careful when holding your phone." Lisa shrugged nonchalantly.
"Don't text me during the class next time then." Nawal hissed.
"Fine fine. Come on now let's go to city."
Nawal shook her head and started to say, "N..."
"I will treat you to lunch. I promise and even one chocolate bar." Lisa pleaded.
Nawal crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, "Fine but next time I am not forgiving you."
"You are a sweetheart. Let's go now."
On the bus, Nawal texted her mother. Knowing she didn't want to repeat the same mistake she did last time.
Immediately Ghazala called. Sighing, Nawal glided her thumb on the green icon to accept the call.
"Nawal who are you going with?" Nawal heard her Mom screeching voice as soon as she placed the phone on her ear. She winced.
"Mom it's just Lisa and Aoife."
"Those gori (white) girls?"
It peeved her knowing her mother wasn't happy that she made friends with non-Muslims. All her life, she had heard from her mother to make Muslim friends. She had been in the Islamic School where they had been very strict rules and regulations. Now that she was in University she wanted to enjoy this new found freedom. But apparently, her mother and brothers were after her to put further restrictions.
"Mom, please. I will be home by 5pm."
"I don't like them Nawal." Mom warned.
"It's only cosmetic shopping." She whined darting her eyes at her friends who were busy chatting. She didn't want them knowing yet again her mother was after her. "Mom later, promise to be home at 5pm. Bye"
She hurriedly hung up before her mother would have reprimanded her more.
Dumbfounded, Ghazala stared at her mobile phone. Her daughter had just hung up without even waiting for her response. She rubbed her temple as the veins started throbbing. She was worried, very worried for the welfare of her only daughter. Nawal was adamant on breaking all the rules that were set in the house.
"Mom, what's the matter?" Arbaaz sauntered into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge where he took out the milk bottle and filled a glass with it.
"Nothing" she mumbled standing up from the kitchen chair and intended to wash the dishes.
"You seem tensed." He gauged taking sip of the cold milk. Arbaaz was determined to gain weight. He was too skinny and tall. At 17 years he looked awkward and lanky with long slim arms and legs. He was inspired by his older brothers and working hard to gain weight. He even substituted water with milk.
"Your sister gives me a headache." She said turning on the tap.
"Tell me something we don't know," he snickered sipping remaining milk in the glass. "Don't worry Mom. She is a big girl now. I am sure she knows what is good and bad." he said coming behind his mother and kissing her cheek.
Ghazala knew Nawal may have recently turned 19, but she still acted like a rebellious teenage girl.
"I hope so. I really do." she whispered with fear in her heart.
"I am really hungry let's have something to eat before we shop," Aoife whined.
"O'Briens is nearby, let's grab a sandwich and coffee." Lisa suggested.
Together, the girls settled in the café to have a quick bite.
"Why do you never eat meat? Are you vegetarian?" Aiofe scrunched her nose taking a bite of her honey chilli chicken hot wrap.
"No I am not a vegetarian but as a Muslim, I can only eat meat that is permissible or called Halal in Arabic. The halal meat is slaughtered in a specific manner." Nawal replied chewing her Italian vegetarian sandwich.
Lisa's forehead creased, "But I have seen you eating tuna sandwiches with us."
Nawal nodded, "Yes fish doesn't need to be slaughtered and so we can eat any kind of fish or seafood. It is permissible to have all kinds of seafood."
"And also, you don't eat ham or bacon right?" Aiofe again asked intrigued about the strange traditions that her Muslim friend followed.
"Yes, it is prohibited to consume the meat of swine or alcohol." Nawal murmured sipping her coffee.
"I did notice you never drink with us every time we go to the pub," Aiofa thought out loud.
Nawal smiled knowing that perhaps in small ways she was able to create awareness of the true teachings of Islam and improve the image of the religion that has been misinterpreted by many non-Muslims around the world.
"Nav, you should try this shade. I honestly think it will suit you," Lisa said extending a Mac lipstick in front of her friend.
Nawal shook her hand, "I have nearly spent this month's pocket money. I am not trying it out. If I do, I know I will end up buying."
Aoifa spoke up after selecting the lipstick shade she wanted, "It will suit your skin tone Nawal. There is no harm in trying it out."
Nawal was thinking over the decision when a smiling salesgirl approached the trio.
"May I help you girls?" she asked pleasantly.
"Yes my friend would like to try this lipstick," Lisa said breathlessly handing the salesgirl the tester and then nudging Nawal.
"Of course. Please follow me."
Nawal timidly sat in front of the mirror and the salesgirl started applying the soft peach pink colour lipstick. Once it was applied, the salesgirl murmured, "It really looks nice on you."
Nawal glanced at the mirror and was speechless. Yes, indeed it was pretty. The lipstick emphasized her naturally blushed cheeks and light complexion.
"Maybe you would like some mascara too. You really have beautiful lashes." The salesgirl suggested.
There was no harm in trying, so Nawal nodded. When the mascara was applied. Nawal admired her reflection. Sometimes, the most basic cosmetic could enhance the look. She smiled to herself and decided to buy the cosmetics she tried. Even though, she knew she would be getting a great thrashing from her mother for being broke by the middle of the month.
Coming out of the Mac store the girl's had decided to window shop a little more when a familiar figure caught Nawal's eye.
"Guys you know what, I am not feeling well. I really want to go home. So you continue your shopping. I will see you tomorrow." She said keeping her eye on the person who had just stepped out of the bank branch at the Grafton Street.
Lisa frowned, "Are you sure? You were fine a minute ago and wanted to look at the designer handbags."
"Yes just tired. So see ya," She forced a smile and then rushed towards the person before he disappeared among the crowd on the busy Grafton street.
"What happened to her?" Aoifa asked in bewilderment.
"I have no idea." Lisa shrugged staring at Nawal's back who was striding fast.
However, Nawal was determined to meet him and this time, leave a lasting impression. She was dressed impressively enough in her fitted dark blue jeans, black low cut boots, and tan coloured leather jacket that was well suited for the autumn season. She had topped it off with a dark forest green pashmina hijab and the make-up she had tried a while back in the MAC store was still intact. Definitely, she would leave a mark this time.
"Hi," She said touching his elbow to grab his attention.
Daud had his back to Nawal. He turned and frowned.
"Hi, Daud." Nawal said grinning showing off a perfect set of dazzling white teeth.
"Hi.." Daud greeted hesitantly and then narrowed his eyes, "I am sorry I do recognize you but I don't remember your name."
Nawal nervously laughed trying to cover up her embarrassment, "It's ok. I am Nawal."
He nodded, "Yes now I remember, Faraz's sister right?"
She felt her heart beat lurched. He remembered!!! She nodded vigorously, "Yes yes."
He then smiled and Nawal couldn't tear her eyes off him. He was handsome than any man she had ever seen. Those deep blue eyes, flawless light skin, high cheekbones and sturdy jawline could easily qualify him as an international model. A deep brown lock fell on his eyebrow and Nawal had to stop her urge to brush it back.
She stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets, "How are you? I was walking by and I thought I would say hello."
"I am good. It's nice to see you again." His lips curled again. He ran his hand through his hair and Nawal just couldn't slow down her rapid heartbeat. "But I really have to go." He lifted his wrist and glanced at his watch, "I have a meeting to go to."
"Oh, I am sorry. You better go then." She stepped back.
"Nice to meet you." He said again and extended his hand. It had been ages since she had shake hands with a man. Her mother was very strict about it. But right now she couldn't suppress the need to touch him. Her hand slide in his. And he tightly clasped her hand shaking it firmly making Nawal feel electric current go down her spine. He released her hand and reluctantly Nawal hand glided away from his. The hand shake was only for a few seconds but to Nawal those moments were enough to recognise her crush over him was rising into deeper feelings and desires.
"Bye," he murmured and turned around.
Nawal stood there for many minutes looking at his back until he disappeared. She was unaware of the dropping temperatures, or the loud noises in the busy street. She was even oblivious to the many shoulders of hurrying shoppers bumping with hers. All that mattered was that she was able to meet Daud she knew now he will not forget her.
Daud quickly strode towards his car. He made his way through the busy street. He grunted, he hated coming here on a Thursday which was the wage day and it seemed all of the Dublin was determined to spend their wages the day they receive it. He sighed when he reached his car and slipped in the driving seat of his Audi A4. As he turned the key in the ignition, his mind went back to the cute girl he had met just a few minutes back.
Nawal, he mentally repeated her name.
She was a sweet girl. Maybe too naïve and too young for his liking. Besides he had more pressing issues to think about than a young girl barely out of her teen years. He was getting too old to pay attention to such young girls. Being 32 years old, he preferred older and much mature women. But nevertheless, there was a spark in the girl.
He shook his head. He ran his left hand through his hair while his right hand was on the steering wheel as he drove from the busy city centre streets. He had a very ghastly meeting with the bank. He believed he will finally get the loan he had been struggling for the last two months for.
His jaw clenched, ever since his Dada jaan had announced the new Chairperson of the company he had resigned and was determined to prove his grandfather, his father and the rest of the men in his family that he was capable of creating a company much larger and prestigious than theirs. His thumb rubbed the steering wheel, he loathed Salman. The bastard was enjoying his position while here he was struggling from bank to bank to be able to get the best rate of the loan.
He will take his revenge. He will show them he was capable of running a company and most of all he couldn't wait for the downfall of Salman. The day when he will see his young cousin go down on his knees in pain and anguish. But he had to find out Salman's vulnerable spot and target it hard.
Patience, he reassured himself. He will find out soon enough.
Just then his mobile phone rang bringing him out of his musings. He glanced at the screen of the phone that was attached to the mobile phone holder on the windscreen. It was his Dad. Sighing he accepted the call and switched on the speaker.
"Salam Dad," He said. He hardly spoke to his father after that dreadful day when he walked out of the company office.
"Walaikum salaam Daud. How you been? You have forgotten you have parents as well."
"Fine. I am here. I am still alive," he sighed.
"Don't be ridiculous. When will you forego this grudge and get to your senses." Ibrahim reprimanded his son.
"Never." Daud bit out, his hold on the steering wheel tightening.
"I worry for you son," Ibrahim concerned.
Daud huffed. He didn't want pity or sympathy right now.
"I called to let you know Abha has held a family gathering this Sunday in honour of his returning from Hajj."
"I am not coming." Daud snapped. He was in no mood to meet his Dada jaan or any other family members.
"You are coming and that is an order." Ibrahim's voice grew stronger and stern.
"Dad I don't want to see anyone and especially that asshole Salman."
"Mind your tongue Daud." Ibrahim seethed.
"Don't expect me to be respectful for that son of a..."
"That's enough" Ibrahim interrupted.
"Whatever" he mumbled stopping the car at the traffic light.
"I want you there. I don't care anymore who you hate and who you don't. You are coming and that's an order."
Before Daud could again protest the line was cut off.
In frustration, Daud threw the phone on the empty seat beside him.
He had no idea what he will be facing on Sunday. A day that would change his destiny once and for all.
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