《Hating Old People ~ Kakashi's Daughter Naruto Fanfiction》13) Extreme Testing Part 2: Home?
Ok, 3 weeks and just over 1 day since my last update. I'm really, really sorry. I've been doing some other writing and I was kinda dreading writing this chapter cause I had to be in the right emotional state to express it... but I did it, so please enjoy [hope it's not too sad, it was sad for me to write, but that may just be because I'm emotionally attached to the character. Just to be clear, I didn't cry... my eyes just watered a bit... but the tears didn't spill over so it doesn't count.].
And thanks for all the views, votes, comments and follows :) Cya.
. After concluding this chapter, I feel obliged to warn you that it may be emotionally damaging. If you fall easy to emotions, or are an easy crier then I recommend that you wait until you're somewhere private to read this chapter so you won't be judged for crying or having some kind of mental breakdown in public. If you're on some kind of public transport, or in a public place [particularly schools] then for god's sake wait till you get home and probably make sure you have some kind of chocolate supply in your household before proceeding. If you're harder to make cry or have sold your tear ducts for cash or chocolate [yes Lissa this refers to you] then go for it.
*** *** ***
That's when I heard it.
Something I haven't heard for a while now.
The soft calling of that damn old lady.
"...Kida. Come help me..."
I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, frowning in confusion and my breath hitching as I interpreted the words being called out to me and confirmed who that soft, delicately graveled voice belonged to.
"...Ms Takashima?"
*** *** ***
The lush greenery of the forest that had been closing in on me disappeared and was replaced with vast paddocks filled with long yellowing wheat grass that reached my hips. I looked around confusedly, taking in the rolling hills of pastures and the surrounding forested mountains. The clean air of the rural environment around me was laced with the earthy scent of soil and the musky aroma of the wheat that swayed around me as I stood in the middle of the paddock.
I reached around me and was shocked at being able to feel the long smooth stalks brush over my hand; I plucked one of the soft, light brown wheat heads and rubbed it between my fingers, watching the small seeds float away in the same light breeze that blew strands of silver hair over my face as it swirled around me.
I could have sworn I was in a forest... What's going on?
"Kida! Come help me with this please!" Her voice was louder now, and clear as the blue cloudless sky that stretched out above me. But it seemed to come from all different directions, I couldn't pinpoint its exact direction. Anxiety and adrenalin rushed through me as I looked around frantically for where she was calling me from. I haven't heard her voice in so long. I spotted the farm house in the distance and made a mad dash for it.
Sprinting through the wheat field trying not to stumble on the uneven ground, I finally made it to the fence separating the paddock from the large yard that surrounded the house. Without a second thought I leaped over the fence and barrelled towards the small wooden house, my heart beating louder with every stride closer I got to home. Home?
The dirtied white colour of the peeling paint that coated the panels of woods of the small farm house was just as I remembered it. The rustic green tin roof, curling slightly at the sides from the strong winds that came with the stormy season, stretched out from the walls and rested on wooden beams around the edges to make up the roof of the veranda, and shadowing the light brown wooden panels of the deck in the afternoon light.
I legged the last few meters to the house, leaping over the three wooden steps and onto the veranda without hesitation, sliding slightly on the wooden deck as I reached for the white wooden door that's condition matched the walls. My outstretched hand barely turned the handle in time before I barrelled through door frame, stopping short to absorb the room.
A random array of stitched hangings decorated the dark green coloured walls, matching the patched green and brown rug that covered most of the floorboards that made up the spare walking space in the small living area. The rugged brown couch in the corner, draped with a multi-coloured knitted blanket, a small wooden dining table positioned against the window with a small vase of fresh white daisies and a small, compact kitchen all fit into the small living space that made up most of the house. I stepped further past the threshold and was engulfed by the familiar aroma of spiced foods and cinnamon, as well as knitted goods and the musky scent of what can only be developed through simple, homely living.
It's just how I left it. But why am I back? I was in a forest. I was being attacked. I left this place behind, I had found my father, I had to go find him because Ms Takashima...
My thoughts were interrupted by a soft whistling coming from the back of the house.
Ms Takashima.
I ran across the room and down the short hallway that leading to the rest of the small house and the back door. Passing the other doorways, I stumbled through the wooden door frame at the end and was blinded by the late afternoon sun that was currently assaulting this side of the house. I quickly squinted and shielded my eyes with my arm.
The soft whistling filtered through my ears again and I kept my hand to the sun as I my eyes adjusted and observed the familiar, yet somehow distant surroundings.
More rolling hills in the distance stretched past the horizon, blanketed by yellowing grass and crops. Paddocks were separated by wooden posted fences, and the trees of the orchard that spread over this side of the house were spotted with the colourful fruits of the season.
The whistling drew my now adjusted eyes to a cleared area just past some of the fruit trees, where the small wood and wire chicken coop was situated. My heartbeat sped up again as I dashed towards it, the strong scent of chicken faeces, feathers and feed invaded my senses as I got closer. I slowed down as I reached the door that was slightly ajar, anxiety washing over me as I reached my hand out to open it all the way. But before my hand could feel the hard wooden door, it was suddenly pushed open from the inside causing me to jump back in surprise and take a defensive position.
But all my muscles relaxed just as quickly as I interpreted the sight in front of me. There she stood, slightly taller than myself, in a light blue blouse that had been tucked into the top of her long brown skirt and revealed the tips of her black working boots from beneath its hem. With her grey and white streaked hair pulled back in a bun leaving wispy strands to frame her aged face, warm brown eyes staring at me, and a long pointed nose leading to a small thin lipped mouth that adorned a light, affectionate smile, she was exactly as I remembered her...
Was that all a dream?
Did I just imagine all of that?
Where has she been all this time?
This doesn't make any sense, I was in a forest.
No I was in the front field.
What was I doing there?
It doesn't matter, it makes more sense for me to have been in the field than in a forest...
But I was being attacked... How could I have imagined that?
The sound of Ms Takashima's delicately gravelled voice brought me out of my thoughts and I exhaled an uneasy breath that I hadn't realised I was holding. "What took you so long, girl? I've already collected all the eggs!" She said holding up the small white bucked that contained this morning's collection of eggs. "If you're going to get up earlier to train, then you may as well collect the eggs for me before you leave! And would it kill you to leave a note!? I know you're confident with your survival skills up there in the mountains, but anything could happen and I don't want to be left here worrying about what happened to you if you don't make it back one day." She lectured me in a matter of fact tone. But I just stared at her with my mouth open slightly beneath my mask and my brows furrowing together in confusion.
But why was I confused? Ms Takashima is always lecturing me. Somehow this feels different, like I haven't heard her for a while. I don't know why, but I feel like I've been without her and seeing her in front of me now is making my chest ache...
"Kida, darling, are you okay? You look sad." Ms Takashima looked at me with concern. I hadn't realised it, but my vision of her had become impaired as my thoughts overcame me and the aching in my chest increased. As warm streaks spilled down my cheeks, I realised that my blurry vision was the result of tears collecting in my eyes. I didn't bother to wipe them away, my body seemed to be in shock. But why? Why was seeing Ms Takashima so shocking? I see her every day.
My throat felt like it was closing as I struggled to breathe deeply, instead panting slightly in short, hyperventilated breaths. I began to notice my hands were shaking, along with my knees, I thought I was going to collapse.
What's happening to me? Why am I feeling his way? I was in such a rush to see Ms Takashima before, why was that? And why, now that I've found her, does it feel like I haven't seen her in forever?
A chocked sob escaped my lips as I began to shake more violently, this was the last straw for Ms Takashima because she released the bucket and pulled me into her embrace. The soft scent of freshly bailed straw and faded lavender surrounded me as I buried my head into her shoulder, still crying and shaking silently, refusing to let anymore audible sobs escape my lips, even though I felt as if every part of me was breaking down, I wouldn't let that weakness rise in me again.
"Kida, what's wrong? Has something happened? Tell me what's the matter?" Ms Takashima frantically inquired, she wasn't used to seeing me like this. The concern that laced her voice sent me even further over the edge, the pain in my chest and the constriction of my throat were worsening from trying to contain the sobs that were convulsing within me, trying to force their way up my throat.
"Kida, you have to tell me what's wrong. I promise, whatever it is, it'll be okay. Alright? I promise" Ms Takashima continued to sooth me.
My blurry eyes shot open in shock and realisation as it all came back to me. Ms Takashima died, I saw her body, I went to her funeral. I had promised her that I would leave and find my father. I travelled to the Village Hidden in the leaves. I met Kakashi and other people of the village. I have an 'Uncle'. I had dinner with my father. We went back to his apartment. Our apartment. Our home.
I reluctantly pushed myself away from her, immediately missing the warmth and familiarity that her embrace provided. I shook my head, as if to clear it. The tears had stopped, leaving my eyes feeling swollen, and my chest still burning from the heart ache that was still coursing through me with the renewed memories.
I took another step back, shaking my head more to wake myself up from this dream. I looked at Ms Takashima who was staring at me intently, concern and confusion clearly shown in her warm brown eyes.
"You're dead." I stated out loud, my voice cracking at the end as I tried to convince myself that it was the truth.
"I'm right here Kida, I'm right in front of you. I'm not dead, I'm right here." Ms Takashima's soothing voice calmed me as my mind became fuzzy with uncertainty again. "Come on darling, let's get you inside and I'll make you a warm cup of tea." She continued as she stepped towards me, her arm stretching out to wrap around my shoulder.
I jumped back again, trying to ignore the pang in my heart at the hurt expression that flashed across her face as I rejected her comforting gesture. Something's not right.
My words came out in a rushed panic as I frantically tried to convince myself of the truth. "No, you're dead. You died. I saw your body. I was at your funeral. You told me to leave in search of living family. You..."
"No Kida, I would never ask you to leave here. This is your home. And I'm right here in front of you. I wouldn't leave you like that." Ms Takashima interrupted my panicked words as she stepped towards me again. Her voice was like a drug, it was addictively soothing.
"No" I stepped back again before her comforting hand could reach me. "No, I left and found my father in the Leaf Village, where my mother said he was from. I have a father. His name is Kakashi Hatake. He has silver hair and dark eyes like me. He wears a mask. He's a ninja and a teacher. He has three students. He has a one bedroom apartment with a comfy couch. He has a creepy friend that wears green spandex who insists that he's my 'Uncle'. He, he..." My voice wavered as I trailed off, running out of things that I remembered that could convince me that being back with Ms Takashima on her farm wasn't real.
"Kida, I would never make you leave here. This is your home, just as much as it is mine. You will always have a place here. This is your home, it's where you belong. I would never, for any reason, tell you to leave..."
The repetition of those words caused me to snap. Anger and hurt quickly overshadowed the confusion and uncertainty. "You tricked me! I would never have agreed to that promise if I had known that it would have to be fulfilled so soon!" I was yelling now, my fists clenching and my eyes filling with angry tears. "You left me! You left me and made it so that I had no choice but to leave! Why would you do that to me!? I was with you for two years! You took me in! Looked after me! Was it all some kind of joke!? A trick from the start!? Give me time to get settled in one place for the first time since I was with my mother, and then what? Just leave me here alone again, even more damaged than when you found me!?"
Fresh sobs racked my body as the full misery of Ms Takashima's death finally hit me. It's been three weeks; The week leading up to the funeral, Then the two weeks after I left home to full fill my promise. But it finally hit me. The sadness and abandonment that I had felt that day, I had quickly replaced with anger and outrage as I focused my emotions on Ms Takashima's craftiness and trickery of controlling my actions from the grave.
After her death, I didn't cry. Not when the doctor and I found her body in her bed. Not when people came to remove her body from the house. Not even at the funeral. I just shut it off and kept all my focus on fulfilling my promise to her, and the anger and frustration of her 'tricking' me into leaving to find my father.
I moved soullessly through our house in the week before I left, never glancing at her bedroom door at the other end of the hallway as I dragged myself through the days. Never focusing on one thing for too long, because everything there was Ms Takashima's or reminded me of her.
I got through the funeral by steadily breathing and keeping my face blank of any feelings that threatened to break through the barrier I had built up so that I wouldn't have to deal with the emotions that came with her death.
As I packed to leave, I further dug myself into an emotionlessness state so that I would have the strength to leave my home behind, along with all the memories of her.
The two weeks of travel that followed were the easiest. I was too full of anxiety of prospect fully finding living family that the anger and annoyance were the only emotions pertaining to Ms Takashima, because the promise I made her was the reason I was on the road in the first place.
Unable to keep myself up any longer on my shaky legs, I fell to the ground on my knees. My body shook violently as the sobs I prevented from escaping finally managed to pass through my lips. More tears streaked down my face as I cried harder, my mask was now soaked from the top down as I pulled my arms up to clench my sweaty, dirt covered hands in my messy silver hair, the agonising pain in my chest becoming too much to bear.
I felt warmth seep through the clothing on my shoulder. Removing my hands from my hair, I looked up with a pained expression into Ms Takashima's calm face. The still rising sun shone from behind her, reflecting of her greyed hair and framing her face with its deep yellow glow. Her brown eyes radiated warmth as she stared down at me. A soft smile adorned her face causing the skin around her eyes to crinkle slightly.
As I looked up at her, the pain subsided and the warmth that radiated from her presence seemed to fill me causing me to smile slightly at her from behind my mask. Ms Takashima's gentle voice filtered through my ears "You've done well..." She said before patting my shoulder lightly and turning away walking towards the sun. I stared after her as she disappeared from my view in the blinding light. And as I lost sight of her, the scenery began to change. The yellowing grass and crops of the fields were replaced by the greens and browns of the forest.
It was all a trick, some kind of mind game, played by the ninja that had been attacking me. And he knew exactly where to hit? I looked down at my soot covered clothes; my dirtied silver hair fell around my face as I focused my gaze on the uninteresting grass in front of me.
I finally broke. It was so real, Ms Takashima was right there, I could see her, touch her, smell her. She was right there in front of me as real as life. But it wasn't her... I hadn't realised how much I missed her until I was faced with her again. I didn't want to miss her. That's why I shut it off. I didn't want to deal with the pain that came with missing her. But that bastard brought her back to life, in my eyes, he made me face what I had avoided for weeks now... He's going to pay for that...
I pushed away the feeling of loneliness and abandonment that had begun to creep its way back to the surface again. I was still in my crumbled position, kneeling on the ground, but this time, the thick green grass was beneath me. It was a different place than I remembered. I remembered being surrounded closely by trees, but this was a sort of clearing that didn't look familiar at all. I had convinced myself back into reality, now to face the consequences.
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