《Stonehearst Asylum》Part 4



Jackie, very prepared, heads off to the Winsler house. She rings the door bell a couple of times, but doesn't get any response. "Seems like no ones home" assuring herself as she turns away and leaves. Until a mature woman creeps up on her from behind the Winsler door, enquiring "Yes, dear? What brings you to my door step?", to which nurse Jackie replies with a crack in her voice, "I was passing through and decided to give an old friend a visit.. uh.. Dr. MH Winsler?".

The 68 year old gazes down for a split second and then looks back at Jackie, "Dr. Winsler? Isn't she still working at that hospital?" Says the elder woman confused slightly. Jackie lets out a little giggle, "she worked at an asylum, but there's no record of her leave". The older lady asks Jackie to enter her home since she's lonely and would enjoy a bit of company. Jackie takes that opportunity to try and get the lady to talk about Winsler and the connection the patient 102.

The lady then murmurs "Meredith". Jackie expresses a bit of a puzzled look from her eyes as she ask of who Meredith is. The elder lady explains Meredith's story from what she knew, "Meredith. She was one the best human I've ever met. I'm proud to be her mother-in-law. She.... she.. uh. Sorry bad memory, let me see. Hm.." as she is thinking about the past with an overwhelming emotion from her small wrinkles in the cresse of her eyes. She then remembers, "Meredith, has been through quite a bit. Especially, with her sister. She decided to go for a PhD and become a doctor. I understand why she would choose an 'asylum', her sister was a bit funny in the head herself. I guess she wanted to help people who were like her sister."


Jackie became more keen on knowing about this Meredith and if her sister is patient 102. She asks the lady, "is her sister a patient at Stonehearst?" She got an unexpected response, "she was. I don't know if she still is, her number was.. um 10...something 1..2.. I'm not sure, she was in ward 11. Oh... Meredith said something about a file when I last saw her. And then she was gone. I miss my Meredith."

By now Jackie had said her goodbyes to the lady and needs to go back the chief of staff's office, although she desperately doesn't want to. She makes a vow to herself that it's the last time she'll go in there. She goes to the office during lunch break since barely any people are around.

She gets caught by the ward 11 warden, to her surprise, the warden tries to help her, but only if she returns the help. Jackie explains her situation, "I'm just trying to look for a file that can potiently help patient 102, but it's not here. There's no file document called Meredith". The warden's eyes grow bigger like as if she had an idea or something, "how about that one?" pointing at the locked file 'MHW102'. Jackie gives an obvious answer, "it's password locked". Fortunately for Jackie, warden has 'keys' to everything even passwords.

After getting the password from the warden, restless nurse Jackie hacks into the sealed file and prints the papers, she stuffs the fresh slightly heated papers into uniform and rushes out before chief of staff came back with coffee. Nurse Jackie forgot to get off of the file while she was in a rush. Chief of staff started suspecting every staff in ward 10 and 11 of hacking into his files and disobeying the confidentiality of the workplace.


He watches closely at how everyone's fulfilling their duties. Jackie makes an illness excuse to go home early.

Jackie at home now, changes from her uniform, ready to sink herself in MHW102's documents:



Name: Meredith H Winsler.

Date of entry: 02/01/2014


Role: Doctor

Date of entry: 16/05/2014

Patient: 102 (ward 11)


'Beginning of 2014, a new female doctor arrives after getting her PhD. She immediately moves up to ward 11 where she works alongside other nurse and doctors. New Doctor would enquire about a patient named Julia.'

'Dr. Winsler, has been caught snooping for information on patient 102. Dr. Bloom is given a decision in what she should do with Dr Winsler; keep or fire.'

'Dr. Winsler makes a dramatic announcement about Dr Bloom and her affair with Peter. Their argument caused quite an audience.'

'Meredith was a doctor, until the senior staff gained information about her past from Peter. Although, she didn't show signs of mental illness, staff fear it may occur later, so she is currently a patient here.'

'Meredith requests for a leave, but is denied. She also wanted to call a family member which was denied as well due to Dr Blooms strict rules against her.'

'Meredith is taken to sessions with Dr Bloom in the forbidden room to help Meredith calm down.'

'Meredith refuses to allow Dr Bloom to continue treating her like a patient. She bursts out in rage in her last session, attempting to escape the room, she is caught and given the harsh treatment.'

'Meredith suffered a small head trauma from her last session with Dr Bloom.'

'Meredith Harris Winsler, thankfully doesn't suffer from split personality disorder like her sister, Julia. Although, she is suffering from amnesia.'


Jackie's thoughts dancing around like a kindergarten song. She starts to think, " Meredith is patient 102?". With the information she gained, she now feels she found patient 102's true identity and past, she works up her confidence in telling patient 102 without emotionally hurting her, since it's her brain that's affected.

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