《Viva Las Vegas》Rescuing Rebel


Victoria, all fresh and awake attempts to bring Emma back from her dreamworld as she's dozing. Victoria heads out without Emma, little did she know Emma began following her, just after. In a fright, she notices Emma and realises something behind her; A blue bag, what a coincidence, a blue bag in the lobby of the hotel they're currently crashing at.

do you think that's the bag with the money?

that?! But.. that's tiny.

what do you mean? What did you expect?

bigger than that for sure.

is it?

I don't know.. let's just check it out and grab some food.

I don't know about you, but I'm not planning on repaying more than what we supposedly lost.

who said I am either. I meant you pay with your money.

wow. You know what, no.. I'm not hungry.

oh you will be and I can wait, since I'm not Rebel.

now don't be mean.

It's not mean. It's the harsh truth.

Emma and Victoria approach the bag, as a bell boy walks up to them and asks if they need help with it. They obviously reject help and scuffle through it, to find all the money gone and only 2 cents left.

we're so dead... Why did you have to waste ALL of it!

hey.. come on now, It would take me forever to waste it all, when I'm drunk at the same time.

They conjure up a plan to somehow replace Gangster R.O.B's money without him noticing it's all gone. To their luck, a filthy rich woman enters the hotel with a chihuahua, just in time.

that woman looks like she's loaded with money. How about we borrow some from her? (Whispering)

yeah let's bag the chihuahua and hold it for ransom until she gives us what we want. (whispering under her breath to Victoria)


I actually meant, literally going up to the woman and asking her, but I think you're on to something. Although, it sounds so stupid at the same time, since we can get caught and arrested!

I tried. Or... or... we just give the dog to Gangster R.O.B and he can do the rest?

...why does that sound like a plan?... oh what if we just tell Gangster R.O.B that this woman took all his money and we just got caught up in this messed up game.

while we take the dog and give it to him?

what's with the whole dog fascination?

I'm not fascinated. Just so he can have a hostage while demanding for ransom. You know.. replacing Rebel with the dog?

ah. I can't believe you came up with such a ridiculous but perfect idea.

I'm just that good.

Emma volunteers to capture the dog in a bag while the owner wasn't watching and she was in the clear of any witnesses. The girls head back to the church to give the dog and explain their fake story. To their surprise, they come across Rebel and the gunman kissing.

Ew! GROSS! OMGAH! My eyes are burning!!!

Rebel!!! What is this vile beast doing to you?! We're here now, you'll be safe.

oh hey guys! It's okay.. he's my new boyfriend. So adorable right?

more like horrible!

yeah, I said the same thing, but they're young they won't understand. So... you got my money? Can't stand watching these two all day.

we got a dog. We didn't really waste your money at all, under our toxic condition (drunk), we were forced to get money for a woman, who was in desperate need for it, so we took your bag and gave it to her.

man, I was gonna say that part, thanks for stealing my thunder.. (rolling her eyes, slightly pissed)


wait what? Who is this heartless, conniving woman!?! I'm going to snap her neck when I found out who she is.

we know who she is, and we can take you to her, only when you release Rebel from your gunman's custody. We got the dog to replace her.

why the dog?!

because the dog means the world to this woman, and it took forever for us to put this thing in the bag.

I did it, it was me, I put the dog in the bag, me. You're welcome.

majority of creds go to Emma. Now, are you going to release Rebel or what?!

well, I don't have any use for her now and she drives me nuts. (Pauses for a few second, staring at the ceiling) Let her go.


butt's later. Just let the obese one go. And free yourself from suffocation.

what?! I'm obese...? (Becomes all emotional)

you're free now fatty just go!

hey! I'm the only one who can tease her for her weight, NOT you! You have no right!

neither do you, but you still do it anyway.

Victoria, who's side are you on!

let's just give him the pet and go.

yeah... I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU, GUNMAN! (Shouts as she leaves)

I WILL NEVER REMEMBER YOU! (Yells from a distant)

I never thought anyone would love me so much like he does.

yeah, yeah let's get out of here.

Victoria exchanges info on the chihuahua's owner and how the woman planned on taking his money, giving him her current location. Then walking out, catching up with Emma and Rebel.

hey.. wait up!

we won't.

okay. So.. did gunman say anything about me?

like what?

um.. like... "oh I miss her so much, I want her back and bang her brains out"?

uhh... definitely not. Plus, you just left the church building.

oh you're right. Maybe later. (Winking at air)

All 3 finally back together, go celebrate their victory of getting Rebel back and go get drunk as Victoria and Emma still wonder how the SUV they were in, ended up in that position. A handsome dude starts conversating with Emma, making everyone else a tad jealous.

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