《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 27


i forgot to ask

soo how did talking to y/n goo

it went quite well

wait really

are y'all on good terms now

yeah, i guess so

though, it still feels weird talking to them

that makes sense

a lot has happened, after all

that's not exactly what i mean

it feels different speaking to them in general

and it's been like this for awhile now

omg hold up.

do you get a warm feeling inside? perhaps smth tingly??

or maybe you get butterflies in your stomach???

wtf why's that so specific

but i don't know

it may just be me

but i think you are in love, my friend

no tf that's not possible

it's just you.

c'mon, don't try hiding it 👻

you L word them, don't you 🥺🥺


LMAO i'll take that as a yes

you should totally tell y/n how you feel

what if they don't feel the same way

what if they do

i don't want to take the risk and make them uncomfortable

but they might feel the same way

how can you be so sure

idk smth just tells me there's a good chance they do 😋

so go for it

and hurry tf up, i'm tired of being a third wheel goddamn

i'll think abt it


Seen at 9:21am



i was planning on visiting qiqi today after school, would you like to come with me?

sure, i've been wanting to visit her

alr then we will leave at 3:30pm, don't be late

got it

Seen at 1:49pm

Oct 17


You were practically running to the exist as soon as the bell rang. The last thing you wanted was to be late.

Upon arriving there, you saw Xiao. He was standing beside the school exit with both of his hands stuffed in his pockets.


Taking a deep breath in, you approached him. "Hiiiii Xiao," you said while waving to him.

He glanced at you sideways before turning his head to face you entirely. "Hello Y/n."

"Let's go," he said while turning around to leave. "Will we walk there?" You asked.

"Mhm, it's not that far. Unless, you'd rather Zhongli drive us?" Xiao said, shooting you a quick glance.

You quickly shook your head. "No no, it's fine. I don't mind walking." Xiao nodded while continuing to walk forward, with you following him from behind.

The walk there was quiet but not awkward like the other times you two had been alone together. This silence was comforting. You both enjoyed each other's company and no one needed to say anything. It was peaceful.

"We're here," Xiao said.

It took about 15 minutes to arrive at the hospital. You didn't want to admit it, but you were tired from the walking and internally thanking the archons that you finally arrived.

"Phew!" You let out an exhausted sigh. "Tired already?" Xiao raised a brow.

"No..." you mumbled, looking away from him. There was a brief moment where Xiao had been smiling before coughing it off. "Ahem, right. Let's go then," he said.

You two walked to Qiqi's room after checking in at the receptionist's desk. Xiao already knew where Qiqi's room was since he visited her often.

After arriving there, Xiao steadily opened the door, slowly revealing the little girl. She had been sleeping on the bed as he had expected.

"She looks peaceful," you whispered to him to which he only nodded.

Moments later, a nurse arrived, causing the both of you to turn your heads to look at her. "Is she better?" Xiao asked.

The nurse nodded. "Her health has been progressing, thankfully."


Xiao sighed in relief, along with you. He had always been afraid of asking the nurse that question, since he was always afraid of a negative answer.

"Has she woken up yet?" You asked her. "Not yet. She's still in a coma, I'm afraid," the nurse frowned.

You nodded your head while looking back at the little girl.

"We should leave now," Xiao suggested while patting your shoulder. "Yeah, you're right," you responded quietly.

"I'll see you two some other time then," the nurse smiled. You waved at her, "see you later."

The two of you then left through the door. You both walked outside of the building before Xiao suddenly stopped, deep in thought.

"Are you alright?" You asked while looking at him, a bit worried. He nodded, "yeah I'm fine."

He began walking again and you walked by his side. It went quiet again but the atmosphere felt more tense this time.

"Y/n," Xiao called out to you. "Hm?" You hummed, glancing at him again.

"Do you think Qiqi will be alright?" He asked you quietly. You stopped for a moment to think before saying yes. "Yeah, I think she will."

"Y/n," he called out to you again, this time avoiding eye contact. A small chuckle escaped your mouth as you sighed. "Don't worry Xiao, the nurse said she's progressing. I'm sure she'll be-" you said before he cut you off.

"I like you," he suddenly confessed, causing you to immediately stop in your tracks. Assuming you misheard him, you shook your head. "Come again? I didn't quite catch that..."

Xiao turned to face you, his golden eyes looking straight into your e/c ones. "I like you," he repeated in a low tone, not elaborating any further.

You could feel your heartbeat rapidly increasing and butterflies swarming your stomach. While clearly not expecting his sudden confession, you were left speechless.

"Wh- wait what?" Was the only thing you managed to say.

He quickly averted his eyes from you. You saw tints of red appearing on his cheeks as he clicked his tongue. "Well? Do you feel the same way?" He mumbled, clearly embarrassed.

Then it finally hit you. Xiao was indeed confessing to you. This wasn't just a dream. And more importantly, you had to reply.

"Yeah. I thought it was obvious I do like you," you blurted out nonchalantly. This only caused Xiao to be more embarrassed.

"What? It was obvious?" He looked at you with widened eyes, genuinely surprised.

You nervously laughed. "Haha, you really are dense."

Xiao clicked his tongue once again while crossing his arms. "Shut up. It was not obvious."

"Pfft hahahaha yeah right, ask anyone."

"No. It was not obvious for me."

"That's why I said you're dense, duh."

"You're arguing with me again, Y/n."

You laughed fully this time while patting Xiao's shoulder. "Sorry, sorry. It's just so fun to tease you," you said in between your laughs.

Xiao wanted to say something snarky back but instead, he simply watched you laugh. He felt warm inside seeing you so happy. It brought him solace.

Xiao closed his eyes as he let the wind hit his face, with a small soft smile.

At this very moment, he completely forgot about every problem he had. He forgot about the accident, about Zixin, about Qiqi's condition, and even about the hatred he had for himself. Because right now, the only thing in his world was him and you.

As the chilly breeze flew by, swiftly moving Xiao's front locks away from his face, he turned to look at you once again while holding onto your hand.

"Y/n, will you be my partner?"

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