《My famous boss (gxg)》Chapter 15
We boarded off the plane 10 minutes ago. We're currently sitting in a cab on our way to the hotel. I'm sitting in the front while Scarlett and Rose are bundled up together. We had to wake up Rose when we landed but thankfully she fell asleep is Scarlett's arms again. I already have reservations to the hotel. I booked two rooms. One for them and one for me. When we arrived to the hotel I got all our bags out of the trunk and paid the driver. Thankfully all we have is suitcases so it was easy enough for me to wheel them into the hotel while Scarlett carries Rose.
I got our room keys and we headed into the elevator. I can see that Scarlett is fighting really hard to stay awake.
"Hand her to me." I say
"What? No I got this." she says
"You're tired, let me help."
She agrees and hands me little Rose. I don't really know how old the little kid is. She's really smart and can talk like an adult. I bet she got that from her mum.
"Where are the keys to the room?" She asks as we approach the door.
"The're in my back pocket. Wait."
"No I'll get it. Which side?"
"Left." with that she reaches into my back pocket and fishes out two cards.
"Two? Why do we need two?"
"Well one room is for you and this little angel and the other one is for me." I say as she opens the door.
I put Rose down onto the bed and take off her shoes and her jacket. I put the covers onto her and make it so that she's comfortable. I reach into my backpack and get her teddy bear that she slept with on the flight. I raise one of her arms and put it there. When I turn around I see Scarlett staring at me from her bed.
"Sorry, did you want to do that?" I ask
"No, It's fine, thank you." I nod and turn to leave.
"See you tomorrow Ms."
"Sweet dreams Lena" she says and I close the door behind me.
I go to my own room that is just down the hall and jump onto the bed. I take off my shoes and my jeans and put on some shorts from my bag. I fell asleep in seconds after set an alarm.
♤ ♤ ♤
I woke up at 6:30 am to get myself a work out. I researched this hotel and found out that there is a gym and a pool included. I took my sony headphones and got changed into a work out outfit. I put on my favourite pair of trainers and headed down with my phone and card in hand.
When I got down I was amazed to see the gym. It was huge and the asortiment of all different types of gadgets was surprising. I put on some music and got to my work out. In between sets I would take my phone and check if I have any messages. I decided I'll do some pull ups here. The bar seems sturdy and why not? I need to train my arms a bit more anyways. When I work out I am in my own little world. That is one of the main reasons I bought noise cancelling headphones. I don't get any distractions and I do mt work out without interruption.
During my stretch I see on the other side of the gym none other than Chris Evans. He's on the bench hitting some sets. I pretend I didn't see anything an continue like nothing happened. I don't have any bad blood with him, nor do I hate him. I just don't feel the need to talk to him right now. After my sets I go to the water machine. I sit down on the bench and catch my breath.
"Hey, didn't think I'll see you here." Chis says sitting next to me.
"Hi, I wanted to squeeze in a workout before today." I say.
"So I've noticed. I've seen you the minute I came into the gym. You were on your phone when I came in."
"Just checking if Ms Johansson called or needed me." I say.
"Is it tyring being her assistant and all?"
"Not really. She's not as bad as everyone says she is. Of course sometimes she's demanding, but that's only because she wants everything to be perfect. I don't understand it. But I sure do respect it." I say throwing the cup away.
"Just keel her safe please. She told me what happened. I'm glad you beat that bastard up" he says
"She told you about that?" I ask
"Yes and she didn't forget to mention how jacked you really are. I knew from the day I met you that you're something special. I even said it to her."
"Thanks, I'm flattered"
"You should be, it's not every day she agrees with me on something." He says and leaves the gym.
I check my phone to see that it is already past 8 am. I should go shower so I can have breakfast in peace. I pick up my things and go to the elevators. I'm glad I squeezed in a decent workout before today. I unlock my room and almost imidetly took my shoes off. I stripped my clothes and hopped in the shower. After that hot heaven I dried off and put on some clothes. I decided I'll text Scarlett to see if she's up rather than knocking on her door.
Good morning! Just checking to see if you're awake :)
Yes, we are about to have breakfast. You're free to join us if you'd like.
Thank you for the offer. I still need to shower
Anytime seen 08:54am
Okay I lied. I just need to dry my hair. I don't want to get closer to her. She consumes me every day and I can't have her with me all the time. I ordered room service and picked up my hair dryer. After I was done I just combed through my hair and waited for the food. Scarlett sent me the plan for today and she told me she'll spend most of her day with Rose. I was more than fine with that. She gave me an assignment to sort everything out with the press and where she'll get dressed and everything. As I munched on my breakfast I called a limousine to pick us up when we go to the premiere. There will be a lot of press and a red carpet and what better way to arrive than in a limo. I want everything to go smoothly and with no issues or delays. She also told me to call her nanny to pick Rosie up. Scarlett and I will be at the premiere and there will be a party, not really a place for a seven year old.
I called Caroline and she told me she'll pick her up when we start getting ready. She told us she'll also be taking her to her fathers house afterwards and not to worry about her. I thanked her and I also made myself a mental note to do my own hair and makeup before we go to the carpet.
It was already 4 pm when I sorted everything out. Scarlett texted me telling me Caroline picked up Rose already and that she's headed to her room now. I tell her I'll join her once I'm done with my makeup. I want to show up and to make myself look the best I can right now.I did a smokey eye and I did a black eyeliner with a white liner under it. The eyeshadow makes my hazel eyes pop even more which I was honestly going for. I put some highlighter and did mu contours. Since my foundation has basically covered everything I look very pale now. I add a bit of blush to fix that. Since I have all this attention on my eyes a nude lip is what would tie this look together. With that I am finished with my makeup. I go to Scarlett' room and I am welcomed by her assistant.
"Hey, I didn't know you had your own makeup artist." Scarlett says looking at me through the mirror
"I don't, this is all me." I say
"Ms Adams do you want me to do your hair while Ms Johansson is in the makeup chair?" The hairstylist asks
"Sure, it would save me lots of trouble." I say and sit down next to Scar.
My hair is getting longer each day so it is pretty annoying to even dry it, let alone style it. I told her I want some loose curls to frame my face and my hair parted anywhere but the middle. When I got up the hairstylist did a fantastic job. It looks better than I imagined it.
"When is the driver getting here?" Scarlett asks getting up from the chair
"6:30 pm sharp." I say
"Okay I have hair left and to squeeze myself into my dress. Go and get dressed. I'll wait for you to pick me up." she says and drinks some water. I nod and leave her room in a rush.
I decided on a beige pantsuit for the carpet. I want to compliment Scarlett without outshining her. This is her night and I'm here just to hold her purse and help her get home safely. I paired the outfit with some silver red bottoms. I chose to wear one of my watches with it. On my other hand I wore a silver bracelet and I put on some jewelry. The cut on the pantsuit is very deep so I have to make it look extra classy. After I was satisfied with the look I took my new Chanel perfume and showered myself in it. I need to look good, feel good and smell good.
I check the time and see that it is 6:15pm already. I decide to use the bathroom just in case and head to Scarlett's room. She opens the door for me and oh my. I don't think I've ever seen her this gorgeous in my life and that is very hard to top. She looks like an absolute goddess and I am here for it. I step inside and she's putting on earrings as I wait for her in the doorway. She sprays on some perfume and we head out.
"You smell good." she says
"Thanks so do you." We walk to the entrance and we are met with the gorgeous limousine I mentioned from before.
"No way, Lena, you did this?" she says starstruck
"Who else? Besides, you need to make a grand entrance. You mentioned to me that this is your last Avengers film?" she nods "well make sure you go out with a bang" I say and open her door. She gets inside and I get in after her.
"You're something else Lena Adams"
We arrive onto the carpet and I get out first. I hold the door open for her and reach out my hand for her to take. She gets out gracefully. I step in front of her as she adjusts her dress and I tell the driver I'll call him if we need him. She I offer her my arm and she gladly puts her hand around it. We walk up the carpet and get some pictures just the two of us. I then separate from her and wait for her to get her picture taken. I can't stop my lips from turning up just at the sight of her. She looks so happy and content. After she's done with that we are pulled into an interview by MTV.
"How are you two doing tonight?" the guy asks
"We're doing good. The atmosphere here is amazing" Scarlett says
"And who is this beautiful lady?" he says turning to me
"This is Lena Adams she's my assistant"
"Hi nice to meet you" I say
"Hi, you two look wonderful tonight. Though I have to give credit to Scarlett over here with the whole 'it girl' moment" he says
"Honestly I have to agree, I'm just happy to be included" I say smiling
"We love a supportive assistant yes queen! So Scarlett there were rumours that this will be your last movie in the Avengers saga. How do you feel about that and do you have anything to share with us?"
"I guess you're just going to have to wait and see for yourselves. You know by now I can't say anything?" she says
"How about you Lena, you must know something" he says turning to me
"My lips are sealed" I say and smile at Scarlett
We distance ourselves from him and she just smiles at me. I offer her my hand again but I feel a breeze until I turn to see Scarlett standing with Elizabeth Olsen. I don't want to intrude so I wait for her to be done with the conversation. Instead, they come walking towards me.
"Hello I don't think we've officially met I am Elizabeth" she says offering a hand to shake
"Lena Adams so nice to meet you" I say and shake her hand.
"You look stunning Lena! I love the pantsuit." she compliments
"Thank you Elizabeth you look gorgeous yourself." I smile at her and the three of us get inside the theatre.
"Okay the cast of the movie will be sitting there in the front rows so I'm going to meet you after the movie is finished so we can go to the after party." Scarlett says turning to me.
"Alright, no worries I'll see you then"
If we're being honest I didn't know 98% of the characters in the film. It was good. Pretty action packed and Scarlett looked fenomenal. Well before she jumped off a fucking cliff and died. That was uncalled for. No wonder she took this hard, the death was brutal. After the film finished and all the lights turned back on I stood up to find Scarlett. She and I went to this bar that the crew rented for the night. Of course we were the last to arrive because she had to go to the bathroom.
They were serving drinks in the theme of the Avengers characters. I got myself a Loki's crown which is basically just a vodka soda with green food dye. It was fun. I chatted with Tom and kept an eye on Scarlett who was taking tequila shots.
"I would like to say a few words before we are all wasted and drenched in alcohol. This life I've been given with this role is just incredible. Who knew I would become the trade mark for something as iconic ac Iron Man. For a decade now we've been playing these characters and I would like to thank the Russo brothers for giving me a courageous ending. I didn't see that one coming. Now, my fellow cast mates thank you for everything. Scarlett darling I'm glad I got to meet someone like you and I am also lucky enough to even be friends with you.As well as your amazing assistant and my dear friend Lena. Who by the way saved my life on her first fucking day. Evans, my man I take great pride knowing that we're leaving together. It was an honor truly. And the rest of you who are still alive go fuck yourself. I'm just kidding I wish you the best of luck. I'm sorry your favourite actor is leaving but you'll get by somehow. Scarlett I invite you to say something aswell." Tony says sipping on his drink.
Scarlett goes to where Tony stood and takes a deep breath holding a martinin in hand.
"Thank you Robert for the kind words. I don't want to bother you too much. I just want to say a toast. This decade long story has been and will always be in the best of my memories. This job has given me amazing friends and collueges that I will hold close to my heart. So my toast tonight is to friendship." she raises her drink
"To friendship" everyone says raising their glasses and clinking them.
"To friendship Tom" I say
"To friendship" says Tom clinking his beer bottle with my glass.
"Hey, is it okay if I steal Lena from you for a second?" says Robert next to us
"Sure, go for it"
Robert takes my hand in his and guides me to a group of people sitting in the back.
"This is who I was talking about"
"Nice to meet you all I'm Lena"
"Hello darling, I'm Emily, you have a very familiar face. Where are you from?" she says
"Oh, I'm from England" I say smiling at the woman
"What did you say your last name was?"
"Adams ma'am" I answer
"You are the spitting image of Abigail Adams" another man speaks up.
Ah shit. I can't lie now
"Well I am her daughter!" I say smiling
"Agnes! Oh my god how have I not recognized you before!" she comes and hugs me
"Everything alright?" Robert asks clearly clueless
"Abigail and William Adams are her parents Robert!" says another man who's name I don't know.
"Well thats a curve ball I didn't expect." he says chuckling
"Well I'm glad I met you all. I would aprechiate if this encounter was secluded only to this table. I keep my identity very private for s reason." I say kindly
"Of course don't worry darling." Emily says and hugs me again.
"Robert may I have a word with you in private?" I ask he nods and follows me inside.
"Okay so I need you to promise me something." i say
"Anything. What's the matter?"
"Scarlett doesn't know who my parents are-were. She doesn't know I own the family company or anything about how financially stable I really am. Could this stay between us please? I can't let her find out." I say with my hands together practically begging him.
"Sure, but can you tell me why?"
"I don't want her to look at me any differently and besides I sort of lied through my teeth and that could cost me this job with her."
"We're going to talk a bit more about this, but I promise I won't say a word to Scarlett." he says and hugs me. I happily accept.
We get back inside and I try to keep myself out of the eyes of everyone but then they announce there is karaoke. There are a few things I can never say no to and karaoke is pretty high on that list.
"Adams you better join me" I hear next to me and turn to see Robert offering me a hand to go on stage. I join him and the crowd erupts into cheers. I got down to the guy behind the counter and told him to play Kelly Clarkson Since you been gone. This is my go to song. I go join Robert on stage and he gestures I start. There is a screen in front of me but I don't need it. I would know this song if you woke me up in the middle of the night and asked me to sing it.
"Here's the thing, we started out friends
It was cool, but it was all pretend
Yeah, yeah
Since you been gone"
As I am singing I get lost in familiar green orbs and quickly turn away singing the next verse
"You're dedicated, you took the time
Wasn't long 'til I called you mine
Yeah, yeah
Since you been gone"
I turn to Robert and he continues looking at the screen occasionally
"And all you'd ever hear me say
Is how I picture me with you
That's all you'd ever hear me say"
The both of us sing the chorus together.
"But since you been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so moving on, yeah, yeah"
I can see Evans and the rest of the crew enjoying the show the two of us I putting for them and I love it. Tom has his phone out recording us and Scarlett has a look on her face I can't really recognise. Admiration? Lust? Who knows?
"Thanks to you
Now I get what I want
Since you been gone"
After the two of us finished the song we bowed down to the crowd of our friends and Robert came up to me and gave me the biggest hug. Everyone kept telling us we were great and how we nailed it. I was just glad I could be a part of it. When I got to Scarlett she had a different look on her face. It was a bit cold. She was a bit drunk but not as much as before.
"When were you thinking of going back to the hotel?" I ask her
"Can we leave in a few minutes? I don't wanna go without saying goodbye" she says
"Of course, I'll go and say goodbye too." I say and go to the table in the back.
"Hey Emily we're heading out so I wanted to say bye" I say getting closer to her.
"Oh no wonder you're an Adams, you're so polite!"
"Thank you, thats very kind of you." I say
"No worries, besides when is the anniversary again? It would be a shame if we missed it." she says
Every year there is an anniversary of my parents death. Even though the two of them died a month apart on the grave stones it says it's the same day. Thats what my dad requested when he woke up from his coma. He told me that he already died when he found out about my mother. He requested that only on personal documents it says when he died. On their gravestones lay three of the same date.
"Oh it's on October 16th. It will be held on our property like last time." I smile and tell her
"Wow thats less than a month away" she says
"What is?" Scarlett says next to us
"My birthday." I interrupt Emily
I mean I didn't lie. They really did pass on my birthday.
"Oh, are you ready to go?" Scarlett asks
"Sure am, let's go." I say and call up the driver.
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