《My famous boss (gxg)》Chapter 7


When we arrive to the makeup trailer there are five of her cast mates waiting for their turn. Scarlett is number four on the call sheet so she doesn't wait long for her turn in the chair. They attach her wig again but this time they braid her hair and put it to the side. It looks oddly good on her. While she's in the chair a younger man approaches me taking his hand out to greet me.

"Hi I'm Tom I don't think we've met"

"Hello Tom, I'm Lena" I shake his hand firmly

"Oh, where are you from Lena?" He says excitingly. He has a british accent as well so I guess this is a big thing for him.

"I'm from England, what about you?" I ask

"Oh my god I'm from there too, this is amazing, well it was nice to meet you. I hope we can talk again later today." He says and goes to the chair right after Scarlett.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask her. She nods and we go to her trailer.

There we spend about 10 minutes, she gets into her black suit and I help her with the zippers and the belts. The suit fits her like a glove. It makes her muscles and her ass look fenomenal. I stop looking before I am caught in the deed. She tells me we should head to the set in about 10 minutes and that I don't have to carry snacks anymore because they got it figured out. I'm just glad I don't have to have my hands full today like yesterday.

I hear my phone ring so I step out of the trailer to answer it.

"Lena Adams speaking" I answer.

"Lena, hey, I got your email is everything okay?"

"Yeah don't worry Nate, I just had an idea about something we can try" I say to him

"Are you going to come over here or is this going to be one of your online meetings where we talk to our computers?" he laughs at his own joke

"Ha ha you're hilarious. I have a new job so I can't travel there at the moment" I tell him

"I will never understand you Lena, you are a multi millionaire and yet you worry yourself about a stupid job, like you don't already run a global company." he says

With that he gives me an idea.

"How about you travel here for the meeting? We have a factory in Chicago anyways, you can all come to my place and we can all talk there. You can take my family jet and be here in no time" I say. I hear the doors of the trailer open behind me

"Wow, that would be incredible. You know I've never really seen your home over there."

"Get in touch with Mark, I will send out his contacts info. He'll be more than happy to fly you over here for the weekend." I say smiling

"Alright I will! Thank you so much and I can't wait to see you, boss" he says

"Same here, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, we'll talk more I've got to go."

"Take care Lena" he says

"You too, bye"I say and hang up.

I turn to see Scarlett looking at me, trying to figure out what that conversation was about. I act like nothing happened and gather my things from the trailer.


"Shall we go?"I ask her

"Yes, I mean if you finished your chit chat" There she goes again

"I have, thank you, lets go. " I fake a smile and join her side.

We are going to another studio today, this one is a bit far away but it is okay. She told me they are filming some pretty important scenes today and that she will need a lot of energy for today. Thanks to me, she's eaten and had a coffee so I hope I scored some points with her.

"Ladies how are you this nice morning?" RDJ says as he aproaches us.

"We're good." Scarlett says for the both of us

"Good to hear. Today is going to be hell for the Russo Brothers. Thats for sure. Yesterday they went home early to get ahead of the schedule but I doubt that they've gotten any sleep."

I keep quiet. I mean I am not a friend to either of them, nor do I want to intrude. I walk beside Scarlett as they chat. We arrived almost first so Scarlett and I sat down and waited for the others. They are coming one by one, each of them suited up.

Tom walks in and sits next to me. He's one of the only guys that asked me where I was from. He found comfort knowing that he is not the only Brit here today. I laughed at that. My laugh earned me some glances from the actors and Scarlett as well. Turns out Tom came into the wrong studio because he was supposed to go film somewhere else. An intern came in looking for him. That earned him some chuckles from the group and so he left.

"Everyone on set in 5 minutes!!" a guy with headphones around his neck shouts.

"Someone's cranky this morning" Says a guy walking into the space. He looks very familiar but I forgot his name

"Mark! I didn't think you'd be coming here so soon!" says Scarlett jumping from her seat to hug him.

They all hurdle around him and I stay in my place. I mean I don't know the guy so why would I get up and greet him. I have already made some bad points with her on that. After a few minutes another intern comes in to tell us the actors should go now. They roll their eyes and I can see Chris and Scarlett coming towards me.

"Hold my phone, don't answer it it's Kate and if the nanny calls tell her I'm busy" Scarlett says handing her phone to me.

"Hold mine too. I don't have any pockets on this" he says handing his phone as well.

They all leave besides me and Mark.

"Oh crap I forgot to leave my phone in the trailer, can you hold it for me" Says the other Chris

"S-sure, hand it to me" I stutter, oh great. In my defense he is the most beautiful man I've even seen. He just looks like he was carved in stone by a greek god.

"I don't think we've met, I'm Mark Ruffalo"

I shake his hand

"Lena Adams, a pleasure to meet you" I say

"Oh no the pleasure is all mine, where are you from Lena?"

"I'm from England" I tell him

"So what made you come here the land of the free, was it the healthcare or the gun violations?"


I laugh at that

"Neither, I came here to be a reporter."

"You're a reporter on set, wow how did you sneak in here?"

"I was a reporter, now I work for Ms Johansson" I say back to him

"What devil put you up to this?" I am surprised by his response

"I mean I love and respect Scarlett she's one of my dear friends, but she can be a handful when it comes to staff and assistants in general" he says

"It is nothing I can't handle, and besides she's been okay with me. A little bit snappy at times but nothing too serious.'' I tell him

"Well if she ends up being mean with you call me and I'll give you a few pointers on what not to do" he says

"Thank you, I'll try to remember that"

After an hour of talking with Mark he says he should go and get ready for the next scene the're about to film. He is so kind and sweet. He gave me his phone number so I can text him if I need something. I thanked him and I shook his hand goodbye.

The cast shortly comes back and sits down as they wait for the set to change. RDJ is asking them something but I can't hear it.

"Ok show of hands, who here had breakfast this morning" he says and looks around the room, looking at me too. I awkwardly raise my hand, alongside Scarlett, Chris Hemsworth and Paul Rudd.

"Liar liar pants on fire" he says pointing a finger to Scarlett.

"I already ate Robert!" she says putting both of her hands in the air.

"Do you have an alibi" he says folding his hands

"Do I have an alibi? What is this Brooklyn 99?" she says

"She ate this morning I'm her alibi" I smile at Robert

"Really?!" he says shocked

"Yes! Now stop acting like my dad" she says getting up toward me

"If you haven't fainted because of not eating enough I wouldn't be compelled to act like your dad!" he states.

Oh she fainted because she didn't eat well? Now I gotta make sure she eats at least two meals a day. Thank heavens I made her breakfast today.

"Give me my phone" she snaps

I hand it to her and Robert speaks up again.

"Don't snap at her just because I'm right?" he says. She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry" Robert tells me

"It's fine, don't worry about it" I say

Then Chris Hemsworth comes out as well and goes straight to me. He opens his hand and I put his phone in it.

"You're a sweetheart" He compliments

"How many phones did you hold?" Chris Evans asks taking his phone too

"Ms Johansson's, yours and his" I say nodding towards the other Chris.

The day drags on and Scarlett says that we are going home earlier because she needs time to prepare for a very important scene. I obviously don't know anything about this role. I just know that she's some sort of badass assassin. I watch movies at home and her face popped up quite a few times when I would search something to watch. She is talented I'll give her that. Her whole personality is something that I find interest and some sort of unknown comfort. I figured she has a kid but she didn't say anything about a husband. I saw toys on the living room floor but nothing that would suggest a male living inside.

She seems off ever since last night. Maybe she thinks I'm distasteful because I rejected her hug. In all honesty I would gladly hug her. But if I start I fear I may never want to stop. Her posture and how she holds herself is something I find very fascinating.

Me and her arrive at her house around 5 pm. She shows me my office and gives me work to do while she goes to shower. I didn't have much to do thankfully. I hear a car pull up and heels clicking onto the staircase. I don't dare get out but I could hear some squeals and a deep male voice. It is none of your business Lena. There is no need to intrude.

I finish most of the work and sit to rest for a second. Her business phone rings, which she left with me and told me that now this my phone. The caller id is a number of a warehouse.

"Hello, Scarlett Johansson's assistant speaking how may I help you" I ask

"There is a package Ms Johansson requested and we wondered if it would be a bother to come and pick it up. She told us she needs this as fast as possible and we really don't want to upset her"

"Sure, I'll pick it up by the end of your shift and don't worry everything is going to be fine. " I say to the worried man. He thanks me and I go out taking my keys with me. I go into the living room to find Scarlett with a glass of wine in her hand.

"The warehouse just called and they asked if I could pick up a package you needed."

"Which warehouse?" she asks not taking her eyes off the tv screen

"1803, why?" I ask

"That is Kate's warehouse, she wants to say she's sorry" she says

"Oh, so should I go and get it or no?"

"That is not up to me, that is up to you." she says finishing her glass

"Then I'll go and finish the paper you gave me to finish" I say turning around

"Good girl" Scarlett says

That sentence gave me instant chills. What is this woman? I don't think I'll ever know. Do I want to know what her deal is? I sit down into my office chair and get back to work. I am startled by a printer going off in the corner and printing something out.

That is when Scarlett comes in and takes three pieces of paper and staples them together. She comes closer to me and puts the papers down onto the desk. She folds her hands and looks at me strangely.

"Whats this?" I ask flipping through the fine print.

"Your contract, I wanted to wait a week or two to give it to you but you passed a few tests a lot of my previous assistants, failed. All you have to do is sign on the line that sits on the third page." she says

"Okay, what if I say no? What if I don't want to sign?" I ask

"Then I'm gonna have to find another assistant" she says shrugging her shoulders

"We wouldn't want that now would we?"

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