《My famous boss (gxg)》Chapter 1
I get home late, it was an eventful work day in the office today. A lot casualties have occurred in the last two weeks and we don't know what to shine a brighter light on. I know we should tell a story each day, but it is getting ridiculous by now. I'm editor in chief at my department and I am also responsible for what we write and where it all goes. I have decided I will finish the rest of the work I have left tomorrow. If I've learned anything it is that you should never bring work home. I have office hours and private hours. It is better that way because I will be less stressful. Heading towards the shower I begin to take off my clothes. I toss my shirt into the laundry basket and take of my black choo's off my feet. I leave my make up on and just hop right in. The hot water helps me sleep and relax my muscles. I finish off washing my hair and sit down onto the shower floor. I am exhausted and when I think more of it, fairly lonely. In the last 6 years I've been living here I haven't made a single friend. I was so focused on work and getting this job that I forgot to socialize with people. I get out of the shower eventually and slip into some shorts and a cropped t-shirt. I usually sleep in my underwear but I want a snack before I go to bed.
Looking through the cabinets I realize that I forgot to go grocery shopping. I have food, but no healthy food. "Ah screw it." I say as I open up a bag of noodles. I put on the kettle and wait for it to boil. I make it like I used to back in university; I split it into 4 block and put the spices over it, then I pour hot water over it and wait a bit. As I wait for them to soak up the water I turn on my tv. It's only 9:30pm I can watch something right? Why did I even buy cable, it has nothing on there. Netflix it is. For the first time in forever I finally have my own netflix account and I know it seems silly but with these things I can finally say I made it. Throughout my life I've always had money. My parents were filthy rich and whatever I wanted I got. I am not from around here either. I was born, I grew up and I did my studies in England. It was only six years ago when I decided it was time for a change in my life. After that incident I was left all alone and I didn't want to be reminded of it. I have a mural in my living room of London and a the English flag behind it. It is something that is very special to me and something that brings colour into the apratment. My apartment theme is black, grey and white. I bad it renovated and I absolutely love it. It just looks amazing. I scroll through netflix and decide to watch The Umberella Academy. It is one of my favourite shows by far.
After I finished an episode and a bowl of noodles I decide it is time for bed. I have a big day tomorow. Fridays are always the busiest of all the days and that day we post the recap of the whole week. I need to get in touch with some of my contacts in the morning so I write myself a reminder next to my bag incase I forget. I open my bedroom and jump into my king sized bed. As soon as I turn off the bedside lamp I am fast asleep.
I wake up in the morning and walk straight to the kitchen. I make my self a cup of tea and carry it with me back yo my bedroom. On the right on my bedroom, infront of the window is my vanity. This is where I do my make up and hair. I put on my favourite playlist and start off my make up routine. I always do a natural look because it makes me look refreshed and clean. I have a round face and hazel eyes. My eye lids are hooded so it makes it a bit of a challenge to a apply eyeliner. I don't usually take long to get ready, but om fridays I like to put in a little extra effort. I take my hair out of my bun and brush it so I could style it easier. The cool thing about all this is that I don't have to leave this desk until I am finished with my hair and makeup. I have everything nearby and my flatning iron is right here. I turn it on and start curling my hair. Today I want natural looking curls aswell. I finish my tea and head to my wardrobe. Today will be quite a hot day but I want something that'll look professional. I put on white ironed trousers and a floral short sleave shirt. I tuch the shirt inside the trousers and top it over with my white jacket. I stack three silver necklaces and change my earings. I put my favourite perfume on my pulse points and put on my shoes for today. I find my briefcase and my bag and head to the door. I check my watch and it only took me 45 minutes to get ready and I'll have time to stop by the cart and get myself something to eat, perfect!
As I enter my department with a coffee in hand the entire place goes silent. Thats what I'm used to anyways. I don't know if it's fear or hatred. Whatever it is they seem to feel obliged to respect me. I step into my office and take off my jacket. As my computer is turning on I go out side of my office to the printing room. There I find a pile of finished articles, oh great. They really did their best to takr my entire day. With this position of mine I got just a tiny bit of authority too. I have the power to fire people if I think neccessary. But, consicering how much work I do I don't really have the time for that. I have by 4pm today to finish the order of the pages and to select a cover article , so I can give it to the chief where she'll tell me it is ok and that I should get it published. I get two interns to carry all the material to my office while I pay a visit to the chiefs assistant. I was told she would be able to help if needed. Today I really need her help if I want to get it done.
"Hello Lucy, could you be able to help me cancel out irrelevant articles for tomorows publish?" She quickly stand ups and straightens out her skirt.
"Of course Ms Adams, where do you need me?"
"In my office, 20 minutes?" I offer
"Okay, I'll be there I just need to tell the chief." she says clearly afraid
"Don't worry about her, I'll talk to her"
I wink at her and turn on my heels. I go back to my office and make sure to make room for Lucy too. I take everything off the desk and just put some of the pile onto it. I start working right away and make a place to throw ridicilous articles. Some of the titles themselves said the whole story. There are some headlines that are not even acceptable. I mean who could even write something like this?
'This is going straight to the bin. We are no way in hell gonna write something as hateful and biased as that. I made piles as to what is acceptable and what is not. I am leaving this one on the table so I can talk to the person who wrote this. This is not going to go by unnoticed. Actually I am writing that name down onto a sticky note and glueing it on my to-do list. I am interrupted by a knock on the door. I look up to see Lucy with a coffee in hand.
"I'm sorry I'm a little late, I got stuck at the coffee cart." she apologises, standing next to the door.
"It's alright, have a seat. I've already started with some work and I got us a system so we can work faster and finish this as soon as possible."
She nodds and sits down opposite of me. We start working in silence and by the time lunch rolls around we've already finished. All there is to do is for me to just organise it into pages.
"Ms Adam, can I ask you a question?" Lucy says as I get up to move the articles that I find unacceptable.
"Sure, go for it"
"Why do you have 5 articles on your desk? You didn't put them into categories" Shes talking about the articles I found repulsing and plain disqusting.
"Those articles where very unacceptable and it is my job to make sure, something like that, never happens" I say pointing to the desk
"oh, okay." She just says. "Are you hungry?" I ask her. I mean the girl made it so easy to work and I know by now that I'll finish the job earlier just because of her. I got to at least buy her lunch.
"Well, kinda, why do you ask?"
"Well would you join me?"I ask as I am putting my jacket on.
"I am not allowed to leave the office during lunch. I either pack my food or bring it here before hand" she says sadly
"Not today you aren't, do you need us to stop by your desk or do you have everything with you?" I ask her once again
"No, I'm fine"
"Good" I say
We fall into a stroll to the elevator and in a few minutes we are met with the fresh air. We cross the street and she seems to just follow me. She didn't even ask where we're going. We enter this reastaraunt where they serve the best pasta in the whole New York. I am in a mood for some pasta. I chose this place because they have a huge variety of food. So whatever she'd like is here. It is a bit pricy but it is worth it. We sit down and the waiter gives us the meus right away. I chose a table next to the window where you can see the entire street but they can't see you. It us gorgeous, this entire place. We take our orders and the waiter brings out our drinks. As I sip my lemonade I glance at her and notice how she seems to be avoiding looking straight at me. She looks everywhere but at me. Is she afraid of me or something?
"So, are you normally from here?" I ask her, starting conversation.
"No, I moved here about 2 years ago. I am usually from Canada" she says looking at her water
"What made you come here?" I ask intruiged.
"I wanted to become a reporter and thought that this was the best place to go to" she says finally looking at me
"Thought, as in previous action?"
"Well I didn't think I'd be booking plane tickets and ordering lunch in order to be one"
"Oh, if it makes you feel any better I was her assistant too" say trying to lift up her mood
"Really?! How did I miss that?"
"Well it was four years ago, you weren't even here yet."
"How was she like back then, was she any more lenient than today?" she asks
"No" I laugh "I remember she made me get her coffee every single morning and wait for her near the elevator so I could take off her coat and hang it on the rack." I say smiling
"Well how did you do all the work and that?"
"Back then she only had one assistant that was meant to do anything and everything that she needed to be done" It is true. Now she has three assistants to manage everything and all of them have different tasks.
The food arrives and out conversation is cut short. We talk here and there but mostly focus on eating. When we finished the waiter came back with the check and I quickly snatced it from his hand. I know how much assistants are paid so I have no issue in paying for this. I hand the waiter my credit card and we wait for a minute for him to get back. I put my things aways as Lucy looks kind of ...embarassed? I'll ask her on our way back. The waiter comes back and hands me back my credit card. We come back out onto the busy street and she is quiet again.
"Are you alright?" I ask her
"You didn't have to do that.."
"Do what?" I turn to her
"Buy me lunch, we could have gone some place cheaper." she says quietly
I stop walking and so does she.
"Look, I offered you lunch, I bought you lunch It's not that big of a deal. Besides I should thank you for keeping me company, I usually eat alone."
"If you bought me a dougnut or a hot dog I wouldn't say anything, but Ms Adams you payed for my 50$ meal, I really can't just accept that"
"Out of the office please call me Lena, it makes me feel very strange, besides it was my idea and you don't have to feel bad. "
"Alright, but the next time we will go to a cheaper place" she says pointing a finger at me. Next time? Interesting..I chose not to tease her about it
"See was that se hard" I say putting my hand onto her shoulder. She blushes and avoids my eyes again. I check my watch and see that if we don't go right away we will be late.
"Come on, let's go we'll be late" I say and grab her arm. I don't know why I did that. I let it go and we hurry to make the crosswalk. It turns red, but she tries to go right ahead. I grab her hand again and pull her back. Just as I do a motorcycle flies by her. If I didn't do that there is no way in hell he would have stopped. Asshole. She looks a bit pale and looks at me strangely.
"I think you might have just saved my life" she says
"Look, I only saved you a trip to the hospital, I'm not a hero or something."
The light turns green and we hurry along. We get inside the office just in time for the break to finish. I walk her to her desk to make sure she doesn't get in trouble.
"What will I do if I'm asked where I was during lunch?" She asks turning around quickly.
"Just say that you were with me, and if they have a problem with it then send them to me and I'll gladly explain." I smile her. It is so weird having a nice conversation here in the office.
"Thank you for getting me out of here for a few minutes. I can't remember when was the last time I went out for a lunch date with someone" she says looking at me
"Wait that sounded wrong, it wasn't a date more a lunch with one of my bosses, well thecnically you aren't my boss, but you do have the authority to fire me so in a way that-" she rambles
"-Look you can call it a lunch date. It's not that big of a deal. Alright?" I giggle at that. She seems to calm down and stop her stuttering.
"I'm going back to finish off the newspaper for the chief and head home afterwards. Thank you for your company and help" I smile at her and wink. She smiles back and waves as I go back to my office.
I did say I need to talk to those people who wrote those articles but I am in a great mood right now so I think I'll leave that to next week. I'll deal with it Monday, but for now I have a lot to do.
Afer a few hours I am finished with the entire newspaper. It looks great and the stories we've chosen are perfect. She is going to love it. I pack up everything and turn off everything. I am free after I deliver this to the chief and then to the publicist team. I head to her office and flash a smile to Lucy on the way
"Hello, Mrs Clark here is todays newspaper, I got it done a bit earlier than expected but I brought over anyway, thinking it wouldn't hurt" I say as I open the door and walk to the front of her desk.
"Hello Lena, you may sit down." I sit down in the chair in front of her desk and hand her my folder. She takes the folder opens it, looks at the cover, at the back and just puts it down onto the table in front of her.
"Perfect as always" she says looking at her computer. I stand up and go to take it but she speaks up again.
"There is something I wanted to speak with you about." she says
"Of course, what is it?" She looks at me and takes off her glasses
"Look, you are one of my best workers and honestly I look at you as a colluege. You're extremly hardworking and excatly what I need."
"But? " I say
"But you don't socialize, with anyone! The only person you can hold a decent conversation is with me. I never seen any boyfriends or girlfriends and you've never even mentioned your friends which brings me to the conclusion that you don't have any."
"What does that have to do with my work here?" I ask
"Is it my fault you don't have a social life outside of this office building? Is the preassure and work too much for you?"
Whoa she never really said anything of the sort. She is very nice to me, but she wasn't always like this.
"No what are you talking about?"
"If it is my fault I'll give you an assistant to help and a pay rise if you may but it seem that you are miserable here."
"You don't have to do that, I am fine on my own. I've been alone for six years now and I've learned to enjoy it." I anwser her. I like this job a lot.
"It breaks my heart to even say it, but a friend of mine is in need of an assistant that she can trust. She asked for my help because you know how well I read people, anyway if you are in need of a change and you'd like to leave, I'll send over your CV and get you in touch with her." she says looking sad
"There is no need for that Mrs Clark" She gets up from her desk and stands in front of me. She takes her hand and carasses my left cheek. I get up to meet her eye level.
"You grew up right in front of my eyes. My dear Lena, you've put up with me for the past five years with no complaints. I think you need to get away from here and see the world. Meet new people! You're 28, you have your whole live ahead of you!"
"Thank you Mrs Clark, I never knew you thought so nice of me"
"Oh please, call me Maria. I think everybody but you knew how much I value you" she tears up and takes my hand
"You're one of my closest people. You're brilliant and if you leave it's gonna be a hell of a job to replace you" she says and hugs me then and there
"Don't you worry I'm not going anywhere" I whisper into her ear. She holds me tight and we stand there in silence, holding each other..
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