《My Funtime Fred》Chapter fourteen~ before you knew it
"Where are the boys?" You asked as you looked at Freddy's untouched food. You started to feel worried. Freddy and Bon bon haven't came back in about 5 minutes.
"Maybe talking to other strangers." Foxy suggested.
You look around. Freddy was nowhere to be seen. You started to feel a bad feeling in your stomach. You take a deep breath.
"I need to do something." You say. You stand up and walk towards the bathrooms.
You were about to open the girl's bathroom until you hear crying in the boy's bathroom. It sounded a lot like... Bon bon!
"(Y/N!!)" You hear a weak voice yell. It sounded like he was in trouble! You bang open the door to find Bon bon covered in blood, cuts and tears everywhere. He was being guarded by Freddy, who was on the floor. Freddy had a giant gash, the size of bowling ball, on his left side. He was crying blood. They both looked at you.
"(Y/n) r-run!" Freddy screamed, spitting blood. Before you had a chance to react, you felt something tackle you and pin you down on the floor. Your head banged on the marble, making you cry in pain. You opened your eyes to a monstrous creature. It was about the size of a car. It had large, sharp fangs covered in blood. It's dark fur looked like it haven't bathed in years. It had tentacles swirling around him. The thing that frightened you most was its eyes. They were pure black, with red pupils, looking in your eyes. You hear it let out a low demon-like growl.
"G-get away from h-her!" You hear Freddy cough. The monster didn't react. It only let out his arm and grabbed your neck. You struggled for breath as it pulled you off the ground, still staring at you. It pinned you against one of the mirrors. You felt a jolt of pain run through your back. Glass fell on the ground. You tried to push off his hand, but you knew that you were no match for his strength. The monster opened its mouth, revealing its twisted tongue. It swirled towards you, like a snake. When it was about to wrap around you, it suddenly jolted back. The creature let you go and you fell on top of all the glass. It turned its neck 180 degrees, making him look more horrifying. You see Freddy in animatronic form, holding a stall door. He threw it at it, making the thing give out a high-pitched screech and fall on the floor. Freddy ran to you and lend out his left hand. You grabbed it and he pulled you up. You felt weak in the legs. You were about to fall until Freddy caught you.
"We need to get out of here." You whispered. It hurt when you spoke. Freddy nodded and looked around. You heard the monster stand up. Before you had a chance to even look around, the thing snapped at you with one of its tentacles. You fell backwards and you felt your body being slammed against a wall. You fall on the floor. You opened your eyes, your vision limited. You heard a high-pitched noise.
"(Y/n!" You heard Bon Bon on yell, but you felt like you were underwater. You see Freddy come in view.
"Oh no, don't do this now, (y/n)!" You felt yourself being picked up. Your vision was getting led and less clear. Freddy's voice was fading away, screaming your name.
You wake up in a hospital bed. You feel pain everywhere in your body. You didn't feel like moving. What happened? What was that thing? Then your mind shifts to one thought: where's Freddy?!
You quickly sit up (which made your body ache so bad!) and looked around for Freddy.
You were in a small room. There was a tiny window with white flowers, a sink, a closet, and a door. It looked like a casual hospital room. Freddy wasn't there.
You pulled off the blanket on yourself and pulled up a gown you were wearing and took a look at yourself. You... looked pretty bad. You had a big bandage on your stomach, left arm, and right knee. You got off the bed and tried to walk, but then fell. After you got used to gravity again, you slowly walked out of your room, using the walls as support.
You open the door and see two men talking. One of them spots you and rushes towards you. The other comes after.
"Ma'am, you need to go back to your room, please." The taller of the two says politely.
"I... need to see Freddy..." you manage to say. The shorter one looked at the other.
"You mean that dude that called himself 'Funtime Freddy'?"
You nod. The men give a look to each other.
"On the left, room 2B." (see what I did there ^u^) one of them said as he pointed a direction. "Want me to help you?"
You shake your head and walk towards that direction. You turn around a corner and poke your head in every room.
One had a young boy with no arm. He had light hazel hair and freckles. He looked asleep.
Another had no one in there, but a balloon tied onto a small blue book. The walls were painted black, and nothing else was there but a bed.
The last one had the gang surrounding someone.
"G-guys!" You say quietly. They all turned their heads towards you, and ballora rushed to you.
"Dear, are you ok?" She asked as she guided you to a couch.
"Is Freddy ok?!" You gasp. Ballora gives a smile.
"He was awake for awhile, and he could do nothing but talk about you and freaking out because you were nowhere in his sight." Foxy growled. This made you blush, but then went back to serious.
"I'm hungry." Baby whined. Ballora picked her up and smoothed her hair.
"How long have we been passed out?"
"Freddy was for around an hour, but you around 8!" Bon bon told you. This made your eyes widen. You looked at Freddy. He was asleep, looking like a little baby. So cute, if you don't count the bruises and band-aids.
"There's free lunch downstairs. If they ask anything, just say that (y/n) (l/n) said y'all would eat."
Foxy ran out of the room, ballora and baby following. Bon bon looked at Freddy, then you.
"I'll let y'all have some privacy" Bon bon smirked as he winked. He walked out and closed the door behind him. When he closed the door, you felt arms wrap around you.
"I thought I lost you." Freddy whispered. His warm body made you feel safe once more. You hug him back.
"Me too." You say.
"I am so glad that you're in my arms again." He hugged you tighter. After a bit of silence, you said: "Where are you hurt?"
He scoffs.
"I should be asking that to you." You roll your eyes playfully. "I just got a few scratches."
Freddy pulled up your gown (which made you blush madly) and saw your bandage. He gives you a look. You give a smile.
"Come lay down with me." He scoots over closer to the edge. He pats the other side, which was closer to the wall.
"Freddy, I-" he suddenly hugs you once more so hard that he pulls you off from the floor and lays you on the bed.
"Lay down with me." He repeats. You give a sigh and can't help but smile. He was still hugging you, so you buried your face in his chest.
"From now on, you are never leaving my side." He says, pulling the cover on the both of you two.
"What if you need to use the bathroom?" You ask, your voice muffled from his shirt.
"We'll find a way." He smiles down at you. You look up at him and kiss his nose. You muzzle back in his chest and start to fall asleep. Before you did, you mumble "I love you."
Freddy chuckled a bit then kissed you softly on the lips.
"I love you more."
"...and also, they need time to rest. I'm sure they had a rough time of their lives. They will both live, but the woman would have vision and hearing problems for a week or so. The man will sometimes randomly pass out due for his blood streams not functioning properly from time to time, maybe curing in about 3 days. Well, I better go."
"Thank you, miss."
"My pleasure."
You hear footsteps go away. You wanted to sleep more, so you tried to doze off.
"Freddy," you heard baby whisper.
"Hm?" He hums, not moving.
"We talked to a lady that was here when we first came to this place. She came back and told us a couple of things. We need to talk to you private." Bon bon whispered.
"Why can't we just talk right here?" He asked, hugging you a bit tighter. You couldn't help but smile.
"She needs to go to her room so she can talk to the girls. And we need to talk to you, so wake her up. Come on!" Bon bon told him.
Freddy whimpered and looked down at you. You tried to act like you were asleep.
"Freddy!" The gang groaned.
You used this as an excuse to wake up. You slowly open your eyes.
"(Y/n), we are glad that you're awake. We need to talk to you in your hospital room." Ballora calmly said. You look up at Freddy.
"But...I wanna cuddle with Freddy!" You said as you stuff your face back in Freddy's shirt.
"Ugh, she's just like Freddy! Can't they be apart for at least one minute?!"
"No!" Freddy whined as he hugged you even tighter.
"That's it." Foxy grabbed you and pulled you up.
"Ow! I got injuries, you know!" You yelled. Foxy ignored this and dragged you out of the room.
"Noooo!" Freddy whined like a child, his arm reaching at you.
"Y'all two are so clingy!" Foxy mumbled.
"Because he's my Fredbear!" You told him.
"I regret you coming into that pizzeria." He said as you both walked into your room.
"I don't." You smirked. He rolled his eyes and threw you on the bed.
"Ow!" You shout.
"Oops sorry." He said sarcastically.
Ballora and baby came in as foxy went out. Baby closed the door and they both sat on the bed next to you.
"What happened? This better be more important that Freddy's hugs."
"It is quite far more important." Ballora said.
You look at ballora and baby. They both looked serious.
"We think... we think baby's dying." Ballora whispers.
"I'm was bleeding when I used the bathroom!" Baby cries. This made you laugh.
"What is funny about this situation!?" Ballora yelled.
"You're not dying, baby, you're on your period!" You chuckled.
"What's that?" She asked.
"Every month, once a month, your body will need to let out so blood, so... yeah, that happens. You need to put something on so you won't smell like blood."
Baby followed you to the bathroom and you pulled out a pad from a little box next to the sink.
"When you're gonna use the bathroom, tear off this and put the pad on your underwear. Ok?"
Baby nodded. You look at ballora.
"If it happens to you, tell me immediately." You told her. You and ballora walked out of he nation and closed the door.
"(Y/n)?" Ballora asked.
"Yeah?" Your say as you sit on the bed. She sits by you.
"I, and baby and foxy, have been wondering for a bit... why do you love Freddy?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but then hesitated. Why do you love Freddy?
Well, what do you like about him? You asked yourself. Was it because of his looks? His personality? His humor? It took you a while to find the right words.
"I love him because... I can't even explain it. He's everything that I wanted from a guy. Cute. Funny. Playful. Even though he has some negative sides, I accept him for that. I wouldn't like it if Freddy changed himself just because others told him to. He is perfect, with all of his flaws and everything. I love him, I don't want no more nor less from him." Your thoughts of Freddy ran through your mind. You look down and smile, but then stopped.
"Well, I'm glad that Freddy has a girl that loves him just the way he is." Ballora smiles at you. You smile back.
"Well, I'm glad that Freddy has a girl that loves him just the way he is." I heard ballora say through the door. Me, Bon bon, and foxy had our ears on the door, wanting to hear what the girls were saying. I had a giant smile on my face.
"Im going to go talk to the lady at the front desk for information about us." I heard (y/n) say. Footsteps came. Me and the guys tried to run back to the room, but it was too late.
"Guys?" (Y/n) questioned.
"Hey (y/n)!" I said cheerfully.
"What did you boys hear?" She asked.
"We just came here to check on you!" Bon bon said quickly. She raised an eyebrow.
"So where are you going?" I asked. She shrugged.
"To the lady at the front desk, I guess." She answered.
"Can I come with you?" I said with my eyes big.
"Sure. Foxy, Bon bon, y'all can go in the room, I think baby's done." She says. The two nodded then walked inside. I walked beside (y/n), my arm around her waist. She didn't react when I did this.
"There was a lady that came when you were asleep next to me earlier. She said you're gonna have vision and hearing problems." I told her. She nodded, not looking at me. She was looking down at her shoes as we walked. There wasn't a smile on her face. This didn't feel like her for some reason.
"You ok?" I asked.
She nodded once more. I didn't like the way she was acting. Was it something I said? Is she holding something from me? Where is her beautiful smile?
I suddenly grabbed her by the arms and kissed her. There was silence in our kiss. My eyes were closed when we did this. We both stood there for about twenty seconds. She didn't move, nor did I. It was just a regular kiss, nothing more nor less.
I broke the kiss by pushing her a bit, still holding her. Her eyes looked into mine, her cheeks slightly red.
"Please, (y/n). You're not yourself anymore! Why are you quiet? You're always smiling when I see you. Where is that smile?"
She looked at me, surprised. She was speechless. It seemed like no one was here except us, because the only sound I heard was my shaky breath in the short silence.
"(Y/n)?" I asked softly. I slowly loosened my grip on her. I put my arms down. I couldn't bare to look at her without a smile. It made me feel guilty, like I was the one who wiped her smile off. I looked down at my shoes. Where is my beautiful (y/n)?
I look back her and saw her eyes get a bit teary. I pull her towards me and put her head on my chest.
"I don't know." (Y/n) whispered.
"What do you mean?" I whisper back as I put my head on hers.
"Everything's been so... confusing ever since..."
"Since you met me?" I finished. She took in a unsteady breath.
"Well, yes, but not as in a bad way. I'm glad that I met you and the gang." She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. I give a smile. I rocked her body with mine a bit. We both stood there for a bit. I ignored the pain on my side, and ignored my headache. I was glad that I had her in my arms, alive, and smiling.
"Ms. (L/n)?" Said a voice. We both turned our heads to a lady.
"Yes?" (Y/n) said as she unwrapped her arms from me.
"I just came here to give you your stuff and ask you some questions. Can we talk in private?"
"Oh. Ok." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek then followed the lady. I held my cheek with my left hand, and gave a dreamy sigh.
I saw the gang some out of her room, singing together a song.
"Spongebob squarepants!Spongebob squarepants!Spongebob squarepants! Spongeboooooooob! Squarepaaaaaaaaaaaaaants!" They then burst into laughter.
"Hey guys. What's up?" I said cheerfully.
"We watched a really good show about a yellow sponge!" Bon bon yelled as he jumped.
"It's a great show!" Baby said as she gave a big smile.
"Oh cool!" I say. I took in a deep breath and sat on he floor.
"Where's (y/n)?" Ballora asked.
"With a lady. They needed to talk in private." I told her. The door then opened.
"I'm glad that I have a chat with you, ms. (L/n)." The lady said. "Good bye!"
"Bye!" (Y/n) turned around and smiled.
"That was quick." Foxy said.
"Yep. Now we can get out of here. Where's the car?" (Y/n) looked at the gang.
"Oh, haha, about that... they towed it away. And took it somewhere. I dunno where." Foxy said. (Y/n) gave out a tiny groan.
"I guess we'll have to... walk. Freddy, there's your stuff." She held out my clothes, and I took them.
"I'll change in the bathroom, and you can change in the room. We need to hurry up, though, because lord knows what the others are thinking." I nod at her, blushing slightly, and we both go in the room.
"Just tell me when you're done." She gives me a smile then closes the bathroom door.
"Ok, I'm done." I said after a while. She opened the door. She looked like her regular cute self.
"Ready?" She asked as she playfully tapped my nose. I blush a bit and nodded.
"Let's get ready, Freddy."
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8 122