《My Funtime Fred》Chapter six~ Out of the shells


You and foxy wait until bedtime. You both had a plan. You hoped that everything went smoothly.

You walked to the breaker room and sighed. It's kinda hard to get ready for bed when you know a fox is gonna kill you. You settle on the floor and close your eyes. You suddenly hear the door open.

"She's over there." You hear foxy say to someone.

"Now go sleep with her." You hear as he pushes an animatronic towards me. It must've been Freddy.

"Y-you awake?" You hear Freddy whisper.

You nod your head, not opening your eyes.

"Are y-you ok-k?" He asked. You then noticed that you were shaking. Not from the cold-but from fear.

"Y-yeah, just... tired I guess..." you give out a little sigh.

"D-do you want-t me to sl-sleep with you?" He asked shyly.

You give a nod, then Freddy lays behind you. You grab Freddy's hand and wrap his arm around you. You tangle your fingers with is. He lets out a quivering breath. He hugs you tighter. You smile as Freddy and you start to doze off.

Heh, before you knew it, you were dead.


"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Ballora yelled as everyone looked horrified at (y/n)'s now dead body. Freddy was holding her body, whimpering. Bon bon was beside Freddy, patting his back softly with a sad face. (Y/n)'s neck was broken, and foxy was the one who killed her.

"What did you do?" Ballora repeated. Foxy casually walked over to her stage and turned to face them.

"See y'all on the other side," foxy said with a big grin, then fell to he floor. Baby gasped and grabbed ballora's arm.

Freddy looked up from (y/n)'s corpse and saw foxy's body.

"Uh, guys! Wh-what's going on-n?" He asked.


"I am not sure, but I think-" ballora gasped then fell to the floor, just like foxy. Baby screamed then tried to run to Freddy, but then also met the same fate as ballora.

"G-Guys?! Oh no-no! Bon bon?" His eyes shifted to his puppet friend, but Bon bon too passed out.


He felt himself getting pulled by someone. He turned around and saw nothing. He stood up, then felt himself get yanked to the floor.

"Gah!" He yelled. His eyes were shut tight.

"Ok, we're all here!" Freddy knew that voice.

"(Y/n)?" Freddy asked, then opened his eyes: (y/n) was there! He laughed and quickly hugged her.

"You're alive?!" He said as he looked into her eyes. She nodded and hugged him back. When he released her he looked around. Foxy, ballora, Bon bon, and foxy were there...

"How are we... when did you... how?" He asked.

"It's a long story." Foxy said as he glanced at (y/n) (y/n) looked back and nervously smiled.

"Where are we?" Baby asked as she held ballora's hand.

"In a spirit-human-place. We can see humans, and stay on earth."

"Wait, if we're spirits, and no one can see us, can we go above ground?!" Ballora asked with big eyes.

"I guess so!" (Y/n) said as she walked towards the elevator. The rest followed her and went aboveground.

"I can't fit through the door!"

Freddy said as he struggled.

"Ugh, I wish I was-" before he finished his sentence, he was pushed by an invisible force and fell outside.

"Freddy? Are you- WHAT THE-???" (Y/n) yelled when she got up to him, but Freddy didn't look like Freddy. It was a young adult. He had white messy hair with a purple shirt and a white jacket. He had place pants and a little hat.


"Who are you?!" (Y/n) asked.

"What are you talking about? I'm Freddy." He said as he rubbed his supposed to be metal head, bit he felt hair. He stopped and looked at himself.

"AH! Who am I?!" Freddy shouted.

"Freddy? Is it really you?" Baby asked.

"I... I think? Do I sound like Freddy?" The human asked.

"Yeah, and I just realized that you're voice isn't broken anymore!" Bon bon shouted.

"Hehe, cool." Foxy said as everyone turned around to look at him.

A person, that looked sort of similar to Freddy, had white hair that was smooth ended back (which made him look charming), a pink shirt covered with a white jacket, and white pants.

"Ballora! I wanna do that!" Baby yelled, then she turned into a human. She had pink hair that was in two ponytails, side by side, and wore a red dress similar to the dress she has as an animatronic.

Ballora turned human too, and so did bon bon.

Ballora had a purple tutu, bun, and makeup, which made her look like she was an actress from a movie.

Bon bon had a light blue shirt covered with a darker blue jacket, blue jeans and a red bow tie. He was the shortest of the group.

(Y/n) looked at the now-humans, confused.

"How did you all do that?" She asked.

"Magic!" Bon bon said as he gave jazz-hands at her.

"I dunno, i just thought of it." Baby said as she looked at herself. "Ooo! I look pretty!"

"And so do I!" Ballora exclaimed as she smoothness out her purple tutu. (Y/n) glances at Freddy.

"Woah! I have two hands!" He said amazed as he touched his right hand.

"Was this the plan, foxy?" Baby asked as her eyes got big.

"Yeah, I planned it all along." He said. He put his hand on his hip.

"Thank you foxy! Now we're humans!!"

"Well, not quite..." Ballora said as she looked at (y/n).

"Wait... if (y/n)'s dead, then... oh no!" Freddy tackled (y/n) with a hug.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)! Now you're dead and you won't be able to see any of your friends, or family, or-" then he started to cry a bit.

"Hey, hey, it's ok! My family didn't care about me and I didn't have any friends. No one is gonna worry about me!" She said softly as she patted Freddy's back.

"Are you sure?" Freddy looked down at (y/n). She nodded then buried her face in Freddy's shirt. Freddy's face started to turn red.

"Sooooo... what do we do now? And can we become 100% human?" Baby asked.

"Hmm... let's see..." (y/n) let go of Freddy and walked around. She then saw the store she went when she bought food.

"C'mon!" She said as she wakes a hand towards the store. The others followed.


"Now what ever you do, don't try to turn visible. I'll try first." The others nodded as (y/n) started to walk closer to the store.

She then thought to become visible. After a while, she continued walking.

When a woman with a baby walked passed, the woman cheerfully said a hello to her. (Y/n) smiled brightly as she ran back to the gang and told the others to think into visible humans. The others then smiled brightly back at (y/n), glad that she helped them become human.

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