《Spellbound { k.TH} book-1》Fear II / Past III


It's been a month, where I and Taehyung spend most of the time with each other. He's busy sometimes, have to go for shooting and upcoming projects and all. Besides my wound slowly healing, I think he's not that bad, the way he's behaving I can see he's guilty of what he did to me that night but it's not forgettable but I can forgive him. He didn't even ask for an apology huh .!!

But I think his way of asking apology is different, by doing all the household work and treating my wounds and caring for me 24x7.

I scoffed.

Taehyung is taking shower and I thought today I decided to cook for him. After a while, Taehyung shouted from the bathroom I was confused why he was shouting? So I quickly left the kitchen and headed to the room.

Little did she know that ...... while hurrying she didn't even notice pan is on the flame, she forgets to close the knob of flame.

I reached and saw Taehyung was already mad but why I don't know.? I slowly took steps closer to him I was scared he notices me and started shouting at me again and harshly pushed me by my arm. To be honest It hurts

He showed me why he's mad...

"Can't you keep the bathroom clean? Huh!! After using?" He burst out making me flinch.

"See what you did?" He was burning in rage.

"A wet towel is on the bar and dried is on the washing machine." He muttered annoyingly.

"And see this the toothbrush is on the sink, it should be on the stand not on the sink" He again muttered annoyingly.

He kept on screaming, shouting like a maniac, I was so scared of him now. My whole body was tensed and shivering now, my breath becomes uneven.


Soon after we heard a loud thud, something like a blast. I was confused what was that? I and Taehyung both become silent for a moment. Then he asked me something.

"What you did again Ara?" He asked me in a deep huskiest voice ever.

Then I realised, it may be from the kitchen.

"WHAT YOU DID AGAIN ARA" He shouted at me makes me flinch.

He ran away to see it, fear was eating me from

Inside. Now I'm dead.

I also went to see ...... and I saw ........ the whole kitchen was like a mess. And there is slight fire occur due to unattended frying pan that I leave in a hurry.

My mouth was agape and I couldn't understand I was puzzled about what to do, what not to do. On the other hand, Taehyung ran away to get the fire extinguisher and as fast as he can discharged it and pulled the pin to the base of the fire and squeeze it only to reduce the fire. And he did.

I was just standing there frozen, the fear already builds up in me and now I can see my death. I can feel it and sense it, I took a deep breath to face the consequences.

I look up to see Taehyung, he's breathing heavily, the sweat already formed on his temples and he slightly caressing it, the look of frustration and the feeling of upset and annoyed I can see it in him.

I bend my head to see my toes, I was fiddling my fingers due to nervousness and fear. I was preparing myself to face the consequences. At any time, anything can happen. As I said previously there is no trust in time as well, even the pain can flip. A few hours ago everything is going so smooth and nice and now see the time it's flipped.


Everyone says people flip but in my dictionary time will flip.

I sadly smiled in my mind.

He titled his head to see, he didn't utter a word and left. I was amazed and shocked to see why didn't react to anything? Why?

The maid came and they started to clean up the mess which is the cause of me. I awkwardly smiled and said sorry to them.

"I didn't want to create a mess it's just happened," I told them embarrassingly.

They nodded and give me small smile. Then I headed upstairs, I don't want to face him after this but I'm helpless if he didn't react now then it'll be more dangerous for me afterwards.

So now it's best for me.


"Eomma d-don't p-please I-it's h-hurting" A young boy nearly 13-14-year-old begging to stop but his mother didn't listen to his little begging and continuously beating him with a wooden stick.

"Don't you dare to deny me?" His momma spoke while gritting her teeth. "P-please" The little boy stuttered as floods were trekking down from his eyes.

"We need money can't you understand? If you do it properly then it won't hurt my child c'mon go she's waiting in the room" His momma muttered annoyingly and left him in misery on the cold floor filled with darkness and gloomy atmospheric room.

He cried so much that he started hiccups and slowly stood on his and limping due to the immense pain he received daily. He was soaked in tears and felt so helpless.

Before entering he wiped his tears and enters into a red room filled with a vanilla scent but when he saw a lady already on the bed in lingerie he looks at her in disgust and internally screamed, the lady is around 20-21 years old and she winks at him signalling him to come closer.

He did it once again, he forcibly himself for living peacefully but unfortunately, he didn't get it instead he lived in misery. It's been a year he has to do in fear what if his parents hurt him or harm him? Just cause of money .!! Though he gets pleasure it's just he felt disgusted. He always hopes for a better future and a loving girl who loves him unconditionally and is selfless.

But fate is not in his hands at that time.

Who do you think the young boy is?

What type of gamer he is?

Any guess ??

And what he is hiding?

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