《Lego Monkie Kid (characterxcharacter oneshots!!)》pool party!! (all ships!)


(and a 2k special!! TYSM


It was a hot summer day and everyone was just dying to cool themselves off. Currently it was tang, pigsy, mei, sandy, Mk and red son sitting in pigsys noodles, fanning themselves with anything they could find nearby. Except for red son, "hey red arent you hot in all of that?" Mk said fanning himself with a plastic plate, sweating like a mad man. "Well.. Uh no. I'm a fire demon so the heat doesn't really affect me doofus." Red teased, his eyes wandering in places it shouldn'tve. There, sat a sweating Mk due to the sweat it began to damp his white t-shirt as it stuck to his stomach, revealing his abs. Red flushed as he quickly looked away and cleared his throat.

"So what do you all do during summers? I don't really do anything different in particular, you all are human anyway so humans have a way of dealing with heat waves right?" Red asked. Then everyone jumped at a certain monkie kid shouting.

"POOL PARTY!!" Mk jumped up.

This was followed by loud chants and cheers. Everyone really wanted to get away from all this heat. "Wait! I gotta invite two more people!" Mk said calling up his favorite teacher..

The monkie king!

Wukong sat in a nearby tree snacking on some plump, pink, peaches when he heard his phone ring followed by a quick yelp and him falling out of the tree.

He groaned and rubbed his head, looking at his phone. "Bud?" He picked up the phone with a quick "what's up?" Followed by a loud "HEYA MONKIE KING!!" through the other side of the phone. "Oh heya bud! Whatcha call me for?" Wukong questioned. "Alright so we were just wondering if you wanted to come to the pool with us! Since it's pretty hot today we thought we'd invite you. Oh! and macaque can come too if he wants!!" Mk said excitedly. "Ohhh sounds fun! I'll let macaque know we'll be there in about maybe 10 minutes? See ya!" Wukong hung up the phone and immediately ran into the house.

"Macaqueeee!!" wukong ran in to find a dark haired monkey sitting on the couch watching tv. "What's up peaches?" Macaque lazily hung on the couch looking over at the golden haired monkey. "So the kid invited us to a day at the pool! It'd be nice to cool off wouldn't it?" Wukong sat next to macaque. "Hm. Sure why not? It'll.. Probably? Be fun." Macaque sunk into the couch, he was always known to be the introvert out of the two monkeys. "Oh cmon macaque! Don't be such a homebody!!" Wukong tackled him and teased.

"Alright alright let's go.." They both got up and got ready riding wukongs sage cloud over to pigsys noodles.


The duo got there and entered the shop as wukong felt himself get tackled into a tight hug. Mk was squeezing the crap out of him, "hey monkie king, glad you and macaque could make it!!" Mk gave a blinding bright smile as he ran over to the others, the pair of monkeys soon following close behind.

When they got with the group and everyone greeted each other. "So everyone ready?" Mk got up feeling more excited then ever. "Yup!" Everyone said in unison as they all headed to their local pool.

Since ya know it's the future, the pool was huge! Everyone was excited and in their swimsuits, ready to go.

"Don't you just love a day at the pool!" Tang said excitedly. "Yup! I can't wait to get in!" Mei jumped up. Mk looked over at red son, he was rather.. Nervous? "Heya sugar what's wrong? You okay?" Mk gave a worried tone and put a hand on his shoulder. "What?! Oh yes I'm fine! Don't worry about me haha..l-lets go!" Red son grabbed Mk's hand and pulled him over to the pool.



"Alright red sunscreen time!!" Mk poured some of the sunblock into his hand. "W-well it's not like I really need any-" he was cut off by Mk sitting behind him and sliding his hands along his back. Red gasped at the feeling of his boyfriend running his hands along his back and waist, "mmhmm m-mk? I-i think that's enough now.. at t-this point you're doing this on purpOSE~" red son gave a breathy moan/gasp? as he felt Mk's hands travel down to his lower stomach "and so what if I am? ~ hehehe!" Mk wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a big hug. Red son was a blushing mess as he got up and looked around. Thankfully, no one was watching them, they were all doing their own thing.


"Alright macaque can ya swim? I can carry you if you waaant ~" wukong nudged him as he kept teasing. Macaque pushed his face away and scoffed, "yes of course I can swim! Who do you take me for wuKoNG" macaque grinned as he sloppily emphasized his name. "Oh come on! You know I hate when you do that" wukong crossed his arms and huffed.


"Alright tangy you sure ya don't need anything else on ya? You know ya burn easily." Pigsy suggested. "Yes yes pigsy I'm sure! No need to treat me like I'm so fragile!" Tang crossed his arms and looked away. "Well in that case.." Pigsy picked tang up and threw him into the pool, this caught everyone's attention as they heard a big splash into the water. "Aw screw you Pigsy!" Tang came from under the water. Pigsy let out a loud laugh as everyone else followed.

Finally everyone got in and sank in the feel of the nice cool water hitting their body's as they splashed each other, cannon balled and threw each other in, but something was up with red son.


Red son sat in a lounging chair with sun glasses on and his arms folded behind his head as he sat back, relaxing. Until he heard someone shout his name. "Reeeeddd!!" It was Mk! He was calling red son over to where the pool was, that made red a bit nervous but went over nonetheless.

"Hey sugar! Wanna get in with us? The waters nice!" Mk said splashing around a bit. "Uhm.. No I'm alright, I'd rather just.. sit here." Red son sat at the edge of the pool with his legs in the water kicking them a bit whilst looking down. "Alright red what's wrong." Mk asked with concern in his eyes. "Argh! Fine since you want to know so bad, I can't swim!" Red blurted. Mk stood there in the water "AWW red you could've told me!" Mk pulled red son into the water, arms wrapped around red, holding him tightly by the waist.

"W-wait wait wait! Mk what are you doing!" Red son started to panic holding Mk by his shoulders while Mk held him still. "I'll help ya swim red don't worry and we're not even in the deep end! Hahahaha" Mk let out a loud laugh as red son blushed in embarrassment. "Okay! Let's just-... Teach me how to swim before I drown you moron!" Red thrashed in Mk's arms as he kept laughing, until red son started pulling at his ear. "Ow! Ow- haha okay okay!! Hahaha!"


"Looks like everyones having fun." Macaque said to himself as he sunk deeper into the water sitting on a step under the water, loving the feeling of the cool sensation. "Heya macaqueee~" wukong floated onto his lap (cause he's underwater ya know you're almost weightless) macaque scoffed "I will so drown you right now." "Awww you wouldn't do that mangooo" wukong Wrapped his arms around his neck. "Yeah yeah.. Still..this is nice." Macaque pulled wukong a little closer and took in the atmosphere and the smell of the chlorine and water.


"Well I'm gonna go on the slide they have! you should come with!" Wukong tugged on his arm a little. Macaque gave a light chuckle "Alright alright fine let's go." They both got out of the water and headed toward the slide.

"Alright pigsy watch me as I go off of this diving board into 9 ft Deep water!!" Tang yelled as he made a t-pose position ready to dive. Pigsy sat at the ledge of the pool "be careful tangy! Don't accidentally belly flop or somethin'!" Pigsy called out. "Yeah yeah I won't hun! Be quiet so I can focus!!" Tang yelled as he concentrated and got into a diving position. Pigsy rolled his eyes playfully, tang dove and well... It wasn't so graceful he dove and panicked midway and flailed causing him to face plant into the water.... Meaning a very hard belly flop.

Pigsy gasped and got into the water and carried him bridal style towards the shallow, he started to snicker than started laughing like crazy. Tang looked embarrassed as there was red all onto the front of his body (Ya know When someone in cartoons belly flops, the whole front side of their body is red for the cartoon affect? Yeah that) he crossed his arms and huffed. "I told ya to be careful tangy now look at ya." Pigsy lifted tang up onto the ledge of the pool and got up and sat next to him. "Alright now let's stay here and get you all settled down." Pigsy held his hand. "Hmph.. Ouuchh..." Tangs front side of his body stung everywhere.


About 2 hours had passed and everyone was still goofing off and horse playing. It was all great until everyone heard a loud shout.

"CHICKEN FIIGHHT!!" Mei screamed as she got onto Sandy's shoulders. Wukong took the challenge and got onto macaques shoulders. "Hey that isn't fair the blue thing is way more muscular!" macaque launched himself forward with wukong on him as wukong fought mei and finally pushed her off. "Yeah!!! Nice job macaque!" Wukong cheered and put his hands up in the air. Mei slowly rose from under the water, balling her fist and narrowed her eyes at wukong and whispered "I will not be defeated so easily " a green flame lit in her eyes.

"Alright team pang against team red Mk!!" Sandy cheered. "Pang..?" Tang and pigsy questioned, "red Mk...?" Red and Mk did the same. "... What? It's just a mixture of you guy's names!" Sandy shrugged.

"Alright let's do this!" Tang got on pigsy and Mk got on red. "You're going down tang!" Mk punched his hand into his palm. Pigsy was a beet red when he felt his husbands thighs squished against both sides of his face. While red on the other hand was just flustered as he was so careful not to go back too deep. His swimming lessons did help just a little..

"Alright red! Now we're in the 3 feet also known as the shallow! I have to mentor you to swim so we can work our way to the 5 feet then eventually.. t" Mk said trying to sound scary. Red son gulped "a-alright let's get started!" Red son said determined to learn. "Alright so first! You gotta position yourself in a way you can quickly paddle or for beginners, doggy paddling!"

(Sorry if I'm describing how to swim really badly I don't really know how to swim myself 😰)

Mk held red son by the waist as red son paddled and thrashed into the water, showing him demonstrations and working his way up to getting pretty good! Though he won't become pro right away he's still got a ways to go.

"J-just give up Mk! You won't win this!" Tang said struggle in his voice. They were both trying to push each other backward, both hands locked together into the others trying their hardest to make one another fall.

"Kick his butt Mk!" Wukong shouted tackling macaque due to his excitement.

"Let em have it tang!" Sandy screamed mei sitting on Sandy's shoulder rooting for Mk.

"nnrgh!" with one last push, using all of his force Mk flew backward into the water. "Yeeees!" Tang threw his fists up I'm the air and got off of pigsys shoulders. "We won pigsy!" The pair laughed. The others weren't laughing so much. If their was one thing the two hated it was losing.

Mk groaned in frustration "Argh! I declare a rematch!" Mk pointed at tang. "HA! No way Mk, I won fair and square!" Tang teased.


A few more hours had passed by and everyone decided to pack up and leave. On their way back tang had fallen asleep in the delivery truck, pigsy figured he should drive him along with mei and sandy home.

Mk took his staff back home, almost falling asleep on the way. Red son didn't have enough energy to teleport back so he rode on Mk's back, dozing off a couple times. Macaque and wukong rode on his sage cloud and wukong fell asleep on his shoulder. Everyone met up at pigsy noodles one last time before heading home.


[at pigsys noodles]

"Welp I think that's the most fun I've ever had in like- forever!" Mei said with a yawn.

"I'll admit it was pretty nice." Macaque added

"Welp I am beat." Mk yawned

"Phew same here we're heading home see ya guys." Wukong said the monkeys both gave a final wave as they left.

"Alright me and red son are gonna hit the hay in my apartment. I'm so tired I think I might flop over" Mk said stretching. "W-what? You don't mind if I stay over?" Red said blushing. "Why would I mind? You stay literally every day." Mk gave a droopy smile due to him being exhausted. "Oh! Right." Red son gave a yawn and started going upstairs letting his ponytail loose.

"He's just... So cute.." Mk usually gets all lovey when tired. "Heh.. Well me and pigsy are gonna head home, you two should do the same." Tang looked tiredly over at mei and sandy. "*yawn* you got it" mei slowly walked toward the door as sandy followed and waved goodbye at tang, pigsy and Mk.

"Well I'm gonna go find red. Goodnight you guys." Mk walked over to the stairs walking up them slowly. "but it's only 6 in the afternoon?" Tang called up to Mk "it counts!" Mk said before closing the door behind him.

"Alright let's go home tangy." Pigsy lazily grabbed his hand walking out the shop.

Everyone needed a good nap.


(Alright guys hope you enjoyed this extra long one take this as an apology from being gone so long!

Hopefully I'll be back to my nightly uploads! I've got lots coming so until next time!! <333)

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