《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Epilogue


Sasuke was sitting on a wooden chair by a olden japanese mansion, his silky black locks swaying in the wind. The cold and powerful Uchiha's presence emitted a certain dark and chilly aura, but when one looked into the seasoned killer's eyes, one could see only an endless gentleness. Reflecting in those dark onyx orbs was the silhouette of a woman.

She was standing a ways away, her arms spread out as she enjoyed the breeze. Black hair like ink and shadows billowed in the wind, dancing like dark wisps of the night. Her slender figure was beautiful and her pale skin shone in the light of the setting sun. Her back was turned towards the young man that was gazing at her with endless affection.

Endless love.

Sasuke couldn't stop his mind from reminiscing. He remembered a time, when that beautiful and luscious hair like liquid darkness had been as blinding and white as the moon and stars. A time when the gorgeous young woman was but a girl, slightly smaller, seemingly even more fragile than her now delicate self. He remembered a time when the flaming purple eyes that were now facing away from him were a pale, gentle color, sweet and cute in their innocence and light.

That had been the first love of his life. The girl that was so light, so innocent, and so sweet. The funny, the mysterious and the sweet little Cei.

It hadn't even been that long ago...eleven years. Sasuke's lips curled into a faint smile.

That was his first love, and he would eternally treasure her. But now, he had found the one that was truly precious, the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life loving.

She was different than she had been all those years ago, deeper, darker, stronger. He was glad he had touched beneath the surface, uncovered beyond the illusion that had been her, at the start. Maybe he should have been sad, or even angry, that his first love was but a lie. An illusion.

But he regretted nothing.

He loved her. Her dark as ink hair, that reflected the depth and darkness of her soul. The tattoos running across her body, like traces of her being ran across his. And the flaming purple eyes, so much more true, so much more alive than that beautiful, yet shallow pale purple of their childhood.

Sasuke knew, he had never stopped loving her. She was the one for him, then and now.

She was his childhood love, his best friend, his bijuu, his other half. His love for life. His.

Looking at the slender beauty's back, his lips curled mischievously as his eyes flashed in anticipatory greed. Deep red swirled in his eyes, revealing the red gaze of the Uchiha bloodline. His smile deepened as the red swirled again, letting a new, intricate pattern surface. Looking at her back with a victorious grin, Sasuke's low and deep voice called softly.



Immediately, the girl whipped around. The features beautiful enough to make angels weep were lit up, and the flaming eyes burned like purple pits of hell in their excitement. Ceiren seemed curious, but then gave Sasuke a completely confused look when she noticed the Sharingan.


The raven haired Uchiha saw her utterly confused look and his small victorious smile spread, almost gloating.

For once, Ren was actually being slow!

He allowed himself to feel a moment of satisfaction for finally leaving his birdie cutlet at a loss, after years of being lectured in his mind. It also gave him satisfaction, knowing that she hadn't expected this, or no, more accurately, she hadn't even thought of it.

What a waste!

Sasuke lifted his hand up, and beckoned her arrogantly with his finger. He instantly saw her huff in amusement with her usual superiority at his arrogant acting, but Sasuke wasn't riled up at all.

This time, the joke was definitely on her, his stupid bird.

His lips still curled in an arrogant and victorious smirk, Sasuke raised his head to meet her gaze. When red and purple clashed, his sharingan suddenly swirled again.

Sasuke could see the exact moment when comprehension, coupled with extreme shock and incredulity dawned on her gorgeous, silly head. Her body was frozen, unable to move. Sasuke watched in pleasured amusement as her gorgeous eyes kept looking at him in apprehension and pleading.

He beckoned her with his finger again.

"On my lap."

The bijuu had no choice but to obey, walking up to him slowly before lifting her slender and pale leg, sitting down on his lap, straddling him. Sasuke slowly slid his hands to her waist, grabbing her securely, fingers brushing against the thin fabric of her black dress as he held onto her. His eyes danced with mirth as he faced her sour and pouty expression.

"Using the sharingan to control me, you simply have no sense of shame, you emo duckbutt!"

Ceiren pouted, complaining in her usual melodious voice that didn't sound threatening at all. Sasuke's expression lightened, almost joyful as he slightly pinched her waist, making his little bird yelp cutely.

"I'm going to have fun with this~"

Ceiren shuddered slightly at the layers of meaning and inclination, but it wasn't all bad. Honestly, she kind of liked it... it was exciting. Weird, she was well aware, but supposedly something about being the most powerful being on earth, unfettered and always in control, and then suddenly getting overwhelmed and completely hooked to someone else's will...was an interesting change.

Looking up at Sasuke, she couldn't help the slightly funny expression that came over her face. By her last world's standards, he would still be consdiered very young, merely in his early twenties. But he was already a mature adult, having killed and suffered, fought in war, felt the joy of friendship and pain of loneliness. She liked him back then already, but she had never expected to become so deeply attached to a character that until a few years back, wasn't even real to her.


Plus, this dude actually had the audacity to use his advantage as an Uchiha on her, a weak and innocent bijuu! And all for the fun of it!

She huffed.

Sasuke looked down at the huffing little girl straddling his lap, his gentle eyes standing out in contrast to his cold, beautiful face. Slowly, he bowed his head, leaning it on top of hers. Ceiren relaxed in his grip when she felt his turbulent emotions sweep over her. Sasuke's grip tightened as he buried his face in her hair, his glad and smug air suddenly replaced by traces of sadness.

"Cei, can we really always be together?"

She stilled, hearing his words. A delicate eyebrow shot up, twitching slightly in annoyance as her gorgeous man continued with his dramatic forlorness.

"I mean, I will grow old. I'll become old, ugly, feeble and weak... and finally die. But you won't. You'll live forever, Ren. This... is unfair."

Sasuke clenched down harder on her waist, his grip even hurting the juubi ever so slightly. But Ceiren didn't care. Her eyebrow was severely twitching in annoyance and she didn't bother holding back, only using her hand to gently (in a juubi sense, "gentle") chop him on the head. Even in his sulky mood, one of the strongest shinobi in the world couldn't hold back the slight moan of pain.

That girl, couldn't she be more considerate?!?! Damn stupid bird!

"You dumb imbecile, did you honestly think that this great one here didn't think and account for such a basic issue???"

Hearing her words, Sasuke froze a bit. He was stuck between feeling hopeful and sour, because of her ruthless attitude.

He had feelings too okay?? And if she was going to make his worries seem like dumb mens ramblings, shouldn't she at least account for his manly pride????

Ceiren sighed in exasperation.

"Listen, if you want to grow old together, we can. This body is made of black mist, I can make myself age easily."

Hearing her solution, Sasuke felt disappointed. He lifted his head from her's and looked her right in the eyes, his sharingan swirling with slight beginnings of anger.

"But that's not real aging. I'll still end up dying, while you'll go on living forever without me, even replacing me eventually!"

The Uchiha was now annoyed as well. Hooking her waist, he pushed her body up against his, staring down at her shorter frame. But Ceiren remained unaffected, simply giving him a pointed look before continuing.

"...but there is another solution as well. Never tell Oreopedo thou, cuz that guy'll go crazy. But since I contracted you, I left that kind of option open..."

She paused slightly and lifted her hand, caressing the base of Sasuke's neck. When her fingers touched it, the black seal on Sasuke's skin made an appearance. It was Ceiren's turn to smirk.

"I can make you live forever. Or as long as I do. This seal has that kind of function... as long as I'm here, I can use it to stop your aging. You'll remain in the same state, body remaining young, chakra reserves not decomposing... heeh, aren't I simply a genius?!"

Her lips tilted into a soft smile as she leaned in and kissed the seal on Sasuke's neck. Instantly, the seal lighted up in pure purple, as if to strengthen her claim. Sasuke watched, conflicted, as his girl smugly gave him glances, her eyes practically screaming "praise me, praise me more!".

Sasuke was happy, make no mistake, at the news, but the cold and dark Uchiha would never show it so openly, nor suffer such a loss or humiliation, even from Ceiren. He had to get his dignity back. A eye for an eye. She made him worry for nothing, well...

Ceiren grew slightly nervous when she saw that not only was Sasuke not praising her to the skies for her amazing power and generosity, but that he was looking at her with a smug, twistedly happy and anticipating look in his eyes. She wasn't wrong. The Uchiha's sharingan flashed again as he gave his next order.

"Kiss me, Ren."

Her mind shut down, but Ceiren could do nothing. As a bijuu, she was weak against the control of a mangekyo-sharingan user. Especially one whom's control over her she didn't particularly mind.

Plump blood red lips softly met pale thin ones, and as the sun set over the horizon, casting the world into a dazzling flaming glow, two figures were tangled together in the light, their dark hair forming a beautiful contrast against their pale skin that shone golden with the setting sun.

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