《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 40


Hellou, sorry for the long wait! I've been ridiculously busy with school, so updates are going to be a bit more sparse now. I also started writing a system story on the side... don't hate me! I'm not abandoning this one at all! I just had a some major inspiration flashes, and have already planned out about 17 arcs for the system story... damn I'm on a roll. But I'll still get Nebula's Echo done before publishing the system one! I'm still unsure though whether I'll do Nebula's Whisper (the second book) before doing the system or just do them simultaneously... well, that remains to be seen I guess.

But thank you for all the nice comments, I really would never have the energy to continue writing if I didn't know that some of you really liked this story! So thank you ~ TT^TT

Enjoy fams~ °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Team seven was sitting by a fire in a clearing. It had been a few hours since the other teams left, and they had found a nice clearing by a stream to recover from their battle. The team was fine, both Sasuke and Naruto were awake, both amazingly enough without a single scratch. Sakura was feeling better, her worst bruises bandaged and tended to and her hair, which she had chopped in battle with the sound shinobi, was trimmed. But every single one of them was distraught, lost in their own thoughts.

Sakura was mulling over Orochimaru.

Naruto was pondering over when the food will be done grilling.

And Sasuke was busy having conversations with a certain voice in his head.

Ren, what should we do now? Naruto and Sakura still need to recuperate, but we only have one scroll and time is quickly running out... Not to mention, there's still a long way to the tower.

He had been bothered by it. They now had the sound shinobi's earth scroll, but Oreopedo, that damned stretchy-meat, had burned their heaven scroll! The Uchiha seemed to have a permanent frown on his broody face.

His expression only darkened when hearing Ren's response.

Ceiren could practically feel Sasuke's sceptic glare, but chose to ignore him, continuing on with her master-advising.

Sasuke glowered and was about to refute her "you two idiots" statement, but she didn't let him put a single thought in.

Sasuke's brows furrowed further.


I get your point, but we don't even have both scrolls!

Sasuke was starting to get exasperated, but Ren's voice never wavered. He could even make out the tones of playfulness in her voice. It made the Uchiha feel like the damned bird definitely wasn't taking their situation seriously.

Sasuke's face fell into a complete deadpan, speechless. But, he wasn't going to comment.

If Ren says she can get the scroll, she can get the scroll.

I think.

Sighing, Sasuke stood up. His movement brought both Naruto's and Sakura's attention towards him.


"Where are you going?"

Sasuke looked at his teammates and with a sigh, answered Naruto's question.

"Not me, we. Come on, pack up. It's about time we started heading to the tower."

For some reason, lately Sasuke had been feeling much more patient with Naruto.


Naruto instantly cheered up at the notion of some action, jumping right into work, smothering their fire. Sakura on the other hand was more cautious.

"But Sasuke, we don't even have the other scroll yet. Even if we reach the tower..."

Sasuke cast her a glance, but still answered her, his generosity with words lately surprising even him.

"The scrolls are not a problem. I'll handle it, okay? We just need to get to the tower, that's our main priority right now. Sakura, do you trust me?"


Sakura looked into Sasuke's eyes and nodded, without hesitation, before getting up to put down camp. The moment they were ready, and all traces of their presence had been erased, Sasuke set their course towards the tower.


We were rushing through the forest, jumping among the tree branches. I was in the lead, flanked by Naruto on my right and Sakura on my left. My gaze couldn't stop from drifting towards Naruto.

Honestly, I was impressed. The dobe has been much more obedient lately, and doesn't pick nearly as many fights with me as before. Even I have started developing a strange sense of nearness to the dobe...

Since I got in contact with Ren.

That's how long this has been going on.

But honestly, I have absolutely no idea how the two are connected.

I'll have to ask that stupid bird sometime.

I instantly shut Ren down, a sigh escaping me as I did. It's really tiresome, having somebody in your mind... ugh.

But speaking of that stupid bird, it's about time.

I slowed down and when we reached a slightly darker, more dense patch in the woods, I stopped completely. I saw Sakura stumble from the corner of my eyes, as she was surprised from the sudden stop. I was though slightly surprised as Naruto seemed to be in complete sync with me, stopping as if he'd known we were about to do so. I couldn't help but shoot a closer look at the dobe who was standing on a tree branch while scratching his hair, completely unconcerned.

While I was still silently marveling at Naruto's silent, obedient and understanding behavior, Sakura had finally managed to restore her balance and turned towards me.

"Sasuke, why are we stopping?"

I turned to the pink haired girl, somewhat regretful that the silent and obedient effect seemed to only affect Naruto.

"I need to do something."

Having said that, I quickly turned around, trying to make sure that we were completely alone. But as my gaze moved to the area around Naruto, my eyes suddenly met with completely foreign, calm and composed blue orbs. Seeing Naruto's clear blue eyes so composed and calm, I was shocked into freezing. And what the dobe said next made my shock raise to the heavens.

"Don't worry Sasuke, there's nobody around. I checked."

Both my eyebrows shot upwards. I was about to question Naruto on how he could be so conceited, and how in the world he'd know something like that, but Ren's voice interrupted me.

I still couldn't help the skepticism I was feeling.

But Ren, this is Naruto we're talking about... and besides, something seems to be really wrong with him lately. He isn't as loud as usual, seems much smarter and more perceptive than ever before, and he doesn't seem to hate me nearly as much as before either!

My eyebrow twitched at the snort echoing in my mind.

The last sentence was just some indistinct muttering, but I decided not to care. Instead, I really thought about Ren's words and shot Naruto an inquisitive look.

If the dobe has really been hiding his strength all this time...

Just the thought alone seemed completely outlandish and ridiculous. But even if it did, I decide to keep Ren's words in the back of my mind.

If his behaviour this time is just a fluke or one time thing, that's fine. Actually, it could also be the exam's atmospheric forcing him to mature faster. There could be any number of reasons for this behavior.

I sighed, not in the mood to brood over this. Overthinking something I probably won't get an answer to is just a waste of time. I'd better just get to doing what I was supposed to do...


Meeting Naruto's gaze, I gave the dobe a nod.

"Thanks Naruto. Now, let's get down to business."

When I said that, the blond finally made an expression of curiosity.

"What are you planning on doing, Sasuke?"

I don't have any idea where it came from, but suddenly I just found myself giving the blond a secretive smirk.

"You'll see."

After I said that, I sat down on the tree branch, crossing my legs in a meditating position. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Following Ren's instructions, I sat there in complete silence for almost ten minutes. As if by a silent agreement, neither Naruto nor Sakura said a word.

The silence soon started getting oppressive, and I could hear the sounds of the forest fading away, as all of nature simply shut up. In that dark part of the forest where the thick foliage of trees obscured the sun, the three of us sat, in complete and utter silence.

When the preparations were done, I could suddenly see it. Behind my closed eyes, I could imagine as vividly as if I was standing right in front of them, that pair of flaming purple eyes. I could feel the darkness oozing and dancing around them, and the sinister strength flowing just below their surface. I vividly felt it all, and soon, I imagined the purple eyes opening. From slits of purple light like beacons, into wide pools containing endless seas of purple flame. I opened my own eyes in synch with my imagination of the purple ones, and to my astonishment, it felt like the purple fire was burning through. From my mind, out of my eyes.

My whole body froze at the sudden feeling of energy coursing through me, like an unstoppable stream, sweeping away who I am with it. It was a feeling of becoming part of something. Of being simply an insignificant part of an always flowing energy, energy so pure and powerful that no single living being could compare. It was like the line between individuality was being blurred, until everything in the world had just converged into this ancient energy, that made everything and yet was like nothing.

For that moment, I felt completely lost. It was like I had entered a place before the world was born, a place where all energy that made the world originated from. I felt like who I am is nothing. And this. This, is what I craved to become.

Part of something bigger. Of this power, that is the beginning of everything, and can make the world into nothing.

Lost and overwhelmed, I felt the greed in my heart surge.

I want this power.

With the thought, I suddenly felt myself being separated from the flow of energy. My individuality was regaining its borders and was rising up, becoming a separate entity from this feeling of endlessness.

The thing that separated me from the energy was the ugliness of human nature. And the very concept of "me". Who I am.

That energy was cruel, cold and heartless. But it was also pure. Untainted.

I want it.

My gaze burned with insatiable desire, and even more insatiable greed.

Because, I knew.

This isn't even a fraction of Ren's power.

But I never got to immerse myself in the feeling. As soon as it came, it went away, lasting for barely a moment. I was instantly plunged out of my feeling of ecstasy, and watched a bit absent minded as darkness converged at my palm, slowly spreading, fusing together. Slowly, the vortex of darkness took on a distinct shape. When it was done, a bird darker than any earthly color was sitting, perched on my arm.

The bird was beautiful. Being the size of my torso, the bird's oppressively dark color made it simply a speck of darkness in a world reflecting light. But it's silhouette was still beautiful.

A black phoenix, it's elegant neck slowly curved in respect, it's long, beautiful wings softly brushing against its slim body as it shifted. The bird was much, much smaller than I had ever seen it, but it still retained its ten tails feathers, the beautiful and intricate works of heavenly art swaying calmly around it. When the elegant head turned towards me, two flaming purple eyes opened, meeting my gaze.

I glared at Ren.

What was that.

I was slightly worried about her response, as I wasn't sure if she could still hear my thoughts. And I didn't want to talk to her put loud, as Naruto and Sakura were still staring with sausage wide eyes at me and the beautiful bird I had materialized from seemingly nothing.

My face instantly darkened, but I still couldn't stop the flash of hope and greed in my gaze.

You're saying... what I just felt, was just a tiny fracture of your power?

I knew that asking was a dead giveaway. Not to mention, Ren was already more than slightly concerned over my obsession with power and vengeance. But I really couldn't stop myself from asking.

My eyes immediately lit up.

And you told me you'd lend me your power?

There was silence, which was actually not just making me annoyed. I was getting angry.

Feeling her sadness and concern, I was instant shaken out of my state and started feeling guilty. Even if we hadn't really known each other for long, I know that Ren really cares about me.

She's like the only family I have left.

I looked down in shame, regretting. I'd always known Ren was powerful, but I'd also always told her I'd rely on my own strength.

But how can I ever achieve that kind of power?

That's just it, I can't.

But that doesn't mean I should just take hers for granted all the time.

I sighed and stretched out my hand, stroking the small (relatively) phoenix's head. Then I turned to my teammates, planning on giving them a slight explanation.

"You see... this is a secret Uchiha art. You could see this as my... summon. I'm just going to send her out to scout the area and, well, find us a scroll."

Saying that, I fixed both the totally lost Sakura and the eerily calm yet excited Naruto that kept looking at the phoenix on my arm with small ripples of love in his eyes, with one of my threatening Uchiha glares.

"Never tell anyone, and I mean anyone, about this."

Sakura instantly instantly responded, while giving the bird on my arm and me impressed yet conflicted looks.

"Not even Kakashi-sensei? But Sasuke, if you already have a summon, Kakashi-sensei will surely be able to implement that in our strategy and formation-"


I gave Sakura a hard glare.

"Tell no one about this. I expect this confidentiality from you Sakura. We're teammates, aren't we?"

I shamelessly pulled the teammate card on Sakura, and with it being me making the request, the kunoichi instantly broke, promising not to tell anyone. When I looked at Naruto, the blond just walked towards me, and before I could stop him, petted the small version of Ren on my arm.

"Yeah Sasuke. We're teammates, so you're secret is safe with me!"

Then he shot me his signature bright grin, and for some reason, I felt it was much more real than any of the one's I've seen in the last couple of days. I didn't even notice it, but a tiny smile had appeared in the corner of my lips in response.


Then I stretched out my arm with the bird on it, and with a flap of its long, elegant wings, the black phoenix disappeared into the woods in a mirage of feathers and shadows.

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