《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 16


Aaaaand we are casually strolling through the forest. Yepp, you guessed it, Naruto successfully got us the wave mission... not so surprising really. Should have seen that one coming.

I saw busy kicking stones out of the way. But I added my own twist to the stone-kicking. Instead of sending them flying out of my way, I obliterated them. Not even a pile of dust was left behind to commemorate the poor things' existence...

So sad.

Oh well.

Kakashi was currently explaining to the others about the ninja in the other countries as well as the other ninja villages... but I couldn't really seem to comprehend anything he was saying. It was all "ninja, blah blah blah, blah blah". You know, really reminds me of that count Dracula from Hostel Toothielvania or something...?

I stiffened slightly when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Turning my face to the side, I was met with a smooth jaw. Shifting my eyes slightly upward, I was met with onyx eyes. And I smiled.

Mentally, I was fangirling to no end.

He's just soooo cuuuute! <3

Honestly, when I watched the anime, I didn't like Sasuke this much. I mean, he was a hotshot, so who wouldn't like him? I just didn't like him this much. I was more of an Itachi-fan. But now, life has changed my world views.

Sasuke is so adorable!!! Oh look, he's blushing!

There was only a very faint tint of pink on his cheeks, but it still made me giggle.

But even as I was doing that, my eyes narrowed. Just slightly. I know he's a smart guy. And he saw something this morning, I can tell. My brows furrowed slightly as I watched him. He was gorgeous, sure, but that's not all there is to him. I just can't figure him out... and I know practically everything about him! I just don't understand... isn't he afraid? Or even slightly cautious? Even if he didn't fully understand what happened, he should be bombarding me with questions, right? So why was he here, practically hugging me to him, and silently smirking as we walk together?! I mean, I get that I'm gorgeous. But as a fellow gorgeous person, he should have some level of immunity, at least enough to retain his instinct for life-preservation... right?

...Aaaah, I don't get it!

But back to the important stuff, seriously, speaking of blushing...

An unwanted memory drifted into my brain, and I frowned, recalling the heinous happenings of this early afternoon.

Tazuna, that BASTARD!


I was seething just thinking about it. And if anybody's wondering what happened, let's just say it involved some blushing, some, no, a lot of blood, an ax, lots and lots of pain, a river of tears, a few onions and apples and some screaming as well. Oh, and don't forget, THAT DAMN SOCK.

And at the end of it Naruto wasn't the only one who wanted to kill our client.

Just saying.


My peaceful (yeah I wish, damn you SOCK-WEIRDO) trek in the forest was interrupted when my eyes caught a shiny surface and I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes lighting with excitement.

Seeing the puddle on the road, I knew a choice had been presented before me. I could leave it alone, and let the story progress as it was supposed to. That way Sasuke gets to call Naruto a scaredy-cat and their rivalry can develop further, plus Naruto gets that poisoned injury and makes that super-dramatic vow... But really...

Can anyone resist this temptation?

Well, certainly not me!

Having made my decision, I cupped my cheeks with my hands and let out a loud squeal. The entire team turned around in complete panic, never having heard me make any sound even remotely in the same category of human expressionism before. I went full-on chibi mode, my eyes wide and sparkling, as I let out another squeal.


Still in my chibi form, I ran towards the puddle and jumped squarely into it, the water splashing. I giggled, and started jumping around, then kicking the water everywhere, then singing "Lalalaaa lalalalaaaaaaaa aaaannnddddd iiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiii will always looooooooooooveee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" while jumping and dancing ballet right in the puddle.By all rights, I looked like three year old child with a unique hobby and abnormally advanced ballet skills for her age.

When I took a moment to look at my team, I noticed that they were all looking at me like I've gone completely insane, their jaws practically sweeping the ground. But I noticed the flash that passed through Kakashi's eyes.

He knows what's going on.

I smirked slightly, and started stomping on the puddle with all my strength, grinding my heel into it while at it.

Suddenly the puddle widened, spreading under my feet before forming two forms. I looked down, looking at the two tragic figures I was currently quite literally trampling under my feet. One of them was groaning while trying to use his uninjured hand to crawl away from me, while the one I was currently standing on seemed to have lost consciousness. Both people has a lot of footprints on them. And the one I'm currently standing on has some really gruesome marks on his face from when I grinded my heel into the puddle earlier.


So, that spot happened to be his face? Sorry, not sorry. Your appearances are hilarious!

I slowly stepped off the poor unconscious dude and walked with soundless steps towards the other one. Seeing me nearing him, his eyes widened in panic and he turned around starting to crawl faster. 

I bent down, stretched my hand out and grabbed the demon worm before he could move an inch. Holding onto his arm, I yanked hard. And sent him flying.

Yes, a little inconspicuous petite twelve year old girl just casually sent one of the demon brothers flying. With one hand.

I'm doing a great job of this "not suspicious" thing.

The demon brother hit a tree trunk with a loud crack, the sound making all my teammates, even Kakashi, wince in sympathy. 

I dusted off my hands before turning to the maybe-still-living Demon Brothers. And I gave them my most heartwarming smile.

"Why hello, misters. You scared me. You know, If you just suddenly appear beneath a girl as if wanting to view her, ehem, from another angle, they're obviously going to be scared... So, for future reference, if you just want to, say, talk or kill somebody, at least be gentlemanly about it, nee~"

I smiled widely, putting my palms together and placing them beneath one of my cheeks as I tilted my face to the side. Silence followed my statement, and after waiting for about ten minutes for a confirmation to my statement, my brows started to furrow.

Don't tell me they're already dead?

I righted my head, dropped my arms back to my sides and right out stared at the unmoving bodies. After an additional five minutes, and no movement, I slowly turned my face to my teammates. 

Naruto was on the ground, as if he had fallen down from shock. Kakashi was just calmly watching, and I thought I caught a flash of pink hiding behind him. Tazuna was standing there with his jaw dropped open, looking as if he had stood there with that ridiculous facial expression for a while now. 

"Sensei~~~ hellooo~~~"

I sang happily before skipping towards my teammates with a super innocent expression. Kakashi cast me a suspicious glance, but I just looked up at him with earnest eyes.

"... you might not know this, sensei, but where I come from there is one type of training that all girls need to go through; the anti-lolicon arts. But it's a secret clan technique, so I can't tell you how it's done. It's. A. Secret~"

Kakashi lifted a brow at me, looking incredulous. Probably having a hard time believing such a thing exists. But then, coupling my appearance and the lack of a better explanation, it sounds rather plausible. I could tell, even with his face half covered, the exact moment when he reached the conclusion that it made complete sense. He even nodded resolutely.

A smile started spreading on my face from my apparent success bore quickly receding. My browa drew together in thought. 

We're missing someone...

Turning around, I stopped mid-turn as a pair of onyx eyes caught mine. I was stuck, as he bore into me with his eyes. I couldn't read his eyes at all, and had no idea what he's thinking, but I could see the sparkle in them. Amusement?

He was just gazing at me unwavering with his intense onyx eyes, never once letting go of my gaze. 

Until I looked down.

I looked at the ground for a moment, before looking back up, but this time at Tazuna. I could feel him sweating under my mildly amused eyes and condescending smirk. I could see him flinch the moment he heard my voice.

"Sooo, sock-bastard, mind telling us why a pair of peepers were here? Cuz even though I realize that a glance at me is one hell of a prize, I doubt it was their original goal... actually, wasn't there a rumor recently... about the Demon Brothers being employed by some guy... Gato? Maybe?"

Tazuna was sweating bullets by now. Kakashi had turned to him, sending him glares. I was just calmly smiling.

Heheee, the arts and that rumor though... total bull.

I must compliment myself though (not that my ego needs any boosting, like, AT ALL) but the universe has to admit, I fix my own problems, like a big girl. Ha, I'm really great!

...but is it just me or has my ego grown since I reincarnated?




When I drifted out of my musings, I noticed that Tazuna was spilling his life story. I rolled my eyes.

Couldn't I have been daydreaming just a bit longer??

Sighing, I turned on my heel and started walking. My teammates didn't hear or notice me leave, but I know they'll end up following. 

They're going to end up helping that sock-bastard after all.

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