《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 11


I groaned before slowly, like the potato I am, rolling out of bed. Laying on the floor, I just stared at the ceiling for a good half hour.

It was finally the day they were going to announce the teams.

And I still have to find an opportunity to make them put me in team 7.

Well, enough about that. I got up and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Needless to say, Kakashi was still asleep.

But he'll need to be there for the jounin meeting with the Hokage...

I looked around the kitchen but seeing nothing to catch my interest, I walked back to my room. Not like I need to eat anyway.

I put on a white cropped tank top and black strap cross back yoga pants. I put a holster on my right leg for appearances' sake and then I made my black mist converge at my feet, leaving me with something similar to black ballet shoes? Since they were made from my mist, they'll dampen all impact and are virtually indestructible, just like the rest of me really.

I left my hair out, the white locks brushing against my hips as I move.

When I reached the door, I cast one last glance at Kakashi's door before walking out.

When I entered the classroom, everything was silent. Looking up, I saw all the students staring at me, slight blushes on their cheeks. Soon, my gaze swept over a blond ball of sunshine that seemed to be waving at me extra energetically. I smiled at Naruto before walking over. I sat in the closest available seat before turning to face the blond with a grin on my face.

"Congrats, Naruto. I knew you could do it!"

He grinned at me, and grabbed his headband proudly.

"Yeah, believe it!"

So for the next few minutes, I was sitting beside a widely grinning Naruto who was sitting beside a dark and brooding Sasuke. Naruto was almost deliriously happy, making creepy laughing noises from time to time and reaching out to touch his headband every two or so minutes. I watched min silently, lips tilted slightly upward in amusement. When I saw Shikamaru walking towards us, I closed my eyes and turned my head away.

"What are you doing here, Naruto? This isn't for dropouts. You can't be here unless you graduated."

I sighed internally.

Well, Shika, you just had to ask didn't you?

Naruto gave a ridiculously wide grin before answering with a not-at-all-subtle bragging tone.

"Oh yea? Do you see this? Do you see it? Open your eyes Shikamaru, it's a regulation headband! We're gonna be training together, how do you like that?"

Naruto kept pointing at his headband and Shikamaru just smirked and snorted.

"Let me put it to you this way, I look great in this headgear, like it was made for me! Believe it! Heheheee."

I rolled my eyes at that and I swear Shikamaru must have done the same. But before he could even walk away, a subtle shaking made its way through my body. I focused my hearing, becoming suspicious.


Wait... is that... a stampede???

I was dumbfounded. Like, wtf.

But then two figures burst into the room, dust blowing in clouds after them. I just stared at them as my jaw dropped open.


Both of them shouted at the same time while pushing their hands into the others face. I remained silent, still shocked silly.

How did these two girls manage to shake the whole building with the ungracefulness of their running?

A shiver made its way up my spine.

And they call me a monster.

"*Pant* *pant*, Whew, I won again, Sakura!"

"*Wheeze* Give it up! I had to look back to see you, my toe was at least a tenth of an inch ahead!"

As the monsters continued their spat, I looked slowly back at Naruto to see how his weak mentality was handling this. And then I almost collapsed. He was looking, with lovestruck eyes and flushed cheeks, at Sakura. DOESN'T HE SEE THAT SHE'S A MONSTER??? A FANGIRL ONE AT THAT!?!? The blindness of love sure is dangerous...

Then the two beast turned their attention to Naruto's table, and I could practically see their eyes flashing.

Naruto, run! Sasuke, save yourself!

Sakura's mouth widened into a wide smile, before she ran towards Naruto. I watched with pained eyes as the blond stood up, still blushing, and waved at her.

"Hi Sakura whats up..."


...Alas, before the poor boy could even finish his greeting, the merciless monster viciously pushed him out of the way, staring at Sasuke with heart in her eyes.

Well, Naruto, you did seat yourself between the monsters and their prey...

"Eh, um, good morning, Sasuke..."

Sakura said it in such a sweet voice, so different from her usual banshee-ing, I almost had the urge to puke. Wow. Does that qualify as two-faced?

"Ehm, mind if I... sit next to you?"

I raised a delicate eyebrow at that.

Sakura, that was Naruto's seat. You're asking the wrong person.

But then, Ino walked up to Sakura's side and grabbed her arm.

"Back off, forehead! I'm sitting next to Sasuke!"

Sakura glared at her before retorting.

"I was here first!"

"I walked into the classroom before you did, everyone saw it!"

Soon the other girls in class flocked around them, telling them that they were here before both of them. I sighed in exasperation.

Can't these fangirls just leave us in peace?

But then a sudden sensation made my eyes widen.

Heh, I finally found you.

A smirk made it's was onto my face, as I looked at one corner of the room. I could feel my eyes burning, the purple fires in them flaring to life.

You sure took your sweet time, didn't you, old man?

A group of jounin were standing around the Hokage's table, all of them looking into a crystal ball that they used to observe the students. It showed them around a little before settling on a black haired boy.

"Most promising new student... Sasuke Uchiha. Is that him?"

A silver haired jounin asked the Hokage.


"Yes. He's the one."

A moment of silence stretched before a beautiful woman with red eyes spoke out.

"He's the only survivor left in the Uchiha clan..."

"That's right..."

The Hokage answered before looking back at the crystal ball. The field of view slowly changed as the view started moving to the side. It now showed a group of girls fighting, with a blond boy on the ground. But suddenly the Hokage and the majority of the jounin froze.

"Is she... looking this way?"

A jounin asked. No one answered him. They were all looking at the beautiful girl sitting behind the commotion. Looking straight at them. On the Hokage's command, the crystal ball zeroed in on her. She was smirking at them, and they thought they saw her enchanting eyes slowly brightening, changing color. It made them completely fascinated.

"... who is that?"

"That, is Ceiren Yami. She entered the village only a few days ago, so not much is known about her. But she passed both the written and practical exams with flying colors."

This fact in itself should have brought some measure of suspicion, but no one there could seem to bring themselves to suspect this beautiful creature. Doubting her would be blasphemy.

The Hokage looked closer at her, but when their eyes met, it was like her eyes suddenly flared bright purple. Just for a moment. Her eyes burned like purple fire. The Hokage blinked, but everything was like normal. Her eyes were still their normal pastel-purple color...

Suddenly, an idea formed in the Hokage's mind. His face took on a look of resolution as he brought out the papers where the assigned teams were written. Taking a pen, he made few quick alterations before quickly calling in someone to report the changes to Iruka.

When the messenger left, the jounin were all looking at the Hokage strangely, but the Hokage just smiled and leaned back in his chair, pleased with himself.

I'm a genius...

When I was done, I looked away from the wall and leaned my chin on my hand.

I hope my persuasion worked through that crystal ball-thingy.

I yawned slightly. Now it was just to wait and see. But just as I was about to lay my head down on the desk, my eyes caught something that made my head snap right back up. Naruto was crouching on Sasuke's desk, their faces mere inches apart as they stared at each other.

I was completely frozen. I had been so focused on the problem with the teams, that I had completely spaced! I HAD FORGOTTEN THAT THIS WAS THE DAY WITH THE FAMOUS SASUNARU KISS-SCENE. DAMN.

My mind quickly went into overdrive. I kept casting nervous glances at the girls whose attention was already on Naruto, all of them shouting at him to leave Sasuke alone. I could feel cold sweat run down my back. I mean, Sasunaru is a great ship, but the girls already hate Naruto so much... if it actually happens, those monsters will eat him alive!

I stood from my seat and walked up to Naruto. Taking hold of his arm, I had intended to pull him off the desk, but just then the student behind him rose and pushed him. Like in slow motion, I felt a powerful tug on my hand and felt gravity take hold of me. Instantly, I had to close my eyes and concentrate not to follow my instincts and save myself or use my abilities in any way. When I finally felt the urge calm, and became conscious of my surroundings, the first thing I noticed was the soreness in my leg and the feeling of being squished. I had to work very hard to stop my leg's healing process, and when I was done I opened my eyes. And froze.

Black onyx eyes were staring back at me. They were so beautiful, that for a moment I felt lost. But then I became aware of something else and flushed to the very roots of my hair. I was kissing him. And then my face became white as parchment.

Those monsters are going to slaughter me!

I braced my hands on his chest and tried to push myself up, but something was weighing me down. My brows furrowed slightly before I recognized the chakra. And then, I did a mental facepalm.

Don't tell me... right now, in front of all my classmates, I'm sandwiched between Naruto and Sasuke while lip-locking with Sasuke to boot...

I cried silent tears for myself. I've been in Konoha for, what, three days? And my social image has already crashed and burned... Damn.

Of course, with my strength, pushing Naruto away is a minor matter. It's just, it will look suspicious. I sighed, resigned to my fate, my body relaxing onto Sasuke as I waited patiently for Naruto to get up. And then I noticed something similar to a warning growl emanating from him. But before I could even frown, Naruto started flopping around like a fish before rolling off of us after a good while of trying. With him off me, I lifted my face from Sasuke and looked down at him. My hair was falling around his face, closing us off from the world like a waterfall. He had a slight blush on his cheeks, but his eyes never left mine. I raised a delicate eyebrow at that.

Well, color me impressed, Uchiha.

Then, I flashed him a sincere smile before rising off of him and brushing my hair out of my face. I vaguely heard him sitting up, and felt the girls' furious gazes as they bore into me. I had a sudden premonition of a screaming fest, and this time I couldn't control it. The smallest amount of black mist escaped my fingers and leaked to each of them, making quick work of their vocal chords. No permanent damage, of course. There wasn't enough mist for that. But at least I won't be bothered for the rest of the day.

Walking back to my seat, I sat and waited for Iruka to come announce the teams, completely ignoring the girls' glares, the curious stares, Naruto's loudness or the gaze that seemed to cut through me. It seemed somehow warm, yet piercing all the same.

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