《Princess of Dragons》Chapter 1
Ciara ran as fast as her feet would carry her, hefting up in her long skirts, an excited smile on her lips.
One of the many people, the girl so adored to live with, laughed as she saw her.
"What has gotten you in such a hurry today, Ciara?" she called, her amusement no less despite this being a frequent occurrence.
Ciara's smile widened even further at the sight of the rotund woman.
"I have to find Kaisog! It is urgent!"
The woman put her hands on her hips, shaking her head lightly.
"Why do I even bother to ask?" That was usually what it was for the blonde. "He should still be down by the grounds, training with the other guards."
Ciara pirouetted around to look back at the woman, running backwards. "Thank you!"
That was always where he was. She'd know; she'd known him since they were both mere children.
He was much like a brother to her, though he really wasn't. Before she could even remember it, Kaisog had been brought here by his uncle, since his parents had died. Her father, the king, had accepted, of course, their kingdom having been close allies with Kaisog's family, the Tao clan, for ages past. That was a long time ago; quite a few summers after her kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom, had been forced onto this remote island after the Great War. It had taken place long before she was even born - or any of her siblings, for that matter.
She could immediately recognize him when he came into sight – what with his much darker skin and black hair among all the pale skin and blondes the Dragon Kingdom was known for. His broad back was turned to her as he watched two other guards fight in the sky, each riding a dragon.
She'd always thought it looked so fun when they did that, but they'd never let her join. They claimed it was too dangerous for someone like her, even with how well she did with dragons. Really, it was only because they didn't want to face her mother, should she catch them.
Today she wasn't here to try to convince them, however. No, the news she brought was much more exciting and important.
As she came to a stop right behind him, he turned to face her.
"Princess," he said, eyebrows raised. He was the only person on this entire island who stubbornly kept calling her that, no matter how much effort she put into trying to convince him otherwise. "Is there something you need my help with?"
They both ignored the anticipated laughs and comments from the other guards around them.
Taking a short moment to regain her composure and breath again, she sent him the smile she'd been wearing all the way over here.
"Have you not heard? Someone from the Fire Kingdom has come all the way here!"
The posted guards had spotted them coming a while ago and immediately reported to her parents. Which she'd naturally 'overheard'.
He looked at her with wide eyes and tense shoulders. "What? Why are they here?"
His expression echoed on the other guards, who also listened intently now.
"I do not know." She shook her head lightly. "Not to worry though, they are certainly not here to start a new war."
"How can you be sure of that, Ciara?" one of the other guards asked. Zelno, her sister's husband.
"Because they merely brought two ships. They should know that is far from enough if they wish to wage war against us."
A smile crept along Kaisog's face. "Correct you are, Princess. So, you want me to come along with you to see these Fire Kingdom visitors, I take it?"
She gave him a nod and a bright smile. "Naturally!"
She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the port, where they'd dock any moment now.
As she did, he sent his friends an apologetic look over his shoulder. They only sent him grins in return.
"You go and have fun with your princess, Tao," Zelno teased.
Before anything more could be said, she'd pulled him around a corner and out of their earshot as fast as she'd arrived.
Kaisog easily matched her pace with his long strides, laughing at her haste.
"I am sure they will stick around for a few days, Princess. There is no need to rush."
She glanced up at him. "I know, but I do not want to miss anything."
She'd never in her life experienced that someone from over there had visited them. As a matter of fact, she was certain that the last time had been when Kaisog was handed over to them some sixteen summers ago, when he'd just barely been two.
Ever since, she'd continued to learn that there was a whole, wide world outside of their island each and every day. She was curious to know more about it. Yet, her parents had never allowed her to go any further than she could still see the island – not nearly enough to go to the other side of the wide waters.
So, these people, whoever they were, were her best bet at learning of that world.
Soon, the harbor came into their sights, holding two more ships than it had earlier. They were so grand and beautifully crafted they made the ones already docked there pale.
Kaisog slowed down when he saw the ships, his gaze drifting to the banners fastened to the sails.
"I am not sure this is such a good idea..."
She turned to look at him, stopping up. "And why is that?"
She didn't get why he wasn't the least bit curious about all of this. She could barely wait!
He hesitated for a moment before replying.
"These visitors of ours are not simply from the Fire Kingdom, Princess. They are sent by the king himself." He gestured to the two banners.
One was of a spear; the symbol of the Fire Kingdom. The other was of a sun; the royal palace.
She remembered hearing stories about that king whenever a few of their spies had come home from there. He was very young - not much older than her brother, Aem – and had taken the whole kingdom by storm. Apparently, he was a no-name Royal Guard, who'd grown through the ranks. The previous king had been old and without an heir, so this one had fought his way to the spot despite his age.
It was also said he was a bit of a tyrant, ruling through the respect and fear he instilled in his people. Though still not as bad as the one ruling the Water Kingdom. Now, that was a person she didn't want to meet anytime soon.
"He is here?" she asked as if Kaisog was supposed to know. Before he could say anything though, she'd whirled around and taken off again. That was just all the more reason to go see them. This kind of thing wouldn't happen twice.
She ignored the audible sigh escaping her friend behind her, only coming to a stop once again when he had a firm grip on her shoulders.
"Let us watch from here for now, shall we?"
She was pretty certain he wouldn't be taking no for an answer, so she relented. After all, she could both hear and see what was going on over there if she strained to.
She saw her own mother and father approach the ship slowly, each of their dragons flanking their sides and a pair of the older knights trailing behind them for good measure. Only a moment passed before someone from the Fire Kingdom stepped out and into sight.
At the front walked a tall man clad in armor, a broad sword strapped to his waist. A red cape decorated with the sun-crest fluttered behind him. Judging by the fact that he wasn't wearing a crown over his dark, brown hair, she figured he wasn't the king she'd been told of.
Nevertheless, a throng of eight knights in similar armor still followed him, though all without the cape he was wearing. He may not be the king, but he was still a person of high importance.
As the newcomers came to a stop at a polite distance away from her parents, her father, Farlon, stepped forward.
He was a thin man without much bulk on him. It had never been necessary for him to have any after all. He was easily dwarfed by this newcomer in height. And whereas their visitors had skin a tone or two warmer, he had skin as white as the rest of the island. Likewise, his hair was also a light, dusty blonde – though now lightly grayed with age – a color he'd given to both of her siblings and herself. His eyes were a warm, comforting brown, as always wrinkled into a gentle smile.
"Well met, young knight," he greeted the young man at the front, who was quite clearly the one in charge. "I hope your trip has been pleasant."
The man immediately bowed. "Thank you, it certainly was, your majesty," he curtly but politely replied, straightening up. "And please do forgive our unannounced visit."
Her mother, Enya, shook her head at him, her golden-brown and ever-perfect curls bouncing.
"Do not worry, as long as you are here with pure intentions, you are welcome."
Ciara's mother had always been a beauty without compare. Despite her age, not a single wrinkle or white hair was present to show for it. She had the curvaceous figure Ciara was so envious of. Her eyes were a dark blue color, which had seemed able to stare right into Ciara's very soul every time she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't. Usually concerning either dragons or Kaisog. Or both.
A slight smile spread on the knight's lips.
"I am honored to hear that. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Sergon Galias, Commander of the Royal Guard of the Southern Kingdom. I am here on behalf of his majesty, the king."
Ciara frowned. "The South? I thought he was supposed to be from the Fire Kingdom?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
She saw Kaisog nod from the corner of her eye. "He is. He is the right-hand man of the king, as a matter of fact," he replied just as quietly. "Many over there have taken to referring to themselves as the South, North, West or East Kingdoms, rather than Fire, Wind, Water and Earth respectively. I imagine it is because they do not remember the history they share with the dragons residing in their Kingdoms before they came."
Her eyes fluttered to the old, burly fire dragon standing behind her father, which Kaisog was partly referring to.
Her attention went back to her father when he introduced himself as well.
"I am Farlon Tarakona, king of the Dragon Kingdom, and this is my wife, Enya Tarakona, queen of the Dragon Kingdom." He gestured to his wife beside him. "The two behind us are Kapura and Rangi," he added and gestured first to his own crimson-scaled giant, then to the smaller and white-scaled female dragon behind Enya.
Sergon stared up at the two creatures behind them, gaping lightly. Though he hadn't shown it clearly earlier, it was clear he wasn't comfortable in their presences.
"I see..."
Ciara smiled lightly at his reaction. She could barely imagine a life without the constant presence and help of dragons herself, however she'd heard all the kingdoms over there never forged any kinds of bonds with dragons.
She was still looking forward to the day she'd find the dragon that would be hers, just as her father had Kapura and her mother Rangi.
Her mother gestured to Rangi, who lowered her big head down to put her snout to the woman's hand, though her purplish-blue eyes never left the newcomers. Enya gently enveloped the dragon's snout in her arms, stroking the small scales there, and sent the knights a teasing smile.
"Do forgive her if she seems a little hostile. This old lady has not seen visitors for a very long time."
Sergon could only nod and watch as the dragon returned to towering above him.
"Now then," Ciara's mother said, returning their attention to her again. "If you do not mind my asking, what brought you here?" The question Ciara so wanted answered as well.
Sergon paused, glancing around at the many onlookers that'd arrived with the same intentions she and Kaisog had. Then, he turned to her parents with slightly furrowed brows.
"I believe that is a topic better discussed in privacy, your majesty." He was clearly picking his words carefully.
"Of course. Follow me." Her father gestured for them to follow him as he turned around and began walking towards their own castle. At least, that was what Ciara assumed.
Her mother waved for the two dragons to take to the sky instead. Without hesitation, they both did, hovering above them.
Sergon motioned for only the two front knights to follow him, as he too followed her parents.
Ciara looked up at her friend. "Come on, we have to follow them as well!"
She knew he didn't like doing this, especially whenit was without permission, but this was the most important part!
Ciara and Kaisog were following her parents and their visitors, staying a pair of houses behind them and keeping to one side.
The big group was practically walking right through the middle of town, gaining everyone's attention. With their silver armor and warm skin, they easily stood out.
She'd only wish she could see their expressions a little closer. It would undoubtedly be entertaining to see them watch young kids playing around on young drakes and dragonelles in the sky, as a fire dragon started a fire and as water dragons put them out. The best had probably been when they came across a little girl playing around inside a fully grown earth dragon's mouth.
It really proved that these guys didn't bond with dragons the way she'd seen it done her entire life. It was a lonely thought.
They were almost at the castle she called home when a familiar, young dragonelle landed in front of them in a rush and an amused whine.
The visitors instantly drew their blades from their sheaths, pointing it at her.
Which - naturally - made her snarl back at them instead.
Then, a familiar glob of short, blondish-brown hair poked out around the beautiful, pink dragonelle's long neck.
"You know, I would really appreciate it if you would not point those things at my girl." He patted the dragonelle's neck before jumping down next to her. He turned to her father when the three barely lowered anything at all. "I take it these guys are our visitors, then." He kept hand on the dragonelle's leg to keep her from striking anyone.
"They are." Her father gave the young man a berating look. "This is out oldest child and son, Aem, and his dragon, Sunrose," her father told Sergon, who gestured for his men to lower their swords. Their hands never left the handles, however.
Ciara sighed. That brother of hers certainly knew how to make a spectacle of himself. This was probably one of the times it was most ill-fitting.
He was the oldest of the three of them – him, their sister, Madia and finally Ciara, in order – and the next in line to succeed the throne. He had their mother's eyes. He'd often trained in swordsmanship and on the back of a dragon with Kaisog when they were younger, having always wanted to be 'the kind of king who'd fight alongside his army and lead them to victory'.
So, how someone like him got to bond with such a beautiful dragon was still a mystery to her. The only thing pointing towards it would be the dragonelle's otherwise fierce personality. That said, it'd be a shame to put her into battle, what with how she looked. Pale, pink scales covering her entire back and a just as pale, yellow painting her belly. Complete with dainty, ivory spikes running down her back and eyes as red as blood. She was a truly beautiful dragon and known for it.
Aem wasted no time getting straight to the point.
"So, what are you doing all the way over here?"
Before Sergon could reply, their mother heaved a sigh, crossing her arms.
"That was what we were going to discuss when you barged in."
Her eyes were definitely burning a hole in his skull right now.
Her father easily calmed the embers flying from his wife with a single hand on her shoulder.
"It is fine. You should probably hear this as well, son."
Her brother quickly sent Sunrose flying before nodding in understanding.
"Let us hear it, then," he said and pushed the grand gates open, sending the knight and his two men a dubious look.
Her brother had never liked the other Kingdoms. He'd always thought they would attack the Dragon Kingdom someday and try to finish what they'd started in the Great War ages ago.
Nevertheless, he held the gate for the three of them, watching as they walked through.
When they closed again, she immediately went up, ready to follow her family through it.
"Princess," Kaisog called out behind her. "Please leave it at that. It is a private conversation between your parents, brother and the Fire Kingdom's men. I am certain you will be told of everything once it is fitting."
She flashed him a smile. "Well, this is my home as well, you know. I should be able to go there whenever I wish it."
She straightened her back as she followed them through.
She'd be doing this with or without him.
"We wish for an alliance between our two kingdoms," Sergon announced. They had all gathered in the dining-room, on each their end of the table.
Or so Ciara presumed, anyway. Standing on the other side of the door with Kaisog, neither of them could see anything going on in there. But they could hear basically everything.
"An alliance?" her father repeated, surprised by the sudden suggestion.
"Yes," Sergon confirmed, pausing momentarily. "His majesty is worried war may be upon us. As I am sure you are aware, our relationship with the West has been quite strained for many, many generations."
The West. That'd have to be the Water Kingdom. She'd heard of their 'relationship' many times before. In all the history known to them, those two Kingdoms had never seen eye-to-eye – except during the Great War. So, their never-ending rivalry reared its head even now?
"Unfortunately, we do not possess the forces they do – and their king knows this well. We had hoped the news of an alliance with you would prevent him from doing anything, as no one knows the true strength of your current forces."
"So," Ciara heard her mother mutter from the other side. "All you really want is our name to try to scare that tyrant away. You do not actually expect us to fight in a war with you?"
The Dragon Kingdom hadn't seen even the ghost of war for a very long time. Only few of their knights had seen real, actual combat. Their swords hardly had a drop of blood on them. She worried they wouldn't actually be of much help should it come to real war.
Of course, they had dragons. Their mere presence seemed intimidating enough on its own, if these men's initial reaction to them was anything to judge by.
After a moment of hesitation, she heard Sergon speak up again.
"Naturally, we will do everything within our power to prevent the outcome of a new war, however should it still come to pass, we hoped we might have your aid in this as well."
Silence reigned between them in there. A war. She couldn't imagine what it'd be like to endure something like that. It was a scary thought. Even Kaisog, who was naturally talented in combat due to his blood, tensed up at the mention of it.
Her brother was the first to speak up.
"So, what do we stand to gain from this alliance with you?"
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