
I opened my eyes and expected to see nothing. But to my shock...I could see that I was in bed. I cautiously looked around the room. I could still see?

I looked down at myself confused. This has to be another one of my weird dreams. I pinched my self so hard that I think I bruised.

But I still had not woke up, "What the heck," I mumbled to myself. I ripped the blankets off me. I was wearing a giant t-shirt with some comfy shorts. I ran out of my room and downstairs to the main area to find all of the Hellhounds and Donny standing at the window in silence. I slowly made my way down.

My bare feet pattered on the marble floor as I neared. None of them turned around. I looked outside the window and saw that it was still night. The moon was still out.

I looked at the time on my and saw that it should be eight in the morning.

"What is this?" I asked in confusion, "What is going on?"

None of them answered, but what I saw on their faces did not settle well with me. They were worried.

"What does this mean?" I asked.

Without looking, Zeus said lowly, "I don't know."


We were all sitting in a smaller lounge where the fire was roaring. Zeus was pacing back and forth thinking.

Everyone was silent. No one knew what was going on or what this all meant.

"Where is that god-forsaken witch when you need her." Zeus growls.

I was sitting on one of the bigger single couches with a blanket on my lap. I could still see. This was the longest I've seen ever. Though it was great, I was also anxious as to why the moon was still out and why the night has not gone away.

"So for this to happen in Arcanus isn't normal?" I asked to anyone who'd answer.

Ozai shook his head, "No, it isn't."

"So you all have never experienced this before?" All of them went silent. I frowned when I saw all of them kind of glancing at each other.

Zeus stops pacing and looks straight at me, "You need to leave. We have things to discuss."

"I think I have a right to know, don't you think? I've lived here for a month and a half already. I am the key to end your Curse so-"

"Exactly!" Zeus cuts me off, "Have you forgotten your purpose? You are a part of my plan of freedom. Nothing more! So get out so than I can discuss with the people who matter!" He shouts.

I gulped and looked down at my hands feeling a little embarrassed. I guess I assumed too much. I overstepped a boundary.

"Come on, Zeus-" Donny started, what I am assuming trying to defend me.

"Shut up, Donny!" Zeus snaps.

I silently got up and dropped my blanket on the couch. I saw Zeus's eyes instantly stare at my exposed legs. I forgot I had my comfy shorts on. His nose flares as he growls.

"Put some bloody pants on," He turns around and looks into the fire with his back to me. His shoulders rising and falling fast.

I exited the lounge and heard the doors slam shut behind me making me flinch.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a hot chocolate, I sat down at the bar and was mixing my drink with a teaspoon. My eyes wondered around the kitchen as I was thinking.


What are they hiding? What is the real story of the Hellhounds! I won't know my purpose if I don't know the story. Surely it has been written somewhere.

"Lovely morning, isn't it?" A captivating voice said.

I looked at the entrance of the kitchen to see the witch, "Demora,"

She smiles with her teeth as she waltzes in, "Or should I say night," She jokes with herself.

I felt everything inside me be aware of her presence. And it wasn't a good thing. I was guarded when she came into the room. I don't know what agendas she has now that I am in the picture. She sits down which just made me even more anxious.

I shifted nervously in my seat. She watches me closely and smiles. She was very beautiful. She had very long and straight red hair. Her eyes a pale mint green. Her screen as pale as moonlight. She tapped her long nails on the counter.

"What do you want?" I asked firmly.

Her smile has widened, "You're different, little Lily. You have changed."

My brows pulled together as I felt lines of confusion crease my forehead.

"You are growing. You are getting stronger." She told me as if she had been observing me for a long time."

"What does this mean." I asked firmly, "Time has not stopped, but it's dark outside and the moon is still shining."

She closes her eyes and tilts her head, "I love the night, It's beautiful and mysterious. Such a thrill it can be."

"Demora," I asked with a harder voice, "What does it all mean,"

Her eyes open slowly, "Time has not stopped, it is what you can call a celestial event."

"I know that. I want to know what the damn event means!" I said a little louder.

She stands from her seat and twirls around until she finds the fruit bowl where she picks an apple, "I cannot give you answer, Little Lily, the curse will not allow me to give such information, however," She takes a big bite out of the bright red apple, "You are more than welcome to try find out for yourself."

"How?" I asked

But before she could even tell me, the door to the kitchen bursts open to reveal Zeus. His eyes glare at Demora, but then turns to me, "Lily, come with me."

I got off my chair and followed him out the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder back at Demora and she gives me a wink. I frowned. What was she going to tell me?

I sighed and walked behind Zeus. I noticed him holding his little leather notebook again, "So did you come to a conclusion?" I asked curiously.

"Not really. We still don't know why this is happening."

"Are you still not going to tell me?"

Zeus immediately answers, "Yes."

I roll my eyes and shook my head, "So unreasonable, the freaking bastard." I said under my breath

I didn't know that Zeus had stopped walking till I slammed into his back, "Whoa!"

He turns around with his nose flared and his eyes blazing with anger, "What did you just say?"

I gulped, "N-Nothing."

He smirks darkly, "Oh you definitely said something."

I glared at him, "So what if I did!"

He took a step closer, "You will show me some respect. You don't talk to me like that. I am a Hellhound and-"


I crossed my arms, "AND I am your mate."

He smiles darkly, "Yes you are. So show me some respect, do not raise your voice at me ever again."

It was my turn to smirk, "Mates are equals. I will show respect once you show me some."

"No!" He snarls in my face, "Each wife I've ever had were strong and beautiful. THEY were equal to me. Don't even put yourself in the same category as them."

Okay...that hurt my feelings a bit. I felt my eyes sting from the tears that are trying fall, but I do my best to blink them away. I took a deep breath and looked past him down the hall.

His face was still glaring at me, however, a flash of what looked like guilt passed through his eyes before he masked it again.

He snarls and growls before spinning on his feet and continues to walk with me quietly following him.

He lead me up the stairs and back to my room, I frowned, "Why did you just take me to my room?"

Without looking he said, "Someone needs to always escort you everywhere from now on. I don't know what this moon shit means, but I'm not taking any risks."

He turns on his heels and storm off down the very end of the corridor where his bedroom is. I softly shut my door. I stood there at the door, frozen. I didn't know he felt such a way about me. I knew he obviously disliked me, but...but I never thought he thought me less. He thought I was such an inferior person to every other woman he had been with. He had compared me to all of them

I know his words should not effect me. But he's my mate. of course they effect me. He compared me to every woman he has loved...and he pretty much told me that I was less than all of them. That really hits the self-esteem compartment.

I went and had a shower. I felt the warm water, cascading down my body. In a strange way I hoped it could wash away the hurt, but it doesn't.

I went and climbed into bed. My mind was so fresh and adrenaline filled from my fight with Zeus. I couldn't remember falling asleep. I think my body had gotten to a point where it shut down automatically to force me to rest.

The next morning. I didn't feel any better. I had my shower. Dried my hair and put on my clothes for the day.

I went downstairs to the dining area, it was very beautiful. The table was made of cherry wood. It was very long and wide. I saw that Ozai and Zeus were already there. They were quietly discussing something.

I came and sat at the table. Ozai gives me a polite grin as he always does and bows his head towards me, "Good Morning, Lily."

I only glanced up for a moment and sent a quick smile, in hopes it was nice enough. I was in no mood to talk or show any kind of emotion for that fact. I just wanted to eat and leave.

I looked down at my hands, waiting for my food to come. Zeus didn't greet me at the table and I did not greet him. It's as if he wasn't there and maybe vise versa for him.

Sozin had come barrelling in, "Good morning, family!"

Zeus and Ozai grumbled their own little good mornings back. Sozin came and sat down next to Ozai. He gives me a cheeky wink, "Top of the mornin to ya, Lil."

Again, I just glanced up and quickly smiled. I ended up staring at the paintings on the wall to try and distract myself.

It was quiet. Very quiet. It was quieter than quiet. I looked back to Ozai and Sozin, both of them were sitting there with their brows knitted together in a frown as they glanced between Zeus and me.

Finally the food came and laid the plates in front of us.

I looked around the table, "Where is Donny?"

"He had to go to the market, said he was craving the donuts or something," Answer Sozin.

Oh. We all silently ate our food. It was so different now that Zeus was back. The air was not light and there was no sound of conversation. Everything felt heavy, like a tension.

That was when it hit me. I missed my family. I missed my pack. I remember Uncle Noah teaching me to sing. I remember Aunt Mia telling me stories as well as Aunt Lizzy.

And my mother, I missed my mother so much. I could tell her everything. She was like a best friend to me. And I was ripped away from them. I wanted to see my cousins, my aunts, my uncles, my parents, my sisters. EVERYONE!! I missed the Blood Moon Pack.

I gulped and without turning to Zeus I quietly asked, "Zeus, if it is alright. I would like to request a visit to my pack. I have-"

"No," He said with a cold voice.

"Why. Not." I asked through my teeth.

"Because. You are my mate and you have a-"

I abruptly stood from the table and I hit my fists upon it, "You don't care about me!" I stood there looking down at his sitting form, "You have made it loud and clear that you don't ever plan to be a mate to me. As long as I break your curse, I should be able to do what I please!"

I storm off and ran up the stairs into my room. I jumped on the bed and screamed into the pillow. Tears ran down my face. I wanted to go home to a place where I know I will be taken care of, a place where someone will love me for me.


A week had passed. I had not left my room. I requested all of my meals to be brought up to my room. I haven't seen Zeus, not once. I've hardly seen anyone else. I didn't want to.

However, every night I heard footsteps come to my door. A part of me hoped it was Zeus and another part of me didn't. But at the end, the footsteps ends up walking away.

I looked out to the balcony. The moon was still shining and the night had not turn to day. It was strange being night for so long. It makes reality seem a little dreamy.

I walked out to the balcony and saw the beautiful snowy garden and trees. If only I could just run away.

Light bulb! I could never run away because I was blind. But seeing at the moon isn't going for any time soon...I could go. I could go and hide away for a while. Just for a while.

Excitement and adrenaline pumps through my body as I changed into some warm clothes and boots. I looked down from the balcony. It was a long way down. I was in a castle for goodness sake! Of course it's high up. I climbed over the rails and looked down a section of the castle's roof I could jump on.

I pretty much jumped down from one roof to another. It wasn't too bad. Once I finally got to the snowy ground. I looked over my shoulder at the dark castle. I take a step forward, but it falters slightly. Should I leave? There were so many unanswered questions I had. And a small part of me wishes that Zeus would burst out of those doors and tell me that he was sorry. But then I think of what he said. I wasn't good enough.

I turned around and sprinted into the darkness of forest, hoping to run down the mountain unnoticed.

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