《College Love ( flutterdash )》Trouble..


3rd person pov

Finally after what it have seemed to be hours. The gang left fluttershy and rainbowdash alone.

They were still holding each other looking into each others eyes until they realize what they were doing.

" fluttershy jumped up and blushed and gave dash a hand to get up "

Thanks shy...

Your welcome dashie..um..that was nice...

Y-yeah i guess..wanna hit the hay?..


" they got up and went in their own beds and slept "

* the next day *

"Dash opened her eyes as the warm morning sunlight hit her face. She then noticed fluttershy was in bed with her arms wrapped around her neck "

She felt her face getting red, but didnt want to break the moment she was having with her shy friend.

" damn it shy!..again?..well its not that i dont like this..but i just want to kiss your sweet lips again like yesterday..but we're not a couple.. Dash said in her head "

"She then just closed her eyes gently and put her arms around fluttershys waist and pulled her in a little more, closing the gap between them "

All though dash didnt know it, fluttershy was actually awake the whole time she was staring at her and when she pulled her in close "

Fluttershy opened her eyes to make sure if dash went back to sleep and luckily for her she was. Fluttershy couldnt resist anymore but to kiss her friend lightly on the lips quickly .

She then quickly went back the way she was laying and stayed in bed a few more minutes before they have to get up for school.

" minutes pass " " alarm clock goes off "

Fluttershy quickly and quietly git out of bed and got dressed. When she was done dressing she went over to her crush and shook her awake.


Mm. Okai..

Soom enough rainbow dash got up and got dressed and made her hair in her usual pony tail.

Um shy, why were you in bed with me? Again?..

" the shy girl blushed" i..i got another nightmare...

Oh okai.. " she sounded a bit nervous "

" a few more minutes passed by and dash drove off with fluttershy to school "

Dash and fluttershy headed to their classes as normal, with them both staring at each other when the other isnt looking.

" a hour passed by "

" three men came barging in with a guns pointing at the class "

If your enjoying thus story please leave a vote and comment. Ill post a teaser of what will happen in the next chapter called " )

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