《Passion Forged in Hell》Chapter Two
Koala stepped onto the docks of the island of Dressrosa, the sight of people making her stomach tighten.
The town was broken, yet the people were smiling. It went to show just how resilient humankind could be - Koala knew that from experience. She'd hardly had time to even think, with all the planning and preparations. Part of her considered that a good thing, because if she had the time to think about Sabo, and his predicament, and the Celestial Dragons....She didn't know if she could keep it together.
She turned back to her small ship - the flag signified that it was a merchant ship, and they had goods to show for it, but it was just a cover. The marines couldn't catch even a hint what she was up to. Mariejois was practically on lock down, and if the marines caught wind of what she was planning.....
Well, they wouldn't.
"What're you waiting for," came the dry voice of revolutionary Betty Belo, the commander of the east army. "We're wasting daylight."
I know, she wanted to snap. But she didn't. Instead, she smiled reassuringly at Betty. "Don't worry. It's just nice to see them rebuild."
Betty exhaled smoke, cigarette carefully poised in her hand. "Sure."
There were only a few people of actual consequence on the boat. Betty was there as a trump card - the woman was skilled at rallying troops thanks to the Devil Fruit she possessed. To escape Mariejois alive, Betty's skill was essential. The rest of the crew was for sailing purposes and to keep up their ruse, though she knew Dragon would be carefully watching their progress.
After all, every single one of his commanders were out and about, nowhere to be found. They could not afford to botch the mission, especially when they had prepared another mission in advance to the island named Wano, the suspected origin of weapons that Doflamingo had been selling off to other kingdoms.
Taking a breath, Koala walked into the city. As usual, no one paid her any mind - she had long since mastered the art of remaining out of sight and out of mind. Survival had depended on it.
She thought back to the newspaper she had received not even a day back. The frontline had been about the Admiral's actions against the warlords, but Koala had been more interested in a small article hidden within the pages - it featured a picture of Sabo beaten and bloody, pure fury shimmering in his eyes, standing on an auction stage.
Sabo didn't know how to be subtle. The Celestial Dragons would have a ball crushing that spirit that she loved so much (not that she would tell him, of course - his head would swell three times the size. But maybe she ought to, when all was said and done...).
I'm coming, Sabo! she thought. Just wait for me.
She navigated the city, finally coming upon the humble center of the city - a palace, though it was being used less as a monument to royalty and more to house the injured and homeless people of the island. The Riku family was a good fit for the island.
Koala took a moment to consider the castle. If she was a commoner, she could probably just walk right in - but she wasn't. She was a revolutionary, and after whatever happened at the Reverie, there were likely marines on the lookout for people such as herself. So she would have to take more....unorthodox methods to speak with the ruling family.
Walking around the area, she surveyed each and every side of the castle. Her eyes lit up - there was a very small space in which she could climb, going unnoticed, as it was hidden by construction. She gauged the distance between the ground and the window. A little high, but....it was doable. After all, she was highly skilled in breaking and entering.
Tugging on her gloves, she walked towards the hidden spot alongside the castle's walls. Running is something people remember - but walking? Koala practically belonged there, if anyone saw her. Unremarkable.
Grasping onto the ledges of the wall, she carefully made her way up. While officially, she was the Assistant Fishman Karate instructor, Koala had more than one skill up her ruffled sleeves. She dealt partially in intelligence, as well as serving as a sort of secretary to Dragon and Sabo.
Wall climbing, all in all, actually wasn't that difficult. It was nothing compared to hanging on the side of a cliff waiting out the marines (Sabo's fault), holding on for dear life on a rock in the middle of a hurricane (Sabo's fault again), and fighting that insistent knife thrower on that windy roof where they had just about been blown off (also Sabo's fault).
Scaling it in under five minutes, Koala crept up onto the ledge of the balcony. Peeking through the window, she could see the hunched form of a man sitting at a writing desk, papers stacked orderly and neatly.
She wondered who had more paperwork - herself, or the king of the country. Koala thought back to all the paperwork she had to fill out from Sabo's "improvised" missions and sighed. It was definitely her, never-mind that he had the prettier hand writing.
Strange, how the perfect climbing point led right to the king's room. It had to be on purpose - it would allow King Riku to meet with anyone he so pleased without the World Government knowing. After all, after the Doflamingo fiasco, she imagined that he'd become allies with many of the tournament attendees, lots of whom had less than reputable reputations. Like the revolutionaries, for that matter.
Plus, she didn't think for a moment that Riku didn't know she was coming - the Survalience Den Den Mushi told her otherwise. Out of respect for the man, she did not avoid them, as they definitely didn't belong to the marines (King Riku would notice if they wire tapped his entire home, and that was too much effort for even the marines to watch a monarch).
Nudging the door open slowing, she cleared her throat. "Riku Doldo the third," she said, remaining on the balcony. "My name is Koala, a revolutionary. I have a request for you."
The man turned in his seat, already reaching for his sword. But as soon as he met her eyes, he froze, fingers just about touching the sword hilt. Hack had told her about him somewhat, how he had entered the tournament for the Mera Mera no Mi. An old man, but willing to fight for his people nonetheless.
"You're one of the revolutionaries that helped my kingdom, aren't you." he said, standing up completely. "Come inside, please."
Koala blinked. She couldn't recall actually speaking with Riku, as they had all been busy with other matters. Sabo had been the one to remain in contact with them, though their meeting had been brief because of the arrival of CP0. And yet, he remembered her from glimpses. How curious.
She stepped in.
"Now," Riku said, leaning against his desk. "What favor could a revolutionary want from my kingdom? It disheartens me to say it, but we can not openly align with your army. Dressrosa is still healing - further war would not do well for the spirit of my people."
Koala shook her head. "I'm not here for an alliance of that sort. I completely understand and empathize with your reasoning. I am here because of the Reverie."
Riku frowned. "The Reverie....An event made in good nature, only for it to turn so sour. I suppose you're referring to the assassination, and Nefertari Vivi?"
"Yes," she nodded, resisting the urge to insist that Sabo was innocent. Yet somehow, she knew she didn't have to. "If at all possible, I would like to hear the full account of what occurred on the fourth day of the Reverie. The papers lie and exaggerate - I want the truth, and sources told us that you and your family became close with the princess of Alabasta during the event."
"I must confess I did not interact very much with the princess, though I did admire King Cobra, may his soul rest easy. My daughter, Viola, also spent time with both Vivi and King Cobra. But my granddaughter, Rebecca, became fast friends with the princess." Riku told her.
"Would it be possible if you could summon the two of them here?" Koala asked, trying not to sound too eager.
"Of course," Riku said. "I know how difficult it is to be falsely accused. Your Chief of Staff seemed like a good man, and I'd hate to see him in such a state that his is in now."
Koala tugged on her hat so it would shade the pure fury in her eyes. She was supposed to be the calm, collected, responsible one. But for this...perhaps she would take a page out of Sabo's book. "As would I."
She waited at the edge of the room as Riku opened his door and spoke softly to a guard stationed outside. Koala heard laughing, then footsteps walking away as Riku closed the door. The man turned his chair facing Koala and sat. He gestured to the other two chairs, lining against the wall. "Please, take a seat."
Koala shook her head. "Thank you, but I would rather remain standing if that is alright with you."
"Of course," Riku nodded all too knowingly. "While we wait for my girls, how about I tell you what I know?"
"That would be great," Koala said. Aside from Sabo - her heart twinged - the Reverie was extremely important. It signified the world changing, and any accurate account was a point in the army's favor.
So Riku began - a few of the evident topics had been the Revolutionary Army (of course), the dissolution of the warlord system, the ancient poneglyphs (curiously brought up by the deceased King Cobra), and relocating Fishman Island (which, despite the worries she held, made her smile).
"I was not there when King Cobra was attacked," Riku continued. "I believe it occurred after dinner was held. I was not able to see the man himself, but I there were rumors that Cobra had been attacked by some sort of beast with claws. The World Government pinned that on your Chief of Staff, saying that he had a technique, the Dragon Claw, that could replicate those marks, that he could crush a man's skull with that move."
Koala pursed her lips. "Seems a bit of a stretch. Sabo's move can only replicate the force of a dragon, not its claws. And if he were truly out to kill Cobra, he would've simply used his Devil Fruit. What of the princess, then?"
Riku shook his head. "She had disappeared. There was quite a ruckus looking for her on the World Government's part. Strange, how they almost enslaved one princess and yet went through so much trouble looking for another missing princess."
She frowned, a theory beginning to form. Sabo couldn't help himself from going out of his way to help people, especially since he knew that Vivi was a friend of his brother. "The World Government doesn't care either way - the Elders don't care. If what I'm thinking is correct, Vivi is in grave danger....."
At that moment, the door opened up, admitting two ladies who Koala recognized. The dark haired woman wearing a purple dress - the Crown Princess Riku Viola. The girl with the pink hair - officially Viola's lady in waiting, but in reality she was King Riku's granddaughter, Rebecca.
Viola glanced at Koala, a shimmer of understanding in her eyes. Whether it was just intuition, or her Giro Giro no Mi at work, which granted the eater clairvoyance. "You summoned us, father?"
Rebecca's eyes widened when she saw Koala. "I know you! You're Not-Lucy's friend from underneath the Colosseum."
She nodded a greeting at the two ladies. "My name is Koala. It's good to see the two of you again, and to see Dressrosa in a better state."
"It could not have been done without our people's spirit," Viola said. "They have a strength that far surpasses us all."
"Don't underestimate yourself!" someone shouted, and Koala's attention was directed to a tiny figure on Rebecca's shoulder. If she recalled correctly, he was Leo of the Tontattas. Apparently, he was the Captain of the Tontatta Pirates, in the Strawhat Grand Fleet. "You suffered directly under Doflamingo too, you know!"
Viola smiled at Leo softly. "Thank you, Leo. But without our people, Dressrosa would be nothing."
Rebecca grabbed Viola's hand. "Yeah, but without you and grandfather, our country wouldn't be what it is today!"
The Crown Princess sighed, but she was smiling. "Alright."
"I wanted to ask you both a favor," Koala directed the conversation back to the main focus. "What happened to Nefertari Vivi at the Reverie?"
Rebecca's smile fell, and Viola put a hand on her shoulder. "I personally was not with Vivi often. I spoke with her a little, as it is my duty as the Crown Princess to secure as many allies as possible. But from what I have heard, Vivi is still alive, else they would've announced her death as well. I have also heard that they are pining the king's assassination on your Chief of Staff."
"He didn't do it!" Rebecca protested. "He was with Lucy, and he saved me!"
"Yeah!" Leo agreed, arms crossed. "I heard he and Luffy are brothers, so he would never hurt a friend of Luffy's!"
Koala rocked back on her heels and let out a breath. "I know," she said. "I know. He didn't do. Sabo would never do something like that - the Nefertari family were always good to their people, which makes me wonder.....why would the World Government want her and her father dead?"
"You believe the World Government is involved?" Viola asked.
Koala waved away Viola's question. "The Celestial Dragons, but yes - while it could've been a monarch, it still doesn't make sense to all the commotion the Elders went into to find the princess. It has to be them. It's the only thing that makes sense - but why?"
"The Nefertari family is the only family that did not ascend and become Celestial Dragons," Riku said, brow furrowed in thought. "Perhaps the Celestial Dragons felt affronted by this, and decided to do away with them."
She nodded. "That sounds about right. Celestial Dragons...." Koala resisted the urge to shiver. "Nothing good happens with them involved."
"So what are you going to do?" Rebecca asked her, eyes watery. "I saw the papers the other day - are you going to go save him?"
Koala's eyes flitted around the room, but she already knew that it was clean. "That's the plan. I just wanted to get a more clear picture of what happened before I go into the lion's den."
"I wish we could help you more," Viola said. "If I had activated my Devil Fruit, more, sooner, maybe I could have prevented this. My apologies. Ironically, my lack of foresight is causing you the most trouble."
Rebecca nudged the Crown Princess. "Don't say that, you couldn't have known!"
Viola looked like she had more thoughts on the issue, but held her tongue.
She looked out the window, at the setting sun. "Thank you for lending me your time. I ought to get going before our presence becomes too noticeable."
"Oh!" Rebecca exclaimed as Koala went to move out. "When you go there - to Mariejois - there's someone who can help you!"
Koala turned back towards the pink haired girl. "Oh?" That was news to her.
Rebecca nodded. "Saint Mjosgard! He helped Shirahoshi when the other Celestial Dragon was going to enslave her!"
Koala frowned. "Why would...."
"He let me fight the Celestial Dragons!" Leo said, then his expression morphed into pure delight. "Take me with you! I can show you where he is!"
Koala blinked, still trying to wrap her mind around everything Leo was saying. "What."
"I kind of want to fight those guys again because they were jerks. And if it helps save Luffy's brother then I'm in!" Leo looked at her. "I am in, right?"
She looked at him, and he looked back. Finally, she nodded. "Okay, that should be fine. As long as you stay out of sight, everything should go according to plan." It had to.
Leo pumped his fist in the air. "Yes! I'll go get the rest of the Tontatta pirates! We won't let you down...."
"Koala," she supplied.
"Koala!" he cheered.
A hornet buzzed its way throughout the room and Leo hopped from Rebecca's shoulder onto the little saddle.
"Remember," Koala said. "Meet us in the port as soon as you can, alright?"
"Right!" Leo said, and buzzed off on the hornet.
Koala stood there for a moment as Leo flew out the window, then nodded her head at the Riku family. "Again, thank you for your assistance, no matter how small it seems. Every little bit helps...."
"Be safe," Riku said. "Revolutionary."
She smiled at him - he was a good king indeed, and he raised a fine queen as well. Dressrosa had nothing to fear from its rulers. Exiting the room to the balcony, Koala practically slid down the wall.
Walking through the city, she felt a shiver run up her spine. Was it impatience? Or fear? Somehow, she felt both. She wanted to have rescued Sabo already, for it to all be over and carefully resolved, wrapped right up for her in a pretty bow. But life wasn't like that. Part of her protested going. Such a shameful, cowardly part of her that she never wanted to see the light of day again.
Because she was doing this, consequences be damned. If there was a time for anything, it was time to be impulsive, and to not hold back.
Not because it was what Sabo would've done, but it was something she wanted to do - it was time to publicly declare her own personal war on the Celestial Dragons.
Arriving back at the boat, she found Betty smoking her cigarette. All the woman said was, "We have some company. Your doing?"
Leaning over the side to get a better view of what the commander was talking about, she saw a tiny ship floating right next to their own - the Tontatta Pirate's ship.
"Hi!" Leo greeted, his small voice still reaching her ears. "We're ready to go!"
Yes. It was time to go to Mariejois, her own personal hell.
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