《The Contract Wife. book Series #1 (COMPLETED!)》C17: Kidnapped


Special announcement! Due to the love and support of my readers and voters, I shall dedicate chapters to my greatest supporters!

First and for most, this Chapter is dedicated to a fan who's been supporting me through this novel,


Please feel free to talk to this wonderful person. Very friendly at that.

Oh and no, I haven't forgotten my wonderful viewers! Hey! Though I don't know most of your names. Hehehehe.


Derek couldn't stop pacing back and forth as he waited just outside his front door. It had been five hours since Victoria had gone out.

Sorry. The subscriber you are-

"Damn it Victoria!" Derek yelled at his phone in frustration as he kicked the ground. "Where the hell are you...?"

Just then, the doors swung open and Penelope stepped out with wide eyes.

"Something's on the news." She said and Derek quickly rushed in, running ahead to the TV with his heart in his throat.

This just in, a heavily pregnant woman was last seen dragged out of a restaurant by four men in black masks, the woman believed to be Victoria Lamar, the new wife of Mr Derek Lamar star founder and owner of the company De'ar, just lasted six months into their marriage and is already being held captive. Further investigations of the crime scene-

"Derek?" Penelope gasped when she noticed her brother on the floor and on all fours, panting as though he was failing to breathe. "Derek come on don't faint! She needs you!" Penelope called out in panic when she noticed him.

"I'm not... I'm just trying to think..." Derek whispered out as tears formed in his eyes. "Did they say... Did they say she was h-hurt?" He asked with a shaky voice. "I... I can't hear anymore..."


"I don't think they know that." Penelope said in a mummer as she glanced at the TV then back to him.

"Why does this happen.... To me?" He asked shakily as he clenched his fists. "Every time I'm falling in love with someone its this!" He yelled out in anger as he banged the floor.

"Derek she's not dead yet." Penelope said with furrowed brows. "Why was she out alone anyway?"

"...." He paused and glanced up at his sister as he wiped the tears. "Promise me you won't tell our parents. But she was a wife I hired in Heather's company. Heather gave her to me just to prove to mum and dad that I'm not going to let them down. I was going to end the contract by lying that she was cheating on me and I got a divorce. I forged a marriage certificate and all that... Because I was afraid of this very same thing that happened to Victoria Walkers!"

"...at least you should have told me Derek." She sighed only to pause and glance at him in shock. "Earlier... You just admitted to loving her right?"

"... I feel that way." He whispered softly as he glanced down at the floor. "Every time... I feel this way... About someone. They are stolen from me."

"Wait why was she alone again?" Penelope asked and he sighed.

"An ex of.... It was him!" Derek sprung to his feet as he clenched his jaw. "I knew he would hurt her! I told her not to go but-"

"Derek!" That all familiar voice barged into their ears. Derek turned for the door with brows pinched together in anger as Lucius ran into the room. "Derek..." He panted out as he fell on his knees and flinched at the wound on his waist.


".... Where is she?" Derek asked as he walked to him with clenched fists. "Where is Victoria!"

"They took her... I'm sorry! I tried to protect her and they stabbed me!" He yelled out in frustration as he clenched his stab wound. "I'm honest I tried!"

"What the hell do they want?" Derek asked as he glanced down at Lucius's shirt covered in blood.

"They told me to send you this." Lucius said as he handed Derek a tape recorder. Derek quickly snatched it from his grip and clicked play in an instant.

Derek Lamar. Well, if the world wouldn't be more cruel to send people like you to shame people like us. We have your so called wife. If you want her back, call me.

Turning the tape recorder over, there was a number scribbled on a piece of paper at the back. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the number, walking away from the two and into the corridor.

"Mr Lamar." A deep voice said. "Was expecting your call."

"I swear if you hurt her I will kill-"

"No need for your big talk Mr Lamar. I'm sure we can negotiate."

"I want to know she's alive. Let me talk to her." Derek said as he shook with fear and adrenaline. "Please let me hear her voice...."

"Well she can't right now, she's unconscious." The man chuckled out.

"Bloody bastard." He hissed through his phone.

"One Billion dollars for your precious contract wife." The man said. "If not. We'll stab the hell out of your kid to kill her." And with that, the call went dead, leaving Derek silent for a moment.

"What did they say?" Penelope asked as Derek made it back into the living room.

"A billion dollars." Derek said as he sighed out shakily, failing to calm down. "She's unconscious..."

"... We'll find her." Penelope sighed out and hugged her brother to her chest. "Don't worry." She said and Derek couldn't help but wrap his hands around his sister's waist and cried softly into her shoulder.

He wanted this...

He needed it.


This is going too fast for me... Lucius! Where is our Victoria!?

Can you believe it!? He let them take her!

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