《Siva (Volume 7) Immortal Ascension》Chapter 009: Invitation



Chapter 009: Invitation


Rather than an adventure, what Siva wanted to do was know what exactly he had left in Chronos and how exactly was he connected to that place.

As far as he can remember, that entire "gap" within his memories between the 'death' of Terra and the start of the War of the Braves, was all spent during his isolation after his corruption... and Chronos is the place he had spent that isolation period.

During his breakthrough into becoming a real 'God' of this universe, Mefisto corrupted him... as such, he ended up destroying everything around him and killing without discrimination for allies and foes.

It was the precursor to Ragnarok.

Mefisto, back then, corrupted him. He knew it. He was aware of it but was powerless to do anything about it until later on when he vented his rage into a sufficient enough amount to calm down. That's where he forcefully took over his body and chose to isolate himself in an island in an uninhabited planet far, far away from everybody else.

Without care in the world around him, he spent his years there... alone... and even right now, this Siva has no exact recollection of what exactly he did in that 'island'... that these 'Mortals' —the Terrans— consider an actual continent.

"In the end, that planet at the farthest reaches of the Universe has become the last bastion of [Life] and the only stronghold of the Terrans."

Siva was doing nothing more than just recollection but to Akhenaton who attended to him, these little mutterings from him reflected the things Siva was worrying about. As his aide and follower, the ex-emperor turned butler was also worried about his charge's concerns.

As the entire island was his "body", he was aware of the existence of these [Immortals] that had a very distinct difference and similarities to the past 'Immortals' that he was aware of. Based alone on their conversations around the castle, there exists a world full of Immortals and this "Siva" in front of him right now was nothing more than his [Avatar].

To Akhenaton, or perhaps to the other existences on his level, this concept of "Immortals" going to their world using their [Avatars] to play, was a very unthinkable and unimaginable notion that the mere thought of it pains him greatly.

In fact, he even had a thought before... based on a rumour from a forgotten ancient era even to the standards of an Immortal...

.....that there was a [world] beyond their world, and that world is called the Heavens of the Gods...

. —Valhalla—

—to which all great Immortals who died in the lands of battle shall return in triumph and bask in glory.

"(Is that the name of the world he came from?)"

As many speculations he had in mind Akhenaton could only mutter them in his heart secretly as he knew that there would be no one to confide these secrets to in this castle.

Still, Akhenaton knew that Siva was different from the rest of these Immortals. For Siva was a God in this world —and he trusted he was also a very high ranking [God] in the world of the Immortals as well.

Siva's thoughts and his realizations, as well as the thoughts of the butler behind him all came in just a few short moments after his arrival.



"I want you to prepare for a jump, just in case. We will be journeying to the southeastern most side of the planet so find a coordinates that we can jump the island into, unnoticed, towards the southeast."


"Southeast? Do you plan to spread the territory of the Asgard, Milord?"

"No. I want to cross the ocean."

"Crossing the ocean!? But Milord... southeast of this continent, based on my knowledge, is a barren ocean filled with monsters of great numbers and sizes. Although we can defend against it, but right now, all the energy of the Asgard is being focused on solidifying its defenses. The 20km defense zone from the edge of the island is crucial and we still have 25 days before it is completed. If we are to travel, we can only do it after the month is over."

Siva thought for a moment. It was he who ordered that as well, as far as he can remember. But things have changed now that he came back from a deep sleep... he needed many things done as soon as possible; he needed to know many things as fast as he can.

"Alright, you focus on the defenses then. I will be the only one to venture towards the Dragon Ocean in the southeast."

Akhenaton panicked, "Milord. Although the island cannot go with you during this time, but my Golden Idol Body can. It can give you support in times of need."

Siva thought for a moment.

The [core] of this [Mobile Prison] wasn't in the Golden Idol Body of Akhenaton but on the crown.

But right now, the crown was stuck performing the tasks it has set as its priority.... and Akhenaton, as much as Siva 'craved' for the help that the Golden Idol Body can give him, cannot leave the vicinity of the golden crown for he was still technically its one and only prisoner and caretaker.

In the end, Siva can only give up the thought.

"It's alright, Akhenaton. Even if I carry that Giant Golden Idol with me, without you in it, it's still just a burden during a real fight. I'd better fight with my own strength since if the Golden Idol Body is too severely damaged, it might not be repaired again or worst, forever lost. Just focus on the defenses of Asgard for now. The trip to the southeast isn't a pressing matter as far as I can feel it."

—feel it?

Akhenaton stared at Siva's back with thoughtfulness.

"As you command."

Having given a command, Butler Akhenaton bowed down humbly and replied with respect.

"By the way," Siva suddenly injected, "I want you to bring all the puppets in the castle. I'm going to do a quick upgrade on the Towers and their cores."

Having said that, Akhenaton's butler figure seems to look at some far distance from their location in the middle of the town; his gaze transferred to the base of the mountain where four figures were in a wedge line... awaiting their pickup.

Siva had already given their orders last time. They are to carry their towers with them and assemble in the base of the mountain to wait his return.

"Give me a moment sir."

With that said, Akhenaton flicked his fingers and in but an instant the four BM-Puppets in the base of the mountain range was picked up by another one of Akhenaton's 'apparitions' and disappeared on the spot appearing next at the interior of the castle alongside the other BM-Puppets that Siva already left there before logging out last time.

"Now that all the BM-Puppets are in place, I can do their upgrades in one batch."

Current Processes:

1) SS-Generator 1000pcs: (9.8%)

2) Dáinsleif: (49.3%)

3) Dáinsleif: (47.8%)

4) Rewloola (retrofit part number 12 of 23): 6.8%


5) Rewloola (retrofit part number 13 of 23): 5.9%

6) Rewloola (retrofit part number 14 of 23): 4.5%

7) Rewloola (retrofit part number 15 of 23): 3.8%

8) Rewloola (retrofit part number 16 of 23): 2.3%

9) BM-Puppet "Maxima": 57.1%

10) BM-Puppet "Tai Long": 56.8%

11) BM-Puppet repairs: (34%)

12) Cortana [Nano Body] modifications: 12.1%

13) ------

14) ------

15) ------

16) PNF (fifth part) Synchronization: 0.7%

17) PNF (fifth part) Synchronization: 0.7%

18) PNF (fifth part) Synchronization: 0.7%

19) PNF (fifth part) Synchronization: 0.7%

20) PNF (fifth part) Synchronization: 0.7%

(AN: Task Palette last appeared in Vol.6 ch129)

Dáinsleif was already complete but he needed not just one of it for practical uses so he was building his second and third Dáinsleif rifles.

[Smasher Tower SS-Generator] retrofits have also been completed so just like what Siva said, he was only concerned with the BM-Puppets that he left to guard the Asgard from the nearest 100km from it.

"After the battles here and in Jeremiah, I only have 14 BM-Puppets left, including the last four... this is such a loss. Good thing everything can be repaired as long as it's a NanoTech Weaponry."

Siva was secretly glad.

While he strolled at the streets of the castle town as if he was just one of the other people, he was also checking the information(s) on his panels.

He could have just let Cortana handle this kind of work but in the end, Cortana would still have to do the uploading of the processed information to his brain and using this method recklessly would put too much strain to him so he had to exercise his mind muscles more —naturally— in order to better handle the load of future uses of his Siva-unique [Focus] non-system ability.

Right now, Siva had a total of 20 BM-Puppets and it was all the puppet-manpower he could summon at his current status.

"Maxima and Tai Long will change this arsenal of BM-Puppets. They'll be Asgard's core defenses."

At least, thinking about these two WhiteTech Body doubles that Maki gifted, he could feel some sort of joy from his heart.

[Regarding that sir. We still have yet to setup the fighting logic-format for Tai Long. The Battle-AI system you've thought-designed is too complex for my current designing capability. I have only tapped into 25% of Maki's overall logical-blueprint. We still need more time to properly digest them."

It should be noted that Maki took a century before he evolved from a mere Battle-AI into a youngling as he is now —a true Universe Spirit.

Galatea may perhaps be the oldest Universe Spirit in existence and based only on their rarity, they are two of the most precious resources the entirety of the whole Terran Civilization —including Humans— could have that might give them an edge against the incoming onslaught of the full powered attack of the LAGRAM Armada.

Rex had received four bodies from those two guardians of the Human Race.

Maki gave him three WhiteTech-bodies and one flesh body from Galatea.

The WhiteTech-bodies given by Maki in exchange for bathing in Dragon Blood can be modified since it wasn't gender locked unlike a flesh-body which was generated thru many years of the humans' progress in genetic technology.

In the end, the three WhiteTech bodies from Maki is now being 'taken care of' in Siva's Task Palette, with one of them being 'modified' for Cortana's use as her humanoid interface.

This BM-Puppet "Maxima" will be Siva's double. It will be the protector of Asgard day and night; and its eyes shall never be deceived, and its gaze will always see the truth in everything! As such, when it is finished, he will maximize its SS-Generator's main functionality into the [scan] and [widespread] features... and a sword that will be its emblem.

It shall be called «Heimdal» —guardian, in the local Terran Language.

(AN: I don't think it's confusing but just in case a few of become one so lemme explain; "Maxima" is the 'design' concept of the BM-Puppet while its name, Heimdal, will be given to the first 'Maxima')

But, just like BM-Puppet "Tai Long", the problem is the two's logic-algorithm.

Unlike Lily which was designed with 50% of Maki's personality algorithm as the base, he doesn't want Maxima and Tai Long to be as rebellious as Lily.

He wanted them to have an undying loyalty to the purpose and preservation of Asgard —the reason to its creation. And the task he had in mind for the two future [Universe Spirits] might spark rebellious thoughts to them so in order to avoid that, he had to prepare to its eventuality and minimize the risks as soon as its development stages.

The "Rewloola Retrofits" had proven it use so he was glad that its retrofitting production was going fine with schedule.

"It has too much Glandanium Alloy used in it. No wonder it was a Battleship-type Warship. Its armor alone is truly worthy of warship to warship battle."

Lastly, Siva calculated that it would take three days before his PNF is upgraded to LVL5 and to reach a hundred slots... LVL20... it might take him a little more than a month long.

He could only imagine the events that would soon happen by then and will he be able to wait for it.

In just barely two weeks, many things happened in and out of Terroa. These events were enough to make any person go mad, the pressure alone was enough to make Siva who had formidable mental strength to pause for a while and take a breather.

What if an ordinary person were be put on his feet and experience them?

Will they last long enough to endure everything?

Thinking about these thoughts, clenched his fists but never stopped walking. Right now, he looked like a real "king" taking a stroll on his own kingdom, in disguise as a commoner with his butler wearing a loose farmer's garb following behind.

The two of them walked on as Siva studied and the town —what it needs, what it lacks, what is excess, what is essential, what is unnecessary, and what is working or not... he and Cortana gathered Intel with the help of the [scan], with Akhenaton taking note of whatever Siva had said and adjusting his plans along with some input.

In this manner, they concluded the trip in the town and finally decided to go back to the castle and do the job that must be done.

Four hours later, someone from his inner circle logged in and went to visit the central chambers of the castle only accessible to select few who had a 'job' to do in Asgard.

The visitor had a bouncing healthy chest but with a body height of a high schooler at around 160cm.

It was Coralline.

"Good thing you're here." such a rude greeting to his liege would have summoned the ire of the butler Akhenaton standing close to Siva but the latter didn't say a word. He knew that although the Little Loli had a foul tongue, she was one of the few people Siva trusts unconditionally.

.....and Akhenaton had long since noticed that Siva treats everyone differently according only on how he felt their sincerity about him were...

For example, Loni.

"What do you want? I'm busy."

Right now, there was a golden 'throne' in the midst of the central chamber and before... this was the throne room of Kladis but what's different is that there was a platform here with six glittering pillars, the "platform" that serves as the castle's node that connects it to the entire [Island Fortress].

Siva, seated in the throne and moving his hands as if he was moving air particles here and there, didn't even glance at her and only spoke flatly.

Of course, the Little Loli would pout, stuck out her healthy chest, and then put her hands on her hips to show her displeasure along with her squinting pair of enchanting eyes.

She is indeed beautiful, even to Siva's standards, but the thing that prevented him from seeing her as a woman is...... nothing. He just doesn't feel any intimate spark building between them.

Perhaps in can even be blamed from that lasting impression she gave him on their first meeting.

(AN: Vol.5 ch.28)

"Hmp. You can pretend all you want. Haven't you received any invitations yet?"

"Invitations?" This time, Siva lifted his head and bid a glance over the usual red-themed Little Loli still standing on her broom to make up the lack of her personal altitude.

Coralline's beautiful eyes blinked and went wide, and then she spoke in surprise, "OMG! Don't tell me you did not get any invitation...."

Siva wasn't wearing his mask unlike when he had taken a stroll in the castle town. He was on his black smoke skin-cursed appearance —white polo with a fire-like design on the left sleeve, with black slacks, and black shiny shoes. Perhaps the only difference this time is that he was now wearing a noble's gloves, white, so the only skin exposed is his head that had an evaporating hairstyle.

Considering how he looked, when he frowns, one can only imagine how frightening it looked like.

The always fiery Little Loli was still scared of him so when he scowled at her, she shivered and then cleared her throat and spoke with indifference.

"Hmp. And here I thought you were always ahead in everything. The Conclave has already sent their invitations and I just got mine today. I just went and asked if you have already received yours."

Siva was startled. Is it that time already?

Then he realized something and said, "Coralline, you do know that I can't show myself in public. The world perceives the entire Kingsley Family as dead and only a handful of people knew the truth about my circumstances, including you guys, as much as I want to attend one, my current address is a secret that shouldn't be exposed no matter what."

"So you're not attending?"

"I am not attending." Siva said flatly and then went back to work.

Coralline pouted there blushing, and then sat down on her now mechanical-looking broom and stared at Siva while he was working.

"Is there anything else?"

"Two years ago, you didn't attend as well."

"Something happened back then." Siva of course couldn't tell that the reason he couldn't attend two years ago is because that's when his family started to experience harassments from all sides. How can he attend a socializing event when he knew that his family was being harassed by people?

Two years ago was the launching of RPG: Terroa and in fact, the exact time since he had received his invitation to The Conclave by collaborating with the UNICORN to develop a frame for the [Android System] for the Jupiter Exploration Project, wasn't even a complete two years.

It's just that the timing of the harassments and the launch of RPG: Terroa back then was still at its peak so he chose to forfeit his privilege.

"But, what about this year?" she asked eagerly.

Siva was beginning to feel irritated. "What's the point in attending a social gathering anyways? The whole point of the Conclave is to compare one's own achievements to another's. Although in the surface it's a social gathering that gives chances to make friends, in truth, it's just a hypocritical event for those 'elders' in big-name organizations to find and recruit talents to be used to their own personal agendas... some even abuse their powers and try to hoard these talents without giving them any kind of chance to make a name for themselves."

Sensing that his words and tone sounded a little bit offending and harsh, he softened it and sighed, looking apologetically at Coralline who began to get watery-eyed at him.

"Look. I have my hands full already. The first part of the King Test is ending today and I have to get ready... the Asgard also needs more adjustments to its defenses to prevent last time's crisis. Please, understand that... I... I can't...."

"Rex! Something happened!"

At this point, a voice huffing as it run shouted from the hallway where Coralline came from earlier and in here, popped out Volt —Matthew— his neighbor just across his house.

The two in the chamber looked over as their talk was cut and saw that Volt carried some urgency to his expression.

"You won't believe what just happened earlier."

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