《POC Face Claims》⋆⋆Beyoncé Knowles [AA]


- THAT bitch

- She does everything except cook

- My savior

- Queen of Earth

- Blue, Rumi and Sir's caregiver

- The star of all my nasty dreams (y'all gone see why)

- There's nothing I want more than to lay my face in between them BRESS.


- She's like never made the love interest or anything in stories (except for one that I've read) which I get that it could seem like a reach for even trying to match your favs with Beyoncé and could quite possibly get you dragged by the hive. But... I wanna see her in books more.

- : Always judge a person by their opinion on Beyoncé. The "Beyoncé is overrated" / Beyphobic people always turn out to be shit people. Abiding by this has NOT failed me ONCE. The Beyphobics are toxic and are lowkey either misogynistic or racist or just a plain old hater that can't stand to see people enjoy talent / a talented black WOMAN dominating the world. Bloop.

- Okay but foreal. Beyoncé delivers SO MANY different aesthetics, concepts, moods, looks, etc. There's no reason for y'all to not be getting creative. We got freak Bey, mysterious Bey, 70s Bey, country Bey, more freak Bey, cute Bey, young Bey, even younger Bey, angry Bey, sad Bey, "I know I'm that bitch" Bey.


I'm gonna annotate all these gifs btw.

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